"반젤리스"의 두 판 사이의 차이

(사용자 2명의 중간 판 15개는 보이지 않습니다)
12번째 줄: 12번째 줄:

== 음반 목록 ==
== 음반 목록 ==
{{Div col|cols=2}}
=== 솔로 ===
** Earth 시대
;Earth 시대
* [[Vangelis - Sex Power|Sex Power]] (1969)
* [[Vangelis - Sex Power|Sex Power]] (1969)
* [[Vangelis - Hypothesis|Hypothesis]] (1971)
* [[Vangelis - Hypothesis|Hypothesis]] (1971)
20번째 줄: 21번째 줄:
* [[Vangelis - L'Apocalypse des Animaux|L'Apocalypse des Animaux]] (1973)
* [[Vangelis - L'Apocalypse des Animaux|L'Apocalypse des Animaux]] (1973)
* [[Vangelis - Earth|Earth]] (1973)
* [[Vangelis - Earth|Earth]] (1973)
** RCA 시대
;RCA 시대
* [[Vangelis - Heaven and Hell|Heaven and Hell]] (1975)
* [[Vangelis - Heaven and Hell|Heaven and Hell]] (1975)
* [[Vangelis - Albedo 0.39|Albedo 0.39]] (1976)
* [[Vangelis - Albedo 0.39|Albedo 0.39]] (1976)
28번째 줄: 30번째 줄:
* [[Vangelis - Can You Hear The Dogs Bark|Can You Hear The Dogs Bark]] (1977)
* [[Vangelis - Can You Hear The Dogs Bark|Can You Hear The Dogs Bark]] (1977)
* [[Vangelis - Beaubourg|Beaubourg]] (1978)
* [[Vangelis - Beaubourg|Beaubourg]] (1978)
** polydor 시대
;polydor 시대
* [[Vangelis - China|China]] (1979)
* [[Vangelis - China|China]] (1979)
* [[Vangelis - Opera Sauvage|Opera Sauvage]] (1979)
* [[Vangelis - Opera Sauvage|Opera Sauvage]] (1979)
39번째 줄: 42번째 줄:
* [[Vangelis - Direct|Direct]] (1988)
* [[Vangelis - Direct|Direct]] (1988)
* [[Vangelis - Themes|Themes]] (1989)
* [[Vangelis - Themes|Themes]] (1989)
** 워너 시대
;워너 시대
* [[Vangelis - The City|The City]] (1990)
* [[Vangelis - The City|The City]] (1990)
* [[Vangelis - 1492 - Conquest Of Paradise|1492 - Conquest Of Paradise]] (1992)
* [[Vangelis - 1492 - Conquest Of Paradise|1492 - Conquest Of Paradise]] (1992)
51번째 줄: 55번째 줄:
* [[Vangelis - ANTHEM| ANTHEM / 2002 FIFA World cupTM official anthem]] (2002)
* [[Vangelis - ANTHEM| ANTHEM / 2002 FIFA World cupTM official anthem]] (2002)
* [[Vangelis - Alexander (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)|Alexander (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)]] (2004)
* [[Vangelis - Alexander (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)|Alexander (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)]] (2004)

=== 밴드 등 ===
; [[Forminx]]
; [[Forminx]]

; Aphrodite's Child
; [[Aphrodite's Child]]
* [[Aphrodite's Child - End Of The World]] (1968)
* [[Aphrodite's Child - It's Five O'Clock]] (1970)
* [[Aphrodite's Child - 666]] (1972)

; [[Socrates]]
; [[Socrates]]
* [[Socrates - Phos]] (1976)

; Jon & Vangelis
; [[Jon & Vangelis]]
* [[Jon & Vangelis - Short Stories]] (1979)
* [[Jon & Vangelis - Short Stories]] (1979)
* [[Jon & Vangelis - Friends of Mr.Cairo]] (1981)
* [[Jon & Vangelis - Friends of Mr.Cairo]] (1981)
* [[Jon & Vangelis - Private Collection]] (1983)
* [[Jon & Vangelis - Private Collection]] (1983)
* [[Jon & Vangelis - Page of Life]] (1991)
* [[Jon & Vangelis - Page of Life]] (1991)
{{Div col end}}
; Irene Papas
* [[Irene Papas - Odes]] (1979)
* [[Irene Papas - Rhapsodies]] (1986)
; Demis Roussos
* [[Demis Roussos - Magic]] (1977)
* [[Demis Roussos - Ainsi soit-il]] (1978)
* [[Demis Roussos - Demis]] (1982)
* [[Demis Roussos - Reflections]] (1984)
; Neuronium
* [[Neuronium - A secret Affair]] (1996)
; 지중해 주변국가 가수들
* [[Melina Mercouri -  Si melina..m'etait contee]] (1973)
* [[Claudio Baglioni - E Tu]] (1974)
* [[Francois Wertheimer - POUR UN PEU MIEUX QUE D'HABITUDE]] (1974)
* [[Riccardo Cocciante - Concerto Per Margharita]] (1976)
* [[Patti Pravo - Tanto]] (1976)
* [[Patti Pravo - Momenti Stupendi]] (1981)
* [[Milva - Ich Hab' Keine Angst]] (1981)
* [[Milva - Unverkennbar]] (1983)
* [[Milva - Identikit]] (1983)
* [[Milva - Geheimnisse]] (1986)
* [[Vickey Leandros - Vicky]] (1985)
* [[Suzzane Cianni - Velocity of Love]] (1986)
* [[Maria Farantouri - 17 songs]] (1990)
* [[Chrisma - Chinese Restaurant]] (1977)
* [[Chrisma - Hibernation]] (1979)
* [[George Romanos -  In concert and In the studio]] (1968)
* [[Aleka Kanelidou - The more I see you/Stranger]] (1967)
* [[George Theodosiadis & The Jazz Orchestra - S/T]] (1964)
* [[Alpha-Beta - Astral Abuse / Who Killed ? (single)]] (1971)
* [[Mama O - Red Square / When the Cat's away (single)]] (1978)
* 13 1977 Panda (6) ‎– Notturno / Dimenticare
* [[Julian Lioyd Webber - Encore! Travels with my cello Vol.2]] (1986)
* [[Neuronium -  In london (single)]] (1993)
* [[Peter Marsh - Don't be Foolish / It doesn't matter(single)]] (1980)
* [[Ronny - Compare me with the rest part.1,2 (single)]] (1980)
* [[Mariangela - Mariangela]] (1976)
* 42 1997 Montserrat Caballé ‎– Friends For Life
* [[Can You Hear The Dogs Bark - Bellaphon BLPS 19242]] (1977)
* [[Best of Vangelis (Compilation) - RCA PL 25174]] (1978)
* [[Magic Moments (Compilation) - RCA NK 70345]] (1984)
* 46 1984 Greatest Hits : Vangelis (Compilation) RCA NL 70078
* 47 1993 Vangelis Greatest Hits (Compilation) RCA PD 75058
* 48 1994 Best Sellection (Compilation) RCA Victor BVCP-2605
* 49 1995 Themes 2 (Compilation Only Released in Europe) Remark 527 247-2
* [[Best In Space (Compilation) - RCA 74321 161702  ]] (1995)
* [[Foros Timis Son Greko (A Tribute To El Greco : Limited Edition) - Warner SAM 1702]] (1995)
* [[Portraits (So Long Ago, So Clear) (Compilation) - Polydor 531 151-2]] (1996)
* [[Gift... (Compilation) - Camden 74321 393372]] (1996)
* [[Reprise 1990 - 1999 (Compilation) - East West 3984298282]] (2000)
* [[Odyssey - The Definitive Collection- - Universal 0602498124123]] (2003)
* [[Alexander (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Sony Classic CCK-8328]] (2004)

==같이 보기==
==같이 보기==
74번째 줄: 146번째 줄:
* {{네이버백과}}
* {{네이버백과}}

[[분류: 그리스 음악가]]
[[분류: 그리스 음악가]][[분류:작곡가]]
[[분류: 그리스 작곡가]]
[[분류: 1943년 출생]][[분류: 반젤리스]]
[[분류: 1943년 출생]]
[[분류: 반젤리스]]

2019년 5월 6일 (월) 21:04 기준 최신판

1 개요[ | ]

Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou, Vangelis ( 1943 ~ )
에방겔로스 오디세아스 파파타나시우, 반젤리스
  • 그리스의 신시사이저 연주자, 작곡가
  • 활동시기: 1961년 ~
  • 장르: 전자음악, 프로그레시브 록, 뉴에이지
  • 악기: 신시사이저, 키보드, 피아노, 드럼


2 음반 목록[ | ]

2.1 솔로[ | ]

2.2 밴드 등[ | ]

3 같이 보기[ | ]

4 참고[ | ]

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