Cocore (토론)님의 2015년 1월 2일 (금) 14:58 판
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코코어 : Cocore (1997 - )

LINK : Official Homepage KPDB:1015340

1 # #0>Odor(1998)


★★★★☆ Modern Rock, Cynical, GaYo
==== HongCho, 1998-06-01  ====

This could have come out in 1997 also. Cocore is another four piece band with LeeUSeong (guitars, vocal), HwangMyeongSu (guitars, vocal), KimJaeGwon (bass), and JeongYongMun (drums). However, their musical character is much different from the previous band.

Obviously, they are influenced by Nirvana. I mean, you can hear the Nirvana's familiar sounds quite often throughout the CD, especially, the songs written by Mr. Lee. Since I am not a Nirvana listener, I can't tell you how similar they are. I do like the sounds of the CD. The playing is solid and very good for head banging and moshing. However, I kind of feel unsatisfied by the lack of originality. (There is one track written by Mr. Hwang, which sounds different from the rest of them, and a hidden track at the end that is also different.)

One funny thing about these kind of low budget production is that the cover lists the order of tracks incorrectly. I guess they thought it was too late to make the correction and reprint them.

==== DisTort, 1999 ====

Cocore is the representative alternative rock band in Korea. They're the first band who released album from the indie label [indie]. This debut album style is stereo-type of grunge, most of all Nirvana. Most songs has straight grunge sound of loser mood or cynical comic mood. I think this album is not just a grunge. Grunge was already dead when Cobain shot his head. And grunge is not the alternative of rock. Cocore choosed the grunge style with various genres to show their rage. Their soundscape is still changing you can hear the change on their next albums. Most of all, you must listen with care the guitar sound of Hwang MyeongSu. He became the guitar & vocal on their 3rd album.

  • [Play:Cocore1AMuRaeDo.mp3 AMuRaeDo; Anyway]
  • [Play:Cocore1DiscoQueen.mp3 Disco Queen]
  • [Play:Cocore1EthylAlcohol.mp3 Ethyl Alcohol]
  • [Play:Cocore1DwaeJiUHwa.mp3 DwaeJiUHwa; A Pig Allegory]

2 # boyish(2000)


★★★★★ Modern Rock, Cynical, GaYo
==== DisTort, 2002-05-13  ====

Before this album, they released 1 album and 1 EP but they couldn't throw out the name, Nirvana clon. But at this album they got their unique style. Even the smells of Beck, Smashing Pumpkins or Nirvana still, but the nuance is their own.
The voice of LeeUSeong is still powerful and HwangMyeongSu's guitar became more slightly. HwangMyeongSu's compositions filled the album than before.
The producer ShinYunCheol made their sound flashy and popular. As you know the son of ShinJungHyeon.

Cocore became more hard and more popular. They got the smile and capacity. With this pace, they can became the major band in Korean Pop / Rock scene like YunDoHyeon Band. Popularity is not anti-these of musical accomplishment.


2.1 Discography

Year Album Title
1998 #0>Odor
1999 GoYeopJe(EP)
2000 Boyish

2.2 Links


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