Cf files

1 개요[ | ]

cf files
  • DEA 백엔드에서만 사용 가능
  • Diego 백엔드에서는 사용불가

2 실행예시: Diego[ | ]

root@zetawiki:~# cf files myapp1
The app is running on the Diego backend, which does not support this command.

3 실행예시: DEA[ | ]

root@zetawiki:~# cf apps
Getting apps in org cloudpack / space testuser03 as testuser03...

name                   requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
jmPhpMovie             started           1/1         128M     1G
root@zetawiki:~# cf files jmPhpMovie 
Getting files for app jmPhpMovie in org cloudpack / space testuser03 as testuser03...

.bash_logout                              220B
.bashrc                                   3.6K
.profile                                  675B
app/                                         -
logs/                                        -                                     3B
staging_info.yml                          189B
tmp/                                         -
root@zetawiki:~# cf files jmPhpMovie /app
Getting files for app jmPhpMovie in org cloudpack / space testuser03 as testuser03...

.bp/                                         -
.bp-config/                                  -
.procs                                    190B
.profile.d/                                  -
htdocs/                                      -
httpd/                                       -
lib/                                         -
lib.php                                    82B
logs/                                        -
php/                                         -
root@zetawiki:~# cf files jmPhpMovie /app/htdocs
Getting files for app jmPhpMovie in org cloudpack / space testuser03 as testuser03...

.htaccess                                 286B
actors_index.php                          541B
actors_show.php                           1.1K
common.css                                673B
index.php                                  53B
layout.footer.html                         14B
layout.header.html                        1.2K
movies_index.php                          898B
movies_show.php                           1.1K
root@zetawiki:~# cf files jmPhpMovie /app/htdocs/actors_index.php | head
Getting files for app jmPhpMovie in org cloudpack / space testuser03 as testuser03...

include '../lib.php';
$actors = query_rows("SELECT * FROM actor");
<?php include 'layout.header.html'; ?>

<div class="main">

4 같이 보기[ | ]

5 참고[ | ]

문서 댓글 ({{ doc_comments.length }})
{{ }} {{ comment.created | snstime }}