Extracted from
'Leonard Maltin's MOVIE AND VIDEO GUIDE 1994'
Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1940) 110m John Cromwell
Adam's Rib (1949) 100m George Cukor
Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938) C-102m Michael Curtiz
African Queen, The (1951) C-105m John Huston
Alexander Nevsky (1938-Russian) 107m Sergei Eisenstein
All About Eve (1950) 138m Joseph L.Mankiewicz
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 105m Lewis Milestone
All the King's Men (1949) 109m Robert Rossen
All the President's Men (1976) C-138m Alan J.Pakula
America,America (1963) 168m Elia Kazan
Anastasia (1956) C-105m Anatole Litvak
Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 160m Otto Preminger
Andrei Rublev (1966-Russian) C/B&W-185m Andrei Tarkovsky
And Then There Were None (1945) 98m Rene Clair
Anna Karenina (1935) 95m Clarence Brown
Annie Hall (1977) C-94m Woody Allen
A Nous la Liberte (1931-French) 97m Rene Clair
Apartment, The (1960) 125m Billy Wilder
Atlantic City (1980-Canadian-French) C-104m Louis Malle
Babette's Feast (1987-Danish) C-102m Gabriel Axel
Bambi (1942) C-69m David Hand
Bananas (1971) C-82m Woody Allen
Band Wagon, The (1953) C-112m Vincente Minnelli
Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) C-97m John Hancock
Beauty and the Beast (1946-French) 95m Jean Cocteau
Becket (1964) C-148m Peter Glenville
Bell de Jour (1967-French-Italian) Luis Bunuel
Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980-German) C-931m Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Best Boy (1979) C-111m Ira Wohl
Best Years of Our Lives (1946) 172m William Wyler
Bicycle Thief, The (1949-Italian) 90m Vittorio De Sica
Big Parade, The (1925) 141m King Vidor
Big Sleep, The (1946) 114m Howard Hawks
Birth of a Nation, The (1915) 159m D. W. Griffith
Bite the Bullet (1975) C-131m Richard Brooks
Black Narcissus (1946-British) C-99m Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Body and Soul (1947) 104m Robert Rossen
Bonnie and Clyde (1967) C-111m Arther Penn
Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 75m James Whale
Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957-British) C-161m David Lean
Brief Encounter (1945-British) 85m David Lean
Bringing Up Baby (1938) 102m Howard Hawks
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) C-112m George Roy Hill
Butley (1974-British) C-127m Harold Pinter
Caine Mutiny, The (1954) C-125m Edward Dmytryk
Captains Courageous (1937) 116m Victor Flemming
Casablanca (1942) 102m Michael Curtiz
Cavalcade (1933) 110m Frank Lloyd
Children of Paradise (1945-French) 195m Marcel Carn
Chinatown (1974) 131m Roman Polanski
Christmas Carol, A (1951-British) 86m Brian Desmond Hurst
Circle of Deceit (1981-French-German) C-108m Volker Schlondorff
Citizen Kane (1941) 119m Orson Wells
City Lights (1931) 86m Charles Chaplin
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) C-135m Steven Spielberg
Conversation, The (1974) C-113m Francis Ford Coppola
Counsellor-at-Law (1933) 82m William Wyler
Court Jester, The (1956) C-101m Norman Panama
Dances With Wolves (1990) C-181m Kevin Costner
Danton (1982-Polish-French) C-136m Andrzej Wajda
David Copperfield (1935) 130m George Cukor
Day in the Country, A (1946-French) 40m Jean Renoir
Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951) 92m Robert Wise
Dead of Night (1945-British) 102m Cavalcanti Etc.
Deer Hunter, The (1978) C-183m Michael Cimino
Defiant Ones, The (1958) 97m Stanley Kramer
Deliverance (1972) C-109m John Boorman
Destry Rides Again (1939) 94m George Marshall
Die Nibelungen (1924-German) 186m Fritz Lang
Dinner at Eight (1933) 113m George Cukor
Discreet Charm of the Bourgeosie, The (1972-French) C-100m Luis Buel
Docks of New York (1928) 76m Josef von Sternberg
Dodsworth (1936) 101m Wiliam Wyler
Double Indemnity (1944) 106m Bily Wilder
닥터스트레인지러브 Doctor Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964-British) 93m Stanley Kubrick
Duck Soup (1933) 70m Leo McCarey
Dumbo (1941) C-64m Ben Sharpsteen
Earrings of Madame de... ,The (1953-French-Italian) 105m Max Ophuls
Earth (1930-Russian) 90m Alexander Dovzhenko
East of Eden (1955) C-115m Elia Kazan
Edge of the City (1957) 85m Martin Ritt
8 1/2 (1963-Italian) 135m Federico Fellini
El Norte (1983) C-139m Gregory Nava
Empire Strikes Back, The (1980) C-124m Irvin Kershner
E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) C-115m Steven Spielberg
Every Man for Himself and God Against All (1975-German) C-110m Werner Herzog
Fabiola (1951-Italian) 96m Alessanro Blasetti
화니와알렉산더 Fanny and Alexander (1983-Swedish) C-197m Ingmar Bergman
Father of the Bride (1950) 93m Vincente Minnelli
Fist in His Pocket (1966-Italian) 105m Marco Bellochio
Fitzerraldo (1982) C-157m Werner Herzog
Five Easy Pieces (1970) C-98m Bob Rafelson
Follow the Fleet (1936) 110m Mark Sandrich
Foreign Correspondent (1940) 119m Alfred Hitchcock
Forever and a Day (1943) 104m Rene Clair
For Heaven's Sake (1926) 86m Sam Taylor
42nd Street (1933) 89m Lloyd Bacon
4 Clowns (1970) 97m Robert Youngson
Four Feathers, The (1939-British) C-115m Zoltan Korda
For and His Friends (1975-German) C-123m Rainer Werner Fassbinder
French Connection, The (1971) C-104m William Friedkin
Freshman, The (1925) 70m Sam Taylor and Fred Newmeyer
Friendly Persuasion (1956) C-140m William Wyler
From Here To Eternity (1935) 118m Fred Zinnemann
Front, The (1976) C-94m Martin Ritt
Garden of the Finzi-Continis, The (1971-Italian) C-95m Vittorio De Sica
General, The (1927) 74m Buster Keaton
Giant (1956) C-201m George Stevens
Gigi (1958) C-116m Vincente Minnelli
Gimme Shelter (1970) C-91m David Maysles
Glory (1989) C-122m Edward Zwick
Godfather, Part II, The (1974) C-200m Francis Ford Coppola
Going My Way (1944) 126m Leo McCarey
Gold Rush (1925) 82m Charlie Chaplin
Gone with the Wind (1939) C-222m Victor Fleming
Good Earth, The (1937) 138m Sidney Franklin
Gospel According to St. Matthew, The (1966-Italian-French) 135m Pier Paolo Pasolini
Graduate, The (1967) C-105m Mike Nichols
Grand Hotel (1932) 113m Edmund Goulding
Grand Illusion (1937-French) 117m Jean Renoir
Grapes of Wraith, The (1940) 129m John Ford
Great Escape, The (1963) C-168m John Sturges
Grest Expectations (1946-British) 118m David Lean
Greed (1925) 140m Erich Von Stroheim
Green for Danger (1946-British) 93m Sidney Gilliat
Gunga Din (1939) 117m George Stevens
Hail the Conquering Hero (1944) 101m Preston Sturges
Hamlet (1948-British) 153m Lawrence Olivier
Hard Day's Night, A (1964-British) 85m Richard Lester
Harvest (1937-French) 105m Marcel Pagnol
Henry V (1945-British) C-137m Laurence Olivier
Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941) 93m Alexander Hall
High Noon (1952) 84m Fred Zinnemann
His Girl Friday (1940) 92m Howard Hawks
Howards End (1992-British) C-140m James Ivory
How Green Was My Valley (1941) 118m John Ford
Hud (1963) 112m Martin Ritt
Hustler, The (1961) 135m Robert Rossen
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) 93m Mervyn LeRoy
If.... (1968-British) C/B&W-111m Lindsay Anderson
Ikiru (1952-Japanese) 143m Akira Kurosawa
I Know Where I'm Going (1945-British) 91m Michael Powell
In Cold Blood (1967) 134m Richard Brooks
Innocent, The (1976-Italian) C-115m Luchino Visconti
In the Heat of the Noght (1967) C-109m Norman Jewison
Intolerance (1916) 178m D. W. Griffith
In Which We Serve (1942-British) 115m Noel Coward
It Happend One Night (1934) 105m Frank Capra
It's a Gift (1934) 73m Norman Z. McLeod
It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 129m Frank Capra
Ivan the Terrible, Part One (1943-Russian) 96m Sergei Eisenstein
I Vitelloni (1953-Italian) 104m Federico Fellini
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) 178m Stanley Kramer
Jules and Jim (1961-French) 104m Francois Truffaut
Julia (1977) C-118m Fred Zinnemann
Kagemysha (1980-Japanese) C-159m Akira Kurosawa
Kid Brother, The (1927) 82m Ted Wilde, J. A. Howe
Killers, The (1946) 105m Robert Siodmak
Knife in the Water (1962-Polish) 94m Roman Polanski
Koyaanisqatsi (1983) C-87m Godfrey Reggio
Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) C-104m Robert Benton
La Chienne (1931-French) 95m Jean Renoir
Lacombe, Lucien (1974-French) C-137m Louis Malle
Lady for a Day (1933) 96m Frank Capra
Lady Vanishes, The (1938-British) 97m Alfred Hitchcock
L'Age d'Or (1930-French) 63m Luis Bunuel
Last Command, The (1928) 88m Josef von Sternberg
Last Picture Show, The (1971) 118m Peter Bogdanovich
La Strada (1954-Italian) 115m Federico Fellini
Last Waltz, The (1978) C-117m Martin Scorsese
L'Atlante (1934-French) 89m Jean Vigo
La Terra Trema (1947-Italian) 160m Luchino Visconti
La Traviata (1982-Italian) C-112m Franco Zeffirelli
Laura (1944) 85m Otto Preminger
Lawrence of Arabia (1962-British) C-216m David Lean
Lenny (1974) 112m Bob Fosse
Leopard, The (1963-French-Italian) C-205m Luchino Visconti
Letter to Three Wives, A (1949) 103m Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Libeled Lady (1936) 98m Jack Conway
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The (1943-British) C-163m Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Life of Emile Zola, The (1937) 116m William Dieterie
Life With Father (1947) C-118m Michael Curtiz
Lili (1953) C-81m Charles Walters
Lion in Winter, The (1968-British) C-135m Anthony Harvey
Little Big Man (1970) C-150m Arther Penn
Little Women (1933) 115m George Cukor
Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The (1935) 109m Henry Hathaway
Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The (1962-British) 103m Tony Richardson
Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962) 136m Sidney Lumet
Longest Day, The (1962) 180m Ken Annakin
Lost Horizon (1937) 132m Frank Capra
Lost Patrol, The (1934) 73m John Ford
Lost Weekend, The (1945) 101m Billy Wilder
Louisiana Story (1948) 77m Robert Flaherty
Love Me Tonight (1932) 96m Rouben Mamoulian
Lust for Life (1956) C-122m Vincente Minnelli
M (1931-German) 99m Fritz Lang
Magnificent Ambersons, The (1942) 88m Orson Wells
Major Barbara (1941-British) 135m Gabriel Pascal
Maltese Falcon, The (1941) 100m John Huston
Man for All Seasons, A (1966-British) C-120m Fred Zinneman
Man of Aran (1934-British) 77m Robert Flaherty
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (1962) 119m John Ford
Marat/Sade (Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, The) (1966-British) C-115m Peter Brook
Mary Poppins (1964) C-140m Robert Stevens
MASH (1970) C-116m Robert Altman
Medium Coll (1969) C-110m Haskell Wexler
Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) C-113m Vincente Minnelli
Memory of Justice, The (1976-German-U.S.) C-278m Marcel Ophuls
Metropolis (1926-German) 120m Fretz Lang
Midnight Cowboy (1969) C-113m John Schlesinger
Milky Way, The (1970-French) C-102m Luis Bunuel
Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The (1944) 99m Preston Sturges
Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 96m George Seaton
Mister Roberts (1955) C-123m John Ford
Modern Times (1936) 89m Charlie Chaplin
Mon Oncle (1958-British) C-126m Jacques Tati
Moonlighting (1982-British) C-97m Jerzy Skolimowski
Moonstruck (1987) C-102m Norman Jewison
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) 115m Frank Capra
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 129m Frank Capra
Munity on the Bounty (1935) 132m Frank Lloyd
My Darling Clementine (1946) 97m John Ford
Napoleon (1927-French) 235m Abel Gance
Nashvill (1975) C-159m Robert Altman
National Velvet (1944) C-125m Clarence Brown
Network (1976) C-121m Sidney Lumet
Night at the Opera, A (1935) 92m Sam Wood
Night My Number Came Up, The (1950-British) 94m Leslie Norman
Night of Cabiria (1957-Italian) 110m Federico Fellini
Night to Remember, a (1958-British) 123m Roy (Ward) Baker
North By Northwest (1959) C-136m ALfred Hitchcock
Odd Man Out (1947-British) 115m Carol Reed
Official Story, The (1985-Argentina) C-110m Luis Puenzo
Of Mice and Men (1939) 107m Lewis Milestone
Oliver! (1968-British) C-153m Carol Reed
Oliver Twist (1948-British) 105m David Lean
O Lucky Man! (1973-British) C-173m Lindsay Anderson
Olympia (1936-German) 220m Leni Riefenstahl
뻐꾸기둥지위로날아간새 One Flew Over the Cockoo's Nest (1975) C-133m Milos Forman
One, Two, Three (1966) 108m Billy Wilder
On the Beach (1959) 133m Stanley Kramer
On the Town (1949) C-98m Gene Kelly
On the Waterfront (1954) 108m Elia Kazan
Open City (1945-Italian) 105m Roberto Rossellini
Ordet (1955-Danish) 125m Carl Dreyer
Ordinary People (1980) C-123m Robert Redford
Othello (1965-British) C-166m Stuart Burge
Our Hospitality (1923) 74m Buster Keaton
Overcoat, The (1959-Russian) 73m Alexei Batalov
Pandora's Box (1928-German) 110m G. W. Pabst
Paper Moon (1973) 102m Peter Bogdanovich
Passion of Joan of Arc, The (1928-French) 77m Carl Theodor Dreyer
영광의길 Paths of Glory (1957) 86m Stanley Kubrick
Patton (1970) C-169m Franklin Schaffner
Pawnbroker, The (1965) 116m Sidney Lumet
Pepe Le Moko (1937-French) 86m Julien Duvivier
Petulia (1968) C-105m Richard Lester
Philadelphia Story, The (1940) 112m George Cukor
Pinocchio (1940) C-88m Ben Sharpsteen, Hamilton Luske
Pixote (1981-Brazilian) C-127m Hector Babenco
Playtime (1967-French) C-108m Jacques Tati
Postman Always Rings Twice, The (1946) 113m Tay Garnett
Potemkin (1925-Russian) 65m Sergei Eisenstein
President's Analyst, The (1967) C-104m Theodore J. Flicker
Pride and Prejudice (1940) 118m Robert Z. Leonard
Pride of the Yankees, The (1942) 127m Sam Wood
Princess Yang Kwei Fei (1955-Japanese) C-91m Kenji Mizoguchi
Prisoner of Zenda, The (1937) 101m John Cromwell
Private Life of Henry VIII, The (1933-British) 97m Alexander Korda
Pygmalion (1938-British) 95m Anthony Asquith
Quartet (1949-British) 120m Ken Annakin, Arthur Crabtree, Harold French, Ralph Smart
Queen Christina (1933) 97m Rouben Mamoulian
Raising Bull (1980) 128m Martin Scorsese
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) C-115m Steven Spielberg
Raise the Red Lantern (1991) C-125m Zhang Yimou
Rashomon (1950-Japanese) 88m Akira Kurosawa
Rear Window (1954) C-112m Alfred Hitchcock
Rebecca (1940) 130m Alfred Hitchcock
Rebel Without a Cause (1955) C-111m Nicolas Ray
Red River (1948) 133m Howard Hawks
Red Shoes, The (1948-British) C-133m Michael Powell
Ride the High Country (1962) C-94m Sam Peckinpah
Riffi (1954-French) 115m Jules Dassin
River, The (1951-Indian) C-99m Jean Renoir
Room at the Top (1959-British) 118m Jack Claytonw
Rosemary's Baby (1968) C-136m Roman Polanski
Rules of the Game (1939-French) 113m Jean Renoir
Ruling Class, The (1972-British) C-154m Peter Medak
Sansho the Bailiff (1954-Japanese) 125m Kenji Mizoguchi
Sawdust and Tinsel (1953-Swedish) 92m Ingmar Bergman
Say Amen, Somebody (1982) C-100m George T. Nierenberg
Scenes From a Marriage (1973-Swedish) C-168m Ingmar Bergman
Sea Hawk, The (1940) 127m Michael Curtiz
Seance on a Wet Afternoon (1964-British) 115m Bryan Forbes
Search, The (1948) 105m Fred Zinnemann
Searchers, The (1956) C-119m John Ford
Separate Tables (1958) 99m Delbert Mann
Seven Beauties (1976-Italian) C-115m Lina Wertmuller
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) C-103m Stanley Doonen
Seven Days to Noon (1950-British) 93m John Boulting
Seven Samurai, The (1954-Japanese) 141m Akira Kurosawa
Seventh Seal, The (1957-Sweden) 96m Ingmar Bergman
Shame (1968-Swedish) 103m Ingmar Bergman
Shane (1953) 118m George Stevens
She Done Him Wrong (1933) 66m Lowell Sherman
Sherlock,Jr. (1924) 45m Buster Keaton
Sherman's March (1986) C-155m Ros McElwee
Ship of Fools (1965) 149m Stanley Kramer
Shoah (1985-French) C-503m Claude Lanzmann
Shoeshine (1946-Italian) 93m Vittorio De Sica
Shoot the Piano Player (1960-French) 92m Francois Truffaut
Shop on Main Street, The (1965-Czech) 128m Jan Kadar
Sleuth (1972) C-138m Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Small Change (1976-French) C-104m Francois Truffaut
Smiles of a Summer Night (1955-Swedish) 108m Ingmar Bergman
Some Like It Hot (1959) 119m Billy Wilder
Song of Bernadette, The (1943) 156m Henry King
Sorrow and the Pity, The (1970-Swiss) 260m Marcel Ophuls
Sounder (1972) C-105m Martin Ritt
Southerner, The (1945) 91m Jean Renoir
Stagecoach (1939) 96m John Ford
Stage Door (1937) 92m Gregory La Cava
Stairway to Heaven (1946-British) C-104m Michael Powell
Stalag 17 (1953) 120m Billy Wilder
Simon of the Desert (1965-Mexican) 45m Luis Bunuel
Singin' in the Rain (1952) C-102m Gene Kelly
Stars Look Down, The (1939-British) 110m Carol Reed
Stolen Kisses (1968-French) C-90m Francois Truffaut
Stop Making Sense (1984) C-88m Jonathan Demme
Strangers on a Train (1951) 101m Alfred Hitchcock
Stray Dog (1949-Japanese) 122m Akira Kurosawa
Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951) 122m Elia Kazan
Student Prince in Old Heidelberg, The (1927) 105m Ernst Lubitsch
Stunt Man, The (1980) C-129m Richard Rush
Sullivan's Travels (1941) 91m Preston Sturges
Sundowners, The (1960) C-113m Fred Zinnemann
Sunrise (1927) 110m F. W. Murnau
Sunset Blvd. (1950) 110m Billy Wilder
Swept an unusual destiny in the blue sea of August (1975-Italian) C-116m Lina Wertmuller
Swing Time (1936) 103m George Stevens
Tale of Two Cities, A (1935) 128m Jack Conway
Talk of the Town, The (1942) 118m George Stevens
Ten Commandments, The (1956) C-220m Cecil B. DeMille
Ten From Your Show of Shows (1973) 92m Max Liebman
Terms of Endearment (1983) C-132m James L. Brooks
That's Entertainment! (1974) C-132m Jack Haley, Jr.
These Three (1936) 93m William Wyler
They Were Expendable (1945) 135m John Ford
They Won't Forget (1937) 95m Mervyn LeRoy
Thin Blue Line, The (1988) C-96m Errol Morris
Thin Man, The (1934) 93m W. S. Van Dyke
Third Man, The (1949-British) 104m Carol Reed
39 Steps, The (1935-British) 87m Alfred Hitchcock
Throne of Blood (1957-Japanese) 108m Akira Kurosawa
Tight Little Island (1949-British) 82m Alexander Mackendrick
Tin Drum, The (1979-German) C-142m Volker Schlondorff
To Die in Madrid (1965-French) 87m Frederic Rossif
Tokyo Story (1953-Japanese) 134m Yasujiro Ozu
Tootsie (1982) C-116m Sydney Pollack
Top Hat (1935) 99m Mark Sandrich
Topkapi (1964) C-120m Jules Dassin
Touch of Evil (1958) 108m Orson Wells
Train, The (1965) 133m John Frankenheimer
Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948) 124m John Huston
Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A (1945) 128m Elia Kazan
Tree of Wooden Clogs, The (1978-Italian) C-185m
Triumph of the Will (1935-German) 110m Leni Riefenstahl
Trouble in Paradise (1932) 83m Ernt Lubitsch
Tunes of Glory (1960-British) C-106m Robald Neame
12 Angry Men (1957) 95m Sidney Lumet
Twelve O'Clock High (1949) 132m Henry King
Twentieth Century (1934) 91m Howard Hawks
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) C-127m Richard Fleischer
2001스페이스오디세이 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968-British) C-139m Stanley Kubrick
Two Women (1961-Italian) 99m Vittorio De Sica
Umberto D (1952-Italian) 89m Vittorio De Sica
Unfaithfully Yours (1948) 105m Preston Sturges
Unmarried Woman, An (1978) C-124m Paul Mazursky
Untouchables, The (1987) C-119m Brian DePalma
Verdict, The (1982) C-129m Sidney Lumet
Vertigo (1958) C-128m Alfred Hitchcock
Vincent, Francois, Paul and the Others (1974-French) C-118m Claude Sautet
Viva Zapata! (1952) 113m Elia Kazan
War and Peace (1968-Russian) C-373m Sergei Bondarchukz
Way to the Stars, The (1945-British) 109m Anthony Asquith
Weavers, The: Wasn't That a Time! (1982) C-78m Jim Brown
Wedding March, The (1928) 113m Erich von Stroheim
West Side Story (1961) C-151m Robert Wise
When Comedy Was King (1960) 81m Robert Youngson
Wild Strawberries (1957-Sweden) 90m Ingmar Bergman
Wind, The (1928) 88m Victor Seastrom
Wizard of Oz, The (1939) C/B&W-101m Victor Fleming
Woodstock (1970) C-184m Michael Wadleigh
World According to Garp, The (1982) C-136m George Roy Hill
World Without Sun (1964) C-93m Jacques Cousteau
Wuthering Heights (1939) 103m William Wyler
Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) 126m Michael Curtiz
Yellow Submarine (1968-British) C-85m George Dunning
Yojimbo (1961-Japanese) 110m Akira Kurosawa
Zero for Conduct (1933-French) 44m Jean Vigo