VaAr (토론)님의 2014년 12월 20일 (토) 15:44 판
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1 Club or Label oriented Albums[ | ]

One Day Tours(1997) of Label GangAJi
Rak DarkEui UlEumSoRi(1997); Rock, the Crying of Chicken of Label Jammers

2 Project Albums[ | ]

DoSiRak TeukGongDae I(1997) II(2000) : Underground Musician Commune
IndiePower 1999 2001 : Contemporary Cover Project
KoreanExpress : Introducing Korean Music in Western Pop Style Revised Version

3 Tribute Albums[ | ]

A Tribute to SanUlRim(1999)
A Tribute to ShinJungHyeon(1997) : The first tribute album in KoreanRock History
Smells like Nirvana(1997)

4 Movie and TV Related Albums[ | ]

LeeSoRa's Propose : Various popular overground artists live in same title TV show
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