SonDon (토론)님의 2024년 1월 3일 (수) 22:35 판 (→‎孫豚的雜東西兒)
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I have drunk from wells I did not dig, I have been warmed by fires I did not build.

– American Indian Aphorism

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1 Recent...Lunatic Soul Asylum[ | ]

2 孫豚的雜東西兒[ | ]

  1. James Ortega, "Numerical Analysis: A second Course," Academic Press/SIAM
  2. B. Gustafsson, H.-O. Kreiss and J. Oliger, "Time Dependent Problems and Difference Methods," John Wiley
  3. K. Eriksson, D. Estep, P. Hansbo and C. Johnson, "Computational Differential Equations," Cambridge University Press
  4. S. C. Brenner and L. Ridgway Scott, "The Mathematical Theory of the Finite Element Method," Springer-Verlag
  5. Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by Bender and Orszag, Mc Graw Hill press

  1. 스페이스 워즈 Spaceballs
  2. 전남 담양 월산면 도동리 가산 마을 송희자 : 백화차
  3. 남해 옥동마을/가천 다랭이 마을/물건리 어부림

The surface science of metal oxides / 546.7212 H394s

  • ISBN 0792338375
  • Intermolecular forces
  • Advances in chemical physics ; v. 12

Non-simple liquids Advances in chemical physics ; v. 31

Correlation effects in atoms and molecules Advances in chemical physics ; v. 14

541.2 H474qEh 中国史电子书第二辑 中國史電子書第二輯 574.01 M755hKg2 574.01 M755hEw 530.122 G361f 541.28 Sp82m

541.226 G157i 530.13 St94s v.7 v.8 543.0858 Ad95w v.14 539.7 B223q ISBN 0198504748 ISBN 0471400653 [3] ISBN 0471157589 ISBN 0137470983 ISBN 9788952107886 ISBN 071672877X ISBN 3527317732

3 기타[ | ]

  • 2006-02-09 SEMICON KOREA (COEX) : 8시 30 ~
  • 2006-02-16 연구실 MT
  • 2006-02-24 JL 983B 9:05
  • 2006-03-07 09:00 이비인후과 김광현