이클립스 서브버전 플러그인 Subclipse 설치

(Subclipse 설치에서 넘어옴)
이클립스 서브버전 플러그인 Subclipse 설치
STS Subclipse 설치

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  • Help --- Eclipse Martketplace...
  • Find: Subclipse Enter
  • Subclipse 1.10.13 --- [Install]
Resolving features 진행됨
  • "Confirm Selected Features" --- [Confirm >]
  • "Review Licenses" --- (O) I accept the term of the license agreement --- [Finish]
  • "Installing Software"
( 설치 진행 )
  • "Security Warning" --- [OK]
  • "Windows 보안 경고" eclipse.exe --- [액세스 허용(A)]
  • "Software Updates" --- [Yes]
( 이클립스가 재시작됨 )
  • "Subclipse Usage" --- [ ] Repost usage of Subclipse to Subclipse team. --- [OK]

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