WARNING: setting legacy OS TENANT NAME to support cli tools.

1 개요[ | ]

WARNING: setting legacy OS TENANT NAME to support cli tools.
stack@ubuntu16:~$ source devstack/openrc
WARNING: setting legacy OS_TENANT_NAME to support cli tools.

2 설명[ | ]

  • 이상이 있는 것은 아님
  • 자원을 소유하는 것이 '테넌트' → '프로젝트'로 바뀜
  • 향후에 OS_TENANT_NAME 변수가 없어질 수 있음을 알려주는 것
레거시를 위해 현재는 지원
stack@ubuntu16:~$ cat devstack/openrc | grep OS_TENANT_NAME -B7
# The OpenStack ecosystem has standardized the term **project** as the
# entity that owns resources.  In some places **tenant** remains
# referenced, but in all cases this just means **project**.  We will
# warn if we need to turn on legacy **tenant** support to have a
# working environment.

echo "WARNING: setting legacy OS_TENANT_NAME to support cli tools."

3 같이 보기[ | ]

4 참고[ | ]

문서 댓글 ({{ doc_comments.length }})
{{ comment.name }} {{ comment.created | snstime }}