oci NotAuthenticated

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oci NotAuthenticated
$ oci os ns get
    "client_version": "Oracle-PythonSDK/2.137.0, Oracle-PythonCLI/3.49.3",
    "code": "NotAuthenticated",
    "logging_tips": "Please run the OCI CLI command using --debug flag to find more debug information.",
    "message": "The required information to complete authentication was not provided.",
    "opc-request-id": "icn-1:NRXZ9uTl_4HTdd9R3bG6Kz29BtjVOdc5QJdG4FbVK7zFpe0_mQe7-dTRMk6fp-b7",
    "operation_name": "get_namespace",
    "request_endpoint": "GET https://objectstorage.ap-seoul-1.oraclecloud.com/n",
    "status": 401,
    "target_service": "object_storage",
    "timestamp": "2024-10-29T17:15:19.121212+00:00",
    "troubleshooting_tips": "See [https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/References/apierrors.htm] for more information about resolving this error. If you are unable to resolve this issue, run this CLI command with --debug option and contact Oracle support and provide them the full error message."

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