kops edit cluster

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kops edit cluster
$ kops edit cluster
  #kubernetesVersion: 1.12.10
  kubernetesVersion: 1.13.11
$ kops update cluster
I1013 17:15:16.399783    7100 executor.go:103] Tasks: 0 done / 83 total; 42 can run
I1013 17:15:17.576218    7100 executor.go:103] Tasks: 42 done / 83 total; 23 can run
I1013 17:15:18.429360    7100 executor.go:103] Tasks: 65 done / 83 total; 16 can run
I1013 17:15:18.701786    7100 executor.go:103] Tasks: 81 done / 83 total; 2 can run
I1013 17:15:18.794090    7100 executor.go:103] Tasks: 83 done / 83 total; 0 can run
Will modify resources:
... (생략)
  	                    	+     image: kopeio/etcd-manager:3.0.20190930
  	                    	-     image: kopeio/etcd-manager:3.0.20190516
  	                    	      name: etcd-manager
  	                    	    hostNetwork: true
  	                    	    hostPID: true
  	                    	+   priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
  	                    	    - key: CriticalAddonsOnly

Must specify --yes to apply changes
$ kops update cluster --yes
I1013 17:16:50.655205    7112 executor.go:103] Tasks: 0 done / 83 total; 42 can run
I1013 17:16:51.424789    7112 executor.go:103] Tasks: 42 done / 83 total; 23 can run
I1013 17:16:52.399998    7112 executor.go:103] Tasks: 65 done / 83 total; 16 can run
I1013 17:16:53.262900    7112 executor.go:103] Tasks: 81 done / 83 total; 2 can run
I1013 17:16:53.520191    7112 executor.go:103] Tasks: 83 done / 83 total; 0 can run
I1013 17:16:53.520224    7112 dns.go:155] Pre-creating DNS records
I1013 17:16:54.014524    7112 update_cluster.go:294] Exporting kubecfg for cluster
kops has set your kubectl context to k8s.example.com

Cluster changes have been applied to the cloud.

Changes may require instances to restart: kops rolling-update cluster
$ kops rolling-update cluster
master-ap-northeast-2c	NeedsUpdate	1		0	1	1	1
nodes			NeedsUpdate	3		0	3	3	3

Must specify --yes to rolling-update.
$ kops rolling-update cluster --yes
master-ap-northeast-2c	NeedsUpdate	1		0	1	1	1
nodes			NeedsUpdate	3		0	3	3	3
I1013 17:18:32.102444    7191 instancegroups.go:165] Draining the node: "ip-172-35-79-157.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal".
node/ip-172-35-79-157.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal cordoned
node/ip-172-35-79-157.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal cordoned
pod/registry-7f8b7f768-dr7f2 evicted
pod/dns-controller-6859bfb66b-4vdxs evicted
node/ip-172-35-79-157.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal evicted
I1013 17:18:41.171744    7191 instancegroups.go:362] Waiting for 1m30s for pods to stabilize after draining.
I1013 17:20:11.171903    7191 instancegroups.go:185] deleting node "ip-172-35-79-157.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal" from kubernetes
I1013 17:20:11.175897    7191 instancegroups.go:303] Stopping instance "i-024bd681f3cead5f1", node "ip-172-35-79-157.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal", in group "master-ap-northeast-2c.masters.k8s.example.com" (this may take a while).
I1013 17:20:11.395962    7191 instancegroups.go:198] waiting for 5m0s after terminating instance
... (생략)
I1013 17:42:06.585038    7191 instancegroups.go:198] waiting for 4m0s after terminating instance
I1013 17:46:06.585234    7191 instancegroups.go:209] Validating the cluster.
I1013 17:46:06.845076    7191 instancegroups.go:280] Cluster validated.
I1013 17:46:06.845110    7191 rollingupdate.go:184] Rolling update completed for cluster "k8s.example.com"!
$ kubectl version --short | grep Server
Server Version: v1.13.11

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