1 내용[ | ]
번역 | 원문 |
아는 이는 말하지 않고, 말하는 이는 알지 못한다. |
知者不言, 言者不知. |
2 #[ | ]
She who knows does not speak. She who speaks does not know.
Close your holes, shut your doors, Soften your sharpness, loosen your knots. Soften your glare and merge with the everyday. This is called mysteriously attaining oneness.
Though you cannot possess it, you are intimate with it And at the same time, distant. Though you cannot possess it, you are benefitted by it, And harmed by it. You cannot possess it, but are esteemed through it And humbled by it. Therefore the world values you.
- 塞새 : 변방, 塞翁之馬, 要塞
- 색 : 막다, 窘塞
- 兌태 : 통하게하다, 구멍 閉폐 : 닫다, 閉鎖 挫좌 : 꺾다 銳예 : 날카롭다, 銳利 光광 : 빛나다, 여기서는 무질서, 튀는행동을 뜻함 塵진 : 먼지, 여기서는 속세의 뜻 疏소 : 멀리하다, 트이다, 疏遠, 疏通
3 斷章取義豚譯[ | ]
知者 不言言者不知 | 아는 이는, 말많은 이는 알지 못한다는 식으로 말하지 않는다. |
. | |
塞其兌, 閉其門, | |
挫其銳, 解其紛, | |
和其光, 同其塵, | |
是謂玄同. | |
. | |
故不可得而親, 不可得而疏, | |
不可得而利, 不可得而害, | |
不可得而貴, 不可得而賤, | |
故爲天下貴. |
4 같이 보기[ | ]
도덕경 | |
상편 | 하편 |