
장호일 : Jang HoIl (1966 - )

RELATED : GeeniE 015B

LINK : KPDB:2182

1 Retro(1999) [ | ]


==== HongCho, 1999-09-09 ====

Okay, I was suckered by the title and the good impression I had for the JangHoIl's work in GeeniE. So here it goes... Warning: This is NOT a techno album. This is uhm... I don't know what to call it. If you are a hard-core 015B fan, you might like it. However, this thirteen-track album didn't contain a single track that I liked from their collection.

[Rant On] Another thing they did that I really, REALLY hate. They put this "genre" at the end of the title of each track, which most of the time the actual product doesn't even come close to. For example, "T-Square version" (I am not going to touch this with a ten-foot poll), "Euro Tekno-kid version" (qu'est que c'est?), "trip," and etc. Saying a track was a "live" version is okay, but PLEASE stop making asses of yourselves. [Rant Off]

2 Discography[ | ]

3 Links[ | ]

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