1 # 학교 생활[ | ]
- 도서관 / 상호대차 / 도서관 검색
- WebMail / MyPack Portal / WolfWeb
- Wolfline TransLoc / Time Table / CAT 12/16/39
1.1 # 수업[ | ]
- Schedule of Courses
- WolfWare Course Lists / Course Description
- NC Distance Education / Mathematics Multimedia Center Recorded Lectures
- MA723 Theory of Matrices and Applications by Meyer
- MA532 Ordinary Differential Equations I by Franke
- MA523 Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra by Meyer
- MA523 Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra by Ipsen
- MA518 A First Course in Differential Geometry by Norris
- MA501 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I by Lubkin and Duca
- MA430 Mathematical Models in the Physical Sciences by Fulp
- MA425 Mathematical Analysis I by Duca & MA426 Mathematical Analysis II by Paur
- MA341 Applied Differential Equations I by Duca & MA341 Applied Differential Equations I by Hong
- PY785 Advanced Electricity and Magnetism I by Schaefer
- PY783 Advanced Classical Mechanics I by Riehn
- PY781 Quantum Mechanics I & PY782 Quantum Mechanics II by Ji
- PY711 Advanced Quantum Mechanics I & PY712 Advanced Quantum Mechanics II by Lee
- PY615 Computational Physics of Materials by Buongiorno-Nardelli
- CHE713 Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by Gubbins
- CH795 Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- CH703 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II by Shultz
- CH701 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I by Weare
- CH435 Introduction to Quantum Chemistry by Whangbo
- ST552 Linear Models and Variance Components & ST731 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis & ST784 Multivariate Analysis
- ST521 Statistical Theory I & ST522 Statistical Theory II & ST750 Statistical Computing
- ST546 Probability and Stochastic Processes I & ST773 Stochastic Modeling
- ST746 Introduction To Stochastic Processes & ST747 Probability and Stochastic Processes II & ST748 Stochastic Differential Equations
- MA403 Introduction to Modern Algebra & MA437 Applications of Algebra & MA521 Abstract Algebra I & MA721 Abstract Algebra II
- MA512 Advanced Calculus II & MA555 Introduction to Manifold Theory & MA755 Introduction To Riemannian Geometry & MA756 Geometrical Structures On Fiber Bundles
- MA711 Analytic Function Theory I & MA712 Analytic Function Theory II & MA713 Techniques of Complex Analysis
- MA515 Analysis I & MA715 Analysis II
- MA534 Introduction To Partial Differential Equations & MA734 Partial Differential Equations
- MA775 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences I & MA776 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences II
1.2 # 학내 싸이트[ | ]
1.3 # 영어 공부[ | ]
- The New Yorker (Subscription to the Audio)
- VOA Learning English
- Toastmasters in the NC Campus / Toastmasters Podcast
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- Activities for ESL Students
- English Idioms
- English Listening Lesson Library Online
2 # 일상 생활[ | ]
3 # 먹거리[ | ]
- The Best Thing I Ever Ate! / (TBTIEA Blog)
- Man vs. Food / Food Wars / Chowdown Countdown
- Bitchin' Kitchen
4 # 여가 활용[ | ]
- http://trioutnc.com/ / http://events.triangle.com/
- http://www.visitraleigh.com / http://www.visitnc.com
- http://raleigh.citysearch.com/
- LiveNation (Raleigh)
- Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts
- Time Warner Cable Music Pavilion at Walnut Creek Tickets
- Wolf Trap in DC / NPR in DC http://www.npr.org/
4.1 음영물[ | ]
- Kyo Music City
- Musiqsearch by Zepelin
- What / Spotify (does not work -_-;;)
- RedSpotTV / Bada / KNARU - Carolina / 1004TV
- 1004 Box / DCKorean / TV 도사
- Bitsnoop / Pirate Bay
4.2 # 쇼핑[ | ]
- http://www.pronto.com / http://www.bizrate.com/ / http://www.tootoo.com/
- Hammacher Schlemmer / Ace Hardware / Urban Outfitters
- 안경 매장 검색 / 안경매장 / 안경
- Aeron Chair Armless Model by Herman Miller
- GBC® CombBind C20 Binding Machine
5 # 기타 쌀나라 생활 팁[ | ]
- http://www.craigslist.org/
- http://chronicle.com / http://www.higheredjobs.com / http://www.workingus.com
6 같이 보기[ | ]
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