넥스트 : New Experimental Team (1992 - 1997)

Related : Novasonic ShinHaeCheol

LINK : KPDB:1010297

1 Biography or Not[ | ]

2 The Being(1994); The Return of the N.EX.T part one : the Being; 존재 [ | ]


★★★★★ GaYo, Progressive Metal, Ballad, Funky

ShinHaeCheol started as a idol. His debut album is filled with ballads for girly taste. But his second solo album contained social lyrics and different style from others. For more, he made the band NExT and played rock style GaYo. After two years of band debut album they bacame with mega-more powerful new album [The Being] with member change. ShinHaeCheol picked up the very brilliant guitarist KimSeHwang. He used voice effect[in fact, his vocal style was not so good] and luxury synthesizer. So he can make this first progressive metal album in Korea. 2nd[this album] and 3rd album of them are very good progressive metal album. I think it can be accepted welcome by rock fans of foreign country. And they could be idol also, cause of ballad like [Play:ShinHaeCheol4NalARaByeongARi.mp3 NalARa ByeongARi; Fly, chicken~] and ShinHaeCheol's charisma. This album shows the good completeness as a concept album. --DisTort, 1999

  • [Play:NEXT2GgeopJilEuiPaGoi.MP3 GgeopJilEui PaGoi; The Destruction of the Shell]
  • [Play:NEXT2IJungInGyeokJa.MP3 IJungInGyeokJa; Amphibian]
  • [Play:NEXT2TheOcean.MP3 The Ocean]

3 The World(1996); The Return of the NExT part two : the World; 세계 [ | ]


★★★★★ GaYo, Progressive Metal, Ballad, Funky

The 2nd part of the return album, [The World] released in the next year. This album became more hard and settled their own style. But visual images on jacket are too undisguised like Japanese visual rock bands. I don't like this album jacket, anyway it released limited edition gimmick cover. As you see, they made band's image on artwork and live show. On that part they were very unique. In 1998 some indie bands started to make live show with intergrated style after NExT They were 'progressive'. Of course, they did good live[their live albums are 4 or 5 titles exist]. Most of all they played with SaMulNolI[Korean Traditional Percussion Quartet] and PanSoRi[Korean Traditional Musical] singer. It became very good production. ShinHaeCheol does again on later albums. But this album was peak. --DisTort, 1999

  • [Play:NEXT3SeGyeEuiMun.MP3 SeGyeEui Mun; The Gate of the World]
  • [Play:NEXT3KomericanBlues.mp3 Komerican Blues]
  • [Play:NEXT3TheAgeOfNoGod.MP3 The Age of No God]
  • [Play:NEXT3Money.MP3 Money]

4 Discography[ | ]

See ShinHaeCheol

5 Links[ | ]

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