1 홈[ | ]
2 시작하기[ | ]
- 릴리스 노트와 버전 차이 지원(skew)
- 학습 환경
- 운영 환경
- 컨테이너 런타임
- Installing Kubernetes with deployment tools
- kubeadm으로 클러스터 구성하기
- Installing kubeadm
- Troubleshooting kubeadm
- Creating a single control-plane cluster with kubeadm
- kubeadm으로 컨트롤 플레인 사용자 정의하기
- 고가용성 토폴로지 선택
- Creating Highly Available clusters with kubeadm
- Set up a High Availability etcd cluster with kubeadm
- Configuring each kubelet in your cluster using kubeadm
- Configuring your kubernetes cluster to self-host the control plane
- Installing Kubernetes with KRIB
- Kops로 쿠버네티스 설치하기
- Installing Kubernetes with Kubespray
- kubeadm으로 클러스터 구성하기
- 턴키 클라우드 솔루션
- 온-프레미스 VM
- 쿠버네티스에서 윈도우
- 모범 사례
3 개념[ | ]
- 개요
- 쿠버네티스란 무엇인가
- 쿠버네티스 컴포넌트
- 쿠버네티스 API
- 쿠버네티스 오브젝트로 작업하기
- 클러스터 아키텍처
- 컨테이너
- 워크로드
- 서비스, 로드밸런싱, 네트워킹
- 스토리지
- 구성
- 보안
- 정책
- 스케줄링
- 클러스터 관리
- 쿠버네티스 확장하기
4 태스크[ | ]
- 도구 설치
- 클러스터 운영
- Administration with kubeadm
- Manage Memory, CPU, and API Resources
- Configure Default Memory Requests and Limits for a Namespace
- Configure Default CPU Requests and Limits for a Namespace
- Configure Minimum and Maximum Memory Constraints for a Namespace
- Configure Minimum and Maximum CPU Constraints for a Namespace
- Configure Memory and CPU Quotas for a Namespace
- Configure a Pod Quota for a Namespace
- 네트워크 폴리시 제공자(Network Policy Provider) 설치
- Access Clusters Using the Kubernetes API
- Access Services Running on Clusters
- Advertise Extended Resources for a Node
- Autoscale the DNS Service in a Cluster
- Change the default StorageClass
- Change the Reclaim Policy of a PersistentVolume
- 클러스터 관리
- Configure Multiple Schedulers
- Configure Out Of Resource Handling
- Configure Quotas for API Objects
- Control CPU Management Policies on the Node
- Control Topology Management Policies on a node
- Customizing DNS Service
- Debugging DNS Resolution
- Declare Network Policy
- Developing Cloud Controller Manager
- Enabling Endpoint Slices
- Encrypting Secret Data at Rest
- Guaranteed Scheduling For Critical Add-On Pods
- IP Masquerade Agent User Guide
- Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager
- Limit Storage Consumption
- Namespaces Walkthrough
- Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes
- Reconfigure a Node's Kubelet in a Live Cluster
- Reserve Compute Resources for System Daemons
- Safely Drain a Node while Respecting the PodDisruptionBudget
- Securing a Cluster
- Set Kubelet parameters via a config file
- 고가용성 쿠버네티스 클러스터 마스터 설정하기
- Share a Cluster with Namespaces
- Using a KMS provider for data encryption
- Using CoreDNS for Service Discovery
- Using NodeLocal DNSCache in Kubernetes clusters
- Using sysctls in a Kubernetes Cluster
- Configure Pods and Containers
- Assign Memory Resources to Containers and Pods
- Assign CPU Resources to Containers and Pods
- Configure GMSA for Windows Pods and containers
- Configure RunAsUserName for Windows pods and containers
- Configure Quality of Service for Pods
- Assign Extended Resources to a Container
- Configure a Pod to Use a Volume for Storage
- Configure a Pod to Use a PersistentVolume for Storage
- Configure a Pod to Use a Projected Volume for Storage
- Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container
- Configure Service Accounts for Pods
- Pull an Image from a Private Registry
- Configure Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes
- Assign Pods to Nodes
- Configure Pod Initialization
- Attach Handlers to Container Lifecycle Events
- Configure a Pod to Use a ConfigMap
- Share Process Namespace between Containers in a Pod
- Create static Pods
- Translate a Docker Compose File to Kubernetes Resources
- 쿠버네티스 오브젝트 관리
- 애플리케이션에 데이터 주입하기
- 애플리케이션 실행
- Run a Stateless Application Using a Deployment
- Run a Single-Instance Stateful Application
- Run a Replicated Stateful Application
- Update API Objects in Place Using kubectl patch
- Scale a StatefulSet
- Delete a StatefulSet
- Force Delete StatefulSet Pods
- Perform Rolling Update Using a Replication Controller
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 연습
- Specifying a Disruption Budget for your Application
- Run Jobs
- 클러스터 내 어플리케이션 액세스
- 웹 UI (대시보드)
- 클러스터 액세스
- 다중 클러스터 접근 구성
- Use Port Forwarding to Access Applications in a Cluster
- Use a Service to Access an Application in a Cluster
- Connect a Front End to a Back End Using a Service
- Create an External Load Balancer
- Configure Your Cloud Provider's Firewalls
- List All Container Images Running in a Cluster
- Set up Ingress on Minikube with the NGINX Ingress Controller
- 공유 볼륨을 이용하여 동일한 파드의 컨테이너 간에 통신하기
- 클러스터의 DNS 구성하기
- 모니터링, 로깅, 그리고 디버깅
- Application Introspection and Debugging
- Auditing
- Auditing with Falco
- Debug a StatefulSet
- Debug Init Containers
- Debug Pods and ReplicationControllers
- Debug Services
- Debugging Kubernetes nodes with crictl
- Determine the Reason for Pod Failure
- Developing and debugging services locally
- Events in Stackdriver
- Get a Shell to a Running Container
- Logging Using Elasticsearch and Kibana
- Logging Using Stackdriver
- Monitor Node Health
- 리소스 메트릭 파이프라인
- 리소스 모니터링 도구
- Troubleshoot Applications
- Troubleshoot Clusters
- Troubleshooting
- Extend Kubernetes
- Federation
- Manage Cluster Daemons
- Install Service Catalog
- Network
- Extend kubectl with plugins
- Manage HugePages
- Schedule GPUs
5 튜토리얼[ | ]
6 레퍼런스[ | ]
- 표준 용어집
- Kubernetes Issues and Security
- 쿠버네티스 API 사용하기
- Accessing the API
- API Reference
- Setup tools reference
- Command line tools reference
- kubectl CLI
- 도구
7 기여[ | ]
- Start contributing
- Intermediate contributing
- Advanced contributing
- Documentation style overview
- Reference docs overview
- Localizing Kubernetes Documentation
- SIG Docs에 참여하기
- 쿠버네티스 문서 한글화 가이드
8 같이 보기[ | ]
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