Cinder 명령어

cinder 명령어

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명령어 설명
cinder absolute-limits Lists absolute limits for a user.
cinder availability-zone-list Lists all availability zones.
cinder backup-create Creates a volume backup.
cinder backup-delete Removes a backup.
cinder backup-list Lists all backups.
cinder backup-restore Restores a backup.
cinder backup-show Show backup details.
cinder create Creates a volume.
cinder credentials Shows user credentials returned from auth.
cinder delete Removes one or more volumes.
cinder encryption-type-create Creates encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
cinder encryption-type-delete Deletes encryption type for a volume type. Admin only.
cinder encryption-type-list Shows encryption type details for volume types. Admin only.
cinder encryption-type-show Shows encryption type details for volume type. Admin only.
cinder endpoints Discovers endpoints registered by authentication service.
cinder extend Attempts to extend size of an existing volume.
cinder extra-specs-list Lists current volume types and extra specs.
cinder force-delete Attempts force-delete of volume, regardless of state.
cinder list Lists all volumes.
cinder metadata Sets or deletes volume metadata.
cinder metadata-show Shows volume metadata.
cinder metadata-update-all Updates volume metadata.
cinder migrate Migrates volume to a new host.
cinder qos-associate Associates qos specs with specified volume type.
cinder qos-create Creates a qos specs.
cinder qos-delete Deletes a specified qos specs.
cinder qos-disassociate Disassociates qos specs from specified volume type.
cinder qos-disassociate-all Disassociates qos specs from all associations.
cinder qos-get-association Gets all associations for specified qos specs.
cinder qos-key Sets or unsets specifications for a qos spec.
cinder qos-list Lists qos specs.
cinder qos-show Shows a specified qos specs.
cinder quota-class-show Lists quotas for a quota class.
cinder quota-class-update Updates quotas for a quota class.
cinder quota-defaults Lists default quotas for a tenant.
cinder quota-delete Delete the quotas for a tenant.
cinder quota-show Lists quotas for a tenant.
cinder quota-update Updates quotas for a tenant.
cinder quota-usage Lists quota usage for a tenant.
cinder rate-limits Lists rate limits for a user.
cinder readonly-mode-update Updates volume read-only access-mode flag.
cinder rename Renames a volume.
cinder reset-state Explicitly updates the volume state.
cinder service-disable Disables the service.
cinder service-enable Enables the service.
cinder service-list Lists all services. Filter by host and service binary.
cinder set-bootable Update bootable status of a volume.
cinder show Shows volume details.
cinder snapshot-create Creates a snapshot.
cinder snapshot-delete Remove one or more snapshots.
cinder snapshot-list Lists all snapshots.
cinder snapshot-metadata Sets or deletes snapshot metadata.
cinder snapshot-metadata-show Shows snapshot metadata.
cinder snapshot-metadata-update-all Updates snapshot metadata.
cinder snapshot-rename Renames a snapshot.
cinder snapshot-reset-state Explicitly updates the snapshot state.
cinder snapshot-show Shows snapshot details.
cinder transfer-accept Accepts a volume transfer.
cinder transfer-create Creates a volume transfer.
cinder transfer-delete Undoes a transfer.
cinder transfer-list Lists all transfers.
cinder transfer-show Show transfer details.
cinder type-create Creates a volume type.
cinder type-delete Deletes a specified volume type.
cinder type-key Sets or unsets extra_spec for a volume type.
cinder type-list Lists available 'volume types'.
cinder upload-to-image Uploads volume to Image Service as an image.
cinder bash-completion Prints arguments for bash_completion.
cinder help Shows help about this program or one of its subcommands.
cinder list-extensions Lists all available os-api extensions.

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