SOC코드 |
직업명(영어) |
직업명(한국어) |
11-0000 |
Management Occupations
13-0000 |
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
경영·금융 직업군
15-0000 |
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
컴퓨터·수학 직업군
17-0000 |
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
건축·엔지니어링 직업군
19-0000 |
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
자연과학·사회과학 직업군
21-0000 |
Community and Social Service Occupations
서비스 직업군
23-0000 |
Legal Occupations
법률 직업군
25-0000 |
Education, Training, and Library Occupations
교육·훈련·도서관 직업군
27-0000 |
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
예술·디자인·엔터테인먼트·스포츠·미디어 직업군
29-0000 |
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
헬스케어 전문 직업군
31-0000 |
Healthcare Support Occupations
헬스케어 보조 직업군
33-0000 |
Protective Service Occupations
보호 서비스 직업군
35-0000 |
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
음식 서비스 관련 직업군
37-0000 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
건물 및 지상 청소·유지보수 직업군
39-0000 |
Personal Care and Service Occupations
대인 서비스 직업군
41-0000 |
Sales and Related Occupations
판매 관련 직업군
43-0000 |
Office and Administrative Support Occupations
사무·행정 보조 직업군
45-0000 |
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
농업·어업·산림업 직업군
47-0000 |
Construction and Extraction Occupations
건설·추출 직업군
49-0000 |
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
설치·유지보수·수리 직업군
51-0000 |
Production Occupations
53-0000 |
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
교통·운송 직업군
55-0000 |
Military Specific Occupations
군사 직업군