String length

1 Overview[ | ]

  • Definition: length(string) returns an integer number
  • Description: Returns the length of a string (not counting the null terminator or any other of the string's internal structural information). An empty string returns a length of 0.

2 Bash[ | ]

expr length "hello"
# 5

3 C++[ | ]

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
	string str = "abcdef";
	cout << str.length() << endl;
	// 6

4 C#[ | ]

"hello".Length;      // returns 5
"".Length;           // returns 0

5 Erlang[ | ]

string:len("hello"). %  returns 5
string:len("").      %  returns 0

6 Java[ | ]

"hello".length()   // returns 5
"".length()        // returns 0

7 JavaScript[ | ]

var txt = "Hello World!";
var len = txt.length; // 12

8 Lua[ | ]

("hello"):len() -- returns 5
#"" -- returns 0

9 Objective-C[ | ]

[@"hello" length]   // returns 5
[@"" length]        // returns 0

10 Perl[ | ]

length("hello");     #  returns 5
length("");          #  returns 0

11 PHP[ | ]

strlen('hello');     //  returns 5
strlen('');          //  returns 0

12 Python[ | ]

len('hello')     #  returns 5
len('')          #  returns 0

13 Ruby[ | ]

print 'hello'.length
# 5
print ''.length
# 0

14 SQL[ | ]

14.1 MySQL[ | ]

SELECT LENGTH( "hello" )
-- 5

15 VB[ | ]

Len("hello")         '  returns 5
Len("")              '  returns 0

16 같이 보기[ | ]

17 References[ | ]