1 개요[ | ]
- cf repo-plugins
- 플러그인 저장소 내의 플러그인 목록을 보여주는 cf CLI 명령어
root@zetawiki:~# cf repo-plugins
Getting plugins from all repositories ...
Repository: CF-Community
name version description
blue-green-deploy 1.2.0 Zero downtime deploys with smoke test support
buildpack-usage 1.0.4 Show which apps are using an installed buildpack
mysql-plugin 1.3.6 Runs mysql and mysqldump clients against your CF database services. Use it to inspect, dump and restore your DB.
... (생략)
Open 1.1.0 Open app url in browser
Live Stats 1.0.0 Monitor CPU and Memory usage on an app via the browser.
Console 1.0.0 Start a tmate session on an application container
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편집자 Jmnote
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