1 개요[ | ]
- varnishlog
- /usr/bin/varnishlog
- varnish 로그 데몬
[root@zetaproxy ~]# ps -ef | grep varnishlog | grep -v grep
root 1690 1 0 05:04 ? 00:02:00 /usr/bin/varnishlog -a -w /var/log/varnish/varnish.log -D -P /var/run/varnishlog.pid
2 옵션[ | ]
Usage: varnishlog <options>
[-a] Append to file [-A] Text output [-b] Only display backend records [-c] Only display client records [-C] Caseless regular expressions [-d] Process old log entries and exit [-D] Daemonize [-g <session|request|vxid|raw>] Grouping mode (default: vxid) [-h] Usage help [-i <taglist>] Include tags [-I <[taglist:]regex>] Include by regex [-k <num>] Limit transactions [-L <limit>] Incomplete transaction limit [-n <name>] Varnish instance name [-N <filename>] VSM filename [-P <file>] PID file [-q <query>] VSL query [-r <filename>] Binary file input [-t <seconds|off>] VSM connection timeout [-T <seconds>] Transaction end timeout [-v] Verbose record printing [-V] Version [-w <filename>] Output filename [-x <taglist>] Exclude tags [-X <[taglist:]regex>] Exclude by regex
3 같이 보기[ | ]
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