
지붕위의바이올린 : Violin on the Roof

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1 JiBungWiEuiBaIOlRin(1999); Violin on the Roof;지붕위의 바이올린[ | ]


==== HongCho, 1999-04-04 ====

A strange (and long) name for a band... JiBungWiEuiBaIOlRin are SeokJaeJun (guitars) and ParkHyeonSu (vocal, chorus, keyboards and programming). Obviously, they can't do all this work by themselves, so there were a few guest musicians as well.

I just ordered the CD just for the heck of it. I saw the name of the band and the title of a song (maybe the first single), PuReunByeol 13 Ho online and couldn't resist.

Their music is definitely rock, but not too hard nor not really too 90-ish. Their sound employs a few of the modern rock elements that does not make them sound antiquated at all (incidentally, I think the reason most of the time that a rock band sounds old and out-of-style, is because of the drum and percussion sound and recording engineering problems), but I think their basic style lies in the 80-ish, pop rock. I don't know about the rest of the tracks, but the title track, PuReunByeol 13 Ho, does sound pretty good.

Bottom line: If you like rock, you should definitely check it out.

2 Discography[ | ]

3 Links[ | ]

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