
김광석 : Kim GwangSeok (1964 - 1996)

Related : NoChatSa DongMulWon

LINK : KPDB:1067

1 Biography or Not[ | ]

2 DaSiBuReuGi 1(1993); Remake 1; 다시부르기 1 [ | ]


★★★★★  [DongA GiHoik]   Folk, Protest, Rock, Ballad

KimGwangSeok is one of the brilliant modern folk musicians. At first he sung in DongMulWon. This album is his first best. But it doesn't just best. His earlier recordings were recorded with dissatisfaction. So he rerecorded his earlier songs with JoDongIk band. [Play:KimGwangSeok_IDeungByeongEuiPyeonJi.mp3 IDeungByeongEui PyeonJi; Letter from a Private] comforted the Boys(Korea does conscription) or [Play:KimGwangSeok_GwangYaESeo.mp3 GwangYaESeo; On the Wide Field] was protest anthem.

3 NeBeonJjae(1994); 4th; 네번째 [ | ]


★★★★☆  [DongA GiHoik]   Modern Folk, Folk Rock, Gayo

After releasing < DaSiBuReuGi I >, he got confidence. He was feeling his early recordings lacked on sound and sense. He was in slump. But this 4th LP was breakthough, he satisfied. This album contains love, self-help and freedom. Most of all [Play:KimGwangSeok4NeoMuAPenSaRangEun.mp3 NuMu APeun SaRangEun SaRangI ANiEotEumEul; The Love with too much Pain is not Love] show he is most brilliant folk singer with AnChiHwan after KimMinGi, HanDaeSu, JeongTaeChun. You can feel his slightly sad but hopeful mind.

4 DaSiBuReuGi 2(1995); Remake 2; 다시부르기 2 [ | ]


★★★★★  [DongA GiHoik]   Folk, Protest, Rock, Ballad

He sings modern folk masterpieces in this second remake album. It contained pride that he is succession of Korean Modern Folk. LeeJeongSeon's [Play:KimGwangSeok__GeuNyeoGaCheoEumUlDeonNal.mp3 GeuNyeoGa CheoEum UlDeonNal; The day she cried for the first time] is revived in KimGwangSeok's voice. I like this version more. And [Play:KimGwangSeok__BulHaengA.mp3 BulHaengA; Unhappy Man] or [Play:KimGwangSeok__ByeonHaeGaNe.mp3 ByeonHaeGaNe; All things change] was also another good remake. But it became his posthumous work.

He suicided.

5 Discography[ | ]

As Year Album Title
NoChatSa 1984 NoRaeReul ChatNeun SaRamDeul
DongMulWon 1988 GeoRiESeo
On the Street
DongMulWon 1988 HeuRinGaEulE PyeonJiReul Sseo
I wrote a letter on the gray sky.
KimGwangSeok 1989 NeoEGe
To You
KimGwangSeok 1991 SaRangHatJiMan
I Loved...but
KimGwangSeok 1993 NaEui NoRae
My Song
KimGwangSeok 1993 DaSiBuReuGi 1
Remake 1
KimGwangSeok 1994 NeBeunJjae
KimGwangSeok 1995 DaSiBuReuGi 2
Remake 2
KimGwangSeok 1996 InSaengIYaGi
Story of Life(Live part 1)
KimGwangSeok 1996 NoRaeIYaGi
Story of Songs(Live part 2)

6 Links[ | ] - DeadLink: this site seems like disappeared. => 김성준님의김광석

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