
토스트 : Toast

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1 tost it! (1998)[ | ]


==== HongCho, 1999-01-22 ====

The combination of people are quite interesting for this band. First of all, Toast are LeeGangGeun (guitar), LeeGangJun (vocal and bass), ParkSeonYeong (guitar), and ParkJinYeong. I can't be sure from the info sheet and pictures, but I think the two Lees are males, possibly brothers, and the two Parks are females, possibly sisters. Interesting, don't you think?

Their music is rock, similar to the current crop of alternative styles, maybe somewhat toward punk/grunge. Their music offers very little new stuff, but that doesn't mean it's not good. It is quite solid. From the efforts they put into this project (the fact that they mastered the CD in L.A., for one thing) are clearly showing. One thing they did at the end as a hidden track is that they put the third track, DaRamJwi in reverse as if played backwards. Cute, but not as interesting.

Bottom line: Don't let the name, the cover design and their looks fool you. They are loud. If you like the current Korean indie rock scene, you might like them.

Their first album. I think their marketing team did a horrible job. From the cover and everything, it seems they are pop band, but if you actually listen to them, they are quite heavy. The only thing that's "pop-ish" that I can think of is the mix of the members, two females and two males.

JeBal... Please...
DaRamGwi Squirrel
BaBoDeulEui MolLak Fall of Idiots
MoSun Contradiction
Hidden Track - DaRamGwi

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