* 1911–1916
1. [PD]St Cyprian’s: preliminary note
2. [L]Letter to his mother, 14 September 1911
2A. [L]Letter to his mother, 1 October [1911]
3. [L]Letter to his mother, 8 October 1911
3A. [L]Letter to his mother, 15 October 1911
4. [L]Letter to his mother, 5 November 1911
5. [L]Letter to his mother, 12 November [1911]
6. [L]Letter to his mother, [November 1911?]
7. [L]Letter to his mother, [November, 1911?]
8. [L]Letter to his mother, 2 December [1911]
9. [L]Letter to his mother, 4 February 1912
10. [L]Letter to his mother, 11 February 1912
11. [L]Letter to his mother, 18 February 1912
11A. [L]Letter to his mother, 25 February 1912
12. [L]Letter to his mother, 3 March 1912
13. [L]Letter to his mother, 10 March 1912
14. [L]Letter to his mother, 17 March 1912
14A. [L]Letter to his mother, [possibly 24 March 1912]
15. [L]Letter to his mother, 12 May 1912
16. [L]Letter to his mother, 2 June 1912
17. [L]Letter to his mother, 23 June 1912
18. [L]Letter to his mother, 30 June 1912
19. [L]Letter to his mother, 21 July 1912
20. [L]Letter to his mother, 17 November 1912
21. [L]Letter to his mother, 1 December [1912]
22. [L]Letter to his mother, 8 December [1912]
23. [P] ‘Awake! Young Men of England’, 2 October 1914
24. [P] ‘Kitchener’, 21 July 1916
25. [P]Criticism of Connolly’s Poem, ‘Kitchener’, [c. 10–16 July 1916]
26. [L]Letter to his mother, [mid-July 1916?]
27. [P] ‘The Vernon Murders’, [1916–1918?]
28. [P]Play (incomplete): ‘The Man and the Maid’, [1916–1918?]
29. [PD]The Election Times, no 4, 3 June 1918: preliminary note
30. [P] ‘The Slack-bob’, 3 June 1918
31. [P]Short Story: ‘The Adventure of the Lost Meat-card’, 3 June 1918
32. [P] ‘A Peep into the Future’, 3 June 1918
33. [P] ‘The Pagan’, [Autumn 1918]
34. [P] ‘Our minds are married but we are too young’, [Christmas 1918]
35. [P] ‘Then up waddled Wog’, [c. 1919]
36. [N]Inscription: ‘E. A. Blair K. S.’ [c. 1919]
37. [PD]College Days, 1919–1920: preliminary note
38. [P] ‘To A. R. H. B.’, 27 June 1919
39. [A]‘Things We Do Not Want to Know’, 29 November 1919
40. [P] ‘Wall Game’, 29 November 1919
41. [P] ‘Eton Masters’ Strike’, 29 November 1919
42. [P] ‘The White Man’s Burden’ (probably illustrated by Bobbie Longden), 29 November 1919
43. [PD]Mock advertisement, 1 April 1920
44. [P] ‘After Twelve’, 1 April 1920
45. [P] ‘Ode to Field Days’, 1 April 1920
46. [P] ‘A Summer Idyll’, 1 April 1920
46A. [PD]Inscription in Copy of Misalliance, June 1920
47. [P] ‘Mr Simpson and the Supernatural’, 4 June 1920
48. [L]Letter to Laura Buddicom, 27 June 1920
49. [N]Dramatic sketch: ‘Free-will’, 9 July 1920
50. [P] ‘The Photographer’, 9 July 1920
51. [P] ‘The Wounded Cricketer’, 9 July 1920
52. [N]Monologue: ‘Is There Any Truth in Spiritualism?’, 9 July 1920
53. [P] ‘The Cricket Enthusiast’, 9 July 1920
54. [P] ‘The Millionaire’s Pearl’, 9 July 1920
55. [P]Poem (extract): ‘The Youthful Mariner’, 9 July 1920
56. [L]Letter to Steven Runciman, August 1920
57. [L]Letter to Prosper Buddicom, 28 [December 1920]
58. [L]Letter to Prosper Buddicom, [10 January 1921]
59. [L]Letter to Prosper Buddicom, 19 January 1921
60. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly (extract), Easter 1921
61. [P] ‘Mr Puffin and the Missing Matches’, [c. 1919–22]
62. [P] ‘Friendship and love’, Summer 1921
63. [PD]Burma, 1922–27: preliminary note
64. [P] ‘Dear Friend: allow me for a little while’, [1922–27?]
65. [P] ‘Romance’, [1922–27?]
66. [P]Draft of poem: ‘When the Franks have lost their sway’, [1922–27?]
67. [P] ‘My love & I walked in the dark’, [1922–27?]
68. [P] ‘Suggested by a Toothpaste Advertisement’, [1922–27?]
69. [P] ‘The Lesser Evil’, [1922–27?]
70. [PD]Preliminaries to Burmese Days: preliminary note
71. [N]John Flory: My Epitaph, [1926–30?]
72. [N]Extract: My Autobiography, [1926–30?]
73. [P]Extract: ‘The Autobiography of John Flory’, [1926–30?]
74. [P] An Incident in Rangoon, [1926–30?]
75. [P]Extract, A Rebuke to the Author, John Flory, [1926–30?]
76. [P]Scenario and Dialogues from an untitled play, [c. 1927–28]
77. [PD]Paris, 1928–1929: preliminary note
78. [P]‘A Short Story: This never happened to me . . .’, [c. 1928–29?]
79. [A] ‘Censorship in England’, 6 October 1928 (French original: 89)
80. [A] ‘A Farthing Newspaper’, 29 December 1928
81. [PD]‘An Inquiry into “Civic Progress” in England: The Plight of the British Workers’: preliminary note
82. [A] ‘Unemployment’, 29 December 1928 (French original: 90)
83. [A] ‘A Day in the Life of a Tramp’, 5 January 1929 (French original: 91)
84. [A] ‘Beggars in London’, 12 January 1929 (French original: 92)
85. [A] ‘John Galsworthy’, 23 March 1929. (French original: 93)
86. [A] ‘How a Nation is Exploited: The British Empire in Burma’, 4 May 1929 (French original: 94)
87. [L]Letter to the Editor of The New Adelphi, 22 September 1929
88. [L]Postcard to the Editor of The New Adelphi, [12 December 1929]
89. [A] ‘La Censure en Angleterre’, 6 October 1928 (English translation: 79)
90. [A] ‘Le chômage’, 29 December 1928 (English translation: 82)
91. [A] ‘La journée d’un “tramp”’, 5 January 1929 (English translation: 83)
92. [A] ‘Les mendiants de Londres’, 12 January 1929 (English translation: 84)
93. [A] ‘John Galsworthy’, 23 March 1929 (English translation: 85)
94. [A] ‘Comment on exploite un peuple: L’Empire britannique en Birmanie’, 4 May 1929 (English translation: 86)
95. [PD]The (New) Adelphi: preliminary note
96. [R] Lewis Mumford, Herman Melville, March–May 1930
97. [R] Edith Sitwell, Alexander Pope; Sherard Vines, The Course of English Classicism, June–August 1930
98. [R] J. B. Priestley, Angel Pavement, October 1930
99. [L]Letter to Max Plowman, 24 October 1930
100. [L]Letter to Max Plowman, 1 November 1930
101. [R] Karl Bartz, The Horrors of Cayenne, December 1930
102. [L]Lettercard to Max Plowman, [12 January 1931]
103. [R] Osbert Burdett, The Two Carlyles, March 1931
104. [E] ‘The Spike’, April 1931
105. [R] Lionel Britton, Hunger and Love; F. O. Mann, Albert Grope, April 1931
106. [R] Pearl S. Buck, The Good Earth, June 1931
107. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [July 1931]
108. [E] ‘A Hanging’, August 1931
109. [L]Letter to Dennis Collings, 16 August 1931
110. [L]Letter to Dennis Collings, [27 August 1931]
111. [D] Hop-Picking, 25 August-19 September 1931
112. [L]Letter to Dennis Collings, 4 September 1931
113. [D] Hop-Picking, 19 September-8 October 1931
114. [L]Letter to Dennis Collings, [12 October 1931]
115. [L]From a letter to Brenda Salkeld, [October 1931?]
116. [E] ‘Hop-Picking’, 17 October 1931
117. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 30 October 1931
118. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [October 1931]
119. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 4 November 1931
120. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore [Leonard Moore], [November–December 1931]
121. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 January 1932
122. [L]Postcard to T. S. Eliot, [17 February 1932]
123. [PD]The Hawthorns Private School: editorial note
124. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 April 1932
125. [R] Ernst Robert Curtius, The Civilization of France, May 1932
126. [L]Letter to the Editor, The New English Weekly, 5 May 1932
127. [R] Karl Adam, The Spirit of Catholicism, 9 June 1932
128. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 June 1932
129. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [14 June 1932]
130. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [19 June 1932]
131. [L]To the Editor, The New English Weekly, 30 June 1932
132. [L]Lettercard to Leonard Moore, 1 July 1932
133. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 July 1932
134. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [8 July 1932]
135. [A]Unpublished article: ‘Clink’ [August 1932]
136. [L]Lettercard to Leonard Moore, 4 August 1932
137. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 August 1932
138. [L]Lettercard to Eleanor Jaques, [18 August 1932]
139. [R] Ruth Pitter, Persephone in Hades, September 1932
140. [R] Charles du Bos, Byron and the Need of Fatality, September 1932
141. [A] ‘Common Lodging Houses’, 3 September 1932
142. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [September 1932]
143. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [19 September 1932]
144. [R] Harry Reichenbach, Phantom Fame, October 1932
145. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [19 October 1932]
146. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 November 1932
147. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, 18 November 1932
148. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [19 November 1932]
149. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, [21 November 1932]
150. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [22 November 1932]
151. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [30 November 1932]
152. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [13 December 1932]
153. [L]Lettercard to Eleanor Jaques [19 December 1932]
154. [P]Play: ‘King Charles II’, [September–December 1932]
155. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [23 December 1932]
156. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 December 1932
157. [PD]Publication of Down and Out in Paris and London: preliminary note
158. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 January 1933
159. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 February 1933
160. [L]Letter to the Editor, The Times, 11 February 1933
161. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, 18 February 1933
162. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 February 1933
163. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [26 February 1933]
164. [P] ‘Sometimes in the middle autumn days’, March 1933
165. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [10? March 1933]
166. [L]Recommended ‘Best Books’ (for Brenda Salkeld, 1930s)
167. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [25 March 1933]
168. [R] Boris de Schloezer, Gogol, April 1933
169. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 April 1933
170. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [29 April 1933]
171. [P] ‘Summer-like for an instant’, May 1933
172. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [4 May 1933]
173. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [25 May 1933]
174. [L]Letter from Nellie Limouzin to Orwell, 3 June 1933
175. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [6 June 1933]
176. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [? June 1933]
177. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [16 June 1933]
177A. [PD]Publication of Down and Out in Paris and London in the United States: editorial note
178. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, 7 July 1933
179. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [20 July 1933]
180. [R] Enid Starkie, Baudelaire, August 1933
181. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [1 August 1933]
182. [P] ‘A dressed man and a naked man’, October 1933
183. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 October 1933
184. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [26 November 1933]
185. [R] G. K. Chesterton, Criticisms and Opinions of the Works of Charles Dickens, December 1933
186. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [10? December 1933]
187. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [28 December 1933]
188. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 January 1934
189. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 January 1934
190. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [27 January 1934]
191. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 February 1934
192. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [8 February 1934]
193. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [15 February 1934]
194. [R] Michael Roberts, Critique of Poetry, March 1934
195. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 March 1934
196. [P] ‘On a Ruined Farm near the His Master’s Voice Gramophone Factory’, April 1934
197. [R] A. T. Bartholomew, ed., Further Extracts from the Note-Books of Samuel Butler, April 1934
198. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 April 1934
199. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 April 1934
200. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 May 1934
201. [R] Hasye Cooperman, The Aesthetic of Stéphane Mallarmé; G. T. Clapton, Baudelaire: The Tragic Sophist, July 1934
202. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 27 July 1934
203. [R] J. B. Leishman (transl.), Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke, August 1934
204. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [late August? 1934]
205. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [early September? 1934]
206. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 September 1934
207. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [11? September 1934]
208. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [23 September 1934]
209. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 October 1934
210. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 October 1934
211. [A]Introduction to the French edition of Down and Out in Paris and London, 15 October 1934 (French original: 344)
212. [PD]Booklovers’ Corner: editorial note
213. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [20 October 1934]
213A. [PD]Publication of Burmese Days in the United States: editorial note
214. [R] Christopher Dawson, Medieval Religion, November 1934
215. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 November 1934
216. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 November 1934
217. [R] Kenneth Saunders, The Ideals of East and West, December 1934
218. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 December 1934
219. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd?], 17 December 1934
220. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 December 1934
221. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 December 1934
222. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 January 1935
223. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd?], 10 January 1935
224. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [15 January 1935]
225. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 January 1935
226. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 January 1935
227. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd?], 1 February 1935
228. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 1 February 1935
229. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 2 February 1935
230. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 February 1935
231. [L]Postcard to Victor Gollancz [Ltd], 4 February 1935
232. [L]Postcard to Victor Gollancz [Ltd], [6 February 1935]
233. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 14 February 1935
234. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 February 1935
235. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 16 February 1935
236. [L]Telegram to Victor Gollancz, 19 February 1935 (with editorial afternote)
237. [PD]Sketch Map of Kyauktada, Burmese Days
238. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 February 1935
239. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd], 28 February 1935
240. [R] Jack Hilton, Caliban Shrieks, March 1935
241. [L]Postcard to Christy & Moore Ltd, 1 March 1935
242. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 7 March 1935
242A. [PD]Publication of A Clergyman’s Daughter: editorial note
243. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 March 1935
244. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, [13 April 1935]
245. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 7 May [1935]
246. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 May 1935
246A. [PD]Publication of Burmese Days in England: editorial note
247. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 July 1935
248. [R] Amy Cruse, The Victorians and their Books, August 1935
249. [R] Patrick Hamilton, Twenty Thousand Streets under the Sky; Katharine M. Williams, The Proceedings of the Society; R. G. Goodyear, I Lie Alone, 1 August 1935
250. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore, 4 August 1935
251. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 September 1935
252. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 September 1935
253. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, [24 September 1935]
254. [R] Roger Vercel, Captain Conan; W. F. Casey, Private Life of a Successful Man; T. Thompson, Song o’ Sixpence; Don Tracy, Criss-Cross; Richard Hull, Keep it Quiet, 26 September 1935
255. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 September 1935
256. [R] Edith J. Morley, The Life and Times of Henry Crabb Robinson, October 1935
257. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 5 October 1935
258. [L]Report on lecture by Orwell, ‘Confessions of a Down and Out’, 16 October 1935
259. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, [18 October 1935]
260. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [26 October 1935]
261. [P] ‘St Andrew’s Day, 1935’, November 1935
262. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 November 1935
263. [R] Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer; Robert Francis, The Wolf at the Door, 14 November 1935
264. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 January 1936
265. [A] ‘Rudyard Kipling’, 23 January 1936
266. [R] Thomas Burke, Night Pieces; Mary Dunstan, Jagged Skyline; Hilda Lewis, Full Circle; Kenneth Roberts, The Lively Lady; F. V. Morely, War Paint; Lady Sanderson, Long Shadows; Richard Curle, Who Goes Home?; Dorothy Sayers, Gaudy Night; Major Thomas Coulson, The Queen of Spies; Monica Salmond, Bright Armour, 23 January 1936
267. [PD]Libel and Keep the Aspidistra Flying: editorial note
268. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd], 23 January 1936
269. [L]Letter to Dorothy Horsman, [31 January 1936]
270. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: editorial note
271. [N]Orwell’s Sketch Map of his Journey to the North
272. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 31 January-10 February 1936
273. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore, 11 February 1936
274. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 11–12 February 1936
275. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 13 February 1936
276. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 13 February 1936
277. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 14 February 1936
278. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 15–17 February 1936
279. [L]Letter to Norman Collins, 18 February 1936
280. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 18 February 1936
281. [L]Telegram to Gollancz [Ltd?], 19 February 1936
282. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 19–21 February 1936
283. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 24 February 1936
284. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 February 1936
285. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 24 February 1936
286. [L]Letter to [Christy & Moore], 27 February 1936
287. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 27 February 1936
288. [L]Letter to Richard Rees, 29 February 1936
289. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 2–3 March 1936
290. [R] George Moore, Esther Waters; Sinclair Lewis, Our Mr. Wrenn; Helen Ashton, Dr. Serocold; Crosbie Garstin, The Owls’ House; Donn Byrne, Hangman’s House; W. W. Jacobs, Odd Craft; Bartimeus, Naval Occasions; P. G. Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves; Margot Asquith, Autobiography, 5 March 1936
291. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 5–9 March 1936
292. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz Ltd, 11 March 1936
293. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 March 1936
294. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 11–16 March 1936
295. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 17 March 1936
296. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 18–25 March 1936
297. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 April 1936
298. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 3 April 1936
299. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 April 1936
300. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [16? April 1936]
301. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, [17? April 1936]
302. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [18 April 1936]
303. [PD]Publication of Keep the Aspidistra Flying: editorial note
304. [L]Letter to Richard Rees, 20 April 1936
305. [R] Michael Fraenkel, Bastard Death; Paul Cain, Fast One; Joseph Shearing, The Golden Violet; Muriel Hine, A Different Woman; Ngaio Marsh and H. Jellett, The Nursing Home Murder, 23 April 1936
306. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [25 April 1936]
307. [R] Alec Brown, The Fate of the Middle Classes (NEW), 30 April 1936
308. [R] Alec Brown, The Fate of the Middle Classes (Adelphi), May 1936
309. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 May 1936
310. [R] Vardis Fisher, We Are Betrayed; George Blake, David and Joanna; Nicolai Gubsky, Surprise Item; Elizabeth Jenkins, The Phoenix’ Nest, 23 May 1936
311. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, [23 May 1936]
312. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 27 May 1936
313. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 June 1936
314. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 8 June 1936
315. [PD]Marriage, 9 June 1936
316. [L]Letter to Denys King-Farlow, 9 June 1936
317. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 12 June 1936
318. [R] James Stead, Treasure Trek; Major S. E. G. Ponder, Sun on Summer Seas; Walter Starkie, Don Gypsy, 11 July 1936
319. [R] Mark Channing, Indian Mosaic, 15 July 1936
320. [R] Rosa E. King, Tempest Over Mexico, Fred Bower, Rolling Stonemason, 18 July 1936
321. [R] Cyril Connolly, The Rock Pool; Joseph Conrad, Almayer’s Folly; Ernest Bramah, The Wallet of Kai Lung; Arnold Bennett, Anna of the Five Towns; H. C. Bailey, Mr. Fortune, Please; George R. Preedy, The Rocklitz, 23 July 1936
322. [A]Lecture: ‘An Outsider Sees the Distressed Areas’, 4 August 1936
322A. [R] Peter Fleming, News from Tartary; General Virgin, The Abyssinia I Knew; Major R. Raven-Hart, Canoe Errant on the Nile, 15 August 1938
323. [L]Letter to Henry Miller, 26–27 August 1936
324. [R] Carl R. Raswan, The Black Tents of Arabia; Lawrence Green, Secret Africa; P. B. Williams, In Lightest Africa and Darkest Europe; Eric Muspratt, Going Native; E. Alexander Powell, Aerial Odyssey, 12 September 1936
325. [R] Henry Miller, Black Spring; E. M. Forster, A Passage to India; Richard Aldington, Death of a Hero; Upton Sinclair, The Jungle; C. E. Montague, A Hind Let Loose; Ian Hay, A Safety Match, 24 September 1936
326. [E] ‘Shooting an Elephant’, Autumn 1936
327. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 5 October 1936
328. [R] Johann Wöller, Zest for Life; Hugh Massingham, I Took Off My Tie, 17 October 1936
329. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 October 1936
330. [E] ‘Bookshop Memories’, November 1936
331. [R] W. F. R. Macartney, Walls Have Mouths, November 1936
332. [R] Scholem Asch, The Calf of Paper; Julian Green, Midnight, 12 November 1936
333. [A] ‘In Defence of the Novel’, 12 and 19 November 1936
334. [R] Knud Holmboe, Desert Encounter; J. A. F. Ozanne, Coconuts and Creoles, 21 November 1936
335. [P] ‘A happy vicar I might have been’, December 1936
336. [R] Adrian Bell, The Open Air, 2 December 1936
337. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 December 1936
338. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore Ltd, 11 December 1936
339. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 December 1936
340. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [19 December 1936]
341. [L]Telegram to Victor Gollancz, 19 December 1936 (with editorial afternote on the publication of The Road to Wigan Pier)
342. [R] Philip Henderson, The Novel To-Day, 31 December 1936
343. [PD]Broadcast Description of Wigan Pier, 2 December 1943
Appendix 1
344. [PD]French Text of Introduction to La Vache Enragée (English translation 211)
Appendix 2
345. [PD]Notes for The Road to Wigan Pier: preliminary note
346. [N]Notes for The Road to Wigan Pier: Wigan
347. [N]Notes for The Road to Wigan Pier: Barnsley
348. [PD]Pay Slips for Two-Man Team, Woolley Collieries
349. [PD]Ellis Firth’s Weekly Budget
350. [N]Notes for The Road to Wigan Pier: Sheffield
351. [PD]Statistical Information Provided by Medical Officer of Health, Sheffield
352. [PD]Report on Out-Door Relief, Sheffield
353. [PD]Unemployment Assistance Board Award Forms
354. [PD]Figures from The Coal Scuttle, by Joseph Jones, 1936
355. [PD]Figures from the Colliery Year Book & Coal Trades Directory, 1935
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10 A kind of compulsion, 1903-1936 |
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11 Facing unpleasant facts, 1937-1939 |
* 1937
355A. [L]Jennie Lee on Orwell’s Arrival in Barcelona
356. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Miss Perriam, 17 January 1937
357. [PD]Draft Contract with Victor Gollancz Ltd, [early January 1937?]
358. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 31 January 1937
359. [L]Letter to James Hanley, [c. 10 February 1937]
360. [PD]British Author With the Militia (Bulletin of the POUM), 3 February 1937
361. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 11 February 1937
362. [PD]Publication of The Road to Wigan Pier: editorial note
363. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to her mother, 22 March 1937
364. [L]Letter to Eileen Blair, [5? April 1937]
365. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 12 April 1937
366. [A] “Night Attack on the Aragon Front”, 30 April 1937
367. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Dr Laurence O’Shaughnessy, 1 May 1937
368. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 9 May 1937
369. [L]Orwell’s Wound and Eileen’s telegram to his parents, 20 and 24 May 1937; with George Kopp’s report, 10 June 1937.
370. [L]Letter to Mr Thompson, 8 June 1937
371. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 8 June 1937
371A. [PD]Reprint of Section of The Road to Wigan Pier
372. [L]Letter to Frederick Bardford, 10 June 1937
373. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Dr Laurence O’Shaughnessy, [c. 10 June 1937]
374. [L]Letter from B. C. Rake to Orwell, 21 June 1937
374A. [PD]Escape from Spain, 23 June 1937; with Deposition for Espionage and High Treason, 13 July 1937, and editorial afterword
375. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 July 1937
375A. [PD]Minute 29, ILP Administrative Council (signed 13 November 1937)
376. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 8 July 1937
377. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 July 1937
378. [A] ‘Spilling the Spanish Beans’, 29 July and 2 September 1937
378A. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to John McNair, 29 July 1937, with George Kopp’s letters to Dr Laurence O’Shaughnessy and to the Chief of Police, Barcelona, 7 July 1937; and to Eileen Blair, 8 July 1937
379. [R] Franz Borkenau, The Spanish Cockpit; John Sommerfield, Volunteer in Spain, 31 July 1937
380. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 July 1937
381. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 31 July 1937
382. [A] ‘Eye-Witness in Barcelona’, 11 August 1937
383. [PD]Abstracts of Reports on the Spanish Civil War in the Daily Worker and News Chronicle: editorial note; and see 519
384. [L]Letter to Miss Charlesworth, 1 August 1937
385. [PD]ILP Conference, 1–13 August 1937: editorial note
386. [L]Letter to Charles Doran, 2 August 1937
386A. [PD]Unpublished Response to Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War, 3–6 August 1937
387. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 16 August 1937
388. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 August 1937
389. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 19 August 1937
390. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 20 August 1937
391. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 August 1937
392. [R] Brigadier-General F. P. Crozier, The Men I Killed, 28 August 1937
393. [L]Letter to Miss Charlesworth, 30 August 1937
394. [PD]Excise Duty Notice.
395. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 September 1937
396. [R] Ella K. Maillart, Forbidden Journey, 4 September 1937
397. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 15 September 1937
398. [L]Letter to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, 22 September 1937
399. [R]Statement: That Mysterious Cart; Reply to F. A. Frankfort, 24 September 1937
400. [R] Sir Eric Teichman, Journey to Turkistan, 25 September 1937
401. [R] Mary Low and Juan Brea, Red Spanish Notebook; R. Timmermans, Heroes of the Alcazar; Martin Armstrong, Spanish Circus, 9 October 1937
402. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 12 October 1937
403. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 14 October 1937
404. [R] The Booster (September 1937), 21 October 1937
405. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [October? 1937]
406. [R] James Hanley, Broken Water; Beirne Lay, I Wanted Wings, 6 November 1937
407. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 14 November 1937
408. [L]Letter from George Barber to Orwell, 20 November 1937
409. [R] Wal Hannington, The Problem of the Distressed Areas; James Hanley, Grey Children; Neil Stewart, The Fight for the Charter, 27 November 1937
410. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, [28 November 1937]
411. [L]Lettercard to Cyril Connolly, [1 December 1937]
412. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 December 1937
413. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 6 December 1937
413A. [L]Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 10 December 1937: see Vol XX, p. 309
414. [R] Mairin Mitchell, Storm Over Spain; Arnold Lunn, Spanish Rehearsal; E. Allison Peers, Catalonia Infelix; José Castilejo, Wars of Ideas in Spain; José Ortega y Gasset, Invertebrate Spain, 11 December 1937
414A. [PD]Peace Pledge Union, 12 December 1937
414B. [L]Letter to H.N. Brailsford, 18 December 1937
415. [A] ‘The Lure of Profundity’, 30 December 1937
416. [R] C. V. Warren, Burmese Interlude, 12 January 1938
417. [PD]Customs Declaration [for parcel for George Kopp], 21 January 1938
418. [L]Lettercard to Rayner Heppenstall, 21 January 1938
419. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 2 February 1938
420. [L]Letter from Len Lye [?] to Orwell, 2 February 1938
421. [R] G. L. Steer, The Tree of Gernika; Arthur Koestler, Spanish Testament, 5 February 1938
422. [L]Letter to the Editor, Time and Tide, 5 February 1938
423. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 5 February 1938
424. [L]Letter to Raymond Mortimer, 9 February 1938 (with H. N. Brailsford’s letter of 17 December 1937)
425. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [12 February 1938]
426. [L]Letter to Alec Houghton Joyce, 12 February 1938
427. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 16 February 1938
428. [R] Fenner Brockway, Workers’ Front, 17 February 1938
429. [R] Maurice Collis, Trials in Burma, 9 March 1938
430. [R] John Galsworthy, Glimpses and Reflections, 12 March 1938
431. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 14 March 1938
432. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Jack Common, [14–15 March 1938?]
433. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [late March? 1938]
434. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, 2 April 1938
435. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, [15? April 1938]
436. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 18 April 1938
437. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 20 April 1938
438. [PD]Publication of Homage to Catalonia: editorial note
439. [N]‘Notes on the Spanish Militias’[1939–40?]
440. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 27 April 1938
441. [L]Letter to the Editor, The Times Literary Supplement, 14 May 1938
442. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 19 May 1938
443. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [22 May 1938]
444. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 24 May 1938
445. [L]Letter from Sir Richard Rees to Orwell, 25 May [1938]
446. [L]Letter to the Editor, New English Weekly, 26 May 1938
447. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 30 May 1938
448. [L]Letter to C. D. Abbott, 4 June 1938
449. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 7 June 1938
450. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 7 June 1938
451. [R] Eugene Lyons, Assignment in Utopia, 9 June 1938
452. [L]Letter to the Editor, The Listener, 16 June 1938
453. [R] Jack Common, The Freedom of the Streets, 16 June 1938
454. [L]Letter to Naomi Mitchison, 17 June 1938
455. [PD]Contract for ‘Poverty in Practice’, 18 June 1938
455A. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Denys King-Farlow, 22 June 1938
456. [R] Robert Sencourt, Spanish Ordeal; Anonymous, Franco’s Rule, 23 June 1938
457. [A] ‘Why I Join the I. L. P.’, 24 June 1938
458. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 June 1938
459. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 29 June 1938
460. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 July 1938
461. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 5 July 1938
462. [R] Frank Jellinek, The Civil War in Spain, 8 July 1938
463. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 8 July 1938
464. [L]Letter to C. D. Abbott, 12 July 1938
465. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 15 July 1938
466. [R] Duchess of Atholl, Searchlight on Spain; Frank Jellinek, The Civil War in Spain; Robert Sencourt, Spain’s Ordeal,° 16 July 1938
467. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [19 or 26 July 1938]
468. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Jack Common, 20 July 1938
469. [R] Duchess of Atholl, Searchlight on Spain, 21 July 1938
470. [L]Letter to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, 5 August 1938
471. [L]Letter to his mother, 8 August 1938
472. [PD]Independent Labour Party Conference, Letchworth, August 1938: editorial note
473. [D]Domestic Diary: editorial note
474. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 18 August 1938
475. [L]Letter to Francis Westrope, 25 August 1938
476. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 25 August 1938
477. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 26 August 1938
478. [D]Morocco Diary, 7–10 September 1938
479. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, [11?] September 1938
480. [D]Morocco Diary, 13 September 1938 with Orwell’s Deposition before British Consul
481. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Orwell’s mother, 15 September 1938
482. [D]Morocco Diary, 16 September 1938
483. [L]Letter to Dr J. B. McDougall, 18 September 1938
484. [L]Postcards to Leonard Moore, Yvonne Davet, and Cyril Connolly, [18?] September 1938
485. [R] Franz Borkenau, The Communist International, 22 September 1938
486. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 26 September 1936
487. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Marjorie Dakin, 27 September 1938
488. [D]Morocco Diary, 27 September 1938
489. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 29 September 1938
489A. [PD]Manifesto: If War Comes, We Shall Resist, 30 September 1938
490. [L]Letter to Controversy, October 1938
491. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 October 1938
492. [L]Letter from Marjorie Dakin to Eileen Blair and Orwell, 3 October 1938
493. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Geoffrey Gorer, 4 October 1938
494. [D]Morocco Diary, 9 October 1938
495. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 October 1938
496. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 12 October 1938
497. [L]Letter to Raymond Postgate, 21 October 1938
498. [L]Letter to John Sceats, 26 October 1938
499. [L]Postcard to his mother, 29 October 1938
500. [D]Morocco Diary, 1 November 1938
501. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 2 November 1938
502. [D]Morocco Diary, 22 November 1938
503. [R] E. Allison Peers, The Church in Spain, 1737–1937; Eoin O’Duffy, Crusade in Spain, 24 November 1938
504. [L]Letter to John Sceats, 24 November 1938
505. [L]Letter to Charles Doran, 26 November 1938
506. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 November 1938
507. [A] ‘Political Reflections on the Crisis’, December 1938
508. [R] Martin Block, Gypsies, December 1938
509. [L]Letter to his father, 2 December 1938
510. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Mary Common, 5 December 1938
510A. [PD]Financial contribution to The New Leader, 9 December 1938
511. [D]Morocco Diary, 10 December 1938
512. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 14 December 1938
513. [L]Letter to Frank Jellinek, 20 December 1938
514. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 December 1938
515. [D]Morocco Diary, 22 December 1938
516. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 26 December 1938
517. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Francis Westrope, 29 December 1938
518. [D]Appendix 1: Domestic Diary, 9 August to 31 December 1938
519. [PD]Appendix 2: Abstracts from Reports on the Spanish Civil War from the Daily Worker and the News Chronicle, [July 1936–August? 1937]
519A. [PD]Appendix 3: Orwell’s Marrakech Notebook
520. [R] Bertrand Russell, Power: A New Social Analysis, January 1939
521. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 4 January 1939
522. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 4 January 1939
523. [D]Morocco Diary, 8 January 1939
524. [R] N. de Basily, Russia under Soviet Rule, 12 January 1939
525. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 12 January 1939
526. [A]‘A Mistake Corrected’, 13 January 1939
527. [L]Letter to Francis Westrope, 15 January 1939
528. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 20 January 1939
529. [R] F. J. Sheed, Communism and Man, 27 January 1939
530. [D]Morocco Diary, 27 January 1939
531. [John Macmurray], The Clue of History, February 1939
532. [L]Letter to Lady Rees, 23 February 1939
533. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 23 February 1939
534. [A] ‘Caesarean Section in Spain’, March 1939
534A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 1 March 1939.
535. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 5 March 1939 with “George Kopp Released”
536. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 5 March 1939
537. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, 9 March 1939
538. [D]Morocco Diary, 12 March 1939
539. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 19 March 1939
540. [D]Morocco Diary, 21 March 1939
541. [D]Morocco Diary, 28 March 1939
542. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, 30 March 1939
542A. [L]Postcard to Lydia Jackson, [30 March 1939]
542B. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, [31 March 1939]
543. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 April 1939
544. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [9 April 1939]
545. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Mary Common, [9? April 1939]
545A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, [11 April 1939]
546. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 April 1939
547. [R] Wyndham Lewis, The Mysterious Mr. Bull; Ignazio Silone, The School for Dictators, 8 June 1939
548. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [11 June 1939]
549. [PD]Publication of Coming Up for Air: editorial note
550. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 19 June 1939
551. [L]Letter to A. P. Watt & Son, 21 June 1939
552. [R] Clarence K. Streit, Union Now, July 1939
553. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 2 July–1 September 1939: editorial note
554. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 2 July 1939
555. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [4 or 14 July 1939]
556. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 4–20 July 1939
557. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 July 1939
558. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 21–26 July 1939
559. [R] F. C. Green, Stendhal, 27 July 1939
560. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 27 July–2 August 1939
561. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 August 1939
562. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 4–11 August 1939
563. [R] L. B. Namier, Foreign Correspondent: Twelve British Journalists; In the Margin of History; Count Ferdinand Czernin, Europe Going, Going, Gone!, 12 August 1939
564. [L]Letter to Mrs. Olga Parker, 12 August 1939
565. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 12–30 August 1939
566. [PD]European Contract for Coming Up for Air, 31 August 1939
567. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 31 August–1 September 1939
568. [A] ‘Democracy in the British Army’, September 1939
569. [R] George Stevens and Stanley Unwin, Best-Sellers, September 1939
570. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 3 September 1939
571. [PD]Application to Enrol for War Service, 9 September 1939: editorial note
572. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 October 1939
573. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 October 1939
574. [R] Maurice Hindus, Green Worlds; William Holt, I Haven’t Unpacked, 21 October 1939
575. [PD]Correspondence with Ethel Mannin: editorial note
576. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, [12 November 1939?]
577. [R] Crichton Porteous, Teamsman, 23 November 1939
578. [R] Nancy Johnstone, Hotel in Flight, December 1939
579. [E] ‘Marrakech’, Christmas 1939
580. [R] Bernard Newman, Baltic Roundabout; John Gibbons, I Gathered No Moss; Max Relton, A Man in the East, 2 December 1939
581. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [8 December 1939]
582. [D]Appendix 4: Domestic Diary, 1 January to 31 December 1939
Not |
12. A patriot after all, 1940-1941 |
Copy * 1940
583. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 8 January 1940
584. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 January 1940
585. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 10 January 1940
586. [R] S. Casado, The Last Days of Madrid; T. C. Worsley, Behind the Battle, 20 January 1940
587. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 January 1940
588. [N]Inside the Whale: Notes for Libel Lawyer, 28 January 1940
589. [R] Ruth Pitter, The Spirit Watches, February 1940
590. [R] Ludwig Renn, Warfare; Brigadier-General E. L. Spears, Prelude to Victory, February 1940
591. [N]Talk to Women of Today, 2 February 1940
592. [R] Godfrey Lias, Beneš of Czechoslovakia; Frank Owen, The Three Dictators, 17 February 1940
593. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, [late February 1940?]
594. [R] Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge (editors), War Begins at Home, 2 March 1940
595. [L]Letter to David H. Thompson, 8 March 1940
596. [PD]Publication of Inside the Whale: editorial note
597. [E] ‘Charles Dickens’, 11 March 1940
598. [E] ‘Boys’ Weeklies’, 11 March 1940
599. [L]Frank Richards Replies to George Orwell, May 1940
600. [E] ‘Inside the Whale’, 11 March 1940
601. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 March 1940
602. [R] Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 21 March 1940
603. [R] Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne, 1812–1813, 29 March 1940
604. [A] ‘Notes on the Way’, 30 March and 6 April 1940
605. [E]Projected Essay: ‘New Words’, February–April 1940?
606. [R] Lieut.-Col. J. O. Hannula, Finland’s War of Independence; Sir George Aston, Secret Service, April 1940
607. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 3 April 1940
608. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 11 April 1940
609. [L]Letter to Humphry House, 11 April 1940
610. [R] L. A. G. Strong, Sun on the Water; Kay Boyle, The Crazy Hunter; Stephen Longstreet, Decade; James McConnaughey, Stephen Ayers; Francis Griswold, A Sea Island Lady, 12 April 1940
611. [R] Julian Green, Personal Record 1928–1939, 13 April 1940
612. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 16 April 1940
613. [L]Letter to Stanley J. Kunitz and Howard Haycraft, 17 April 1940
614. [R] Edward Shanks, Rudyard Kipling, 25 April 1940
615. [R] Malcolm Muggeridge, The Thirties, 25 April 1940
616. [R] Richard Wright, Native Son; B. Traven, The Bridge in the Jungle; B. Traven, The Death Ship; Fred Urquhart, I Fell for a Sailor; Philip Jordan, Say that She were Gone; Lion Feuchtwanger, Paris Gazette; Geoffrey Trease, Only Natural, 26 April 1940
617. [R] My Life: The Autobiography of Havelock Ellis, May 1940
618. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Trease, 1 May 1940
619. [L] Note [to Rayner Heppenstall or John Lehmann?], [May 1940?]
620. [R] F. Borkenau, The Totalitarian Enemy, 4 May 1940
621. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 May 1940
622. [L]Letter to Field Security Centre, Whitehall, 11 May 1940: editorial note
623. [R] Folios of New Writing (Spring 1940), 16 May 1940
624. [DR] Bernard Shaw, In Good King Charles’s Golden Days, 18 May 1940
625. [R] Stephen Spender, The Backward Son; Thomas Mann, Royal Highness; Hans Fallada, Iron Gustav; Maurice Hindus, Sons and Fathers; Arthur Calder-Marshall, The Way to Santiago; Ben Hecht, A Book of Miracles; Sinclair Lewis, Bethel Merriday, 24 May 1940
626. [DR] Jean Cocteau, Les Parents Terribles; Garrison Theatre, 25 May 1940
627. [N]Report on talk on Dickens at Dickens Fellowship Conference, 25 May 1940
628. [D]War-Time Diary, 28–31 May 1940
629. [R] Jim Phelan, Jail Journey
630. [R] Henry Treece, The New Apocalypse, June 1940
631. [DR] Swinging the Gate, 1 June 1940
632. [D]War-Time Diary, 1–6 June 1940
633. [R] Indian Writing (Vol. 1), 6 June 1940
634. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 June 1940
635. [R] C. E. M. Joad, Journey Through the War Mind; Anthony Weymouth, A Psychologist’s Wartime Diary; Hector Bolitho, America Expects, 8 June 1940
636. [DR] William Shakespeare, The Tempest; Denis Ogden, The Peaceful Inn; Audrey Lucas, Portrait of Helen, 8 June 1940
637. [D]War-Time Diary, 8–14 June 1940
638. [DR] Noel Coward, I’ll Leave It to You, 15 June 1940
639. [D]War-Time Diary, 15–20 June 1940
640. [R] Mikhail Lermontov, A Hero of Our Own Times; E. L. Grant Wilson, Priest Island; H. G. Wells, Film Stories, 21 June 1940
641. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 June 1940
642. [L]Letter to the Editor, Time and Tide, 22 June 1940
643. [DR] Reginald Beckwith, Boys in Brown, 22 June 1940
644. [D]War-Time Diary, 22–28 June 1940
645. [DR] Robert Ardrey, Thunder Rock, 29 June 1940
646. [D]War-Time Diary, 29–30 June 1940
647. [R] Jack Hilton, English Ways, July 1940
648. [R] A. J. Jenkinson, What Do Boys and Girls Read?, July 1940
649. [D]War-Time Diary, 1–3 July 1940
650. [R] Douglas Goldring, Facing the Odds, 5 July 1940
651. [D]War-Time Diary, 5 July 1940
652. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 6 July 1940
653. [L]Letter to Sir Sacheverell Sitwell, 6 July 1940
654. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 July 1940
655. [R] Jack London, The Iron Heel; H. G. Wells, The Sleeper Wakes; Aldous Huxley, Brave New World; Ernest Bramah, The Secret of the League, 12 July 1940
656. [DR] Oscar Asche and Frederic Norton, Chu Chin Chow; Margaret Branford, Wages for Wives, 13 July 1940
657. [R] Princess Paul Sapieha, Polish Profile, 13 July 1940
658. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 July 1940
659. [L]Letter to James Laughlin, 16 July 1940
660. [D]War-Time Diary, 16–25 July 1940
661. [DR] Vernon Sylvaine, Women Aren’t Angels, 27 July 1940
662. [D]War-Time Diary, 28 July 1940
663. [DR] Bernard Shaw, The Devil’s Disciple, 3 August 1940
664. [R] A. J. Jenkinson, What Do Boys and Girls Read?, 8 August 1940
665. [D]War-Time Diary, 8 August 1940
666. [R] Ilya Ilf and Eugene Petrov, Diamonds to Sit On; Louis Bromfield, Night in Bombay; Eric Knight, Now Pray We for Our Country; Ethel Mannin, Rolling in the Dew; A. G. Street, A Crook in the Furrow; C. J. Cutliffe Hyne, The Adventures of Captain Kettle, The Little Red Captain, Captain Kettle, K. C. B., Further Adventures of Captain Kettle, 9 August 1940
667. [D]War-Time Diary, 9 August 1940
668. [DR] Clare Boothe, Margin for Error, 10 August 1940
669. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, [August 1940?]
670. [D]War-Time Diary, 16 August 1940
671. [A] ‘Charles Reade’, 17 August 1940
672. [DR] Clifford Odets, Till the Day I Die, 17 August 1940
673. [D]War-Time Diary, 19–20 August 1940
674. [L]Letter to James Laughlin, 21 August 1940
675. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 August 1940
676. [R] Mark Benney, The Big Wheel; Erika Mann, The Lights Go Down; George and Weedon Grossmith, The Diary of a Nobody, 23 August 1940
677. [D]War-Time Diary, 23 August 1940
678. [DR] Winifred Holtby, Take Back Your Freedom; Frank Launder and Sidney Gilliat, The Body was Well Nourished, 24 August 1940
679. [R] Christopher Hill (editor), The English Revolution: 1640, 24 August 1940
680. [D]War-Time Diary, 26–31 August 1940
681. [R] Sacheverell Sitwell, Poltergeists, September 1940
682. [R] Francis Williams, War by Revolution, September 1940
683. [D]War-Time Diary, 1–3 September 1940
684. [DR] J. B. Priestley, Cornelius; George Black (presenter), Applesauce; [Sutton Vane], Outward Bound, 7 September 1940
685. [D]War-Time Diary, 7–12 September 1940
686. [R] Upton Sinclair, World’s End; Phyllis Bottome, Masks and Faces; Sir Paul Dukes, An Epic of the Gestapo, 13 September 1940
687. [R] Emanuel Miller, The Neuroses in War; Edward Glover, Fear and Courage, 14 September 1940
688. [R] T. C. Worsley, Barbarians and Philistines: Democracy and the Public Schools, 14 September 1940
689. [D]War-Time Diary, 14–17 September 1940
690. [R] Robert Graves, Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth; Constance W. Dodge, The Luck of the Maclean; C. S. Forester, The Earthly Paradise; Maurice Bethell Jones, The Wake of the Conquered, 21 September 1940
691. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 September 1940
692. [L]Letter to C. V. Salmon, 24 September 1940
693. [D]War-Time Diary, 24–27 September 1940
694. [E] ‘My Country Right or Left’, Autumn 1940
695. [FR] The Doctor Takes a Wife
696. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 October 1940
697. [R] P. G. Wodehouse, Quick Service; Angela Thirkell, Cheerfulness Breaks In; Olga L. Rosmanith, Passenger List; Frank Baker, Miss Hargreaves; Damaris Arklow, Just as I Feared, 19 October 1940
698. [D]War-Time Diary, 19–21 October 1940
699. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 October 1940
700. [L]Letter to C. V. Salmon, 22 October 1940
701. [D]War-Time Diary, 25 October 1940
702. [R] Hadley Cantril, The Invasion from Mars, 26 October 1940
703. [R] John Masefield, Basilissa; Basil Woon, Eyes West; William Faulkner, The Hamlet, 9 November 1940
704. [N]Draft Introduction: ‘The Proletarian Writer’, c. 12 November 1940
705. [R] Ernest Raymond, A Song of the Tide; A. S. M. Hutchinson, He Looked for a City; Mary Lutyens, Family Colouring; Susan Gillespie, They Went to Karathia, 16 November 1940
706. [D]War-Time Diary, 16 November 1940
707. [FR] Waterloo Bridge, 23 November 1940
708. [D]War-Time Diary, 23–28 November 1940
709. [FR] The Lady in Question, 30 November 1940
710. [E] ‘The Ruling Class’, December 1940
711. [PD]Reprint: ‘Shooting an Elephant’, December 1940
712. [R] General Sir Archibald Wavell, Allenby, a Study in Greatness, December 1940
713. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 December 1940
714. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 December 1940
715. [A]Broadcast Discussion: ‘The Proletarian Writer’, 19 December 1940
716. [R] Nevil Shute, Landfall; Albert Cohen, Nailcruncher; Peter Conway, A Dark Side Also, 7 December 1940
717. [L]Letter from Nevil Shute Norway to Orwell, 12 December 1940
718. [R] L. A. G. Strong, Wrong Foot Foremost; Gunby Hadath, From Pillar to Post; Michael Patrick, Tommy Hawke at School; M. E. Atkinson, Going Gangster; Doris Twinn, The New Carthaginians; A. R. Channel, Phantom Patrol; Aubrey de Selincourt, Family Afloat; E. H. Young, Caravan Island, 7 December 1940
719. [FR] The Gay Mrs Trexel, 7 December 1940
720. [D]War-time Diary, 8 December 1940
721. [R] Tom Wintringham, Armies of Freemen, 14 December 1940
722. [FR] I Love You Again!; The Great Dictator (and see 727), 14 December 1940
723. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 December 1940
724. [L]Letter to Penguin Books, 16 December 1940
725. [A] ‘The Home Guard and You’, 20 December 1940
726. [R] E. Allison Peers, The Spanish Dilemma; Charles Duff, A Key to Victory: Spain, 21 December 1940
727. [FR] The Great Dictator, 21 December 1940
728. [FR] A Date with Destiny, 28 December 1940
729. [D]War-time Diary, 29 December 1940
729A. [D]Appendix 1: Domestic Diary, 1 January to 29 April 1940.
730. [PD]Appendix 2: Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard, 1940–42?: editorial note
731. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Street Fighting, 1940–41?
732. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Street Fighting – Static Defence, 1940–41?
733. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Notes for Lecture, 1942?
734. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Field Fortifications, 1, 1941–42?
735. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Field Fortifications, 2, 1941–42?
736. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Smoke Mortar, 1941–42?
737. [E] ‘Our Opportunity’, January 1941
738. [D]War-Time Diary, 2 January 1941
739. [A]London Letters, 1941–1946: editorial note
740. [A]London Letter, 3 January 1941
741. [R] Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon; John Mair, Never Come Back; W. A. Darlington, Alf’s New Button, 4 January 1941
742. [DR] William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor, John L. Balderstone and J. C. Squire, Berkeley Square, 4 January 1941
743. [A] ‘Don’t let Colonel Blimp Ruin the Home Guard’, 8 January 1941
744. [DR] Herbert Farjeon (arranger), Diversion 2, 11 January 1941
745. [FR] They Knew What they Wanted; Spring Parade; Gold Rush Maisie, 11 January 1941
746. [L]Letter from D. C. H. Wells to Orwell, 13 January 1941
747. [R] Kenneth Allott, Jules Verne: A Biography, 18 January 1941
748. [FR] Brigham Young; Spellbound, 18 January 1941
749. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 January 1941
750. [R] H. E. Bates, The Beauty of the Dead; Glyn Jones (editor), Welsh Short Stories; T. O. Beachcroft, The Parents Left Alone; Kylie Tennant, The Battlers, 25 January 1941
751. [FR] Escape, 25 January 1941
752. [D]War-Time Diary, 26 January 1941
753. [E] ‘Fascism and Democracy’, February 1941
754. [DR] Peter Blackmore, The Blue Goose; J. M. Barrie, Dear Brutus, 1 February 1941
755. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 3 February 1941
756. [L]Summary of letter from Jim Phelan to Orwell, 4 February 1941
757. [L]Letter to C. V. Salmon, 7 February 1941
758. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 February 1941
759. [FR] Quiet Wedding, 8 February 1941
760. [D]War-Time Diary, 12 February 1941
761. [R] Hugh Slater, Home Guard for Victory!, 15 February 1941
762. [FR] Dulcy; Eyes of the Navy; The Heart of Britain; Unholy War, 15 February 1941
763. [PD]Book: The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, 19 February 1941; editorial note
Part I: England Your England
Part II: Shopkeepers at War
Part III: The English Revolution
764. [L]Summary of letter from John Parker, M. P. to Orwell, 20 February 1941
765. [R] John Llewelyn Rhys, England is my Village; Nina Fedorova, The Family; Dan Wickenden, Walk Like a Mortal; Bruce Marshall, Delilah Upside Down, 22 February 1941
766. [FR] Arise, My Love; Third Finger, Left Hand, 22 February 1941
767. [L]Summary of letter from Patrick Gordon Walker to Orwell, 24 February 1941
768. [R] Hugh Slater, Home Guard for Victory!, March 1941
769. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 March 1941
770. [PD]Contribution to The Betrayal of the Left, 3 March 1941: editorial note
771. [D]War-Time Diary, 3–4 March 1941
772. [L]Letter to Denys Kilham Roberts, 12 March 1941
773. [D]War-Time Diary, 14 March 1941
774. [R] Franz Hoellering, The Defenders; Alfred Neumann, The Friends of the People, 15 March 1941
775. [A]Illustrated Article: ‘A Roadman’s Day’, 15 March 1941
776. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 17 March 1941
777. [D]War-Time Diary, 20 March 1941
778. [L]Letter to the Editor of The Spectator, 21 March 1941
778A. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 22 March 1941
779. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 23 March 1941
780. [D]War-Time Diary, 23–24 March 1941
781. [L]Summary of letter to Director of Public Relations, Air Ministry, end March 1941
782. [E] ‘Will Freedom Die with Capitalism?’, April 1941
783. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 6 April 1941
784. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 April 1941
785. [L]Letter to the Reverend Iorwerth Jones, 8 April 1941
786. [D]War-Time Diary, 8–14 April 1941
787. [A]London Letter, 15 April 1941; with postscript, 15 May 1941
788. [D]War-Time Diary, 15–25 April 1941
789. [FR] So Ends Our Night, 26 April 1941
790. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 26 April 1941
791. [D]War-Time Diary, 28 April 1941
792. [B] Literary Criticism I: ‘The Frontiers of Art and Propaganda’, 30 April 1941
793. [A]Foreword to The End of the ‘Old School Tie’, May 1941
794. [D]War-Time Diary, 2 May 1941
795. [DR] Black Vanities; Kim Peacock, Under One Roof, 3 May 1941
796. [D]War-Time Diary, 3–6 May 1941
797. [B] Literary Criticism II: ‘Tolstoy and Shakespeare’, 7 May 1941
798. [FR] Little Men; Kitty Foyle; Back Street, 10 May 1941
799. [D]War-Time Diary, 11–13 May 1941
800. [B] Literary Criticism III: ‘The Meaning of a Poem’, 14 May 1941
801. [DR] Geoffrey Kerr, Cottage to Let, 17 May 1941
802. [FR] Kipps, 17 May 1941
803. [D]War-Time Diary, 18 May 1941
804. [B] Literary Criticism IV: ‘Literature and Totalitarianism’, 21 May 1941
805. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 May 1941
805A. [A]Report of talk: ‘Literature and Totalitarianism’, Oxford University Democratic Socialist Club, 23 May 1941
806. [FR] The Lady Eve; Honeymoon for Three; Tugboat Annie Sails Again, 24 May 1941
807. [D]War-Time Diary, 24–25 May 1941
808. [FR] This England; I Married Adventure, 31 May 1941
809. [D]War-Time Diary, 31 May–3 June 1941
810. [FR] Escape to Glory, 7 June 1941
811. [D]War-Time Diary, 8 June 1941
812. [DR] Emlyn Williams, The Light of Heart, 14 June 1941
813. [FR] Bitter Sweet, 14 June 1941
814. [D]War-Time Diary, 14 June 1941
815. [B] ‘What’s Wrong with the Modern Short Story?’, 16 June 1941; editorial note
816. [D]War-Time Diary, 19 June 1941
817. [L]Letter to Dorothy Plowman, 20 June 1941
818. [D]War-Time Diary, 20 June 1941
819. [FR] Nice Girl?; That Uncertain Feeling; Cheers for Miss Bishop, 21 June 1941
820. [D]War-Time Diary, 22–23 June 1941
821. [R] Arturo Barea, The Forge, 28 June 1941
822. [DR] Hommage aux Alliés
823. [FR] Atlantic Ferry, 28 June 1941
824. [D]War-Time Diary, 30 June 1941
825. [A]Foreword to The Case for African Freedom, July 1941
826. [D]War-Time Diary, 3 July 1941
827. [L]Summary of letter from Geoffrey Gorer to Orwell, 5 July 1941
828. [FR] Western Union; Moon over Burma, 5 July 1941
829. [D]War-Time Diary, 6 July 1941
830. [DR] Noel Coward, Blithe Spirit; William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, 12 July 1941
831. [E] ‘English Writing in Total War’, 14 July 1941
832. [DR] William Shakespeare, King John, 19 July 1941
833. [FR] The Devil and Miss Jones; The Flame of New Orleans, 19 July 1941
834. [A] ‘Dear Doktor Goebbels – Your British Friends are Feeding Fine!’, 23 July 1941
835. [R] Sir Firozkhan Noon, India, 24 July 1941
836. [L]Letter to Norman Swallow, [end July 1941?]: editorial note
837. [E] ‘Wells, Hitler and the World State’, August 1941
838. [DR] Lady Behave; New Ambassadors Revue; This Sceptered Isle, 2 August 1941
839. [DR] W. O. Somin, Close Quarters, 9 August 1941
840. [FR] High Sierra, 9 August 1941
841. [A]Part read in “The Abolition of Slavery”, broadcast 11 August 1941
842. [FR] One Night in Lisbon; Jeannie, 16 August 1941
843. [A]London Letter, 17 August 1941
Chronology: 1 January 1940–17 August 1941
Acknowledgements and P |
13. All propaganda is lies, 1941-1942 |
Copy * TBF = BBC Talks Booking Form;
* 1941
844. [PD]Orwell’s Contract with the BBC, 18 August 1941
845. [B]BBC Induction Course, 18–30 August 1941
846. [B]BBC Overseas Service
847. [B]BBC Networks and Staffs for Overseas Broadcasts
848. [FR] South of Suez, 23 August 1941
849. [D]War-Time Diary, 28 August 1941
850. [E] ‘The Art of Donald McGill’, September 1941
851. [A]‘Those Seaside Postcards’ (cut version of ‘The Art of Donald McGill’), August 1943
852. [R] Arturo Barea, The Forge, September 1941
853. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 13 September 1941
854. [A]Nicholas Moore vs. George Orwell, January-February 1942
855. [R]‘No, Not One’: review of Alex Comfort’s No Such Liberty, October 1941
856. [A]Manifesto: “Why Not War Writers?”, October 1941
857. [L]Letter to Bhupen Mukerjee, 1 October 1941
858. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 2 October 1941
859. [B]BBC Talks Booking Forms, 2 October 1941: P. B. Seal, 10.10.41; P. Chatterjee, 26.10.41
860. [L]Letter to Bina Ghosh, 3 October 1941
861. [L]Letter to Damyanti Sahni, 3 October 1941
862. [L]Letter to Zahra Taki, 4 October 1941
863. [L]Summary of letter from Hendon Local Labour Party to Orwell, 5 October 1941
864. [L]Letter to Bina Ghosh, 6 October 1941
865. [L]Letter to Chief Clerk, Aylesbury RDC, 8 October 1941
866. [L]Letter to H.J. Umrigar, 8 October 1941
867. [B]TBF, 13 October 1941: M. J. Tambimuttu, 17.10.41
868. [PD]Vacation and Sick Leave, 14 October 1941 to 26 October 1943: editorial summary
869. [B] ‘From Colliery to Kitchen’, 21 October 1941: editorial summary
870. [PD]Identification of Room 101: editorial note
871. [B]TBF, 24 October 1941: Venu Chitale, 24.10.41
872. [PD]Rights to Down and Out in Paris and London and Burmese Days
873. [L]Letter to Shridhar Telkar, 28 October 1941
874. [B]TBF, 30 October 1941: N.°Tambimuttu, 31.10.41
875. [N]Survey: Socialists Answer Left’s Questions on the War, November 1941
876. [B]TBF, 3 November 1941: S. Telkar, 4.11.41
877. [B]TBF, 3 November 1941: H. Umrigar, 27.11.41
878. [L]Letter to S. M. Telkar, 10 November 1941
879. [L]Memorandum to Elsie W. D. Boughen, 11 November 1941
880. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 12 November 1941
881. [B]TBF, 15 November 1941: S. M. Telkar, 17.11.41
882. [B]Eastern Service Meeting, 19 November 1941: editorial summary
883. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, [19 November 1941]
884. [N]Victory or Vested Interest?: editorial summary
885. [E]Lecture and essay: ‘Culture and Democracy’, 22 November 1941
886. [L]Letter to M. J. Tambimuttu, 25 November 1941
887. [N]Broadcast by M. Myat Tun: What Trade Unionism Means to the Worker, 25 November 1941: editorial summary
888. [B]TBF, 26 November 1941: P. Chatterjee, 30.11.41
889. [L]Letter to J. Bahadur Singh, 26 November 1941
890. [B]TBF, 26 November 1941: S. M. Telkar, 1.12.41
891. [L]Letter to David Astor, 27 November 1941
892. [B]Newsletters, News Reviews, and News Commentaries: editorial note
893. [B]Weekly News Review, [2?], [29 November 1941]
894. [B]TBF, 2 December 1941: Noel Sircar, 5.12.41
895. [B]TBF, 2 December 1941: S. M. Telkar, 8.12.41
896. [B]Eastern Service Meeting, 10 December 1941
897. [B]TBF, 10 December 1941: S. Lall, 18.12.41
898. [B]TBF, 10 December 1941: S. M. Telkar, 13.12.41
899. [B]TBF, 14 December 1941: M. Tambimuttu, 21.12.41
900. [B]TBF, 17 December 1941: N. B. Mukerjee, 17.12.41
901. [B]TBF, 19 December 1941: Bahadur Singh, 25.12.41
902. [B]TBF, 19 December 1941: S. Telkar, 22.12.41
903. [WC]War Commentary 3, 20 December 1941
904. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to J. Bahadur Singh, 20 December 1941
905. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 22 December 1941
906. [B]TBF, 23 December 1941: P. Chatterjee, 23.12.41
907. [B]TBF, 23 December 1941: Noel Sircar, 26.12.41
908. [R] Louis Fischer, Men and Politics, Christmas 1941
909. [L]Letter to Chinna Durai, 29 December 1941
910. [L]Letter to A. R. Kerrell-Vaughan, 29 December 1941
911. [B]TBF, 29 December 1941: D. V. Tahmankar, 30.12.41
912. [B]TBF, 29 December 1941: Shridhar Telkar, 29.12.41
913. [A]London Letter, 1 January 1942
914. [B]TBF, 1 January 1942: Venu Chitale, 1.1.42
915. [B]Weekly News Review, 4, 3 January 1942
916. [B]TBF, 5 January 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 5 and 12.1.42
917. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Paper is Precious’, 8 January 1942
918. [B]Weekly News Review, 5, 10 January 1942
919. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 14 January 1942
920. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Cable to Chunking’, I4 January 1942: editorial note
921. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘The Meaning of Scorched Earth’, 15 January 1942: editorial note
922. [B]TBF, 15 January 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 19 and 26.1.42
923. [B]Weekly News Review, 6, 17 January 1942
924. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 17 January 1942
925. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 19 January 1942
926. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 19 January 1942
927. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Money and Guns’, 20 January 1942
928. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 20 January 1942
929. [PD]Obituary for Maharao of Cutch, 20 January 1942: editorial note
930. [L]Letter to Chinna Durai, 21 January 1942
931. [B]TBF, 21 January 1942: J. Chinna Durai, 21.1.42
932. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘British Rations and the Submarine War’, 22 January 1942
933. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 22 January 1942
934. [L]Letter to Sir Hari Singh Gour, 23 January 1942
935. [B]Weekly News Review, 7, 24 January 1942
936. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 24 January 1942
937. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 27 January 1942
938. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 27 January 1942
939. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 27 January 1942
940. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘The Meaning of Sabotage’, 29 January 1942
941. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 29 January 1942
942. [B]TBF, 30 January 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 10 and 24.2.42
943. [B]TBF, 30 January 1942: Hsiao Ch’ien, 26.2.42
944. [B]TBF, 30 January 1942: Sir Hari Singh Gour, 2.2.42
945. [B]TBF, 30 January 1942: Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 5.2.42
946. [B]Newsletter, 8, 31 January 1942
947. [L]Letter to Lady Grigg, 31 January 1942
948. [E] ‘Rudyard Kipling’, February 1942
949. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘The Next Three Months’, 1 February 1942
950. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 2 February 1942
951. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 2 February 1942
952. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 3 February 1942
953. [B]TBF, 3 February 1942: Herbert Read, 3.2.42
954. [B]TBF, 5 February 1942: J. F. Horrabin, 18 and 25.2.42; 11 and 25.3.42
955. [B]TBF, 5 February 1942: Herbert Read, 10.2.42
956. [B]TBF, 5 February 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 16 and 23.2.42; 2.3.42
957. [B]TBF, 5 February 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 12.2.42
958. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 6 February 1942
959. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 6 February 1942
960. [B]TBF, 6 February 1942: M. Myat Tun, 5.2.42
961. [B]Weekly News Review, 9, 7 February 1942
962. [L]Summary of letter from Z. A. Bokhari to T. S. Eliot, 9 February 1942
963. [L]Annotation to Memorandum re: Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 9 February 1942
964. [L]Memorandum to Empire Talks Manager, Norman Collins, 9 February 1942
965. [L]Letter to Shridhar Telkar, 9 February 1942
966. [L]Memorandum to E. W. D. Boughen, 10 February 1942
967. [B]Memorandum from Eastern Service Director to Indian Programme Organiser, 10 February 1942
968. [B]Meeting with Secretary of State for India, 12–16 February 1942
969. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 13 February 1942
970. [B]Newsletter, 10, 14 February 1942
971. [B]Annotation for J. F. Horrabin, [14?] February 1942
972. [L]Letter to David Astor, [16 February 1942?]
973. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 16 February 1942
974. [L]Letter to Arthur Calder-Marshall, 17 February 1942
975. [B]TBF, 17 February 1942: Hsiao Ch’ien, 5.3.42
976. [B]TBF, 17 February 1942: Cedric Dover, 19 and 25.2.42
977. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari, 19 February 1942
978. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari, 20 February 1942
979. [B]TBF, 20 February 1942: Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 20.2.42
980. [B]Newsletter, 11, 21 February 1942
981. [B]Newspaper column: ‘India Next’, 22 February 1942
982. [B]TBF, 23 February 1942: Noel Sircar, recorded 20.2.42
983. [B]TBF, 24 February 1942: Lady Grigg, 4, 11, 18, and 25.3.42
984. [B]Additional Vernacular Newsletters
985. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to Shridhar Telkar, 25 February 1942
986. [B]TBF, 25 February 1942: R. R. Desai, 2.3.42
987. [B]TBF, 25 February 1942: S. M. Telkar, 5.3.42
988. [B]TBF, 26 February 1942: Cedric Dover, 4.3.42
989. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 27 February 1942
990. [B]Annotation for Arthur Calder-Marshall, [27 February 1942]
991. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 27 February 1942
992. [B]Newsletter, 12, 28 February 1942
993. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 28 February 1942
994. [B]TBF, 28 February 1942: Lilla Erulkar, 6.3.42
995. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 1, 2 March 1942: editorial note
996. [L]Draft for postcard to Mulk Raj Anand, 2 March 1942
997. [L]Summary of letter from Z. A. Bokhari to Empire Executive’s Office, 3 March 1942
998. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 1, 5 March 1942: editorial note
999. [L]Letter to Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5 March 1942
1000. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, 5 March 1942
1001. [B]TBF, 5 March 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 15, 22, 29.3.42; 5.4.42
1002. [B]TBF, 5 March 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 9.3.42
1003. [B]TBF, 5 March 1942: Sujata Khanna, 20.3.42
1004. [B]TBF, 5 March 1942: S. M. Telkar, 24.3.42
1005. [L]Letter to J. D. Bernal, 6 March 1942
1006. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 6 March 1942
1007. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 6 March 1942
1008. [B]TBF, 6 March 1942: R. R. Desai, 9.3.42
1009. [B]TBF, 6 March 1942: S. M. Telkar, 12.3.42
1010. [B]News Review, 13, 7 March 1942
1011. [B]Hindustani Version of Bengali and English Newsletters, 7 March 1942: editorial note
1012. [B]Newspaper column: ‘Mood of the Moment’, 8 March 1942
1013. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 2, 9 March 1942
1014. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘The Re-discovery of Europe’, 10 March 1942 (with letters by Robert Nichols and H. G. Wells)
1015. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 10 March 1942
1016. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 10 March 1942
1017. [B]TBF, 10 March 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 16, 23, and 30.3.42; and 6.4.42
1018. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 11 March 1942
1019. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 2, 12 March 1942
1020. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 13 March 1942
1021. [B]TBF, 13 March 1942: R. R. Desai, 16.3.42
1022. [B]Weekly News Review, 14, 14 March 1942
1023. [L]Telegram to Mulk Raj Anand, [14 March 1942]
1024. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 14 March 1942
1025. [D]War-Time Diary, 14 March 1942
1026. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 15 March 1942
1027. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 March 1942
1028. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 3, 16 March 1942
1029. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 16 March 1942
1030. [L]Letter to R. U. Hingorani, 10 March 1942
1031. [L]Telegram to Cedric Dover, 16 or 17 March 1942
1032. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 17 March 1942
1033. [L]Summary of letter from Z. A. Bokhari to Empire Programme Executive, 17 March 1942
1034. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: Cyril Connolly, 31.3.42
1035. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: R. R. Desai, 23.3.42
1036. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: Cedric Dover, recorded 26.3.42
1037. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: C. E. M. Joad, recorded 30.3.42
1038. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: Herbert Read, 7.4.42
1039. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: Stephen Spender, 17.3.42
1040. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: C. H. Waddington, 24.3.42
1041. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 3, 19 March 1942
1042. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 19 March 1942
1043. [L]Letter to Thomas Jones, c. 20 March 1942
1044. [B]Weekly News Review, 15, 21 March 1942
1045. [B]TBF, 21 March 1942: R. R. Desai, 30.3.42
1046. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 March 1942
1047. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, [23 March 1942?]
1048. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 4, 23 March 1942
1049. [L]Letter to Amabel Williams-Ellis, 23 March 1942
1050. [B]TBF, 24 March 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 25.3.42; 1, 2, and 29.4.42
1051. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 25 March 1942
1052. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 25 March 1942
1053. [B]TBF, 25 March 1942: Cedric Dover, recorded 27.3.42
1054. [B]TBF, 25 March 1942: S. M. Telkar, 26.3.42
1055. [B]Marathi Newsletters, 4–11: editorial note
1056. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 26 March 1942
1057. [L]Letter to Gordon Childe, 26 March 1942
1058. [L]Letter to A. C. G. Egerton, 26 March 1942
1059. [L]Letter to Joseph Needham, 26 March 1942
1060. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 26 March 1942
1061. [L]Letter to J. D. Bernal, 27 March 1942
1062. [L]Letter to Lady Grigg, 27 March 1942
1063. [B]TBF, 27 March 1942: J. Chinna Durai, 28.3.42
1064. [D]War-Time Diary, 27 March 1942
1065. [B]Weekly News Review, 16, 28 March 1942
1066. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 5, 30 March 1942
1067. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 31 March 1942
1068. [L]Letter to R. U. Hingorani, 31 March 1942
1069. [L]Letter to Joseph Needham, 31 March 1942
1070. [L]Letter to Amabel Williams-Ellis, 31 March 1942
1071. [B]TBF, 31 March 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 12.4.42
1072. [B]TBF, 31 March 1942: Cedric Dover, 7.4.42
1073. [L]Letter to V. Gordon Childe, 1 April 1942
1074. [B]TBF, 1 April 1942: R. R. Desai, 6.4.42
1075. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 April 1942
1076. [B]TBF, 2 April 1942: E. M. Forster, 29.4.42, 27.5.42, 24.6.42
1077. [L]Letter to Director of Programmes, Edinburgh, 3 April 1942
1078. [B]TBF, 3 April 1942: R. U. Hingorani, 3.4.42
1079. [B]TBF, 3 April 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5 and I2[?].4.42
1080. [D]War-Time Diary, 3 April 1942
1081. [B]News Review, 17, 4 April 1942
1082. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 6, 6 April 1942
1083. [D]War-time Diary, 6 April 1942
1084. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 7 April 1942
1085. [L]Letter to V. Gordon Childe, 7 April 1942
1086. [B]TBF, 7 April 1942: Jack Common, 8 and 15.4.42
1087. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Mrs Bentwich, 29.4.42
1088. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Arthur Calder-Marshall, 14.4.42
1089. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Lady Grigg, 6, 13, 20 and 27.5.42
1090. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 20 and 27.4.42; 4.5.42
1091. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 5.5.42
1092. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: S. Telkar, 14 and 21.4.42
1093. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: S. Telkar, 30.4.42
1094. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Rebecca West, 22.4.42
1095. [L]Letter to Director of Programmes, Edinburgh, 10 April 1942
1096. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 10 April 1946
1097. [L]Letter to M. Myat Tun (with pronunciations of Burmese place-names), 10 April 1942
1098. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 April 1942
1099. [B]Weekly News Review, 11 April 1942: editorial note
1100. [D]War-Time Diary, 11 April 1942
1101. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 7, 13 April 1942
1102. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to E. W. D. Boughen, 13 April 1942
1103. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 14 April 1942
1104. [B]TBF, 15 April 1942: R. R. Desai, 13, 20, and 27.4.42; 4, 11, 18, and 25.5.42
1105. [B]News Review, 18, 18 April 1942
1106. [D]War-Time Diary, 18 April 1942
1107. [B]Newspaper column: ‘Mood of the Moment’, 19 April 1942
1108. [D]War-Time Diary, 19 April 1942
1109. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 8, 20 April 1942
1110. [B]TBF, 22 April 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, recorded 21.4.42
1111. [B]TBF, 22 April 1942: S. Telkar, 23.4.42
1112. [B]TBF, 23 April 1942: Bhupen Mukerjee, 25.4.42
1113. [B]TBF, 23 April 1942: Viscountess Rhondda, 6.5.42
1114. [B]TBF, 24 April 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 24.4.42
1115. [B]“Birthdays of the Week”: Sir Stafford Cripps, Shakespeare, Hitler, 24 April 1942: editorial summary
1116. [B]News Review, 19, 25 April 1942
1117. [L]Letter to J. G. Crowther, 25 April 1942
1118. [L]Letter to V. K. Narayana Menon, 25 April 1942
1119. [D]War-Time Diary, 25 April 1942
1120. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 9, 27 April 1942
1121. [L]Letter to J. D. Bernal, 27 April 1942
1122. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 27 April 1942
1123. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 27 April 1942
1124. [D]War-Time Diary, 27 April 1942
1125. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 28 April 1942
1126. [B]TBF, 29 April 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 11, 18, and 25.5.42; 1.6.42
1127. [B]TBF, 29 April 1942: Doulat Nanavati, 16.5.42
1128. [B]TBF, 29 April 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 12.5.42
1129. [B]TBF, 29 April 1942: M.J. Tambimuttu, 19.5.42
1130. [D]War-Time Diary, 29 April 1942
1131. [Weekly News Review], 20, 2 May 1942
1132. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 10, 4 May 1942
1133. [L]Memorandum to E. W. D. Boughen, 5 May 1942
1134. [L]Telegram to J. D. Bernal, 5 May 1942 [?]
1135. [L]Letter to J. D. Bernal, 5 May 1942
1136. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 5 May 1942
1137. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 6 May 1942
1138. [B]TBF, 6 May 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 27.5.42; 3, 10, 17, and 24.6.42; 1.7.42
1139. [B]TBF, 6 May 1942: Hsiao Ch’ien, 19 and 26.5.42
1140. [B]TBF, 6 May 1942: Bahadur Singh, 2.7.42
1141. [D]War-Time Diary, 6 May 1942
1142. [L]Letter to J. B. S. Haldane, 7 May 1942
1143. [L]Letter to Narayana Menon, 7 May 1942
1144. [B]TBF, 7 May 1942: Lady Grigg, 3, 10, 17, and 24.6.42
1145. [B]Laurence Brander’s Reports from India on “Through Eastern Eyes”, 12 May and 15 June 1942: editorial summary
1146. [A]London Letter, 8 May 1942
1147. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 8 May 1942
1148. [L]Letter to Diana Wong, 8 May 1942
1149. [D]War-Time Diary, 8 May 1942
1150. [B]Weekly News Review, 21, 9 May 1942
1151. [R] Edmund Wilson, The Wound and the Bow, 10 May 1942
1152. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 11, 11 May 1942
1153. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 11 May 1942
1154. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 11 May 1942
1155. [D]War-Time Diary, 11 May 1942
1156. [B]TBF, 12 May 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 15.5.42
1157. [B]TBF, 13 May 1942: Cedric Dover, recorded 5.5.42
1158. [B]TBF, 13 May 1942: Cedric Dover, 5.5.42
1159. [B]TBF, 13 May 1942: Kingsley Martin, 15.5.42
1160. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 14 May 1942
1161. [L]Letter to Narayana Menon, 14 May 1942
1162. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: V. G. Childe, 2.6.42
1163. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: J. G. Crowther, 7.7.42
1164. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: A. C. G. Egerton, 16.6.42
1165. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: L. Haden Guest, 1.7.42
1166. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: Inez Holden, 17.6.42
1167. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: A. E. Manderson, 3.6.42
1168. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: Joseph Needham, 23.6.42
1169. [A]Publication of ‘Culture and Democracy’ in Victory or Vested Interest?, 15 May 1942
1170. [L]Letter to C. D. Darlington, 15 May 1942
1171. [L]Letter to J. A. Lauwerys, 15 May 1942
1172. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 May 1942
1173. [B]Weekly News Review, 22, 16 May 1942
1174. [L]Memorandum to E. Rowan-Davies, 16 May 1942
1175. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 12, 18 May 1942
1176. [L]Letter to J. A. Lauwerys, 18 May 1942
1177. [B]TBF, 18 May 1942: Clemence Dane, 3.6.42
1178. [B]TBF, 18 May 1942: Narayana Menon, 26.5.42; 9.6.42
1179. [B]TBF, 18 May 1942: B. N. Mukerjee, 6.6.42
1180. [L]Note to Nancy Parratt, 19 May 1942
1181. [L]Letter to Richard Titmuss, 19 May 1942
1182. [D]War-Time Diary, 19 May 1942
1183. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 20 May 1942
1184. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 20 May 1942
1185. [B]TBF, 20 May 1942: Sir Aziz ul Huque, 21.5.42; and editorial note
1186. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 12, 21 May 1942
1187. [D]War-Time Diary, 21–22 May 1942
1188. [B]Weekly News Review, 23, 23 May 1942
1189. [L]Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 23 May 1942
1190. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 13, 25 May 1942
1191. [B]TBF, 26 May 1942: J. B. S. Haldane, recorded 22.5.42
1192. [B]TBF, 26 May 1942: R. R. Desai, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.6.42
1193. [D]War-Time Diary, 27 May 1942
1194. [B]News Review, 24, 30 May 1942: editorial note
1195. [D]War-Time Diary, 30 May 1942
1196. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 14, 1 June 1942
1197. [B]TBF, 2 June 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 8, 15, 22, and 29.6.42
1198. [B]TBF, 3 June 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 5.6.42; with ensuing correspondence
1199. [L]Letter to the Honourable Mrs. Egerton, 4 June 1942
1200. [L]Letter to Tamara Talbot Rice
1201. [L]Postcard to Richard Titmuss, 4 June 1942
1202. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: C. D. Darlington, 7.7.42
1203. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: J. A. Lauwreys, 9.6.42
1204. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Reginald Reynolds, 12 and 19.6.42
1205. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Sir John Russell, 26.6.42
1206. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 16.6.42
1207. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Richard Titmuss, 3.7.42
1208. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Diana Wong, 25.6.42
1209. [D]War-Time Diary, 4–6 June 1942
1210. [B]Weekly News Review, 25, for 6 June 1942 (not transmitted)
1211. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 June 1942
1212. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 15, 8 June 1942
1213. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 8 June 1942
1214. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 10 June 1942
1215. [L]Letters to Princess Indira of Kapurthala, Bahadur Singh, Noel Sircar, and Shridhar Telkar, 10 June 1942
1216. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 June 1942
1217. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 11 June 1942
1218. [D]War-Time Diary, 11 June 1942
1219. [B]Weekly News Review, 26, 13 June 1942
1220. [L]Letter to C. D. Darlington, 13 June 1942
1221. [D]War-Time Diary, 13 June 1942
1222. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 16, 15 June 1942
1223. [L]Letter to Tamara Talbot Rice, 15 June 1942
1224. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 June 1942
1225. [L]Letter to Joseph Needham, 17 June 1942
1226. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to Shridhar Telkar, 18 June 1942
1227. [L]Telegram to Tambimuttu, 18–19(?) June 1942
1228. [B]Weekly News Review, 27, 20 June 1942: editorial note
1229. [B]TBF, 20 June 1942: Lady Grigg, 1, 8, 15, and 29.7.42
1230. [B]TBF, 20 June 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 6, 13, 20, and 27.7.42
1231. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 June 1942
1232. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 17, 22 June 1942
1233. [B]TBF, 22 June 1942: R. R. Desai, 6, 13, 20, and 27.7.42
1234. [B]TBF, 22 June 1942: M.J. Tambimuttu, 23.6.42
1235. [B]TBF, 22 June 1942: S. Telkar, 22.6.42
1236. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 23 June 1942
1237. [L]Letter to Sir Frank Brown, 23 June 1942
1238. [L]Letter to J. G. Crowther, 23 June 1942
1239. [L]Letter to C. R. Fay, 23 June 1942
1240. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 23 June 1942
1241. [L]Letter to L. [PD]F. Easterbrook, 23 June 1942; with editorial note
1242. [L]Letter to S. M. Telkar, 23 June 1942
1243. [L]Letter to T. C. Worsley, 23 June 1942
1244. [B]TBF, 24 June 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 26.6.42
1245. [B]TBF, 24 June 1942: E. M. Forster, 22.7.42, 19.8.42, 16.9.42, 14.10.42
1246. [D]War-Time Diary, 24June 1942
1247. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 25 June 1942
1248. [L]Telegram to C. H. Waddington, 25–26(?) June 1942
1249. [B]TBF, 26 June 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 8, 15, and 22.7.42
1250. [B]TBF, 26 June 1942: Clemence Dane, 1 and 8.7.42
1251. [B]TBF, 26 June 1942: André van Gyseghem, 15.7.42
1252. [B]TBF, 26 June 1942: Bhupen Mukerjee, 27.6.42
1253. [D]War-Time Diary, 26 June 1942
1254. [B]Weekly News Review, 28, 27 June 1942: editorial note
1255. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 18, 29 June 1942: editorial note
1256. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to L. F. Easterbrook and Sir John Russell, 30 June 1942
1257. [R] Mulk Raj Anand, The Sword and the Sickle, July 1942
1258. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 July 1942
1259. [B]TBF, 3 July 1942: C. D. Darlington, 7.7.42
1260. [B]TBF, 3 July 1942: Bahadur Singh, 14.7.42
1261. [D]War-Time Diary, 3–10 July 1942
1262. [N]Fishing
1263. [B]News Review, 29, 4 July 1942: editorial note
1264. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to L. F. Easterbrook and Sir John Russell, 4 July 1942
1265. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 19, 6 July 1942: editorial note
1266. [L]Letters from Z. A. Bokhari to Princess Indira of Kapurthala, Bahadur Singh, Noel Sircar, and Shridhar Telkar, 9 July 1942
1267. [B]News Review, 30, 11 July 1942: editorial note
1268. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 11 July 1942: editorial note
1269. [L]Letter to Picture Post, 11 July 1942
1270. [A]Pacifism and the War: A Controversy: D. S. Savage, George Woodcock, Alex Comfort, George Orwell (Orwell’s contribution: 12 July 1942)
1271. [B]A.M. Ashraf’s Broadcasts: editorial summary
1272. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 20, 13 July 1942
1273. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 13 July 1942
1274. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 13 July 1942
1275. [L]Telegram to J. B. S. Haldane, 13 July 1942?
1276. [L]Letter to M. R. Kothari, 13 July 1942
1277. [B]TBF, 13 July 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 18 and 25.7.42; 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.8.42; 5, 12, 19, and 26.9.42; 3.10.42
1278. [L]Letter to L. F. Easterbrook, I4 July 1942
1279. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 14 July 1942
1280. [L]Letter to Peter Masefield, 14 July 1942
1281. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 14 July 1942
1282. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 15 July 1942, with his reply, 16 July 1942
1283. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 30.7.42
1284. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: R. R. Desai, 13.8.42
1285. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: R. R. Desai, 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.8.42; 7, 14, 21, and 28.9.42
1286. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: L. F. Easterbrook, 14.8.42; with editorial summary of forms for Sir John Russell, J. B. S. Haldane, and C. H. Waddington
1287. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Lady Grigg, 5, 12, 19, and 26.8.42
1288. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 25.7.42
1289. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.8.42
1290. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Noel Sircar, 28.7.42; 25.8.42
1291. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: S. Telkar, 29.7.42; 5, 12, and 19.8.42
1292. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 20, 16 July 1942
1293. [L]Letters to H. N. Brailsford and G. M. Young, 16 July 1942
1294. [L]Letter to Chinna Durai, 16 July 1942
1295. [L]Memorandum to Michael Barkway, Chief (News) Editor, Empire Services, 16 July 1942
1296. [L]Letter to C. R. Fay, 16 July 1942
1297. [B]TBF, I7 July 1942: Cedric Dover, 20.8.42
1298. [B]TBF, I7 July 1942: J. Chinna Durai, 6.8.42
1299. [B]Weekly News Review, 31, 18 July 1942
1300. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 1, 18 July 1942
1301. [L]Letter to Vida Hope, 18 July 1942
1302. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 18 July 1942
1303. [L]Letter to J. A. Lauwerys, 18 July 1942
1304. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 21, 20 July 1942
1305. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 21 July 1942
1306. [L]Letter to Henry Wickham Steed, 21 July 1942
1307. [B]TBF, 21 July 1942: E. C. Bowyer, 31.7.42
1308. [B]TBF, 21 July 1942: Peter Masefield, 31.7.42
1309. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 July 1942
1310. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 21, 23 July 1942
1311. [L]Memorandum to Z. A. Bokhari, 23 July 1942
1312. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 23 July 1942
1313. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 23 July 1942
1314. [L]Letter to Cyril Falls, 23 July 1942
1315. [L]Letter to C. R. Fay, 23 July 1942
1316. [L]Letter to J. F. C. Fuller, 23 July 1942
1317. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 23 July 1942
1318. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 23 July 1942
1319. [L]Letter to Routledge & Sons Ltd, 23 July 1942
1320. [L]Letter to G. M. Young, 23 July 1942
1321. [B]TBF, 23 July 1942: Narayana Menon, 31.7.42
1322. [D]War-Time Diary, 23 July 1942
1323. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 24 July 1942
1324. [B]Weekly News Review, 32, 25 July 1942
1325. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 2, 25 July 1942
1326. [L]Letter to Inez Holden, 25 July 1942
1327. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 25 July 1942
1328. [L]Letter to Henry Wickham Steed, 25 July 1942
1329. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 25 July 1942
1330. [B]TBF, 25 July 1942: Wickham Steed, 7.8.42
1331. [D]War-Time Diary, 26 July 1942
1332. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 22, 27 July 1942
1333. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 27 July 1942
1334. [L]Letter to Peter Masefield, 27 July 1942
1335. [L]Letter to T. C. Worsley, 27 July 1942
1336. [D]War-Time Diary, 27–28 July 1942
1337. [L]Letter to Mr Baddeley, 29 July 1942
1338. [L]Letters to Peter Masefield and E. C. Bowyer, 29 July 1942
1339. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 22, 30 July 1942; with editorial note
1340. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 30 July 1942
1341. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 30 July 1942
1342. [B]TBF, 31 July 1942: Narayana Menon, 31.7.42
1343. [Weekly News Review], 33, 1 August 1942
1344. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 3, 1 August 1942
1345. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 August 1942
1346. [R] Philippe Barrès, Charles de Gaulle, 2 August 1942
1347. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 23, 3 August 1942
1348. [L]Letter to Henry Wickham Steed, 3 August 1942
1349. [B]TBF, 3 August 1942: J. F. Horrabin, 7, 14, 21, and 28.8.42
1350. [D]War-Time Diary, 3 August 1942
1351. [R]Programme Preview by Venu Chitale with Orwell’s Amendments, 4 August 1942
1352. [B]TBF, 4 August 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 11.8.42
1353. [B]TBF, 4 August 1942: Inez Holden, 11.8.42
1354. [B]TBF, 4 August 1942: Herbert Read, 11.8.42
1355. [D]War-Time Diary, 4–5 August 1942
1356. [L]Memorandum to E. W. D. Boughen, 5 August 1942
1357. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 23, 6 August 1942
1358. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 6 August 1942
1359. [L]Letter to Cyril Falls, 6 August 1942
1360. [L]Letter to Narayana Menon, 6 August 1942
1361. [L]Letter to Naomi Mitchison, 6 August 1942
1362. [L]Letter to K. S. Shelvankar, 6 August 1942
1363. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 August 1942
1364. [B]News Review, 34, 8 August 1942
1365. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 4, 8 August 1942
1366. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 8 August 1942
1367. [D]War-Time Diary, 9 August 1942
1368. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 24, 10 August 1942
1369. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 10 August 1942
1370. [L]Letter to Harold Laski, 10 August 1942
1371. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 10 August 1942
1372. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 August 1942
1373. [B]‘Voice,’ 1: A Magazine Programme, 11 August 1942
1374. [PD]Anniversary of the Month, 11 August 1942: editorial note
1375. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 11 August 1942
1376. [L]Letter to Vida Hope, 11 August 1942
1377. [L]Letter to Naomi Mitchison, 11 August 1942
1378. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 11 August 1942
1379. [L]Letter to B. H. Liddell Hart, 12 August 1942
1380. [D]War-Time Diary, 12 August 1942
1381. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 24, 13 August 1942
1382. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 13 August 1942
1383. [L]Letter to Ethel Mannin, 13 August 1942
1384. [B]TBF, 13 August 1942: M. R. Kothari, 6, 13, and 20.8.42
1385. [L]Letter to M. R. Kothari, 14 August 1942
1386. [L]Letter to M. R. Kothari, 14 August 1942
1387. [D]War-Time Diary, 14 August 1942
1388. [B]Weekly News Review, 35, 15 August 1942
1389. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 5, 15 August 1942
1390. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 25, 17 August 1942
1391. [L]Letter to Tom Wintringham, 17 August 1942
1392. [L]Letter to Peggotty Freeman, 18 August 1942
1393. [L]Letter to Leonora Lockhart, 18 August 1942
1394. [L]Letter to Ethel Mannin, 18 August 1942
1395. [D]War-Time Diary, 18 August 1942
1396. [L]Letter to B. H. Liddell Hart, 19 August 1942
1397. [N]‘Notes on Some Points about the Home Guard’
1398. [N]‘Note on the Role of the Home Guard’
1399. [D]War-Time Diary, 19 August 1942
1400. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 25, 20 August 1942
1401. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 20 August 1942
1402. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 21 August 1942
1403. [B]News Review, 36, 22 August 1942
1404. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 6, 22 August 1942
1405. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 7, 14, 21, and 28.9.42
1406. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: Harold Laski, 4.9.42
1407. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: J. M. Tambimuttu, 10.9.42
1408. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.9.42
1409. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: T. C. Worsley, 11.9.42
1410. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 August 1942
1411. [L]Telegram to G. M. Young, [23 August 1942?]
1412. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 26, 24 August 1942
1413. [L]Letter to Peggotty Freeman, 24 August 1942
1414. [L]Letter to G. M. Young, 24 August 1942
1415. [L]Telegram to G. M. Young, [25 August 1942?]
1416. [B]TBF, 25 August 1942: Lady Grigg, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.9.42
1417. [B]TBF, 25 August 1942: M. R. Kothari, 27.8.42
1418. [B]TBF, 25 August 1942: Narayana Menon, 25.8.42
1419. [D]War-Time Diary, 25 August 1942
1420. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 26 August 1942
1421. [E] ‘Looking Back on the Spanish War’, [1942?]
1422. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 26, 27 August 1942
1423. [B]“Service to India”, 27 August 1942
1424. [D]War-Time Diary, 27 August 1942
1425. [L]Letter to Harold Laski, 28 August 1942
1426. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 28 August 1942
1427. [B]News Review, 37, 29 August 1942
1428. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 7, 29 August 1942
1429. [A]London Letter, 29 August 1942
1430. [D]War-Time Diary, 29 August 1942
1431. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 27, 31 August 1942; with editorial note
1432. [L]Letter to Harold Laski, 31 August 1942
1433. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 31 August 1942
1434. [B]TBF, 31 August 1942: Clemence Dane, recorded 28.8.42
Notes |
14. Keeping our little corner clean, 1942-1943 |
Copy * 1942
1435. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, recorded 2.9.42
1436. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: Cedric Dover, 8.9.42
1437. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: Lilla Erulkar, 8.9.42
1438. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: Sidney Horniblow, 4, 11, 18, and 25.9.42; 2 and 9.10.42
1439. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: Noel Sircar, 8.9.42
1440. [L]Letter to George K. C. Yeh, 2 September 1942
1441. [B]TBF, 2 September 1942: M. R. Kothari, 3.9.42
1442. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 27, 3 September 1942
1443. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 September 1942
1444. [L]Telegram to Edmund Blunden, [4 September 1942?]
1445. [B]News Review, 38, 5 September 1942
1446. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 8, 5 September 1942
1447. [R]Unpublished Review: O. D. Gallagher, Retreat in the East, [6 September 1942?]
1448. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 28, 7 September 1942
1449. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 8.9.42
1450. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Edmund Blunden, 8.9.42
1451. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Cedric Dover, 1 and 8.10.42
1452. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5, 12, 19, and 26.10.42
1453. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Ethel Mannin, 25.9.42
1454. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Narayana Menon, 17.9.42
1455. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Herbert Read, 8.9.42
1456. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 24.9.42
1457. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Bahadur Singh, 3 and 31.10.42
1458. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Noel Sircar, 10.10 and 7.11.42
1459. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 26.9 and 24.10.42
1460. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 7, 14, 21, and 28.10.42
1461. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: G. Woodcock, 8.9.42
1462. [L]Telegram to Noel Sircar, [7–21 September 1942?]
1463. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 September 1942
1464. [B]‘Voice,’2: A Magazine Programme, 8 September 1942
1465. [L]Letter to Martin Armstrong, 9 September 1942
1466. [L]Letter to Inez Holden, 9 September 1942
1467. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 9 September 1942
1468. [L]Letter to L. A. G. Strong, 9 September 1942
1469. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 9 September 1942
1470. [B]TBF, 9 September 1942: M. R. Kothari, 10.9.42
1471. [B]TBF, 9 September 1942: Ellen Wilkinson, 14.10.42
1472. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 28, 10 September 1942
1473. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 10 September 1942
1474. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 10 September 1942
1475. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 10 September 1942
1476. [B]TBF, 10 September 1942: Narayana Menon, 9.9.42
1477. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 September 1942
1478. [B]News Review, 39, 12 September 1942
1479. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 9, 12 September 1942
1480. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, [12 September 1942?]
1481. [R] Captain H. R. Robinson, A Modern de Quincey, 13 September 1942
1482. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 29, 14 September 1942
1483. [PD]A. P. Blair, “My Debt to India, V”, 14 September 1942: editorial note
1484. [L]Letter to J. A. Lauwerys, 15 September 1942
1485. [Charles Blair, “Japan’s Threat to Asia, 1”], 15 September 1942: editorial note
1486. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 September 1942
1487. [PD]Indian Section Organization: editorial note
1488. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Eastern Service Director, 27 May 1942
1489. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Eastern Service Director, 2 June 1942
1490. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Eastern Service Director, 11 September 1942
1491. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 16 September 1942
1492. [L]Letter to Ethel Mannin, 16 September 1942
1493. [B]TBF, 16 September 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 18.9.42
1494. [B]TBF, 16 September 1942: M. R. Kothari, 17.9.42
1495. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 29, 17 September 1942
1496. [L]Letter to Francis Yeats-Brown, 17 September 1942
1497. [A]‘Thomas Hardy Looks at War’, 18 September 1942
1498. [B]News Review, 40, 19 September 1942
1499. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 10, 19 September 1942
1500. [B]TBF, 19 September 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 12, 19, and 26.9.42
1501. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 September 1942
1502. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 21 September 1942
1503. [L]Letter to J. G. Crowther, 21 September 1942
1504. [L]Letter to J. C. Drummond, 21 September 1942
1505. [B]TBF, 21 September 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, recorded 22.9.42
1506. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 September 1942
1507. [L]Letter to Ritchie Calder, 22 September 1942
1508. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 September 1942
1509. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 23 September 1942
1510. [L]Letter to C. H. Desch, 23 September 1942
1511. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 30, 24 September 1942 (and editorial note)
1512. [L]Letter to F. Kidd, 24 September 1942
1513. [B]TBF, 25 September 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 10, 17, 24, and 31.10.42
1514. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [25 September 1942]
1515. [B]News Review, 41, 26 September 1942
1516. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 11, 26 September 1942
1517. [B]TBF, 26 September 1942: Lady Grigg, 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.10.42
1518. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 31, 28 September 1942
1519. [L]Letter to C. H. Desch, 28 September 1942
1520. [L]Letter to F. Kidd, 28 September 1942
1521. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 28 September 1942
1522. [D]War-Time Diary, 28 September 1942
1523. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 29 September 1942
1524. [B]TBF, 29 September 1942: Clemence Dane, recorded 2.10.42
1525. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 30 September 1942
1526. [A]Review Article: ‘T. S. Eliot’, October-November 1942
1527. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 1 October 1942
1528. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 1 October 1942
1529. [L]Letter to Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 1 October 1942
1530. [L]Letter to K. S. Shelvankar, 1 October 1942
1531. [L]Letter to Shridhar Telkar, 1 October 1942
1532. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 15.10.42
1533. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: E. C. Bowyer, 23.10.42
1534. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: C. H. Desch, 9.10.42
1535. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: J. F. Horrabin, 16.10.42
1536. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 22.10.42
1537. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: Zahra Taki, 2.10.42
1538. [B]Weekly News Review, 42, 3 October 1942
1539. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 12, 3 October 1942
1540. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 32, 5 October 1942
1541. [L]Letter to F. Kidd, 5 October 1942
1542. [L]TBF, 5 October 1942: Martin Armstrong, 30.10.42 (with letter from Miss B. H. Alexander, 15 October 1942)
1543. [B]TBF, 5 October 1942: Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 10.11 and 8.12.42
1544. [B]TBF, 5 October 1942: R. Desai, 29.10.42
1545. [B]TBF, 5 October 1942: R. U. Hingorani, recorded 5.10.42
1546. [D]War-Time Diary, 5 October 1942
1547. [B]‘Voice,’ 3: A Magazine Programme, 6 October 1942
1548. [B]TBF, 6 October 1942: Herbert Read, 6.10.42
1549. [B]TBF, 6 October 1942: Stephen Spender, 6.10.42
1550. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 7 October 1942
1551. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 7 October 1942
1552. [L]Letter to L. A. G. Strong, 7 October 1942
1553. [L]Letter to Gladys Calthrop, 8 October 1942
1554. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 8 October 1942
1555. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 8 October 1942
1556. [L]Letter to K. S. Shelvankar, 8 October 1942
1557. [L]Laurence Brander to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 8 October 1942
1558. [A]Story by Five Authors, 1: George Orwell, 9 October 1942
1559. [B]News Review, 43, 10 October 1942
1560. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 13, 10 October 1942
1561. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 10 October 1942
1562. [D]War-Time Diary, 10–11 October 1942
1563. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 33, 12 October 1942
1564. [L]Letter to the Editor of The Times, 12 October 1942
1565. [L]Telegram to F. Kidd, 12 or 13 October 1942
1566. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 13 October 1942
1567. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 13 October 1942
1568. [B]TBF, 13 October 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 20.10 and 11.11.42
1569. [B]TBF, 13 October 1942: F. Kidd, 20.10.42
1570. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 14 October 1942
1571. [L]Letter to Eastern Service Director [re Weekly News Commentary], 15 October 1942
1572. [L]Letter to Sidney Horniblow, 15 October 1942
1573. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 October 1942
1574. [A]Story by Five Authors, 2: L. A. G. Strong, 16 October 1942
1575. [L]Telegram to Martin Armstrong, [16 October 1942?]
1576. [L]Letter to Eric Barnard, 16 October 1942
1577. [L]Letter to J. C. Drummond, 16 October 1942
1578. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 16 October 1942
1579. [B]News Review, 44, 17 October 1942
1580. [B]News in Bengali, 14, 17 October 1942
1581. [L]Letter to Martin Armstrong, 17 October 1942
1582. [L]Letter to Stevie Smith, 17 October 1942
1583. [D]War-Time Diary, 17 October 1942
1584. [B]Broadcast (USA): ‘Answering You,’ 65, 18 October 1942
1585. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 18 October 1942
1586. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 34, 19 October 1942
1587. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 19 October 1942
1588. [L]Letter to Mr Nash, 19 October 1942
1589. [B]TBF, 19 October 1942: Clemence Dane, 5 and 20.8.42
1590. [B]TBF, 19 October 1942[?]: R.R. Desai, 5 and 12.10.42
1591. [B]TBF, 19 October 1942[?]:R. R. Desai, 19.10.42
1592. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 20 October 1942
1593. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 20 October 1942
1594. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 6, 13, 20, and 27.11.42 and 4, 11, and 18.12.42
1595. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 3.12.42
1596. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Ritchie Calder, 17.11.42
1597. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: R. R. Desai, 5, 12, 19.10.42
1598. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: R. R. Desai, 19.11.42
1599. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Cedric Dover, 5.11.42
1600. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: E.M. Forster, 11.11.42, 9.12.42, 6.1.43, and 3.2.43
1601. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Lady Grigg, 4, 11, 18, and 25.11.42
1602. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.11.42
1603. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 12.11.42 and 17.12.42
1604. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Noel Sircar, 17.11.42 and 15.12.42
1605. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 4, 11, 18, and 25.11.42
1606. [A]Story by Five Authors, 3: Inez Holden, 23 October 1942
1607. [L]Venu Chitale to Eileen Blair, 23 October 1942
1608. [B]Weekly News Review, 45, 24 October 1942
1609. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 15, 24 October 1942
1610. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 24 October 1942
1611. [B]TBF, 24 October 1942: R. R. Desai, 26.10.42
1612. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 35, 26 October 1942
1613. [L]Letter to Keidrych Rhys, 27 October 1942
1614. [L]Telegram to Henry Treece, [27 October 1942?]
1615. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 27 October 1942
1616. [B]TBF, 27 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 6.10.42
1617. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 28 October 1942
1618. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 28 October 1942
1619. [L]Letter to G. M. Young, 29 October 1942
1620. [B]TBF, 29 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 3.11.42
1621. [B]TBF, 29 October 1942: E. M. Forster, 6.11.42
1622. [B]TBF, 29 October 1942: Herbert Read, 3.11.42
1623. [A]Story by Five Authors, 4: Martin Armstrong, 30 October 1942
1624. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 30 October 1942
1625. [B]Weekly News Review in English, 46, 31 October 1942
1626. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 16, 31 October 1942
1627. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 36, 2 November 1942
1628. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 2 November 1942
1629. [B]TBF, 2 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 2.11.42
1630. [B]‘Voice,’ 4: A Magazine Programme, 3 November 1942
1631. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 4 November 1942
1632. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 4 November 1942
1633. [L]Letter to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 4 November 1942
1634. [B]TBF, 4 November 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 7, 14, 21, and 28.11.42
1635. [B]TBF, 4 November 1942: Henry Treece, recorded 3.11.42
1636. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 5 November 1942
1637. [A]‘Imaginary Interview [with] Jonathan Swift’, 6 November 1942
1638. [A]Story by Five Authors, 5: E. M. Forster, 6 November 1942
1639. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, with script outline “Let’s Act It Ourselves”, 6 November 1942
1640. [B]TBF, 6 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 9.11.42
1641. [B]Weekly News Review, 47, 7 November 1942
1642. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 17, 7 November 1942
1643. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 November 1942
1644. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 37, 9 November 1942
1645. [L]Laurence Brander to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, Resilience in Programmes, 9 November 1942
1646. [B]TBF, 10 November 1942: Jon Kimche, 10.11.42
1647. [L]Telegram to R. R. Desai, [11 November 1942?]
1648. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 11 November 1942
1649. [L]Letter to Officer Commanding E Battery, RMA, 11 November 1942
1650. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 11 November 1942
1651. [B]TBF, 11 November 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 13.11.42
1652. [B]TBF, 12 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 16.11.42
1653. [B]TBF, 12 November 1942: Norman Marshall, 13, 20, and 27.11.42 and 4, 11, and 18.12.42
1654. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 13 November 1942
1655. [A]“Let’s Act It Ourselves”, 1, 13 November 1942
1656. [B]Weekly News Review, 48, 14 November 1942
1657. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 18, 14 November 1942
1658. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 November 1942
1659. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 38, 16 November 1942
1660. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 16 November 1942
1661. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, 16 November 1942
1662. [B]TBF, 16 November 1942: Keidrych Rhys, 13.11.42
1663. [B]Memorandum on News Commentaries in English for Malaya, 16 November 1942
1664. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 17 November 1942
1665. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 18 November 1942
1666. [L]Letter to V. E. Yarsley, 18 November 1942
1667. [L]Memorandum to A. R. Bell (with Miss Blackburn’s memorandum to Mr Bokhari), 18 November 1942
1668. [A] ‘Background to French Morocco’, 20 November 1942
1669. [PD]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 8, 20 November 1942: editorial note
1670. [R] B. H. Liddell Hart, The British Way in Warfare, 21 November 1942
1671. [B]News Commentary, 48, 21 November 1942
1672. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 19, 21 November 1942
1673. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 21 November 1942
1674. [L]Letter to Bahadur Singh, 21 November 1942
1675. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 21 November 1942
1676. [L]Letter to Shridhar Telkar, 21 November 1942
1677. [L]Letter to V. E. Yarsley, 21 November 1942
1678. [B]TBF, 21 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 23.11.42
1679. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 39, 23 November 1942
1680. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, 23 November 1942
1681. [B]TBF, 23 November 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 5, 12, 19, and 26.12.42
1682. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 24 November 1942
1683. [R]Extract from Venu Chitale’s Programme Preview, 24 November 1942
1684. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 1.12.42
1685. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 7, 14, 21, and 28.12.42
1686. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Lady Grigg, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.12.42
1687. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5, 12, 19, and 26.12.42
1688. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Princes Indira of Kapurthala, 7, 14, 21, and 28.12.42
1689. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Narayana Menon, 1.12.42
1690. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Herbert Read, 1.12.42
1691. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 2, 9, 16, 24, and 31.12.42
1692. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: V. E. Yarsley, 15.12.42
1693. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 24 November 1942
1694. [L]Telegram to Herbert Read, [26 November 1942?]
1695. [L]Letter to Bahadur Singh, 26 November 1942
1696. [L]Letter to Stevie Smith, 26 November 1942
1697. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 9, 27 November 1942
1698. [B]Weekly News Review, 49, 28 November 1942
1699. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 20, 28 November 1942
1700. [L]Letter to Miss McCallum, 28 November 1942
1701. [N]Notes, c. 28 November 1942
1702. [A] ‘In the Darlan Country’, 29 November 1942
1703. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 40, 30 November 1942
1704. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, 30 November 1942
1705. [PD]‘Voice’, 5, 1 December 1942: editorial note
1706. [PD]‘Voice’, 5: A Magazine Programme, 1 December 1942: editorial note
1707. [L]Memorandum to Miss E. W. D. Boughen, 1 December 1942
1708. [B]TBF, 1 December 1942: Lady Peel, 18.12.42
1709. [B]TBF, 1 December 1942: M.J. Tambimuttu, 1.12.42
1710. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 2 December 1942
1711. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 2 December 1942 (with Woodcock’s letter of 18 November 1942)
1712. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 3 December 1942
1713. [L]Venu Chitale to Sarup Mukerjee, 3 December 1942
1714. [L]Letter to V. E. Yarsley, 3 December 1942
1715. [A] ‘The End of Henry Miller’, 4 December 1942 (with Nicholas Moore’s letter of 18 December 1942 and Orwell’s response)
1716. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 10, 4 December 1942
1717. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 4 December 1942
1718. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 4 December 1942
1719. [B]Weekly News Review, 50, 5 December 1942
1720. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 21, 5 December 1942
1721. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 5 December 1942
1722. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 41, 7 December 1942
1723. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 7 December 1942
1724. [L]Memorandum to Anthony Weymouth: Speakers for Week 51, 7 December 1942
1725. [L]Norman Collins to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 8 December 1942
1726. [B]TBF, 8 December 1942: Lilla Erulkar, 12.1.43
1727. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 10 December 1942
1728. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 10 December 1942
1729. [L]Confidential Memorandum to Miss E. W. D. Boughen, 10 December 1942
1730. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 10 December 1942
1731. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 11, 11 December 1942
1732. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, 11 December 1942
1733. [L]Letter to Ramaswami Mudaliar, 11 December 1942
1734. [B]English News Commentary, 51, 12 December 1942
1735. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 22, 12 December 1942
1736. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 42, 14 December 1942
1737. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 14 December 1942
1738. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 14 December 1942
1739. [L]Telegram to E. M. Forster, 14 December 1942
1740. [B]TBF, 14 December 1942: Edmund Blunden, 25.12.42; 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.1.43
1741. [B]TBF, 14 December 1942: E. M. Forster, 25.12.42
1742. [B]TBF, 15 December 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 12.1.43
1743. [L]Telegram to Edmund Blunden, [c. 16 December 1942]
1744. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to P. Chatterjee, 16 December 1942
1745. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 16 December 1942
1746. [L]Letter to C. K. Ogden, 16 December 1942
1747. [L]Letter from L. F. Rushbrook Williams to Orwell, 16 December 1942
1748. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 17 December 1942
1749. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 12, 18 December 1942
1750. [B]TBF, [18 December 1942?]: Noel Sircar, 23 and 30.12.42
1751. [B]English News Commentary, 52, 19 December 1942
1752. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 23, 19 December 1942
1753. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 19 December 1942
1754. [B]TBF, 19 December 1942: R. R. Desai, 21 and 28.12.42
1755. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 43, 21 December 1942
1756. [L]Letter to T. R. G. Lyell, 21 December 1942
1757. [L]Letter to George Bernard Shaw, 21 December 1942
1758. [L]Memorandum to Miss Playle, The Listener 21 December 1942
1759. [R]Venu Chitale’s Programme Preview, 22 December 1942
1760. [B]Talk by Eileen Blair for Kitchen Front Broadcasts, 23 December 1942
1761. [B]TBF, 22 December 1942: Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 29.12.42 and 26.1.43
1762. [B]TBF, 22 December 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 29.12.42
1763. [B]TBF, 22 December 1942: Lady Grigg, 6, 13, 20, and 27.1.43
1764. [B]TBF, 22 December 1942: Herbert Read, 29.12.42
1765. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 23 December 1942
1766. [L]Letter to W.J. Turner, 23 December 1942
1767. [B]TBF, 23 December 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 7, 14, 21, and 28.1.43
1768. [R] Viscount Samuel, An Unknown Land, 24 December 1942
1769. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 24 December 1942
1770. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 13, 25 December 1942
1771. [B]English News Commentary, 53, 26 December 1942
1772. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 24, 26 December 1942
1773. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 44, 28 December 1942
1774. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to P. Chatterjee, 28 December 1942
1775. [B]TBF, 28 December 1942: Edmund Blunden, 8.1.43
1776. [B]TBF, 28 December 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.1.43
1777. [B]TBF, 28 December 1942: W.J. Turner, 29.1.43
1778. [B]‘Voice,’ 6: A Magazine Programme, 29 December 1942
1779. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 29 December 1942
1780. [L]Letter to F. R. Daruvala, 29 December 1942
1781. [L]Letter to John Beavan, 30 December 1942
1782. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 30 December 1942
1783. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 30 December 1942
1784. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 30 December 1942
1785. [L]Letter to Bahadur Singh, 30 December 1942
1786. [L]Letter to Stevie Smith, 30 December 1942
1787. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 30 December 1942
1788. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams: Lady Grigg’s Broadcasts, [31 December 1942?]
1789. [L]Telegram to Bahadur Singh, 31 December 1942
1790. [B]TBF, 31 December 1942: E. C. Bowyer, 22, 29.1.43, and 5, 12, 19, and 26.2.43
1791. [A]Review Article: V. K. Narayana Menon, The Development of William Butler Yeats, with ensuing correspondence, January 1943
1792. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 14, 1 January 1943
1793. [B]News Review, 54, 2 January 1943
1794. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 25, 2 January 1943
1795. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 2 January 1943
1796. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 3 January 1943
1797. [A]‘A Letter from England’, 3 January 1943
1798. [L]Letter to Bahadur Singh, 4 January 1943
1799. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 4 January 1943
1800. [B]TBF, 5 January 1943: Bahadur Singh, 13.1.43
1801. [B]TBF, 5 January 1943: Marjorie Leaf, 13 and 20.1.43
1802. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 6 January 1943
1803. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 6 January 1943
1804. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 6 January 1943
1805. [B]‘Introduction to Calling All Students,’ 3, 8 January 1943
1806. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 15, 8 January 1943
1807. [A]Review of Pamphlet Literature, 9 January 1943
1808. [B]Weekly News Review, 55, 9 January 1943
1809. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 26, 9 January 1943
1810. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 9 January 1943
1811. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 9 January 1943
1812. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 11 January 1943
1813. [L]Letter to Sidney Horniblow, 11 January 1943
1814. [L]Letter to Marjorie Leaf, 11 January 1943
1815. [PD]Laurence Brander’s Report on Indian Programmes, 11 January 1943: editorial note; for report see 2374
1816. [L]Memorandum to Miss E. W. D. Boughen, 13 January 1943
1817. [B]TBF, 13 January 1943: Bahadur Singh, 20.1.43
1818. [B]TBF, 13 January 1943: E.D. Edwards, 27.1.43
1819. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 14 January 1943
1820. [L]Letter to Sidney Horniblow, 14 January 1943
1821. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 14 January 1943
1822. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 16, 15 January 1943
1823. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 15 January 1943
1824. [L]Letter to George Bernard Shaw, 15 January 1943
1825. [B]Weekly News Review, 53, 16 January 1943
1826. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 27, 16 January 1943
1827. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 18 January 1943
1828. [L]Letter to Marjorie Leaf, 19 January 1943
1829. [L]Memorandum to Miss B. H. Alexander, 19 January 1943
1830. [PD]Orwell’s Sick Leave
1831. [L]Letter from Venu Chitale to Desmond Hawkins, 20 January 1943
1832. [B]Memorandum from Miss Blackburn to L. F. Rushbrook Williams: Bengali Newsletters, c. 20 January 1943
1833. [R]Unsigned Review: Mass-Observation, The Pub and the People, 21 January 1943
1834. [B]TBF, 21 January 1943: T. S. Eliot, 12.2.43
1835. [B]TBF, 21 January 1943: V. S. Pritchett, 26.2.43
1836. [B]TBF, 21 January 1943: Herbert Read, 5, 12, 19, 26.2.43 and 5, 12.3.43
1837. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 17, 22 January 1943
1838. [B]Calling All Students, 5: George Bernard Shaw, Arms and the Man, 22 January 1943
1839. [L]Memorandum to Miss E. W. D. Boughen, 22 January 1943
1840. [B]TBF, 22 January 1943: Sir Wyndham Deedes, 23.1.43
1841. [L]Letter to A. L. C. Bullock, European Service Talks Director, 25 January 1943
1842. [L]Letter to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 25 January 1943
1843. [B]TBF, 25 January 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 25.1.43
1844. [B]TBF, 25 January 1943: P. Chatterjee, 6 and 13.2.43
1845. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Noel Sircar, 26 January 1943
1846. [B]TBF, 26 January 1943: K. K. Ardaschir, 12.3.43
1847. [B]TBF, 26 January 1943: Lady Grigg, 3, 10, 17, and 24.2.43
1848. [B]TBF, 26 January 1943: Shridhar Telkar, 3, 10, 17, and 24.2.43
1849. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to E. W. D. Boughen, 27 January 1943
1850. [B]TBF, 27 January 1943: Catherine Lacey, 10.2.43
1851. [L]Telegram to E. M. Forster, c. 28 January 1943
1852. [B]TBF, 28 January 1943: Naomi Royde-Smith, 17.2.43, 17.3.43, and 21.4.43
1853. [L]Telegram to E. M. Forster, c. 29 January 1943
1854. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to S. K. Das Gupta, 29 January 1943
1855. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to Arthur Wynn, 29 January 1943
1856. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 30 January 1943
1857. [B]TBF, 30 January 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 1.2.43
1858. [A] ‘Morocco Is Poor but Happy’, February 1943
1859. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Herbert Read, 1 February 1943
1860. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 1 February 1943
1861. [B]TBF, 1 February 1943: N. Gangulee, 3 and 17.2.43; 3 and 17.3.43
1862. [B]TBF, 2 February 1943: Mrs K. C. Roy, 10 and 24.2.43; 10 and 24.3.43
1863. [L]Memorandum to R. A. Rendall: Speakers for “In Your Kitchen”, 3 February 1943
1864. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 3 February 1943
1865. [B]TBF, 3 February 1943: Bahadur Singh, 10.2.43
1866. [L]Letter from Venu Chitale to Dr Gangulee, 4 February 1943
1867. [L]Memorandum from Venu Chitale to Miss Alexander, 4 February 1943
1868. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to E. M. Forster, 4 February 1943
1869. [L]Letter from Venu Chitale to Eileen Blair, 4 February 1943
1870. [B]TBF, 4 February 1943: Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 23.2.43
1871. [B]TBF, 4 February 1943: E.M. Forster, 3.3.43 and 7.4.43
1872. [L]Letter from L. F. Rushbrook Williams to Sidney Horniblow, 5 February 1943
1873. [B]TBF, 5 February 1943: Indira Roy, 9.2.43
1874. [B]TBF, 5 February 1943: Lilla Erulkar, 9.2.43
1875. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 6 February 1943
1876. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Press Division, Admiralty, 8 February 1943
1877. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Harry W. Todd, 8 February 1943
1878. [B]TBF, 8 February 1943: Oliver Bell, 24.2.43
1879. [L]Letter to Harry W. Todd, 10 February 1943
1880. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 13 February 1943
1881. [L]Letter to Director, Press Division, Admiralty, 13 February 1943
1882. [L]Letter to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 13 February 1943
1883. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Distinguished Speakers, 13 February 1943
1884. [L]Note to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 13 February 1943
1885. [B]TBF, 13 February 1943: Bahadur Singh, 24.2.43
1886. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 15 February 1943
1887. [L]Memorandum from R. A. Rendall to S.J. de Lotbinière and L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 15 February 1943
1888. [L]Letter to H. D. Graves-Law, 16 February 1943
1889. [L]Letter from L. F. Rushbrook Williams to Chinna Durai, 19 February 1943
1890. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 21, 19 February 1943
1891. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 19 February 1943
1892. [B]TBF, 19 February 1943: E. M. Forster, 3.3.43
1893. [B]TBF, 19 February 1943: E. M. Forster, 31.3.43
1894. [B]TBF, 19 February 1943: Stephen King-Hall, 22.2.43
1895. [B]Weekly News Review, 57, 20 February 1943
1896. [B]Bangali Newsletter, 32, 20 February 1943
1897. [L]Letter to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 20 February 1943
1898. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 22 February 1943
1899. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 22 February 1943
1900. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 23 February 1943
1901. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Eminent Speakers, 24 February 1943, with Orwell’s response of 1.3.43
1902. [L]Letter to Bonamy Dobrée, 24 February 1943
1903. [L]Letter to James Stephens, 24 February 1943
1904. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 24 February 1943
1905. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 24 February 1943
1906. [L]Letter to Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 25 February 1943
1907. [B]TBF, 25 February 1943: Lady Grigg, 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31.3.43
1908. [B]TBF, 25 February 1943: Desmond Hawkins, 2.3.43
1909. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 22 and 26 February 1943
1910. [B]TBF, 26 February 1943: Shridhar Telkar, 4, 18, and 25.3.43
1911. [B]Weekly News Review, 58, 27 February 1943
1912. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 33, 27 February 1943
1913. [L]Letter to the Editor, Picture Post, 27 February 1943
1914. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 27 February 1943
1915. [B]Speaker’s Form: Mrs K. C. Roy, 27 February 1943
Note |
15. Two wasted years, 1943 |
Copy * 1943
1916. [A]Jack London: ‘Landmarks in American Literature,’ 5, 1 March 1943
1917. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Eminent Speakers, 1 March 1943
1918. [L]Letter to H. D. Graves-Law, 1 March 1943
1919. [B]TBF, 1 March 1943: Bahadur Singh, 3.3.43
1920. [B]TBF, 1 March 1943: Catherine Lacey, 10.3.43
1921. [B]TBF, 1 March 1943: Lester Powell, 11.3.43
1922. [A]Talk to Oxford University English Club, 2 March 1943
1923. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 3 March 1943
1924. [B]TBF, 3 March 1943: Herbert Read, 5.3.43
1925. [B]TBF, 3 March 1943: J. Chinna Durai, ex-gratia payment
1926. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 4 March 1943
1927. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Eminent Speakers, 4 March 1943
1928. [B]New Marathi General Assistant (Venu Chitale), 4 March 1943
1929. [L]Letter to Bonamy Dobrée, 4 March 1943
1930. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 4 March 1943
1931. [B]TBF, 4 March 1943: Tom Driberg, 8.3.43
1932. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 23, 5 March 1943
1933. [L]Letter to A. Morley, India Office, 5 March 1943
1934. [L]Memorandum to Talks Booking Manager, 5 March 1943
1935. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams: Talk by Lord Woolton, 5 March 1943
1936. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 5 March 1943
1937. [L]Newsletter to India Replaced, 6 March 1943
1938. [L]Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 6 March 1943
1939. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 8 March 1943
1940. [L]Letter to Lester Powell, 8 March 1943
1941. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 8 March 1943
1942. [L]Letter to [Penguin Books], 8 March 1943
1943. [B]TBF, 8 March 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 8, 15, and 22.2.43; 1. 15. 22, and 29.3.43
1944. [B]TBF, 8 March 1943: Bahadur Singh, 10.3.43
1945. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 10 March 1943, with her response
1946. [L]Letter to Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, 10 March 1943
1947. [L]Memorandum to J. B. Clark: Origins of Literary Talks Reprinted in The Listener, 11 March 1943
1948. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 11 March 1943
1949. [L]Letter to Penguin Books, 11 March 1943
1950. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 24, 12 March 1943
1951. [B]TBF, 12 March 1943: E. D. Edwards, 31.3.43
1952. [B]Weekly News Review, 59, 13 March 1943
1953. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 15 March 1943
1954. [N]Note to Norman Collins, c. 16 March 1943
1955. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to E. M. Forster, 16 March 1943
1956. [B]TBF, 16 March 1943: Oliver Bell, 24.3.43
1957. [B]TBF, 16 March 1943: T. S. Eliot, 1.4.43
1958. [B]TBF, 16 March 1943: N. Gangulee and Shridhar Telkar, 17, 24, and 31.3.43
1959. [B]TBF, 16 March 1943: Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, 26.3.43
1960. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins, 17 March 1943
1961. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, [17 March 1943?]
1962. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 17 March 1943
1963. [L]Letter to James Stephens, 18 March 1943
1964. [R] Mulk Raj Anand, Letters on India, 19 March 1943, with ensuing correspondence
1965. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 25, 19 March 1943
1966. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 22 March 1943
1967. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 23 March 1943
1968. [L]Letter to Quintin Hogg, 24 March 1943
1969. [B]TBF, 24 March 1943: Quintin Hogg, 5.4.43
1970. [L]Letter to G. V. Desani, 25 March 1943
1971. [L]Letter to Paul Potts, 25 March 1943
1972. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 26, 26 March 1943
1973. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 26 March 1943
1974. [L]Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 27 March 1943
1975. [L]Memorandum to E. W. D. Boughen, 27 March 1943
1976. [B]TBF, 27 March 1943: G. V. Desani, 9.4.43
1977. [B]TBF, 27 March 1943: N. Gangulee and Shridhar Telkar, 7, 14, and 21.4.43; Mrs K. C. Roy, 7 and 21.4.43
1978. [B]TBF, 27 March 1943: Lady Grigg, 7, 14, 21, and 28.4.43
1979. [B]TBF, 27 March 1943: Shridhar Telkar, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.4.43
1980. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 29 March 1943
1981. [B]TBF, 29 March 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5, 12, 19, and 26.4.43
1982. [B]TBF, 29 March 1943: Indira Roy, 6.4.43
1983. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 31 March 1943
1984. [L]Draft for postcard to Reginald Reynolds, [31 March 1943?]
1985. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, [31 March 1943?]
1986. [L]Letter to Osbert Sitwell, 1 April 1943
1987. [N]‘Not Enough Money: A Sketch of George Gissing’, 2 April 1943
1988. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 27, 2 April 1943
1989. [A]Comment on Robert Duval’s “Whitehall’s Road to Mandalay” and correspondence on Nationalism, 2 April 1943
1990. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 2 April 1943
1991. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 2 April 1943
1992. [B]TBF, 2 April 1943: E. M. Forster, 28.4.43
1993. [L]Draft for postcard to Reginald Reynolds, [5 April 1943?]
1994. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 5 April 1943
1995. [L]Letter to Benjamin Musgrave, 5 April 1943
1996. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 5 April 1943
1997. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 6 April 1943
1998. [L]Letter to J. B. S. Haldane, 7 April 1943
1999. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 7 April 1943
2000. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 7 April 1943
2001. [B]TBF, 7 April 1943: Lord Winterton, 3.5.43
2002. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 28, 9 April 1943
2003. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 9 April 1943
2004. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell; 12 April 1943
2005. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 13 April 1943
2006. [L]Letters to Desmond Hawkins, John Lehmann, Herbert Read, Osbert Sitwell, and L. A. G. Strong, 13 April 1943
2007. [L]Letter to R. U. Hingorani, 13 April 1943
2008. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 13 April 1943
2009. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 14 April 1943
2010. [L]Letter to P. A. Buxton, 15 April 1943
2011. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 15 April 1943
2012. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 29, 16 April 1943
2013. [L]Letter to Penguin Books Ltd., 16 April 1943
2014. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 16 April 1943
2015. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 16 April 1943
2016. [B]TBF, 16 April 1943: Reginald Reynolds, 22.4.43
2017. [R] V. K. Narayana Menon, The Development of William Butler Yeats, 17 April 1943
2018. [B]TBF, 17 April 1943: James Stephens, 27.5.43
2019. [L]Letter to V. B. Wigglesworth, 19 April 1943
2020. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to E.. W. D. Boughen, 19 April 1943
2021. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 20 April 1943
2022. [L]Letter to Raymond Mortimer, 20 April 1943
2023. [B]TBF, 20 April 1943: Oliver Bell, 28.4.43
2024. [B]Tamil Newsletter, 1, 22 April 1943: with editorial note
2025. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 22 April 1943
2026. [L]Letter to J. Elizabeth Jermyn, 22 April 1943
2027. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, 22 April 1943
2028. [L]Letter to V. B. Wigglesworth, 22 April 1943
2029. [B]TBF, 22 April 1943: K. K. Ardaschir, 6.5.43
2030. [B]TBF, 22 April 1943: Naomi Royde-Smith, 19.5.43, 16.6.43, and 21.7.43
2031. [L]Letter to Tom Driberg, c. 22 April 1943
2032. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 30, 23 April 1943
2033. [PD]Orwell’s Leave, 23–26 April 1943
2034. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Acland, c. 23 April 1943
2035. [L]Letter to Lord David Cecil, 23 April 1943
2036. [L]Letter to E. D. Edwards, 23 April 1943
2037. [L]Memorandum to Sir Malcolm Darling, 23 April 1943
2038. [L]Letter to N. Gangulee, 23 April 1943
2039. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, 23 April 1943
2040. [B]TBF, 23 April 1943: E. D. Edwards, 7.5.43
2041. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 27 April 1943
2042. [L]Letter to Lord David Cecil, 27 April 1943
2043. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, [27 April 1943?]
2044. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, [27 April 1943?]
2045. [L]S.J. de Lotbinière to Leslie Stokes (‘Great Dramatists’), 27 April 1943
2046. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 28 April 1943
2047. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 2, 29 April 1943
2048. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 31, 30 April 1943
2049. [R] Tangye Lean, Voices in the Darkness, 30 April 1943
2050. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Arthur Wynn, 30 April 1943
2051. [B]TBF, 30 April 1943: N. Gangulee and Shridhar Telkar, 5, 12, and 19.5.43; and Mrs K. C. Roy 5 and 19.5.43
2052. [B]TBF, 30 April 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31.5.43
2053. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: Lilla Erulkar, recorded 3.5.43
2054. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: E. M. Forster, 26.5.43
2055. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: Lady Grigg, 5, 12, 19, and 26.5.43
2056. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: Raymond Mortimer, 13.5.43
2057. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: Shridhar Telkar, 6, 13, 20, and 27.5.43
2058. [L]Letters to the Secretaries, Students’ Unions, Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Oxford, and London School of Economics, 3 May 1943
2059. [L]Letter to J. Elizabeth Jermyn, 5 May 1943
2060. [L]Letter to the Director, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 5 May 1943
2061. [B]Tamil Newsletter, 3, 6 May 1943
2062. [B]TBF, 6 May 1943: K. K. Ardaschir, recorded 11.5.43
2063. [B]TBF, 6 May 1943: Arthur Greenwood, 10.5.43
2064. [B]TBF, 6 May 1943: Catherine Lacey, 12.5.43
2065. [B]TBF, 6 May 1943: D. Nanavati, 12.5.43
2066. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 32, 7 May 1943
2067. [L]Letter to F. W. Mackenzie, 7 May 1943
2068. [L]Letter to L. A. G. Strong, 7 May 1943
2069. [L]Letter to V. B. Wigglesworth, 7 May 1943
2070. [A] ‘Three Years of Home Guard: Unique Symbol of Stability’, 9 May 1943
2071. [L]Letter to John Macmurray, 10 May 1943
2072. [B]TBF, 11 May 1943: George Strauss, 17.5.43
2073. [A] ‘Marrakech’: broadcast 10 May 1943
2074. [L]Draft for postcard to V. B. Wigglesworth, 12 May 1943
2075. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 12 May 1943
2076. [B]News in Tamil, 4, 13 May 1943
2077. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 13 May 1943
2078. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Royal Literary Fund, 13 May 1943
2079. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to Arthur Wynn, 13 May 1943
2080. [B]TBF, 13 May 1943: Oliver Bell, 26.5.43
2081. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 33, 14 May 1943
2082. [B]TBF, 17 May 1943: Sir Richard Winstedt, 4, 11, 18, and 25.6.43
2083. [B]TBF, 17 May 1943: Sir Richard Winstedt, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.6.43
2084. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Eminent Speakers, 18 May 1943
2085. [L]Letter to Eleanor Rathbone, 18 May 1943
2086. [L]Letter to Wilfrid Roberts, 18 May 1943
2087. [B]TBF, 18 May 1943: Wilfrid Roberts, 24.5.43
2088. [L]Letter to C. D. Darlington, 19 May 1943
2089. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 5, 20 May 1943
2090. [B]TBF, 20 May 1943: John Macmurray, 28.5.43
2091. [B]TBF, 20 May 1943: Eleanor Rathbone, 7.6.43
2092. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 34, 21 May 1943
2093. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to Arthur Wynn, 22 May 1943
2094. [B]TBF, [15–22 May 1943]: J. D. S. Paul, 3, 10, 17, and 24.6.43
2095. [A]‘Profile: Sir Richard Acland’, 23 May 1943
2096. [A]‘London Letter’, c. 23 May 1943
2097. [L]Letter to E. F. W. Mackenzie, 24 May 1943
2098. [B]TBF, 25 May 1943: Lady Grigg, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.6.43
2098A. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 26 May 1943
2099. [R] D. W. Brogan, The English People, 27 May 1943
2100. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 6, 27 May 1943
2101. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 27 May 1943
2102. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 35, 28 May 1943
2103. [L]Letter to N. Gangulee, 28 May 1943
2104. [B]TBF, 28 May 1943: Oliver Bell, 23.6.43
2105. [B]TBF, 28 May 1943: Kingsley Martin, 6.7.43
2106. [B]TBF, 28 May 1943: L. A. G. Strong, 4.7.43
2107. [B]TBF, 29 May 1943: N. Gangulee, 2, 9, 17, and 24.6.43; 8.7.43
2108. [B]TBF, 29 May 1943: Mrs K. C. Roy, 2 and 17.6.43
2109. [B]TBF, 29 May 1943: D. Nanavati, 9.6.43
2110. [L]Letter to John Atkins, 31 May 1943
2111. [B]TBF, 31 May 1943: Sir John Russell, 29.7.43
2112. [B]TBF, 31 May 1943: E. F. W. Mackenzie, 19.8.43
2113. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 1 June 1943
2114. [B]TBF, 1 June 1943: E. D. Edwards, 30.6.43
2115. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 7, 3 June 1943
2116. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 3 June 1943
2117. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins, 3 June 1943, with ensuing correspondence
2118. [L]Letter to Mrs Milton (Naomi Royde-Smith), 3 June 1943
2119. [B]TBF, 3 June 1943: Roger Falk, recorded 9.6.43
2120. [A] ‘Literature and the Left’, 4 June 1943
2121. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 36, 4 June 1943
2122. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 4 June 1943
2123. [L]Letter to Mrs Milton (Naomi Royde-Smith), 5 June 1943
2124. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to W.J. Turner, 5 June 1943
2125. [B]TBF, 5 June 1943: W.J. Turner, 10.6.43
2126. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 7 June 1943
2127. [L]Draft for postcard to Alan Rook, 8 June 1943
2128. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, 9 June 1943
2129. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 8, 10 June 1943
2130. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 37, 11 June 1943
2131. [L]Letter to Balachandra Rajan, 11 June 1943
2132. [B]TBF, 12 June 1943: Kingsley Martin, 19.6.43
2133. [B] ‘Modern English Verse’, 13 June 1943
2134. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, 14 June 1943
2135. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 9, 17 June 1943
2136. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 17 June 1943
2137. [L]“Letter to an American Visitor by ‘Obadiah Hornbooke’” (Alex Comfort), 4 June 1943
2138. [L]Poem: ‘As One Non-Combatant to Another (A letter to “Obadiah Hornbooke”)’ 18 June 1943
2139. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 38, 18 June 1943
2140. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 18 June 1943
2141. [L]Letter to William Plomer, 18 June 1943
2142. [L]Letter to Raymond Mortimer, 18 June 1943
2143. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 18 June 1943
2144. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Orwell, 18 June 1943
2145. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 21 June 1943
2146. [B]TBF, 22 June 1943: Oliver Bell, 28.7.43
2147. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 10, 24 June 1943
2148. [L]Norman Collins to Mrs. Salmon, 24 June 1943
2149. [B]TBF, 24 June 1943: Lord David Cecil, 24.6.43
2150. [B]TBF, 24 June 1943: Alan Rook, 11.7.43
2151. [PD]London Calling: editorial note
2152. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 39, 25 June 1943
2153. [L]Letter to J. C. Drummond, 25 or 26 June 1943
2154. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 25 June 1943
2155. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 25 June 1943
2156. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, 25 June 1943
2157. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: John Lehmann, 1.8.43
2158. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: E. F.W. Mackenzie, 19.8.43
2159. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: Mrs K. C. Roy, 1 and 8.7.43
2160. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: Sir John Russell, 29.7.43
2161. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: V. B. Wigglesworth, 12.8.43
2162. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 28 June 1943
2163. [B]TBF, 28 June 1943: Roger Falk, 26.6.43
2164. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 29 June 1943
2165. [L]Draft for postcard to Desmond Hawkins, 29 June 1943
2166. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 30 June 1943
2167. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 11, 1 July 1943
2168. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 1 July 1943
2169. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, 1 July 1943
2170. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 40, 2 July 1943
2171. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 2 July 1943
2172. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 2 July 1943
2173. [B]TBF, 2 July 1943: J. D. S. Paul, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.7.43
2174. [B]TBF, 2 July 1943: J. C. Drummond, 15.7.43
2175. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to E. M. Forster, 3 July 1943
2176. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 5 July 1943
2177. [B]TBF, 5 July 1943: Cherry Cottrell, 14.7.43
2178. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 6 July 1943
2179. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 7 July 1943
2180. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 12, 8 July 1943
2181. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 1, 9 July 1943
2182. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 9 July 1943
2183. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 11[?] July 1943
2184. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, 12 July 1943
2185. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 13 July 1943
2186. [L]Letter to C. D. Darlington, 13 July 1943
2187. [L]Letter to Samuel Runganadhan, 13 July 1943
2188. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 13, 15 July 1943
2189. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 2, 16 July 1943
2190. [L]Letter to James Stephens, 16 July 1943
2191. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, 16 July 1943
2192. [L]Letter to Bryan Brooke, 19 July 1943
2193. [L]Postcard to George Allen & Unwin, 21 July 1943
2194. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 14, 22 July 1943
2195. [B]TBF, 22 July 1943: Kingsley Martin, 3.8.43
2196. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 3, 23 July 1943
2197. [L]Letter to Bryan Brooke, 23 July 1943
2198. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 23 July 1943
2199. [L]Letter to James Stephens, 23 July 1943
2200. [L]Memorandum to Indian Programme Organiser: ‘Science and the People’, 26 July 1943
2201. [L]Georges Kopp to Orwell and his wife, 26 July 1943
2202. [B]TBF, 27 July 1943: J. D. S. Paul, 5, 12, 19, and 26.8.43
2203. [B]TBF, 28 July 1943: V. S. Pritchett, 22.8.43
2204. [B]TBF, 28 July 1943: Oliver Bell, 25.8.43
2205. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 15, 29 July 1943
2206. [L]Letter to C. M. Fletcher, 29 July 1943
2207. [L]Letter to L. P. Garrod, 29 July 1943
2208. [R] New Writing and Daylight [Summer 1943], edited by John Lehmann, 30 July 1943
2209. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 4, 30 July 1943
2210. [L]Memorandum to Ronald Boswell, Talks Booking Manager, 30 July 1943
2211. [A] ‘Those Seaside Postcards’, August 1943
2212. [L]Memorandum to Miss B. H. Alexander, 2 August 1943
2213. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 3 August 1943
2214. [L]Letter to L. P. Garrod, 3 August 1943
2215. [L]Letter to Diana Wong, 3 August 1943
2216. [B]TBF, 3 August 1943: L. P. Garrod, 26.8.43
2217. [L]Letter to C. M. Fletcher, 4 August 1943
2218. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 4 August 1943
2219. [B]Replacement of P. Chatterjee for Bengali Newsletter, 4 August 1943
2220. [B]TBF, 4 August 1943: Bryan Brooke, 9.9.43
2221. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 16, 5 August 1943
2222. [L]Mary Blackburn to Desmond Hawkins, 5 August 1943
2222A. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 6 August 1943
2223. [B]TBF, undated: Edith Summerskill, 7.8.43
2224. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 5, 6 August 1943
2225. [L]Letter to Oliver Bell, 6 August 1943
2226. [B]TBF, 6 August 1943: C. M. Fletcher, 2.9.43
2227. [B]TBF, 6 August 1943: Kingsley Martin, 31.8.43
2228. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 10 August 1943
2229. [B]TBF, 10 August 1943: James Stephens, 5.9.43
2230. [P]Orwell’s Adaptation of “Crainquebille” by Anatole France, 11 August 1943
2231. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 17, 12 August 1943
2232. [L]Letter to Oliver Bell, 12 August 1943
2233. [L]Letter to F. R. Daruvala, 12 August 1943
2234. [L]Letter to L. P. Garrod, c. 12 August 1943
2235. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 6, 13 August 1943
2236. [R] George Rodger, Red Moon Rising; Alfred Wagg, A Million Died, 14 August 1943
2237. [R] Edward Hulton, The New Age, 15 August 1943
2238. [L]Letter to Oliver Bell, 17 August 1943
2239. [L]Letter to Bryan Brooke, 18 August 1943
2240. [L]Postcard to G. E. Harvey, 18 August 1943
2241. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 18, 19 August 1943
2242. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 7, 20 August 1943
2243. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 20 August 1943
2244. [L]Letter to L. P. Garrod, 20 August 1943
2245. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 21 August 1943
2246. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 24 August 1943
2247. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 24 August 1943
2248. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, c. 24 August 1943
2249. [B]TBF, 25 August 1943: Quintin Hogg, 28.8.43
2250. [B]TBF, 25 August 1943: Stephen Spender, 19.9.43
2251. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 19, 26 August 1943
2252. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 26 August 1943
2253. [B]TBF, 26 August 1943: Oliver Bell, 22.9.43
2254. [B]News Commentary in English for Indonesia, 8, 27 August 1943
2255. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 31 August 1943
2256. [L]Letter to Samuel Runganadhan, 31 August 1943
2257. [R]‘Gandhi in Mayfair’: Review of Lionel Fielden, Beggar My Neighbour, September 1943
2258. [P]“Toothpaste in Bloomsbury” by Lionel Fielden (reply to 2257), November 1943
2259. [L]Roy Walker to George Orwell (re 2257), 28 September 1943
2260. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 1 September 1943
2261. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 2 September 1943
2262. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, 2 September 1943
2263. [PD]Orwell’s Annual Leave, 3 September 1943
2264. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 9, 3 September 1943
2265. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to E. M. Forster, 3 September 1943
2266. [B]Kingsley Martin and the BBC Eastern Service
2267. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 6 September 1943
2268. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Oliver Bell, 8 September 1943
2269. [B]TBF, 8 September 1943: P. Chatterjee, 18 and 25.9.43
2270. [P]Orwell’s Adaptation of “The Fox” by Ignazio Silone, 9 September 1943
2271. [R] Thomas Mann, Order of the Day, 10 September 1943
2272. [R] Louis Lévy, France is a Democracy, 12 September 1943
2273. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Oliver Bell, 14 September 1943
2274. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 17 September 1943
2275. [B]TBF, 21 September 1943: George Yeh, 20.9.43
2276. [L]Laurence Brander to Eastern Service Director: Preferences of the English-speaking Indian Audience, 22 September 1943
2277. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 23, 23 September 1943
2278. [PD]Contract for The English People, 23 September 1943
2279. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 12, 24 September 1943
2280. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 24 September 1943
2281. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 24 September 1943
2282. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 24 September 1943
2283. [L]Orwell’s Letter of Resignation from the BBC, 24 September 1943
2284. [L]Letter to W.J. Turner, 24 September 1943
2285. [B]TBF, 24 September 1943: Roger Falk, 26.9.43
2286. [B]TBF, 25 September 1943: Oliver Bell, 20.10.43
2287. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 27 September 1943
2288. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 28 September 1943
2289. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, 28 September 1943
2290. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 24, 30 September 1943
2291. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 30 September 1943
2292. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 13, 1 October 1943
2293. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching M. P. s, 4 October 1943
2294. [L]Letter to T. H. Pear, 4 October 1943
2295. [B]TBF, 4 October 1943: T. H. Pear, 14.10.43
2296. [L]Letter to T. H. Pear, 5 October 1943
2297. [P]Orwell’s Adaptation of “A Slip Under the Microscope”, by H. G. Wells, 6 October 1943
2298. [L]Letter to J. C. Flugel, 6 October 1943
2299. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 October 1943
2300. [L]Letter to W. J. Turner, 6 October 1943
2301. [B]TBF, 6 October 1943: J. C. Flugel, 21.10.43
2302. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 25, 7 October 1943
2303. [L]Letter to Susan Isaacs, 7 October 1943
2304. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 14, 8 October 1943
2305. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 8 October 1943
2305A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 8 October 1943: see Vol XX, p. 312
2306. [L]Letter to C. W. Valentine, 8 October 1943
2307. [L]Letter to Frederick Laws, [8–10? October 1943]
2308. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Oliver Bell, 9 October 1943
2309. [R] Harold J. Laski, Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, 10 October 1943
2310. [PD]Orwell’s Sick Leave, 11 to 15 October 1943
2311. [L]Guy Wint to Orwell, 11 October 1943
2312. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 12 October 1943
2313. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 26, 14 October 1943
2314. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 14 October 1943
2315. [L]Letter to C. W. Valentine, 14 0ctober1943
2316. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 15, 15 October 1943
2317. [L]Letter to J. C. Flugel, 15 October 1943
2317A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 15 October 1943: see Vol XX, p. 313
2318. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 16 0ctober 1943
2319. [P]Shakespeare, Macbeth; Adapted and Introduced by Orwell, 17 October 1943
2320. [L]Letter to Frederick Laws, 18 October 1943
2321. [L]Letter to George Bernard Shaw, 18 October 1943
2322. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins (Eminent Speakers), 19 October 1943
2323. [L]Letter to André Van Gyseghem, 20 October 1943
2324. [B]TBF, 20 October 1943: Susan Isaacs, 11.11.43
2325. [B]TBF, 20 October 1943: C. W. Valentine, 28.10.43
2326. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 27, 21 October 1943
2327. [R] C. E. M. Joad, The Adventures of the Young Soldier in Search of the Better World, 21 October 1943
2328. [R]‘Who Are the War Criminals?’: Review of The Trial of Mussolini by “Cassius”, 22 October 1943
2329. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 16, 22 October 1943
2330. [L]Letter to Susan Isaacs, 22 October 1943
2331. [L]Letter to Blanche Patch, Secretary to George Bernard Shaw, 22 October 1943
2332. [B]TBF, 22 October 1943: Oliver Bell, 17.11.43
2333. [L]Letter to André Van Gyseghem, 22 October 1943
2334. [B]TBF, 22 October 1943: W. J. Turner, 14.11.43
2335. [B]TBF, 22 October 1943: André Van Gyseghem, 7.11.43
2336. [B]TBF, 22 October 1943: D. W. Harding, 4.11.43
2337. [PD]Orwell’s Sick Leave, 25–26 October 1943
2338. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 27 October 1943
2339. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 27 October 1943
2340. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 28, 28 October 1943
2341. [L]Letter to D. W. Harding, 28 or 29 October 1943
2341A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 28 October 1943: see Vol XX, p. 313
2342. [B]TBF, 28 October 1943: L. A. G. Strong, 31.10.43
2343. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 17, 29 October 1943
2344. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 29, 4 November 1943
2345. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 18, 5 November 1943
2346. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 5 November 1943
2347. [R] Douglas Reed, Lest We Regret; Sidney Dark, I Sit and I Think and I Wonder, 7 November 1943
2348. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 30, 11 November 1943
2349. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 11 November 1943
2349A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 November 1943: see Vol XX, p. 314
2350. [L]Letter to Harold Laski, 11 November 1943
2351. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 19, 12 November 1943
2352. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 12 November 1943
2353. [B]TBF, 15 November 1943: H. J. Laski, 5.12.43
2354. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 16 November 1943
2355. [L]Letter to H. J. Laski, 16 November 1943
2356. [L]Letter to S. Moos, 16 November 1943
2357. [E] ‘The Detective Story’ [‘Grandeur et décadence du roman policier anglais’], 17 November 1943: editorial note French text English translation
2358. [B]TBF, 17 November 1943: Oliver Bell, 15.12.43
2359. [PD]Talking to India: A Selection of English Language Broadcasts to India, 18 November 1943: editorial note
2360. [A] Talking to India: Introduction / A Note on Contributors
2361. [P] Orwell’s Adaptation of The Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Anderson, 18 November 1943
2362. [B] Newsletter in Tamil, 31, 18 November 1943
2363. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 20, 19 November 1943
2364. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 19 November 1943
2365. [R] Henry Noel Brailsford, Subject India, 20 November 1943
2366. [P] Talk on Lady Windermere’s Fan, by Oscar Wilde, 21 November 1943
2367. [L]Letter to Production Department, Penguin Books, 21 November 1943
2368. [L]Letter to Allen & Unwin, 23 November 1943
2369. [L]Letter to Cecil Day Lewis, 23 November 1943
2370. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 24 November 1943 This meeting, which Orwell attended, was held on his last day of service with the BBC
2371. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 32, 25 November 1943
2372. [L]Roy Walker to Orwell, 25 November 1943
2373. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 21, 26 November 1943
2374. [PD]Appendix 1: Laurence Brander’s Report on Indian Programmes, 11 January 1943
2375. [N]Appendix 2: Orwell’s Notes for ‘The Quick & the Dead’ and ‘The Last Man in Europe’: editorial note
2376. [N]Notes for ‘The Quick & the Dead’, late September 1943?
2377. [N]Notes for ‘The Last Man in Europe’, late September 1943?
Notes |
16. I have tried to tell the truth, 1943-1944 |
Copy * 1943
2378. [PD]Orwell at Tribune: editorial note
2379. [A] ‘Mark Twain—The Licensed Jester’, 26 November 1943
2380. [R] E. Allison Peers, Spain in Eclipse, 1937–1943; Lawrence Dundas, Behind the Spanish Mask, 28 November 1943
2381. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 29 November 1943
2382. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 29 November 1943
2383. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 29 November 1943
2384. [A]Your Questions Answered: Wigan Pier, broadcast 2 December 1943
2385. [E]‘As I Please’, 1, 3 December 1943
2386. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 December 1943
2387. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 7 December 1943
2388. [PD]‘Life, People and Books’, Manchester Evening News: editorial note
2389. [R] Arthur Koestler, Arrival and Departure; Philip Jordan, Jordan’s Tunis Diary, 9 December 1943
2390. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 9 December 1943
2391. [E]‘As I Please’, 2, 10 December 1943
2392. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 11 December 1943
2393. [E]‘As I Please’, 3, 17 December 1943
2394. [R] Collected Poems of W. H. Davies, 19 December 1943
2395. [R] Lancelot Hogben, Interglossa; Compton Mackenzie, Mr. Roosevelt, 23 December 1943
2396. [E]‘As I Please’, 4, 24 December 1943
2397. [A] ‘Can Socialists be Happy?’ by ‘John Freeman’, 24 December 1943
2398. [E]‘As I Please’, 5, 31 December 1943
2399. [R] K. C. Chorley, Armies and the Art of Revolution, 2 January 1944
2400. [R] Viscount Wavell, Allenby in Egypt, 6 January 1944
2401. [E]‘As I Please’, 6, 7 January 1944
2402. [L]F. R. Leavis to Orwell, 8 January 1944
2403. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 January 1944
2404. [E]‘As I Please’, 7, 14 January 1944
2405. [A]‘London Letter’, 15 January 1944
2406. [R] C. K. Allen, Democracy and the Individual; Sir R. George Stapledon, Disraeli and the New Age, 16 January 1944
2407. [R] James Burnham, The Machiavellians, 20 January 1944
2408. [L]John Lehmann to Orwell, 20 January 1944
2409. [P] ‘Memories of the Blitz’, 21 January 1944
2410. [E]‘As I Please’, 8, 21 January 1944
2411. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 25 January 1944
2412. [E]‘As I Please’, 9, 28 January 1944
2413. [R] Joshua Trachtenberg, The Devil and the Jews; Edmond Fleg, Why I Am a Jew, translated by Victor Gollancz, 30 January 1944
2414. [L]Letter to R. S. R. Fitter, 31 January 1944
2415. [R] Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn; Countess of Oxford and Asquith, Off the Record, 3 February 1944
2416. [E]‘As I Please’, 10, 4 February 1944
2417. [E]‘As I Please’, 11, 11 February 1944
2418. [R] Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, 13 February 1944
2419. [R] Jan Fortune and Jean Burton, Elisabet Ney, 17 February 1944
2420. [L]Letter to R. S. R. Fitter, 17 February 1944
2420A. [L]Letter to Daniel George, 17 February 1944 XX, App. 15
2421. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 17 February 1944
2422. [E]‘As I Please’, 12, 18 February 1944
2423. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 21 February 1944
2424. [E]‘As I Please’, 13, 25 February 1944
2425. [R] Alfred Noyes, The Edge of the Abyss, 27 February 1944
2426. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 28 February 1944
2426A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 1 March 1944
2427. [L]Letter to C. K. Ogden, 1 March 1944
2428. [R] Harry Levin, James Joyce, 2 March 1944
2429. [E]‘As I Please’, 14, 3 March 1944
2430. [L]John Davys Beresford to Orwell, 7 March 1944
2431. [L]Letter to Roy Fuller, 7 March 1944
2432. [E]‘As I Please’, 15, 10 March 1944
2433. [R] Other Men’s Flowers, selected and annotated by A. P. Wavell, 12 March 1944
2434. [R]Rejected Review: Harold J. Laski, Faith, Reason and Civilisation, 12 March 1944
2435. [E]‘As I Please’, 16, 17 March 1944
2436. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 March 1944
2437. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 19 March 1944
2438. [L]Ethel Colquhoun to Orwell, 20 March 1944
2439. [R] Sir William Beach Thomas, The Way of a Countryman, 23 March 1944
2440. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 March 1944
2441. [E]‘As I Please’, 17, 24 March 1944
2442. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 25 March 1944
2443. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 March 1944
2444. [R] Derrick Leon, Tolstoy: His Life and Work, 26 March 1944
2445. [E]‘As I Please’, 18, 31 March 1944
2446. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, 31 March 1944
2446A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 3 April 1944
2447. [L]Telegram to Leonard Moore, 5 April 1944
2448. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 April 1944
2449. [R] Maurice Collis, She Was a Queen; Margaret Mead, Coming of Age in Samoa, 6 April 1944
2450. [E]‘As I Please’, 19, 7 April 1944
2451. [R] F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom; K. Zilliacus, The Mirror of the Past, 9 April 1944
2451A. [L]Letter to Daniel George, 10 April 1944 XX, App. 15
2452. [E]‘As I Please’, 20, 14 April 1944
2453. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 April 1944
2454. [A]‘London Letter’, 17 April 1944
2455. [R] Edmund Blunden, Cricket Country, 20 April 1944
2456. [L]Letter to W. J. Strachan, 20 April 1944
2457. [E]‘As I Please’, 21, 21 April 1944
2457A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 21 April 1944
2458. [R] Hugh Kingsmill, The Poisoned Crown, 23 April 1944
2459. [L]Correspondence with Antonia White, 27 April 1944
2460. [E]‘As I Please’, 22, 28 April 1944
2461. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 1 May 1944
2462. [E]‘As I Please’, 23, 5 May 1944
2463. [R] Alfred Hessenstein, A Giant in the Age of Steel: The Story of General de Gaulle, 5 May 1944
2464. [R] This Changing World, edited by J. R. M. Brumwell; Julian Huxley, On Living in a Revolution; Various Authors, Reshaping Man’s Heritage, 7 May 1944
2465. [L]Letter to Charles Hamblett, 8 May 1944
2466. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 May 1944
2467. [E]‘As I Please’, 24, 12 May 1944
2468. [R] Louis Fischer, Empire, 13 May 1944
2469. [L]Letter to W. F. Stirling, Latin American Department, BBC, 16 May 1944
2470. [R] St. John Ervine, Parnell, 18 May 1944
2470A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 18 May 1944: see Vol. XX, p. 314
2471. [L]Letter to Noel Willmett, 18 May 1944
2472. [L]William Lynch to Tribune, 19 May 1944
2473. [E]‘As I Please’, 25, 19 May 1944
2474. [R] H. G. Wells, ’42 to ’44: A Contemporary Memoir upon Human Behaviour During the Crisis of the World Revolution, 21 May 1944
2475. [PD]The English People, 22 May 1944: editorial note
England at First Glance
The Moral Outlook of the English People
The Political Outlook of the English People
The English Class System
The English Language
The Future of the English People
2475A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 23 May 1944
2476. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 May 1944
2477. [L]Letter to A. S. Umpleby, 25 May 1944
2478. [E]‘As I Please’, 26, 26 May 1944
2479. [L]Letter to The Royal Literary Fund, 26 May 1944
2480. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 May 1944
2481. [E] ‘Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali’, 1 June 1944
2482. [A] ‘Are Books Too Dear?’, 1 June 1944
2483. [E]‘As I Please’, 27, 2 June 1944
2484. [A] ‘Survey of “Civvy Street”’, 4 June 1944
2484A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 5 June 1944
2485. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 June 1944
2486. [E]‘As I Please’, 28, 9 June 1944
2487. [R] Gordon S. Seagrave, Burma Surgeon; Horace Alexander, India Since Cripps, 11 June 1944
2488. [L]Letter to Leading Aircraftman C. Hopkins, 14 June 1944
2489. [R] William Russell, Robert Cain, 15 June 1944
2490. [E]‘As I Please’, 29, 16 June 1944
2491. [L]Letter to [W. F. Stirling, Latin American Department], BBC, 19 June 1944
2492. [E]‘As I Please’, 30, 23 June 1944
2493. [L]Letter to Mrs Gerry Byrne (Amy Charlesworth), 23 June 1944
2494. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 June 1944
2495. [R] L. L. Schucking, The Sociology of Literary Taste, 25 June 1944
2495A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 26 June 1944
2495B. [PD]‘The World Goes By’, 27 June 1944: editorial note
2496. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 28 June 1944
2497. [B] ‘Political Theories and European Literature’, 28/29 June 1944
2498. [R] Hilda Martindale, From One Generation to Another, 29 June 1944
2499. [E]‘As I Please’, 31, 30 June 1944
2500. [B]BBC Contract for ‘Political Theories and European Literature’, 6 July 1944
2501. [E]‘As I Please’, 32, 7 July 1944
2502. [R] In a Strange Land: Essays by Eric Gill, 9 July 1944
2502A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 10 July 1944: see Vol. XX, p. 315
2503. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 11 July 1944
2504. [R] Martin Johnson, Art and Scientific Thought, 13 July 1944
2505. [L]T. S. Eliot to Orwell, 13 July 1944
2506. [PD]Orwell’s Flat Bombed, 14 July 1944: editorial note
2507. [E]‘As I Please’, 33, 14 July 1944
2508. [L]John Middleton Murry to Orwell, 11 July 1944
2509. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 14 July 1944
2510. [A] ‘The Eight Years of War: Spanish Memories’, 16 July 1944
2511. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 17 July 1944
2512. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 18 July 1944
2513. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 July 1944
2514. [E]‘As I Please’, 34, 21 July 1944
2515. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 21 July 1944
2516. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 21 July 1944
2517. [R] Jacques Barzun, Romanticism and the Modern Ego, 23 July 1944
2518. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 23 July 1944
2519. [A]‘London Letter’, 24 July 1944
2520. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 24 July 1944
2521. [E]‘As I Please’, 35, 28 July 1944
2522. [R] English Diaries of the Nineteenth Century, edited by James Aitken, 28 July 1944
2523. [A] ‘Propaganda and Demotic Speech’, Summer 1944
2524. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 2 August 1944
2525. [L]Letter to W. J. Strachan, 2 August 1944
2526. [E]‘As I Please’, 36, 4 August 1944
2527. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 5 August 1944
2528. [R] Hsiao Ch’ien, The Dragon Beards versus the Blue Prints, 6 August 1944
2528A. [L]Eileen Blair to Lydia Jackson, [9? August 1944]
2529. [R] Richard Church, The Porch and The Stronghold, 10 August 1944
2530. [E]‘As I Please’, 37, 11 August 1944
2531. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 11 August 1944
2532. [R] On Branch Street by Marie Paneth, 13 August 1944
2533. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 August 1944
2534. [E]‘As I Please’, 38, 18 August 1944
2535. [R] Denis Saurat, Milton: Man and Thinker, 20 August 1944
2535A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 23 August 1944
2536. [R] Selwyn James, South of the Congo, 24 August 1944
2537. [E]‘As I Please’, 39, 25 August 1944
2538. [E] ‘Raffles and Miss Blandish’, 28 August 1944
2539. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 August 1944
2540. [A]‘Burma’: Interview by G. B. Pittock-Buss, Autumn 1944.
2541. [E]‘As I Please’, 40 [The Battle of Warsaw], 1 September 1944
2542. [R] Selections from the Works of Gerrard Winstanley, edited by Leonard Hamilton; Introduction by Christopher Hill, 3 September 1944
2543. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 5 September 1944
2544. [L]Letter to R. S. R. Fitter, 5 September 1944
2545. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 5 September 1944
2546. [A] ‘How Long is a Short Story’, 7 September 1944
2547. [E]‘As I Please’, 41, 8 September 1944
2548. [E] ‘Arthur Koestler’, 11 September 1944
2548A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 September 1944
2549. [E]‘As I Please’, 42, 15 September 1944
2550. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 15 September 1944
2551. [R] D. W. Brogan, The American Problem, 17 September 1944
2552. [A] ‘Tobias Smollett: Scotland’s Best Novelist’, 22 September 1944
2553. [A]‘London Letter’, October(?) 1944
2554. [R] V. R. Pearn, Burma Background; O. H. K. Spate, Burma Setting; G. Appleton, Buddhism in Burma; Ma Mya Sein, Burma; Kenneth Hemmingway, Wings Over Burma; Charles J. Rolo, Wingate’s Raiders, 1 October 1944
2555. [L]Letter to T.S. Eliot, 3 October 1944
2556. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 October 1944
2557. [L]Letter to Stanley Unwin, 3 October 1944
2558. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 4 October 1944
2559. [R] T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets, 5 October 1944
2560. [E]‘As I Please’, 43, 6 October 1944
2561. [L]Letter to Daniel George, [9 October 1944]
2561A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 October 1944
2562. [E]‘As I Please’, 44, 13 October 1944
2563. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 13 October 1944
2563A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 13 October 1944: see Vol. XX, p. 315
2563B. [L]Letter from [Ivor Brown] to Thomas Jones, 14 October 1944 XX, App. 15
2564. [A] ‘Home Guard Lessons for the Future’, 15 October 1944
2565. [R] John Middleton Murry, Adam and Eve, 19 October 1944
2566. [E]‘As I Please’, 45, 20 October 1944
2566A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 23 October 1944
2567. [R]Unpublished Review: C. S. Lewis, Beyond Personality, Mid-October 1944
2568. [E]‘As I Please’, 46, 27 October 1944
2569. [L]Letter to Mrs. Gerry Byrne (Amy Charlesworth), 28 October 1944
2570. [R] Beverley Nichols, Verdict on India, 29 October 1944
2571. [L]Letter to Tom Driberg, 30 October 1944
2572. [R] Anthony Trollope, The Warden; George Eliot, Silas Marner; Harold Nicolson, Public Faces; V. Sackville-West, Seducers in Ecuador; Anatole France, Les Dieux ont Soif; Edmond Vermeil, Hitler et le Christianisme, 2 November 1944
2573. [E]‘As I Please’, 47, 3 November 1944
2574. [L]Letter to Tom Driberg, 4 November 1944
2575. [R] Giles Playfair, Singapore Goes Off the Air, Sir Richard Winstedt, Britain and Malaya, 8 November 1944
2576. [A]Books and the People: The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith, 10 November 1944
2577. [R] W. H. Gardner, Gerard Manley Hopkins, 12 November 1944
2578. [R] A. L. Rowse, The English Spirit; ‘Cassius’ (Michael Foot), Brendan and Beverley, 16 November 1944
2579. [E]‘As I Please’, 48, 17 November 1944
2580. [R] J. A. Spender, Last Essays; Walter Clay Lowdermilk, Palestine, Land of Promise; Reginald Moore, Selected Writing, 23 November 1944
2581. [E]‘As I Please’, 49, 24 November 1944
2582. [R] Herbert J. C. Grierson and J. C. Smith, A Critical History of English Poetry, 26 November 1944
2583. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 28 November 1944
2584. [R] James Agate, Noblesse Oblige—Another Letter to Another Son; Jack Lindsay, Perspective for Poetry, 30 November 1944
2585. [E] ‘Funny, But Not Vulgar’, 1 December 1944
2586. [E]‘As I Please’, 50, 1 December 1944
2587. [L]Letter to Frank Barber, 5 December 1944
2588. [L]Letter to Richard C. Elsley, 5 December 1944
2589. [R] Bridge into the Future: Letters of Max Plowman, 7 December 1944
2590. [E]‘As I Please’, 51, 8 December 1944
2591. [L]Letter to Frank Barber, 15 December 1944
2592. [A] ‘Oysters and Brown Stout’, 22 December 1944
2593. [R] Charles d’Ydewalle, An Interlude in Spain, translated by Eric Sutton, 24 December 1944
2593A. [L]Letter to Daniel George, 28 December 1944 XX, App. 15
2594. [R] Robert Gibbings, Lovely is the Lee; Vera T. Mirsky, The Cup of Astonishment, 28 December 1944
2595. [E]‘As I Please’, 52, 29 December 1944
2596. [R] Edwin Morgan, Flower of Evil: A Life of Charles Baudelaire, 31 December 1944
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17. I belong to the Left: 1945 |
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2597. [R] Conrad Heiden, Der Führer, 4 January 1945
2598. [A] ‘Books and the People: A New Year Message’, 5 January 1945
2599. [E]‘As I Please’, 53, 5 January 1945
2600. [L]Letter to Sunday Wilshin, 10 January 1945
2601. [R] L. A. G. Strong, Authorship, 11 January 1945
2602. [PD]Home Guard Old Comrades’ Association: editorial note
2603. [E]‘As I Please’, 54, 12 January 1945
2604. [R] “Palinurus”, The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle, 14 January 1945
2605. [E]‘As I Please’, 55, 19 January 1945
2605A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 23 January 1945
2606. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 23 January 1945
2607. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 January 1945
2608. [R] The Natural Order: Essays on the Return to Husbandry, edited by H. J. Massingham, 25 January 1945
2609. [E]‘As I Please’, 56, 26 January 1945
2610. [R] H. W. Nevinson, Visions and Memories, 28 January 1945
2611. [A]Animal Farm: Proofs, 31 January 1945
2612. [R] Rhodes Farmer, Shanghai Harvest; Norman Douglas, Fountains in the Sand, 2 February 1945
2613. [E]‘As I Please’, 57, 2 February 1945
2614. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to W. J. Strachan, 7 February 1945
2615. [R] Halldór Laxness, Independent People, translated by Anderson Thompson, 8 February 1945
2616. [E]‘As I Please’, 58, 9 February 1945
2617. [PD]Talks Booking Form for Broadcasts on Samuel Butler, 14 February 1945: editorial note
2618. [L]Letter to Kay Dick, 15 February 1945
2619. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 February 1945
2620. [L]Letter to The Royal Literary Fund, 15 February 1945
2621. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 15 February 1945
2622. [PD]War Correspondent for The Observer and the Manchester Evening News: editorial note
2623. [E]‘As I Please’, 59, 16 February 1945
2624. [E] ‘In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse’, 20 February 1945
2625. [L]P. [PD]G. Wodehouse to Orwell: editorial note
2626. [E] ‘Anti-Semitism in Britain’, 26 February 1945
2627. [A] Inside the Pages in Paris, 28 February 1945
2628. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 28 February 1945
2629. [E] ‘Poetry and the Microphone’, March 1945
2630. [L]Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 2 March 1945
2631. [A] Occupation’s Effect on French Outlook: Different Political Thinking, 4 March 1945
2632. [A] The Political Aims of the French Resistance, 7 March 1945
2633. [A] Clerical Party May Re-emerge in France: Educational Controversy, 11 March 1945
2634. [L]Letter to Sally McEwan, 12 March 1945
2635. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 17 March 1945
2636. [A] De Gaulle Intends to Keep Indo-China: But French Apathetic on Empire, 18 March 1945
2637. [A] The French Believe We Have Had a Revolution, 20 March 1945
2638. [L]Eileen Blair to her husband, 21 March 1945
2639. [L]Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 22 March 1945
2640. [L]Eileen Blair to Lettice Cooper, 23 March 1945
2641. [A] Creating Order Out of Cologne Chaos: Water Supplied from Carts, 25 March 1945
2642. [L]Eileen Blair to her husband, 25 March 1945
2643. [L]Eileen Blair’s Will, 25 March 1945
2644. [L]Eileen Blair to Mrs. M. P. Cocking, 25 March 1945
2645. [L]Eileen Blair to Cyril Connolly, 25 March 1945
2646. [L]Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 25 March 1945
2647. [L]Eileen Blair to her husband, 29 March 1945
2648. [N]Notes for My Literary Executor, signed 31 March 1945
2649. [N]‘Possibly reprintable fragments’ [1945–49]
2650. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 1 April 1945
2651. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 April 1945
2652. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 4 April 1945
2653. [L]Fredric Warburg to Orwell, 6 April 1945
2654. [A] Future of a Ruined Germany: Rural Slum Cannot Help Europe, 8 April 1945
2655. [L]Nellie Adam (née Limouzin) to Marjorie Dakin, 8 April 1945: editorial note
2656. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 13 April 1945
2657. [A] Allies Facing Food Crisis in Germany: Problem of Freed Workers, 15 April 1945
2658. [A] The French election will be influenced by the fact that WOMEN WILL HAVE FIRST VOTE, 16 April 1945
2659. [L]Nellie Adam to Marjorie Dakin, 16 April 1945
2660. [A] Bavarian Peasants Ignore the War: Germans Know They Are Beaten, 22 April 1945
2661. [A] The Germans Still Doubt Our Unity: The Flags Do Not Help, 29 April 1945
2662. [A] Now Germany Faces Hunger, 4 May 1945
2663. [PD]Anarchist Trial, 4 May 1945: editorial note
2664. [A] France’s Interest in The War Dwindles: Back to Normal is The Aim 6 May 1945
2665. [A]VE-Day, 8 May 1945
2666. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 May 1945
2667. [A] Freed Politicians Return to Paris: T. U. Leader Sees de Gaulle 13 May 1945
2668. [E] ‘Notes on Nationalism’, 15 May 1945
2669. [A] Danger of Separate Occupation Zones: Delaying Austria’s Recovery, 20 May 1945
2670. [L]Fredric Warburg to Leonard Moore, 24 May 1945
2671. [A] Obstacles to Joint Rule in Germany, 27 May 1945
2672. [A]‘London Letter’, 5 June 1945
2673. [R] W. P. Crozier, The Fates are Laughing; George Baker, Cry Hylas on the Hills, 7 June 1945
2674. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Erewhon by Samuel Butler’, 8 June 1945
2675. [A] Uncertain Fate of Displaced Persons, 10 June 1945
2676. [R] Jacques Maritain, Christianity and Democracy, 10 June 1945
2677. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 13 June 1945
2678. [R] George Sava, Land Fit for Heroes; Leonid Grossman, Death of a Poet, 14 June 1945
2679. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘ The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler’, 15 June 1945
2680. [L]John Morris to Geoffrey Trease, 18 June 1945: editorial note
2681. [R] Kenneth Reddin, Another Shore; Vicki Baum, The Weeping Wood, 21 June 1945
2682. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 June 1945
2683. [R] Joseph Conrad, The Nigger of the Narcissus, Typhoon, The Shadow Line; Joseph Conrad, Within the Tides, 24 June 1945
2684. [A] Morrison and Bracken Face Stiff Fights: Heavy Poll Expected, 24 June 1945
2685. [L]Unpublished letter to Tribune: Polish Trial, 26[?] June 1945
2686. [L]Letter to Hamish Hamilton, 27 June 1945
2687. [R] Joseph Conrad, The Nigger of the Narcissus, Typhoon, The Shadow Line; Poems of Our Time, 1900–1942, chosen by Richard Church and Mildred M. Bozman, 28 June 1945
2688. [L]Letter to Gerry Byrne, 28 June 1945
2689. [L]Letter to Ronald Boswell, 29 June 1945
2690. [L]Letter to C. E. de Salis, 29 June 1945
2691. [L]“Orwell and the Stinkers”: A Correspondence, 29 June–27 July 1945
2692. [A] Liberal Intervention Aids Labour: ‘Puzzle’ Blocks of Voters, 1 July 1945
2693. [PD]Bulletin of the Freedom Defence Committee: editorial note
2694. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 July 1945
2695. [PD]Contract with Polemic, 3 July 1945
2696. [L]Letter to Jack Hilton, 4 July 1945
2697. [A] ‘Authors Deserve a New Deal’, 5 July 1945
2698. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 5 July 1945
2699. [R] Honoré de Balzac, Nine Tales from Les Contes Drolatiques, translated by J. Plummer, R. Scutt, and J. P. Collas, illustrated by R. A. Brandt, 8 July 1945
2700. [L]Letter to Maurice Hussey, 10 July 1945
2701. [R] Pierre Maillaud, The English Way; John L. Keenan, A Steel Man in India; Thomas Mann, Joseph the Provider, 12 July 1945
2702. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 13 July 1945
2703. [PD]Preparations for Second Edition of Animal Farm: editorial note
2704. [R] Jose Antonio de Aguirre, Freedom was Flesh and Blood; Personal Landscape: An Anthology of Exile, 19 July 1945
2705. [A] ‘Personal Notes on Scientifiction’, 21 July 1945
2706. [R] Erich Kahler, Man the Measure, 22 July 1945
2707. [L]Letter to Kathleen Raine, 24 July 1945
2708. [E] ‘World Affairs, 1945’, 24 July 1945
2709. [R]Unpublished Review, Manchester Evening News, 25 July 1945
2710. [PD]‘Funny, But Not Vulgar’, 28 July 1945: editorial note (text at 2585)
2711. [L]Letter to Mrs. Belloc Lowndes, 31 July 1945
2712. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 1 August 1945
2713. [R] Viscount Samuel, Memoirs; Christopher Isherwood, Good-Bye to Berlin; Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own; Chapman Cohen, Thomas Paine, 2 August 1945
2714. [R] Edward Sackville-West, The Rescue, illustrated by Henry Moore, 5 August 1945
2715. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Earle, 8 August 1945
2716. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 August 1945
2717. [R]Reviews: ‘They Throw New Light on India’, 9 August 1945
2718. [L]Letter to Eric Warman, 11 August 1945: editorial note
2719. [A]‘London Letter’, 15–16 August 1945
2720. [R] C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength; Nerina Shute, We Mixed Our Drinks, 16 August 1945
2721. [PD]Publication of Animal Farm, 17 August 1945: editorial note Unpublished Preface: ‘The Freedom of the Press’
2722. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Earle, 17 August 1945
2723. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse: Corrections to Critical Essays, 17 August 1945
2724. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 August 1945
2725. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 18 August 1945
2726. [R] Lionel James, A Forgotten Genius: Sewell of St. Columba’s and Radley, 19 August 1945
2727. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 August 1945
2728. [L]Reg Reynolds to Orwell, 22 August 1945
2729. [R] Kornei Chukovsky, Chekov the Man, translated by Pauline Rose, 23 August 1945
2730. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 August 1945
2731. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 August 1945
2732. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 26 August 1945
2733. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Earle, 29 August 1945
2734. [R] Evelyn Anderson, Hammer or Anvil: The Story of the German Working-Class Movement; Julius Braunthal, In Search of the Millennium, 30 August 1945
2735. [L]E. [PD]M. Forster to Orwell; Evelyn Waugh to Orwell, 30 August 1945: editorial note
2736. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 September 1945
2737. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 1 September 1945
2738. [N]V-J Day and the End of World War II, 15 August and 2 September 1945
2739. [R] Una Pope-Hennessy, Charles Dickens, 2 September 1945
2740. [L]Letter to Frank D. Barber, 3 September 1945
2740A. [L]Letter to the Editor, Commentary, 3 September 1945
2741. [L]Jacques Brunius to Orwell, 3 September 1945
2742. [R] Mass Observation, Britain and Her Birth-Rate, 6 September 1945
2743. [L]The Observer to Orwell, 6 September 1945: editorial note
2744. [R] Sagittarius, Quiver’s Choice, 7 September 1945
2745. [A]Untraced article for The Observer, 7 September 1945
2746. [R] W. McCartney, The French Cooks’ Syndicate, 8 September 1945
2747. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 September 1945
2748. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 8 September 1945
2749. [L]Julian Symons to Orwell, after 8 September 1945
2750. [L]Letter to S. McGrath, 9 September 1945
2751. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 9 September 1945
2752. [L]Extract of letter from Malcolm Muggeridge to Orwell, 13 September 1945
2753. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 September 1945
2754. [L]Letter to Kay Dick, 26 September 1945
2755. [R] Bryan Merryman, The Midnight Court, translated by Frank O’Connor, 27 September 1945
2756. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 September 1945
2757. [R] Crichton Porteous, The Earth Remains; Leo Kiacheli, Gvadi Bigva, 4 October 1945
2758. [PD]Royalties for Talking to India, 6 October 1945: editorial note
2759. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 October 1945
2760. [R] Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment; translated by Constance Garnett, 7 October 1945
2761. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Jack London’, 8 October 1945
2762. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 October 1945
2763. [R] C. E. Vulliamy, Edwin and Eleanor, Elizabeth Taylor, At Mrs. Lippincote’s; Inez Holden, To the Boating, 11 October 1945
2764. [R] Hermon Ould, Freedom of Expression, 12 October 1945
2765. [A] ‘Profile of Aneurin Bevan’, 14 October 1945
2765A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 17 October 1945: see Vol. XX, p. 316
2766. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 17 October 1945
2767. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 17 October 1945
2768. [R] Rhys Davies, Selected Stories, 18 October 1945
2769. [L]Randolph Churchill to Orwell, 19 October 1945: editorial note
2770. [E] ‘You and the Atom Bomb’, 19 October 1945
2771. [E] ‘What is Science?’, 26 October 1945
2772. [L]Letter to Edward R. Ward, 9 January 1946
2773. [R] Kenneth Mellanby, Human Guinea Pigs, 25 October 1945
2774. [R] Sean O’Casey, Drums under the Windows, 28 October 1945
O’Casey’s response, 29 October 1945
2775. [L]J. S. Collis to Orwell, 29 October 1945
2776. [L]Letter to Eric Warman, 30 October 1945: editorial note
2777. [E] ‘The British General Election’, November 1945
2778. [E] ‘Catastrophic Gradualism’, November 1945
2779. [R] Howard Clewes, Dead Ground; Giuseppe Mazzini: Selected Writings, edited by N. Gangulee; The Trial of Jones and Hulten, edited by C. E. Bechhofer-Roberts, 1 November 1945
2780. [E] ‘Good Bad Books’, 2 November 1945
2781. [A]Introduction to Love of Life and Other Stories by Jack London, October or November 1945
2782. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 6 November 1945
2783. [PD]The Amnesty Campaign, 7 November 1945: editorial note
2784. [R] H. G. Wells, Mind at the End of Its Tether, 8 November 1945
2785. [L]Leonard Moore to Roger Senhouse and Senhouse to Moore, 8 and 14 November 1945
2786. [E] ‘Revenge Is Sour’, 9 November 1945
2787. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 November 1945
2788. [L]Letter to Miss J. G. Manton, 10 November 1945
2789. [L]Letter to Frank Barber, 10 November 1945
2790. [R] A Harp with a Thousand Strings, compiled by Hsiao Ch’ien, 11 November 1945
2791. [L]Letter to Dudley Cloud, 27 January 1947 (with editorial note)
2792. [E] ‘The Prevention of Literature’, 12 November 1945
2793. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 November 1945
2794. [R] Aerian Conan Doyle, The True Conan Doyle, 15 November 1945
2795. [L]Letter to Katharine, Duchess of Atholl, 15 November 1945
2796. [R] D. H. Lawrence, The Prussian Officer, 16 November 1945
2797. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 November 1945
2798. [R] Robert Louis Stevenson, Novels and Stories, selected with an Introduction by V. S. Pritchett, 18 November 1945
2799. [L]Balraj Sahni to Orwell, 20 November 1945
2800. [R] Brigadier James Hargest, Farewell Campo 12; Sir Evelyn Wrench, Immortal Years; Corn on the Cob: Popular and Traditional Poetry of the U.S.A. selected by A. L. Lloyd, 22 November 1945
2801. [N]Background to ‘Through a Glass, Rosily’, 2 and 16 November 1945
2802. [A] ‘Through a Glass, Rosily’, 23 November 1945
2803. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 24 November 1945
2804. [L]Letter to E. Lyon Young, Latin-American Service, BBC, 24 November 1945
2805. [R] Norman Collins, London Belongs to Me, 29 November 1945
2806. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 November 1945
2807. [R] Herbert Read, A Coat of Many Colours: Occasional Essays, Winter 1945
2808. [R] Jean-Paul Sartre, Huis Clos; Peter Ustinov, The Banbury Nose; Arthur Koestler, Twilight Bar, 30 November 1945
2808A. [A]Reprint of ‘The Song of the Beasts’, December 1945
2809. [A] ‘Bare Christmas for the Children’, 1 December 1945
2810. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 December 1945
2811. [R] Cyril Connolly, The Condemned Playground, 2 December 1945
2812. [R] The Saturday Book [5], edited by Leonard Russell, 6 December 1945
2813. [A] ‘Freedom of the Park’, 7 December 1945
2814. [A] ‘The Case for the Open Fire’, 8 December 1945
2815. [E] ‘Politics and the English Language’, 11 December 1945
2816. [N]Notes for ‘Politics and the English Language’, February to October 1945?
2817. [R] F. C. Weiskopf, The Firing Squad; Lord Dunsany, The Siren’s Wake, 13 December 1945
2818. [E] ‘The Sporting Spirit’, 14 December 1945
2819. [E] ‘In Defence of English Cooking’, 15 December 1945
2820. [R] William Bowyer Honey, Science and the Creative Arts, 16 December 1945
2821. [L]W. J. Turner to Orwell, 19 December 1945
2822. [R] William Russell, Cellar, 20 December 1945
2823. [E] ‘Nonsense Poetry’ (The Lear Omnibus, edited by R. L. Megroz), 21 December 1945
2824. [L]Olaf Stapledon to Orwell, 21 December 1945
2825. [L]Letter to G. H. Bantock, late 1945–early 1946
2826. [PD]Negotiations for the U. S. Edition of Animal Farm: editorial note
2827. [A] ‘Banish This Uniform’, 22 December 1945
2828. [PD]Payment for Second Rights to ‘Grandeur et décadence du roman policier anglais’, 28 December 1945; text at 2357
2829. [A] ‘Old George’s Almanac by Crystal-Gazer Orwell’, 28 December 1945
2830. [L]Dwight Macdonald to Orwell, 31 December 1945
2831. [PD]Appendix: Orwell’s Payments Book, July 1943 to December 1945
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18. Smothered under journalism, 1946 |
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2832. [A]‘The Prevention of Literature’: published January 1946; text at 2792
2833. [PD]Condensation of Animal Farm, January 1946: editorial note
2834. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 1 January 1946
2835. [L]Letter to B.J. Brooke, 2 January 1946
2836. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 2 January 1946
2837. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 9 January 1946
2838. [A] ‘£3. 13s Worth of Pleasure’, 3 January 1946
2839. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 3 January 1946
2840. [L]Fredric Warburg to Frank Morley, 3 January 1946: editorial note
2841. [A] ‘Freedom and Happiness’, 4 January 1946 Gleb Struve’s response (on Zamyatin), 25 January 1946
2842. [A] ‘Just Junk—But Who Could Resist It?’, 5 January 1946
2843. [R] Douglas Goldring, The Nineteen-Twenties, 6 January 1946
2844. [L]Letter to John Beavan, 7 January 1946
2845. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 7 January 1946
2846. [L]Letter to Kay Dick, 7 January 1946
2847. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 7 January 1946
2848. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 January 1946
2849. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 9 January 1946
2850. [L]Letter to Edward R. [PD]Ward, 9 January 1946: editorial note
2851. [R] Stephen Bagnall, The Crater’s Edge; Malcolm James, Born of the Desert, 10 January 1946
2852. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 10 January 1946
2853. [L]Hsiao Ch’ien to Orwell, 10 January 1946
2854. [A] ‘Pleasure Spots’, 11 January 1946
2855. [L]Philip Rahv to Orwell, 11 January 1946
2856. [L]Hancock & Scott, Solicitors, to Orwell, 11 January 1946
2857. [A] ‘A Nice Cup of Tea’, 12 January 1946
2858. [R] The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield, 13 January 1946
2859. [L]Letter to John Hampson, 14 January 1946
2860. [L]Letter to Kay Dick, 14 January 1946
2861. [L]Memorandum from Fredric Warburg to Roger Senhouse, 14 January 1946
2862. [R] Mark Abrams, The Condition of the British People, 1911–1945, 17 January 1946
2863. [L]Letter to John Beavan, 17 January 1946
2864. [L]Letter to John G. Pattisson, 17 January 1946
2865. [L]Biotechnic Press to Orwell, 17 January 1946
2866. [E] ‘The Politics of Starvation’, 18 January 1946
2867. [A]The “Cat-and-Mouse” Case: Campaign for Philip Sansom, 18 January 1946
2868. [E] ‘Songs We Used to Sing’, 19 January 1946
2869. [L]Letter to John Beavan, 21 January 1946
2870. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 22 January 1946
2871. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 January 1946
2872. [PD]BBC Contract for Script of The Voyage of the ‘Beagle’, 23 January 1946: editorial note
2873. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 January 1946
2874. [PD]‘The Intellectual Revolt’: editorial note
2875. [E] ‘1. The Intellectual Revolt’, 24 January 1946
2876. [E] ‘2. What is Socialism?’, 31 January 1946
2877. [E] ‘3. The Christian Reformers’, 7 February 1946
2878. [E] ‘4. Pacifism and Progress’, 14 February 1946
2879. [E] ‘Afterword’, April 1946
2879A. [PD]‘Der Aufstand der Intellektuellen’ (abridgement of ‘The Intellectual Revolt’ with Afterword), 8 August 1946: editorial note
Essay: ‘Nachwort’ (German original of ‘Afterword’, 2879)
2880. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 24 January 1946
2881. [E] ‘On Housing’, 25 January 1946
2882. [A] ‘But Are We Really Ruder? No’, 26 January 1946
2883. [R] George Millar, Horned Pigeon, 27 January 1946
2884. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 January 1946
2885. [L]Letter to the Manchester Guardian, 28 January 1946
2886. [L]Letter to William Phillips, Partisan Review, 31 January 1946
2887. [E] ‘The Cost of Radio Programmes’, 1 February 1946
2888. [A] ‘“Bad” Climates are Best’, 2 February 1946
2889. [PD]Letters to Balachandra Rajan, early February? and 6 February 1946: editorial note
2890. [L]Letter to Mary Treadgold, 6 February 1946
2891. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 7 February 1946
2892. [E] ‘Books v. Cigarettes’, 8 February 1946
2893. [L]Michael Foot to Orwell, 8 February 1946: editorial note
2894. [E] ‘The Moon Under Water’, 9 February 1946
2895. [R] Colm Brogan, The Democrat at the Supper Table, 10 February 1946
2896. [L]Letter to the Reverend Henry Rogers, 18 February 1946 (with editorial summary of Rogers’s letter, 10 February 1946)
2897. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 11 February 1946
2898. [E]Publication of Critical Essays, 14 February 1946: editorial note
2899. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 14 February 1946
2900. [E] ‘Decline of the English Murder’, 15 February 1946
2900A. [L]Letter to W. Wood, Secretary, Revolutionary Communist Party: Nuremberg and Moscow Trials, 15 February 1946
2900B. [L]Letter to W. Wood, Secretary, Revolutionary Communist Party, 16 February 1946
2901. [PD]Orwell’s Income Tax, 1943–44 and 1944–45: editorial note
2902. [L]Letter to Sidney Billson, Peace Pledge Union, 18 February 1946
2903. [L]Letter to Dorothy Plowman, 19 February 1946
2904. [PD]Orwell’s Request for a Biro, February 1946: editorial note
2905. [PD]Notice of Orwell’s Illness, Manchester Evening News, 21 February 1946
2906. [E] ‘Words and Henry Miller’, 22 February 1946
2907. [L]Correspondence following ‘Words and Henry Miller’, 1 and 15 March 1946
2908. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 February 1946
2909. [R] F. Tennyson Jesse, The Story of Burma; C. J. Richards, The Burman: An Appreciation; Harry I. Marshall, The Karens of Burma, 24 February 1946
2910. [L]Letter to F. Tennyson Jesse, 4 March 1946
2911. [L]F. Tennyson Jesse to Orwell, 7 March 1946 Orwell’s response, 14 March 1946
2912. [L]Yvonne Davet to Orwell, 2 February 1946
2913. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 24 February 1946
2914. [PD]Nuremberg and the Moscow Trials: editorial note
2915. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 25 February 1946
2916. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 27 February 1946
2917. [R] Richard Wright, Black Boy; James Aldridge, Of Many Men; Albert Maltz, The Cross and the Arrow, 28 February 1946
2918. [L]Letter to Anne Popham, late February or early March 1946
2919. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 5 March 1946
2920. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, c. 6 March 1946
2921. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 March 1946
2922. [R] Jacques Barzun, We Who Teach, 7 March 1946
2923. [E] ‘Do Our Colonies Pay?’, 8 March 1946
2924. [L]F. V. Morley to Fredric Warburg, 8 March 1946
2925. [R] Mark Benney, Charity Main, 10 March 1946
2926. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 11 March 1946
2927. [PD] Notice of Orwell’s illness, Manchester Evening News, 14 March 1946
2928. [L]Letter to Victor Serge, 14 March 1946: editorial note
2929. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee, 14 March 1946
2930. [R]Classics reviewed: The Martyrdom of Man [by Winwood Reade], 15 March 1946
2931. [L]Letter to Anne Popham, 15 March 1946
2932. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 16 March 1946
2933. [L]Dwight Macdonald to Orwell, 17 March 1946
2934. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 March 1946
2935. [L]Letter to Alan Moray Williams, 20 March 1946
2936. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee, 20 March 1946
2937. [L]John Middleton Murry to Orwell, 20 March 1946
2938. [L]George Kopp to Orwell, 20 March 1946: editorial note
2939. [A] ‘The Voyage of the “Beagle”’, 22 March 1946
2940. [E] ‘In Front of Your Nose’, 22 March 1946
2941. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 22 March 1946
2942. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 March 1946
2943. [L]Letter to Pickfords, Furniture Removers & Storers, 23 March 1946: editorial note
2944. [R] Arturo Barea, The Clash, 24 March 1946
2945. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 March 1946
2946. [PD]Public Meeting: Spanish Anti-Fascists, 26 March 1946: editorial note
2947. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 March 1946
2948. [L]Francis Henson to Orwell, 26 March 1946: editorial note
2949. [L]Yvonne Davet to Orwell, 22 March 1946
2950. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 27 March 1946
2951. [R] J. B. Priestley, The Secret Dream; Norah Hoult, Selected Stories; Fred Urquhart, Selected Stories; John Brophy, Selected Stories, 28 March 1946
2952. [R] David Mathew, Acton: The Formative Years, 29 March 1946
2953. [B] The Voyage of the ‘Beagle’, 29 March 1946
2954. [A]Unpublished booklet: ‘British Cookery’, March 1946
2955. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 31 March 1946
2956. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 3 April 1946: editorial note
2957. [A]Introduction to The Position of Peggy Harper, end February or March 1946?
2958. [A]‘Politics and the English Language’: published April 1946; text at 2815
2959. [A]Public Meeting: “Planning and Freedom”, 1 April 1946
2960. [R] B. H. Liddell Hart, The Revolution in Warfare, 4 April 1946
2961. [R] Grigore Gafencu, Prelude to the Russian Campaign, 5 April 1946
2962. [R] G. Lowes Dickinson, Letters from John Chinaman and Other Essays; The Englishman’s Country edited by W. J. Turner, 7 April 1946
2963. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 8 April 1946
2964. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 April 1946
2965. [L]Letter to Inez Holden, 9 April 1946
2966. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 9 April 1946
2967. [L]Letter to Roy Campbell, 9 April 1946
2968. [R] R. H. Barham, The Ingoldsby Legends, 11 April 1946
2969. [L]Ihor Szewczenko to Orwell, 11 April 1946
2970. [E] ‘Some Thoughts on the Common Toad’, 12 April 1946
2971. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 12 April 1946
2972. [L]Letter to Andrew S. F. Gow, 13 April 1946
2973. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 13 April 1946
2974. [L]Letter to G. R. Barnes, 17 April 1946
2975. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 17 April 1946
2976. [R] Sinclair Lewis, Cass Timberlane, 18 April 1946
2977. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 April 1946
2978. [L]Letter to Anne Popham, 18 April 1946
2979. [PD]List of George Gissing’s Novels, 17 April 1946: editorial note
2980. [R] Georges Bernanos, Plea for Liberty, 21 April 1946
2981. [L]Letter to Enid Houghton, 24 April 1946
2982. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 April 1946
2983. [R] Robert Tressall, The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists, 25 April 1946
2984. [L]Letter to Stafford Cottman, 25 April 1946
2985. [E] ‘A Good Word for the Vicar of Bray’, 26 April 1946
2986. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 April 1946
2987. [L]Letter to Marjorie Dakin, 30 April 1946
2988. [A]Editorial, Polemic, 3, May 1946
2989. [E] ‘Second Thoughts on James Burnham’, May 1946
[Published as pamphlet with the title, James Burnham and the Managerial Revolution, 1946]
2990. [A]‘London Letter’, early May 1946?
Ensuing correspondence with Konni Zilliacus and others
2991. [L]Randall Jarrell to Orwell, April–May 1946?: editorial note
2992. [E] ‘Confessions of a Book Reviewer’, 3 May 1946 Response by Daniel George, 17 May 1946
2993. [L]Postcards to Rayner Heppenstall and Secker & Warburg, 3 May 1946
2994. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 4 May 1946
2995. [R] Caryl P. Haskins, Of Ants and Men, 5 May 1946
2996. [D]Domestic Diary, 7 May 1946 to 5 January 1947: editorial note
2997. [D]Domestic Diary, 7 May 1946
2998. [L]Letter to Humphrey Dakin, 8 May 1946
2999. [D]Domestic Diary, 14–16 May 1946
3000. [L]Freedom Defence Committee Letter to President Truman, 18 May 1946
3001. [D]Domestic Diary, 22 May 1946
3002. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 23 May 1946
3003. [D]Domestic Diary, 23–30 May 1946
3004. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 31 May 1946
3005. [L]Letter to an unknown person, 31 May 1946: editorial note
3006. [D]Domestic Diary, 31 May 1946
3007. [E] ‘Why I Write’, Summer 1946
3008. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–2 June 1946
3009. [L]George Allen & Unwin to Orwell, 3 June 1946: editorial note
3010. [D]Domestic Diary, 3 June 1946
3011. [L]Letter to David Astor, 4 June 1946
3012. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 4 June 1946
3013. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 June 1946
3014. [D]Domestic Diary, 4–15 June 1946
3015. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 16 June 1946
3016. [D]Domestic Diary, 16–21 June 1946
3017. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 22 June 1946
3018. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 June 1946
3019. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 June 1946
3020. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–28 June 1946
3021. [L]Letter to Terence Cooper, 29 June 1946
3022. [D]Domestic Diary, 29 June 1946
3023. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 June 1946
3024. [D]Domestic Diary, 30 June 1946
3025. [L]Avril Blair to Humphrey Dakin, 1 July 1946
3025A. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 2 July 1946: see Vol. XX, p. 317
3026. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 3 July 1946
3027. [L]Letter to Sally McEwan, 5 July 1946
3028. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 5 July 1946
3029. [D]Domestic Diary, 7 July 1946
3030. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 8 July 1946
3031. [D]Domestic Diary, 8 July 1946
3032. [P]Radio Adaptation of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, 9 July 1946
3033. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–19 July 1946
3034. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 20 July 1946
3035. [D]Domestic Diary, 20–28 July 1946
3036. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 29 July 1946
3037. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 July 1946
3038. [D]Domestic Diary, 29 July to 1 August 1946
3039. [L]Letter to P. G. Walford, Copyright Department, BBC, 2 August 1946
3040. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–5 August 1946
3041. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 August 1946
3042. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 6 August 1946
3043. [D]Domestic Diary, 6 August 1946
3044. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 7 August 1946
3045. [L]Letter to Anne Popham, 7 August 1946
3046. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–11 August 1946
3047. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 August 1946
3048. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 12 August 1946
3049. [D]Domestic Diary, 12 August 1946
3050. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 14 August 1946
3051. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 17 August 1946
3052. [D]Domestic Diary, 18–22 August 1946
3053. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 23 August 1946
3054. [D]Domestic Diary, 23–25 August 1946
3055. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 August 1946
3056. [D]Domestic Diary, 26–31 August 1946
3057. [A] ‘The Cost of Letters’, September 1946
3058. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 2 September 1946
3059. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 5 September 1946
3060. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 September 1946
3061. [L]Letter to Miss Shaw, 5 September 1946
3062. [D]Domestic Diary, 5 September 1946
3063. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 6 September 1946
3064. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 September 1946
3065. [D]Domestic Diary, 6–8 September 1946
3066. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 9 September 1946
3067. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–14 September 1946
3068. [L]“Vogue Spotlight [on Orwell]” by Allene Talmey, 15 September 1946
3069. [D]Domestic Diary, 15 September 1946
3070. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 16 September 1946
3071. [D]Domestic Diary, 16 September 1946
3072. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 September 1946
3073. [D]Domestic Diary, 17–18 September 1946
3074. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 19 September 1946
3075. [D]Domestic Diary, 19–20 September 1946
3076. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 September 1946
3077. [L]Letter to Herbert W. Simpson 21 September 1946
3078. [D]Domestic Diary, 21–22 September 1946
3079. [L]Untraced letter to Yvonne Davet, 23 September 1946: editorial note
3080. [D]Domestic Diary, 23 September 1946
3081. [L]Letter to [K. A. G. S. Lane], Christy & Moore, 24 September 1946
3082. [D]Domestic Diary, 24–25 September 1946
3083. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 26 September 1946
3084. [L]Letter to Humphrey Slater, 26 September 1946
3085. [D]Domestic Diary, 26–27 September 1946
3086. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 September 1946
3087. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 28 September 1946
3088. [D]Domestic Diary, 28–30 September 1946 (with proposed layouts for garden)
3089. [E] ‘Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels’, September–October 1946
3090. [A]Randall Swingler, ‘The Right to Free Expression’, annotated by Orwell, September–October 1946
3091. [L]Letter to [K. A. G. S. Lane], Christy & Moore, 1 October 1946
3092. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–4 October 1946
3093. [L]Letter to [K. A. G. S. Lane], Christy & Moore, 5 October 1946
3094. [D]Domestic Diary, 5–8 October 1946
3095. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 13 October 1946
3096. [L]Letter to Controller, European Service, BBC, 14 October 1946
3097. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 15 October 1946
3098. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 October 1946
3099. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 October 1946
3100. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 October 1946
3101. [PD]BBC Pamphlets, 2 and 3, 29 October 1946: editorial note
3102. [L]Letter to Harcourt, Brace & Co. Inc., 30 October 1946
3103. [PD]Background to ‘How the Poor Die’: editorial note
3104. [E] ‘How the Poor Die’, November 1946
3105. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 November 1946
3106. [L]Letter to the Copyright Director, BBC, 6 November 1946
3107. [R] Francis Askham, A Foolish Wind; Francis Ashton, The Breaking of the Seals; Sven Auren, The Tricolour Flies Again, 7 November 1946
3108. [E]‘As I Please’, 60, 8 November 1946
3109. [R] A. Ramos Oliveira, Politics, Economics and Men of Modern Spain, 1808–1946, 10 November 1946
3110. [L]Letter to Miss D. Ross, 11 November 1946
3111. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 11 November 1946
3112. [R] Erich Maria Remarque, Arch of Triumph; Lords of Life: An Anthology of Animal Poetry, edited by Derek Gilpin Barnes; Donald Brook, Five Great French Composers, 14 November 1946
3113. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 November 1946
3114. [L]Letter to an untraced addressee, 14 November 1946
3115. [E]‘As I Please’, 61, 15 November 1946
3116. [L]Letter to Sheila Hodges, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 15 November 1946
3117. [L]Letter to W. M. C. Harrowes, 15 November 1946
3118. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 18 November 1946
3119. [L]Letter to Graham Greene, 20 November 1946
3120. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 November 1946
3121. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, [20 November 1946]
3122. [R] Hannen Swaffer, What Would Nelson Do?; Reginald Pound, Running Commentary; Howard Spring, Dunkerley’s, 21 November 1946
3123. [E] ‘Riding Down from Bangor’, 22 November 1946
3124. [E]‘As I Please’, 62, 22 November 1946
3125. [L]Letter to Edward R. Ward, 26 November 1946
3126. [E]‘As I Please’, 63, 29 November 1946
3127. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 29 November 1946
3128. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 5 December 1946
3129. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 December 1946
3130. [L]Letter to Sir Stanley Unwin, 5 December 1946
3131. [E]‘As I Please’, 64, 6 December 1946
3132. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 December 1946
3133. [L]Letter to Miss M. C. Plummer, 9 December 1946
3134. [E]‘As I Please’, 65, 13 December 1946
3135. [L]Letter to Grace Wyndham Goldie, 13 December 1946
3136. [L]Letter to Paul Tabori, 13 December 1946
3137. [E]‘As I Please’, 66, 20 December 1946
3138. [L]Letter to John Gawsworth, 20 December 1946
3139. [L]Letter to Dmitrii Fedotoff-White, 20 December 1946
3140. [E]‘As I Please’, 67, 27 December 1946
3141. [L]Letter to [Dwight Macdonald] [c. 27 December 1946]
3142. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 December 1946
3143. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 27 December 1946
Notes |
19. It is what I think, 1947-1948 |
Copy * 1947
3144. [PD]Freedom Defence Committee Appeal, 1947: editorial note
3145. [PD]Orwell at Jura, January 1947
3146. [E]‘As I Please’, 68, 3 January 1947
3147. [D]Domestic Diary, 4–5 January 1947 Lay-out of fruit trees
3148. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 January 1947
3149. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 10 January 1947
3150. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 10 January 1947
3151. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 13 January 1947
3152. [PD]Radio Adaptation of Animal Farm, 14 January 1947: editorial note
3153. [E]‘As I Please’, 69, 17 January 1947
3154. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 January 1947
3155. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 17 January 1947
3156. [PD]Correspondence with Konni Zilliacus, 17, 24, 31 January and 7 February: editorial note; correspondence at 2990
3157. [L]Central Office of Information to Secker & Warburg, 23 January 1947: editorial note
3158. [E]‘As I Please’, 70, 24 January 1947
3159. [L]Letter to Mamaine Koestler, 24 January 1947
3160. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 24 January 1947
3161. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 January 1947
3162. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 24 January 1947
3163. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 25 January 1947
3164. [L]Letter to Dudley Cloud, 27 January 1947
3165. [PD]Freedom Defence Committee to the Public, 29 January 1947
3166. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 30 January 1947
3167. [E]‘As I Pleased’,° 71, 31 January 1947
3168. [PD]Memorandum: ‘Help Poles in Germany’, February 1947: editorial note
3169. [E]‘As I Please’, 72, 7 February 1947
3170. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 February 1947
3171. [E]‘As I Please’, 73, 14 February 1947
3172. [E]‘As I Please’, 74, 21 February 1947
3173. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 February 1947
3174. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 February 1947
3175. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 26 February 1947
3176. [E]‘As I Please’, 75A, 27 February 1947
3177. [E]‘As I Please’, 75B, 28 February 1947
3178. [L]Letter to Emilio Cecchi, 28 February 1947
3179. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 28 February 1947
3180. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee, 28 February 1947
3181. [E] ‘Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool’, March 1947
3182. [E]‘As I Please’, 76, 7 March 1947
3183. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 March 1947
3184. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 March 1947
3185. [L]Letter to George Woodcock (as Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee), 7 March 1947
3186. [PD]Cable to The New Leader (New York), 12 March 1947
3187. [L]Letter from Ihor Szewczenko to Orwell, 7 March 1947
3188. [L]Letter to Ihor Szewczenko, 13 March 1947
3189. [PD]Freedom Defence Committee and Driver Stowe, 13 March 1947: editorial note
3190. [E]‘As I Please’, 77, 14 March 1947
3191. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 14 March 1947
3192. [L]Letter to A. S. B. Glover, Penguin Books, 19 March 1947
3193. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 March 1947
3194. [L]Letter to Emilio Cecchi, 20 March 1947
3195. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 20 March 1947
3196. [E]‘As I Please’, 78, 21 March 1947
3196A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 21 March 1947
3197. [L]Letter to Ihor Szewczenko, 21 March 1947 (with editorial summary of his response, 25 March 1947)
3198. [A]Preface to the Ukrainian Edition of Animal Farm [March 1947]
3199. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 March 1947
3200. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 25 March 1947
3201. [E]‘As I Please’, 79, 28 March 1947
3202. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 March 1947
3203. [L]Letter to Secker & Warburg, 28 March 1947
3204. [E] ‘Burnham’s View of the Contemporary World Struggle’, 29 March 1947
3205. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 March 1947
3206. [A]Introduction to British Pamphleteers, Volume 1, Spring 1947?
3207. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 April 1947
3208. [E]‘As I Please’, 80, 4 April 1947
3209. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 7 April 1947
3210. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 9 April 1947
3211. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 9 April 1947
3212. [L]Letter to Sonia Brownell, 12 April 1947
3213. [D]Domestic Diary, 12 April to 11 September 1947: editorial note 12–14 April 1947
3214. [L]Letter to Frank D. Barber, 15 April 1947
3215. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 15 April 1947
3216. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 April 1947
3217. [D]Domestic Diary, 15–18 April 1947
3218. [R] Lady Gregory’s Journals, edited by Lennox Robinson, 19 April 1947
3219. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 19 April 1947
3220. [D]Domestic Diary, 19–29 April 1947
3221. [L]Letter to Janamaci Rāmakrisna, 30 April 1947
3222. [L]Letter to Sunday Wilshin, 30 April 1947
3223. [D]Domestic Diary, 30 April to 18 May 1947
3224. [L]Letter to Secker & Warburg, 19 May 1947
3225. [D]Domestic Diary, 19–20 May 1947
3226. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 May 1947
3227. [D]Domestic Diary, 21–25 May 1947
3228. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 26 May 1947
3229. [D]Domestic Diary, 26–28 May 1947
3230. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 May 1947
3231. [D]Domestic Diary, 29–30 May 1947
3232. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 31 May 1947
3233. [D]Domestic Diary, 31 May to 1 June 1947
3234. [L]Letter to John Gawsworth, 2 June 1947
3235. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–4 June 1947
3236. [PD]Talk on George Orwell by Sir Edward Marsh, BBC French Service, 5 June 1947: editorial note
3237. [D]Domestic Diary, 5–8 June 1947
3238. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 June 1947
3239. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 9 June 1947
3240. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–17 June 1947
3241. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 18 June 1947
3242. [D]Domestic Diary, 18–30 June 1947
3243. [N]Background to ‘Toward European Unity’
3244. [E] ‘Toward European Unity’, July 1947
3245. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–6 July 1947
3246. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 July 1947
3247. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–13 July 1947
3248. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 July 1947
3249. [D]Domestic Diary, I4–27 July 1947
3250. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 28 July 1947
3251. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 July 1947
3252. [D]Domestic Diary, 28–29 July 1947
3253. [PD]Publication of The English People, August 1947: editorial note; text at 2475
3254. [E]Unpublished essay: ‘In Defence of Comrade Zilliacus’, August–September? 1947
3255. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–6 August 1947
3255A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 7 August 1947
3255B. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–8 August 1947
3256. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 9 August 1947
3257. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–24 August 1947
3258. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 August 1947
3259. [L]Letter to William Phillips, Partisan Review, 25 August 1947
3260. [D]Domestic Diary, 25–31 August 1947
3261. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 September 1947
3262. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 1 September 1947
3263. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 1 September 1947
3264. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–7 September 1947
3265. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 September 1947
3266. [L]Letter to Stanley Unwin, 8 September 1947
3267. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 8 September 1947
3268. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 8 September 1947
3269. [D]Domestic Diary, 8–10 September 1947
3270. [A]Broadcast of Excerpt from The Road to Wigan Pier, Sweden 11 September 1947
3271. [D]Domestic Diary, 11 September 1947
3272. [D]Domestic Diary, Start of Volume V: editorial note 12–18 September 1947
3273. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 19 September 1947
3274. [D]Domestic Diary, 19 September 1947
3275. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 20 September 1947
3275A. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore, 20 September 1947
3276. [D]Domestic Diary, 20–28 September 1947
3277. [L]Letter to David Astor, 29 September 1947
3278. [D]Domestic Diary, 29–30 September 1947
3279. [PD]‘What Is the English Character?’ (excerpt from The English People), October 1947: editorial note
3280. [PD]Proposal to Re-issue Down and Out in Paris and London in the United States, 1 October 1947: editorial note
3281. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–3 October 1947
3282. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 October 1947
3283. [D]Domestic Diary, 4–8 October 1947
3284. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 9 October 1947
3285. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–11 October 1947
3286. [L]Letter to D. F. Boyd, BBC Talks Department, 12 October 1947
3287. [D]Domestic Diary, 12–20 October 1947
3288. [L]S. [PD]M. Levitas to Orwell, 21 October 1947: editorial note
3288A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 21 October 1947: see Vol. XX, p.317
3289. [D]Domestic Diary, 21 October 1947
3290. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 22 October 1947
3291. [D]Domestic Diary, 22 October 1947
3292. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 23 October 1947
3293. [D]Domestic Diary, 23–24 October 1947
3294. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 October 1947
3295. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 25 October 1947
3296. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 25 October 1947
3297. [D]Domestic Diary, 25–26 October 1947
3298. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 27 October 1947
3299. [D]Domestic Diary, 27–29 October 1947
3300. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 October 1947
3301. [PD]Ukrainian Translation of Animal Farm, November 1947: editorial note
3302. [PD]Subscription to International P.E.N. English Centre, 1947–48: editorial note
3303. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 November 1947
3304. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 November 1947
3305. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 14 November 1947
3306. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 24 November 1947
3307. [L]Letter to Frederick Tomlinson, The Observer, 24 November 1947
3308. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 29 November 1947
3309. [E] “Profile of Krishna Menon”, by David Astor in consultation with Orwell, 30 November 1947
3310. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 November 1947
3311. [A]Questionnaire: The Three Best Books of 1947, December 1947
3312. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 7 December 1947
3313. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 December 1947
3314. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 December 1947
3315. [L]Letter to Frederick Tomlinson, The Observer, 23 December 1947
3316. [L]BBC Copyright Department to Orwell, 23 December 1947
3317. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 December 1947
3318. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 26 December 1947
3319. [D]Avril Blair’s Barnhill Diary, 27–31 December 1947
3320. [L]Letter to David Astor, 31 December 1947
3321. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 31 December 1947
3322. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 31 December 1947
3323. [PD]Appendix: List of Reprintable and Not Reprintable Works, 1947?
3324. [L]Letter to Gwen O’Shaughnessy, 1 January 1948
3325. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 2 January 1948
3326. [L]Letter to Humphrey Dakin, 3 January 1948
3327. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 January 1948
3328. [L]Letter to Edmund Wilson, 3 January 1948
3329. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 4 January 1948
3330. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 12 January 1948
3331. [L]Letter to Mary Fyvel, 16 January 1948
3332. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 20 January 1948
3333. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 25 January 1948
3334. [L]BBC Copyright Department to Orwell, 26 January 1948
3335. [L]Letter to Eugene Reynal, 28 January 1948
3336. [R] Lord Beveridge, India Called Them, 1 February 1948
3337. [L]Letter to David Astor, 1 February 1948
3338. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 4 February 1948
3339. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 4 February 1948
3340. [L]Telegram to Fredric Warburg, 4 February 1948
3341. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 February 1948
3342. [L]Letter to David Astor, [9 February 1948]
3343. [L]Letter to Edmund Wilson, 12 February 1948
3344. [L]Letter to David Astor, [14 February 1948]
3345. [L]Letter to Edmund Wilson, 14 February 1948
3346. [A]Article, ‘Marx and Russia’, 15 February 1948.
3347. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘Marx and Russia’
3348. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 15 February 1948
3349. [L]Letter to David Astor, [16 February 1948]
3350. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 20 February 1948
3351. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 20 February 1948
3352. [PD]Hairmyres Hospital Timetable
3353. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 February 1948
3353A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 25 February 1948
3354. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 25 February 1948
3355. [L]Letter to Hermon Ould, 28 February 1948
3356. [R] Kenneth Williamson, The Atlantic Islands, 29 February 1948
3357. [L]Letter to Emilio Cecchi, 3 March 1948
3358. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 5 March 1948
3359. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 7 March 1948
3360. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 8 March 1948
3361. [R] Norbert Casteret, My Caves, translated by R. L. G. Irving, 14 March 1948
3362. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 March 1948
3363. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 21 March 1948
3364. [E] ‘Writers and Leviathan’, Summer 1948
3365. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘Writers and Leviathan’
3366. [E] ‘Britain’s Left-Wing Press’, June 1948
3367. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘Britain’s Left-Wing Press’
3368. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 March 1948
3369. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 23 March 1948
3370. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 24 March 1948
3371. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, [26 March or 2 April 1948]
3372. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 27 March 1948
3373. [L]Letter to Sally McEwan, 27 March 1948
3374. [D]Diary Entry, 30 March 1948
3375. [L]Letter to David Astor, 31 March 1948
3376. [L]Letter to Mrs. David Astor, 5 April 1948
3377. [L]Letter to David Astor, [17 April 1948]
3378. [D]Diary Entry, 24 March 1949
3379. [L]Letter to David Astor, [14 April 1948]
3380. [R] Spearhead: Ten Years’ Experimental Writing in America, edited by James Laughlin, 17 April 1948
3381. [N]Preparatory Notes for Review of Spearhead
3382. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 April 1948
3383. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 17 April 1948
3384. [D]Diary Entry, 18 April 1948
3385. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 19 April 1948
3386. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 20 April 1948
3387. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 21 April 1948
3388. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 24 April 1948
3389. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 April 1948
3390. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 28 April 1948
3391. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 May 1948
3392. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 2 May 1948
3393. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 3 May 1948
3394. [L]Letter to David Astor, 4 May 1948
3395. [R] Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism, 9 May 1948
3396. [N]Preparatory Notes for Review of The Soul of Man under Socialism
3397. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 10 May 1948
3398. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 May 1948
3399. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, [13 or 20 May 1948]
3400. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 May 1948
3401. [L]Letter to Evelyn Waugh, 16 May 1948
3402. [D]Diary Entry, 21 May 1948
3402A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 24 May 1948
3403. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 24 May 1948
3404. [L]Letter to Michael Kennard, 25 May 1948
3405. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 27 May 1948
3405A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 31 May 1948
3406. [E] ‘George Gissing’, May–June 1948?
3407. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘George Gissing’
3408. [PD]Background to ‘Such, Such Were the Joys’: editorial note
3409. [E] ‘Such, Such Were the Joys’, 1939? to June 1948?
3410. [L]Letter to S. M. Levitas, 4 June 1948
3411. [R] Jean Burton, Heyday of a Wizard, 6 June 1948
3412. [L]Letter to Michael Kennard, 7 June 1948
3413. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 June 1948
3414. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 June 1948
3415. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 June 1948
3416. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 25 June 1948
3416A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 30 June 1948
3417. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee, 30 June 1948
3418. [R] Osbert Sitwell, Great Morning, July 1948
3419. [R] Roy Jenkins, Mr. Attlee: An Interim Biography, 4 July 1948
3420. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 10 July 1948
3421. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 12 July 1948
3422. [L]Postcard to Dwight Macdonald, 15 July 1948
3423. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 July 1948
3424. [R] Graham Greene, The Heart of the Matter, 17 July 1948
3425. [R] Hugh Kingsmill, The Dawn’s Delay, 18 July 1948
3426. [L]Fredric Warburg to Orwell, 19 and 22 July 1948
3427. [L]Letter to Dr. Tergit, 21 July 1948
3428. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 23 July 1948
3429. [L]Avril Blair to Michael Kennard, 29 July 1948
3430. [D]Domestic Diary, 31 July 1948
3431. [R] B.J. W. Hill, Eton Medley, 1 August 1948
3431A. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–2 August 1948
3432. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 3 August 1948
3433. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 August 1948
3434. [L]Letter to Edmund Wilson, 3 August 1948
3435. [D]Domestic Diary, 3–5 August 1948
3436. [R] The Novelist as Thinker, edited by B. Rajan, 7 August 1948
3437. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 August 1948
3438. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–15 August 1948
3439. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 16 August 1948
3440. [D]Domestic Diary, 16–20 August 1948
3441. [PD]Civil Service Purge, FDC Statement, 21 August 1948
3442. [D]Domestic Diary, 21 August 1948
3443. [R] George Woodcock, The Writer and Politics, 22 August 1948
3444. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 22 August 1948
3445. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–30 August 1948
3446. [L]Letter to Melvin Lasky, 31 August 1948
3447. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 August 1948
3448. [L]Letter to William Phillips, 31 August 1948
3449. [D]Domestic Diary, 31 August to 1 September 1948
3450. [L]Letter from S. M. Levitas, 2 September 1948: editorial summary
3451. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–5 September 1948
3452. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 6 September 1948
3453. [D]Domestic Diary, 6 September 1948
3454. [PD]Appeal by Freedom Defence Committee, 7 September 1948
3455. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–17 September 1948
3456. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 September 1948
3457. [D]Domestic Diary, 18–19 September 1948
3458. [L]Postcard to Anthony Powell, [20 September 1948]
3459. [D]Domestic Diary, 20–29 September 1948
3460. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 30 September 1948
3461. [D]Domestic Diary, 30 September 1948
3462. [E] ‘The Labour Government After Three Years’, October 1948
3463. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘The Labour Government After Three Years’
3464. [D]Domestic Diary, 1 October 1948
3465. [R] Edwin Berry Burgum, The Novel and the World’s Dilemma, 2 October 1948
3466. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–8 October 1948
3467. [L]Letter to David Astor, 9 October 1948
3468. [D]Domestic Diary, 9 October 1948
3469. [R] Louis Fischer, Gandhi and Stalin, 10 October 1948
3470. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 October 1948
3471. [D]Domestic Diary, 10–11 October 1948
3472. [PD]Broadcast of ‘Shooting an Elephant’, 12 October 1948: editorial note
3473. [D]Domestic Diary, 12–13 October 1948
3474. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 October 1948
3475. [D]Domestic Diary, 16–21 October 1948
3476. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 October 1948
3477. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 October 1948
3478. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–28 October 1948
3479. [L]Letter to Melvin Lasky, 29 October 1948
3480. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 October 1948
3481. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 29 October 1948
3482. [D]Domestic Diary, 29 October to 1 November 1948
3483. [L]Letter from Roger Senhouse, 2 November 1948
3484. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–6 November 1948
3485. [R] Jean-Paul Sartre, Portrait of the Anti-Semite, translated by Erik de Mauny, 7 November 1948
3486. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–11 November 1948
3487. [PD]Publication of British Pamphleteers, Vol. 1, 15 November 1948: editorial note
3488. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 15 November 1948
3489. [D]Domestic Diary, 16–18 November 1948
3490. [L]Letter to David Astor, 19 November 1948
3491. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 November 1948
3492. [D]Domestic Diary, 19 November 1948
3493. [L]Jim Rose to Orwell, 20 November 1948: editorial summary
3494. [D]Domestic Diary, 20–21 November 1948
3495. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 November 1948
3496. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 22 November 1948
3497. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–27 November 1948
3498. [R] T. S. Eliot, Notes towards the Definition of Culture, 28 November 1948
3499. [L]Letter to Gwen O’Shaughnessy, 28 November 1948
3500. [D]Domestic Diary, 28–29 November 1948
3501. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 November 1948
3502. [D]Domestic Diary, 30 November to 3 December 1948
3503. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 December 1948
3504. [D]Domestic Diary, 4–7 December 1948
3505. [L]Fredric Warburg’s Report on Nineteen Eighty-Four, 13 December 1948
3506. [L]David Farrer’s Report on Nineteen Eighty-Four, 15 December 1948
3507. [L]Avril Blair to Humphrey Dakin, 14 December 1948
3508. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 18 December 1948
3509. [D]Domestic Diary, 19 December 1948
3510. [L]Letter to David Astor, 21 December 1948
3511. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 21 December 1948
3512. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–24 December 1948
3513. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 26 December 1948
3514. [PD]Appendix 1: Avril Blair’s Barnhill Diary, 1 January to 10 May 1948
3515. [PD]Appendix 2: Orwell’s Second Literary Notebook, 1948
Notes |
20 Our job is to make life worth living, 1949-1950 |
Copy * 1949
3516. [E] ‘Reflections on Gandhi’, January 1949
3517. [R] The English Comic Album, compiled by Leonard Russell and Nicolas Bentley, 2 January 1949
3518. [L]Dr. Bruce Dick to David Astor, 5 January 1949
3518A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 9 January 1949
3519. [L]Telegram to David Astor, 12 January 1949
3520. [L]Letter to David Astor, 12 January 1949
3521. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 12 January 1949
3522. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 13 January 1949
3523. [L]Letter to Fredrik Wulfsberg, 15 January 1949
3524. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 17 January 1949
3525. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 January 1949
3526. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 17 January 1949
3527. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 18 January 1949
3528. [L]Letter to The New Leader (New York), 18 January 1949
3529. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 18 January 1949
3530. [L]Telegram to Fredric Warburg, 18 January 1949
3531. [L]Letter to David Astor, 20 January 1949
3532. [L]Letter to Miss Brockholes, 20 January 1949
3533. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 January 1949
3534. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 January 1949
3535. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 27 January 1949
3536. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 28 January 1949
3537. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 2 February 1949
3538. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 2 February 1949
3539. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 4 February 1949
3540. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 4 February 1949
3541. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 4 February 1949
3542. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 5 February 1949
3543. [R] F. R. Leavis, The Great Tradition, 6 February 1949
3544. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 February 1949
3545. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 10 February 1949
3546. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 10 February 1949
3547. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 February 1949
3548. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 12 February 1949
3549. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 13 February 1949
3550. [L]Letter to Jacintha Buddicom, 14 February 1949
3551. [L]Letter to Jacintha Buddicom, [15 February] 1949
3552. [R] Evelyn Waugh, Scott-King’s Modern Europe, 20 February 1949
3553. [L]Letter to [the Editor], Wiadomości, 25 February 1949
3554. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 26 February 1949
3555. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, [27 February or 6 March 1949]
3556. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 March 1949
3557. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 2 March 1949
3558. [L]Letter to the News Chronicle, 3 March 1949
3559. [L]Letter to S. M. Levitas, 3 March 1949
3560. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 3 March 1949
3561. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 March 1949
3562. [L]Letter to David Astor, 5 March 1949
3563. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 5 March 1949
3564. [L]Douglas Moyle to Orwell, 7 March 1949: editorial summary
3565. [L]David Farrer to Orwell, 8 March 1949: editorial summary
3566. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 March 1949
3567. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 9 March 1949
3568. [L]Roger Senhouse’s Corrections and Queries for Nineteen Eighty-Four and Orwell’s Answers, sent 22 February 1949
3569. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 10 March 1949
3570. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 12 March 1949
3571. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 March 1949
3572. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 15 March 1949
3573. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 March 1949
3574. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 16 March 1949
3575. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 March 1949
3576. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 18 March 1949
3577. [L]Letter to David Astor, 19 March 1949
3578. [L]Cable to The New Leader (New York), 21 March 1949
3579. [PD]Cranham Sanatorium Routine, 21 March 1949
3580. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 March 1949
3581. [L]Letter to [Christy & Moore], 24 March 1949
3582. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 25 March 1949
3583. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 30 March 1949
3584. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 31 March 1949
3585. [E]Unfinished essay, ‘Evelyn Waugh’, April(?) 1949
3586. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘Evelyn Waugh’
3587. [L]Una Marson to Orwell, 2 April 1949: editorial summary
3588. [L]Letter to David Astor, 4 April 1949
3589. [L]Letter to Ruth Fischer, 4 April 1949: editorial note
3590. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 5 April 1949
3590A. [PD]Orwell and the Information Research Department
3590B. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 6 April 1949
3591. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 6 April 1949
3592. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 7 April 1949
3593. [R]Medical Superintendent, The Cotswold Sanatorium, to the Editor, Partisan Review, 7 April 1949
3594. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 8 April 1949
3595. [L]Letter to [The New Leader, (New York)], 9 April 1949
3596. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 13 April 1949
3597. [L]Letter to Robert Giroux, 14 April 1949
3598. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 15 April 1949
3599. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 16 April 1949
3600. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 17 April 1949
3601. [L]Letter to Gwen O’Shaughnessy, 17 April 1949
3602. [D]Diary Entry, 17 April 1949
3602A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 18 April 1949
3603. [L]Letter to Ruth Fischer, 21 April 1949
3604. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 April 1949
3605. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 April 1949
3606. [L]Cable to Harcourt, Brace, 25 April 1949
3607. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 25 April 1949
3608. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 April 1949
3609. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 April 1949
3610. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 29 April 1949
3611. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 April 1949
3612. [A]Article, ‘A Prize for Ezra Pound’, May 1949
3613. [A]Abridgement: ‘A Look into the Future: 1984 and Newspeak’, May 1949
3614. [L]Letter to Melvin Lasky, 2 May 1949
3615. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 2 May 1949
3616. [L]Letter to S. M. Levitas, 2 May 1949
3617. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 2 May 1949
3618. [L]Letter to Charles Curran, 3 May 1949
3619. [L]Letter to David Astor, 7 May 1949
3620. [L]Anthony Powell on George Orwell, 8 May 1949
3621. [L]Letter to David Astor, 9 May 1949
3622. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 11 May 1949
3623. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 13 May 1949
3624. [R] Winston Churchill, Their Finest Hour, 14 May 1949
3625. [R] Hesketh Pearson, Dickens: His Character, Comedy and Career, 15 May 1949
3626. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 16 May 1949
3627. [L]Letter to Robert Giroux, 19 May 1949
3628. [L]Letter to David Astor, 20 May 1949
3629. [L]Letter to Charles Curran, 20 May 1949
3630. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 20 May 1949
3631. [L]Letter to Jacintha Buddicom, 22 May 1949
3632. [L]Ruth Fischer to Orwell, 23 May 1949: editorial summary
3633. [L]Letter to Sonia Brownell, 24 May 1949
3634. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 26 May 1949
3635. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, [27 May 1949] Dr. Andrew Morland’s Report on Orwell
3636. [L]Orwell on Marie-Louise Berneri, 28 May 1949
3637. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 May 1949
3638. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 1 June 1949
3639. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 2 June 1949
3640. [L]Letter to Robert Giroux, 3 June 1949
3641. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 6 June 1949
3642. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 6 June 1949
3643. [PD]Publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, 8 June 1949: editorial note
3644. [L]Letter to William Phillips, 8 June 1949
3644A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 10 June 1949
3645. [L]Fredric Warburg’s Report on His Visit to Orwell, 15 June 1949 (with editorial note)
3646. [A]Orwell’s Statement on Nineteen Eighty-Four, [15 June 1949]
3647. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 16 June 1949
3648. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 June 1949
3649. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 20 June 1949
3650. [L]Letter to Mr. Shaw, 20 June 1949
3651. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 June 1949
3652. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 22 June 1949
3652A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 27 June 1949
3653. [L]Letter to Mamaine Koestler, 27 June 1949
3654. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 27 June 1949
3655. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 June 1949
3655A. [L]Letter to C. V. Wedgwood, 5 July 1949
3656. [L]Letter to S. M. Levitas, 11 July 1949
3657. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 13 July 1949
3658. [L]Letter to David Astor, 14 July 1949
3659. [L]Letter to Ruth Fischer, 15 July 1949
3660. [L]Letter to David Astor, 15 July 1949
3661. [L]Letter to David Astor, 18 July 1949
3662. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 July 1949
3663. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 July 1949
3664. [L]Ruth Graves to Orwell, 23 July 1949: editorial summary
3665. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 July 1949
3666. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 27 July 1949
3667. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 27 July 1949
3668. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 July 1949
3669. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 28 July 1949
3670. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 July 1949
3671. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 August 1949
3672. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 4 August 1949
3673. [L]McIntosh & Otis to Dwight Macdonald, 10 August 1949
3674. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 11 August 1949
3675. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 August 1949
3676. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 August 1949
3677. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 August 1949
3678. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 August 1949
3679. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 24 August 1949
3680. [L]Letter to David Astor, 25 August 1949
3681. [L]Catherine Karot to Orwell, 25 August 1949: editorial summary
3681A. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 26 August 1949
3682. [L]Allan Dowling to Orwell, 27 August 1949: editorial summary
3683. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 August 1949
3684. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 30 August 1949
3684A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 1 September 1949
3685. [A]Tribune Statement: “For Freedom in Spain”, 2 September 1949
3686. [L]Letter to David Astor, 5 September 1949
3687. [PD]University College Hospital Routine
3688. [L]C. E. M. Joad to Orwell, 8 September 1949: editorial summary
3689. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [7] September 1949
3690. [L]Franz Borkenau to Orwell, 14 September 1949: editorial summary
3691. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 17 September 1949
3692. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 17 September 1949
3693. [PD]Announcement of Orwell’s Engagement to Sonia Brownell, 17 September 1949
3694. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, [c. 19 September 1949]
3695. [L]Letter to Melvin Lasky, 21 September 1949
3695A. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 24 September 1949
3696. [PD]Condensed Book Version of Nineteen Eighty-Four, October 1949: editorial summary
3696A. [L]Letter to Mona Harrofs McElfresh, 2 October 1949
3697. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 October 1949
3698. [L]John Dos Passos to Orwell, 8 October 1949: editorial summary
3699. [L]Dwight Macdonald to Orwell, 10 October 1949: editorial summary
3700. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 October 1949
3701. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 12 October 1949
3702. [PD]Marriage to Sonia Brownell, 13 October 1949: editorial note
3703. [L]John Braithwaite to Orwell, 20 October 1949: editorial summary
3704. [L]Aldous Huxley to Orwell, 21 October 1949: editorial summary
3705. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 25 October 1949
3706. [L]William Barrett to Orwell, 4 November 1949: editorial summary
3707. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 November 1949
3708. [L]Letter to Robert Giroux, 17 November 1949
3709. [L]G. van der B. Lambley to Orwell, 21 November 1949: editorial summary
3710. [L]Proposed Cuts to Nineteen Eighty-Four (for Argentine edition), 22 November 1949
3711. [L]Emilio Cecchi to Orwell, 26 November 1949: editorial summary
3712. [L]Otto G. von Simson to Orwell, 27 November 1949: editorial summary
3713. [L]Nancy Parratt to Orwell, 8 December 1949: editorial summary
3714. [L]Telegram to Harry Roskolenko, 13 December 1949
3715. [L]Desmond MacCarthy to Orwell, 29 December 1949: editorial summary
3716. [L]Sonia Orwell to Yvonne Davet, 6 January 1950
3717. [L]Donald Brace to Fredric Warburg, 13 January 1950
3718. [PD]Orwell’s Last Will, 18 January 1950
3719. [PD]U.S. Edition of Coming Up for Air, 19 January 1950: editorial note
3720. [PD]Orwell’s Death, 21 January 1950: editorial note
3721. [PD]Appendix 1: Unfinished Projects: editorial summary
3722. [N]Notes and Details of Layout for ‘A Smoking Room Story’
3723. [N]Unfinished Draft: ‘A Smoking-room Story’, Spring (?) 1949
3724. [P]‘A Smoking-room Story’: conjectural fair copy
3725. [PD]Appendix 2: Notes from Orwell’s Last Literary Notebook
3726. [PD]Appendix 3: Statement of Orwell’s Assets
3727. [PD]Appendix 4: Orwell’s Reading List for 1949
3728. [PD]Appendix 5: Orwell’s Notes on His Books and Essays
3729. [PD]Appendix 6: Orwell’s Notes on Inside Covers of Red Book-Cover
3730. [PD]Appendix 7: Orwell’s Will of 18 January 1950, and Estate
3731. [PD]Appendix 8: Names in Orwell’s Address Book
3732. [PD]Appendix 9: Orwell’s List of Crypto-Communists and Fellow-Travellers
3733. [PD]Appendix 10: Classified List of Orwell’s Pamphlets [1946–47?]
3734. [PD]Appendix 11: Books Owned by Orwell in 1950
3735. [PD]Appendix 12: Mrs. Miranda Wood’s Memoir [of Orwell]
3736. [PD]Appendix 13: After Orwell’s Death: editorial note, with Ian Angus’s memoir of Sonia Orwell
3737. [PD]Appendix 14: Supplementary Items: editorial note
413A. [L]Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 10 December 1937
414B. [L]Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 18 December 1937
2305A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 8 October 1943
2317A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 15 October 1943
2341A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 28 October 1943
2349A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 November 1943
2470A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 18 May 1944
2502A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 10 July 1944
2563A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 13 October 1944
2765A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 17 October 1945
3025A. [L]From Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 2 July 1946
3288A. [L]From Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 21 October 1947
3590A. [PD]Orwell and the Information Research Department (with Celia Kirwan’s report of 30 March 1949)
3590B. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 6 April 1949
3681A. [L]From Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 26 August 1949
3684A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 1 September 1949
3695A. [L]From Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 24 September 1949
3696A. [L]Letter to Mona Harrofs McElfresh, 2 October 1949
Note |
21 The Lost Orwell |
Copy I Raimbault–Orwell correspondence
209A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To George Orwell
210A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
211A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
214A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
216A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
216B. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
217A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
218A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
219A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
221A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
221B. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
221C. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
221D. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
225A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
242B. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
242C. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
246B. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
246C. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
262A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
263A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
II Eileen Blair’s letters to Norah Myles
331A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
361A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
415A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
512A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
714A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
771A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
III George Kopp Further Revealed
2201. [L] Kopp to Eileen and Orwell, 26 July 1943
IV Gordon Bowker’s Summaries of Orwell’s Letters to Brenda Salkeld
105A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
106A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
107A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
107B. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
107C. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
118A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
120A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
120B. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
137A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
140A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
147A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
158A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
159A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
215A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
309A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
316A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
644A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
2900A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
3023A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
V Letters from Other Sources
374B. [L]To Sergei Dinamov, International Literature, Moscow, 2 July 1937
1586A. [L]To A. J. Balcombe, 19 October 1942
2023A. [L]To Penguin Books, 21 April 1943
2278A. [L]Lord David Cecil to W. J. Turner, undated (1944–6)
2278B. [L]Lord David Cecil to W. J. Turner, undated (1944–6)
2420A. [L]To Daniel George, 17 February 1944
2451A. [L]To Daniel George, 10 April 1944
2563B. [L]Ivor Brown to Dr Thomas Jones, C. H., 14 October 1944
2593A. [L]To Daniel George, 28 December 1944
2604A. [L]To Allen & Unwin Ltd., 18 January 1945
2681A. [L]To the Editor, Million Magazine, 21 June 1945
2718A. [L]To J. C. Trewin, 13 August 1945
2723A. [L]To J. C. Trewin, 17 August 1945
2753A. [L]To Malcolm Muggeridge, 25 September 1945
3165A. [L]To David Astor, 30 January 1947
3321A. [L]To an Unknown Person [David Astor?], Friday
3351A. [L]To Ivor Brown, 20 February 1948
3401A. [L]To Mrs Jessica Marshall, 19 May 1948
3410A. [L]To J. C. Trewin, 5 June 1948
To Malcolm Muggeridge, 4 December 1948
3647A. [L]Jordi Arquer to Orwell, 16 June 1949, with original French
3650A. [L]To Jordi Arquer, 22 June 1949
3655A–1. [L]From Christy & Moore to Jordi Arquer, 27 June 1949
3663A. [L]To Malcolm Muggeridge, 22 July 1949
3665A. [L]Jordi Arquer to Orwell, 24 July 1949, with original French
3667A. [L]To Jordi Arquer, 28 July 1949
3689A. [L]Sonia Brownell to Jordi Arquer, 14 September 1949
3702A. [L]Sonia Brownell to Mr Groves, 14 October 1949
3705A. [L]To Malcolm Muggeridge, c. 25 October 1949
3720A. [L]Avril Dunn to David Astor, 18 June 1950
Nineteen Eighty-Four. The C.D. Darlington Correspondence
3192A. [L]To Dr C. D. Darlington
3200A. [L]C. D. Darlington to Orwell
3201A. [L]To C. D. Darlington
VI Articles and Supplementary Material
2625A. [A]Paris Puts a Gay Face on her Miseries, 24 February 1945
3049A. [A]‘The True Pattern of H. G. Wells’, 14 August 1946
List of Names sent to Information Research Department, 2 May 1949
3615A. [L]Names sent to Celia Kirwan, 2 May 1949
3752. [L]Names originally excluded from Orwell’s List of Crypto-Communists and Fellow-Travellers in 1998
3715A. [N]The Best Novels of 1949: Some Personal Choices, 1 January 1950 / Purported Book Recommendation, 1952
VII Additional Explicatory Notes and Dates of Deaths
VIII Editorial Note and Acknowledgements
IX The Lives Behind the Illustrations
Illustrations |
3 생애[ | ]
Leonard Moore - 169/Dwight Macdonald - 54/Fredric Warburg - 49/Rayner Heppenstall - 45/David Astor - 44/Anthony Powell - 38/Julian Symons - 34/George Woodcock - 33/Arthur Koestler - 31/Yvonne Davet - 30/ Celia Kirwan - 29/Lydia Jackson - 28/Roger Senhouse - 27/Philip Rahv - 23/Gleb Struve - 22/Ivor Brown - 21/Herbert Read - 20/Michael Meyer - 19/Tosco Fyvel - 18/Vernon Richards - 17/Sonia Brownell - 16/Brenda Salkeld - 15/Victor Gollancz - 14/Humphrey Dakin - 13/E. M. Forster - 13/John Middleton Murry - 12/Mamaine Koestler - 11/Helmut Klöse - 11/Edmund Wilson - 10/Francis Henson - 10/Melvin Lasky - 9/Reginald Reynolds - 9/Christy & Moore - 9/John Lehmann - 8/Mary Fyvel - 8/Jacintha Buddicom - 8/S. M. Levitas - 8/Ruth Fischer - 7/Sir Richard Rees - 7/George Kopp - 7/Hsiao Ch’ien - 6/C. D. Darlington - 6/Malcolm Muggeridge - 6/Eileen Blair - 6/C. E. M. Joad - 6/Max Plowman - 5/Dorothy Plowman - 5/Cedric Dover - 5/Sirdar Iqbal Ali Shah - 5/John Sceats - 5/T. S. Eliot - 5/Stevie Smith - 5/B. H. Alexander - 5/F. R. Leavis - 4/George Allen & Unwin - 4/BBC - 4/Penguin Books - 4/Harcourt, Brace & Co. - 4/V. S. Pritchett - 4/J. B. S. Haldane - 4/Reginald Reynolds - 4/C. K. Ogden - 4/C. W. Valentine - 4/R. R. Desai - 4/K. K. Ardaschir - 4/K. S. Shelvankar - 4/N. Gangulee - 4/B. C. Rake - 3/V. Gordon Childe - 3/J. D. Bernal - 3/R. U. Hingorani - 3/J. F. Horrabin - 3/J. C. Drummond - 3/H. J. Laski - 3/H. N. Brailsford - 3/G. M. Young - 3/F. Tennyson Jesse - 3/E. C. Bowyer - 3/D. F. Boyd - 3/C. H. Waddington - 3/Bhupen Mukerjee - 3/A. P. Watt & Son - 3/A. J. Balcombe - 3/A. Morley - 3/A. C. G. Egerton - 3/A. R. Bell - 3/A. R. Rendall - 3/A. R. Orage - 3/A. R. Kerrell-Vaughan - 3/A. R. K. Desai - 3/A. R. K. Ardaschir - 3건
일기의 구분 |
Copy From Pupil to Teacher to Author: 1911–1933 [~179]
Hop-Picking Diary : 25 August 1931 – 8 October 1931 [~113]
Publishing, Wigan and Spain: 1934–1938 [204~461]
The Road to Wigan Pier Diary : 31 January 1936 – 25 March 1936 [~296]
Domestic Diary Volume I : 9 August 1938 – 28 March 1939 [~473]
From Morocco to the BBC: 1938–1941 [481~817]
Morocco Diary : 7 September 1938 – 28 March 1939
Marrakech Notebook
Domestic Diary Volume I continued : 10 April 1939 – 26 May 1939
Domestic Diary Volume II : 27 May 1939 – 31 August 1939 [~567]
Diary of Events Leading Up to the War : 2 July 1939 – 3 September 1939 [~570]
Domestic Diary Volume II continued : 5 September 1939 – 29 April 1940
The BBC and the War: 1941–1943 [1174~2356]
War-time Diary : 28 May 1940 – 28 August 1941 [628~]
Second War-time Diary : 14 March 1942 – 15 November 1942 [1025~]
Journalism and the Death of Eileen: 1943–1945 [2392~2825]
Jura: 1946 and 1947 [2839~3320]
The Jura Diaries Domestic Diary Volume III : 7 May 1946 – 5 January 1947 [2996~]
Domestic Diary Volume IV : 12 April 1947 – 11 September 1947 [3213~]
Domestic Diary Volume V : 12 September 1947 – 29 October 1947 [3272~]
Summary of Avril’s Entries: 27 December 1947 – 10 May 1948 [3319~]
Hairmyres and Jura: 1948 [3324~3513]
Cranham, University College Hospital, and Orwell’s Death: 1949–1950 [~3716]
Relevant Entries from Orwell’s Notebooks : c. 20 February 1948 – 21 May 1948 [3352~]
Domestic Diary Volume V : 31 July 1948 – 24 December 1948 [3213~]
Relevant Entries from Last Literary Notebook : 21 March 1949 – September 1949 [3579~] |
Letters and Diaries |
Copy 2. [L]Letter to his mother, 14 September 1911
2A. [L]Letter to his mother, 1 October [1911]
3. [L]Letter to his mother, 8 October 1911
3A. [L]Letter to his mother, 15 October 1911
4. [L]Letter to his mother, 5 November 1911
5. [L]Letter to his mother, 12 November [1911]
6. [L]Letter to his mother, [November 1911?]
7. [L]Letter to his mother, [November, 1911?]
8. [L]Letter to his mother, 2 December [1911]
9. [L]Letter to his mother, 4 February 1912
10. [L]Letter to his mother, 11 February 1912
11. [L]Letter to his mother, 18 February 1912
11A. [L]Letter to his mother, 25 February 1912
12. [L]Letter to his mother, 3 March 1912
13. [L]Letter to his mother, 10 March 1912
14. [L]Letter to his mother, 17 March 1912
14A. [L]Letter to his mother, [possibly 24 March 1912]
15. [L]Letter to his mother, 12 May 1912
16. [L]Letter to his mother, 2 June 1912
17. [L]Letter to his mother, 23 June 1912
18. [L]Letter to his mother, 30 June 1912
19. [L]Letter to his mother, 21 July 1912
20. [L]Letter to his mother, 17 November 1912
21. [L]Letter to his mother, 1 December [1912]
22. [L]Letter to his mother, 8 December [1912]
26. [L]Letter to his mother, [mid-July 1916?]
48. [L]Letter to Laura Buddicom, 27 June 1920
56. [L]Letter to Steven Runciman, August 1920
57. [L]Letter to Prosper Buddicom, 28 [December 1920]
58. [L]Letter to Prosper Buddicom, [10 January 1921]
59. [L]Letter to Prosper Buddicom, 19 January 1921
60. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly (extract), Easter 1921
87. [L]Letter to the Editor of The New Adelphi, 22 September 1929
88. [L]Postcard to the Editor of The New Adelphi, [12 December 1929]
99. [L]Letter to Max Plowman, 24 October 1930
100. [L]Letter to Max Plowman, 1 November 1930
102. [L]Lettercard to Max Plowman, [12 January 1931]
105A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
106A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
107. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [July 1931]
107A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
107B. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
107C. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
109. [L]Letter to Dennis Collings, 16 August 1931
110. [L]Letter to Dennis Collings, [27 August 1931]
111. [D] Hop-Picking, 25 August-19 September 1931
112. [L]Letter to Dennis Collings, 4 September 1931
113. [D] Hop-Picking, 19 September-8 October 1931
114. [L]Letter to Dennis Collings, [12 October 1931]
115. [L]From a letter to Brenda Salkeld, [October 1931?]
117. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 30 October 1931
118. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [October 1931]
118A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
119. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 4 November 1931
120. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore [Leonard Moore], [November–December 1931]
120A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
120B. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
121. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 January 1932
122. [L]Postcard to T. S. Eliot, [17 February 1932]
124. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 April 1932
126. [L]Letter to the Editor, The New English Weekly, 5 May 1932
128. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 June 1932
129. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [14 June 1932]
130. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [19 June 1932]
131. [L]To the Editor, The New English Weekly, 30 June 1932
132. [L]Lettercard to Leonard Moore, 1 July 1932
133. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 July 1932
134. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [8 July 1932]
136. [L]Lettercard to Leonard Moore, 4 August 1932
137. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 August 1932
137A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
138. [L]Lettercard to Eleanor Jaques, [18 August 1932]
140A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
142. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [September 1932]
143. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [19 September 1932]
145. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [19 October 1932]
146. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 November 1932
147. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, 18 November 1932
147A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
148. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [19 November 1932]
149. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, [21 November 1932]
150. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [22 November 1932]
151. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [30 November 1932]
152. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [13 December 1932]
153. [L]Lettercard to Eleanor Jaques [19 December 1932]
155. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [23 December 1932]
156. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 December 1932
158. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 January 1933
158A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
159. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 February 1933
159A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
160. [L]Letter to the Editor, The Times, 11 February 1933
161. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, 18 February 1933
162. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 February 1933
163. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [26 February 1933]
165. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [10? March 1933]
166. [L]Recommended ‘Best Books’ (for Brenda Salkeld, 1930s)
167. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [25 March 1933]
169. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 April 1933
170. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [29 April 1933]
172. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [4 May 1933]
173. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [25 May 1933]
174. [L]Letter from Nellie Limouzin to Orwell, 3 June 1933
175. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [6 June 1933]
176. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [? June 1933]
177. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [16 June 1933]
178. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, 7 July 1933
179. [L]Letter to Eleanor Jaques, [20 July 1933]
181. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [1 August 1933]
183. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 October 1933
184. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [26 November 1933]
186. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [10? December 1933]
187. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [28 December 1933]
188. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 January 1934
189. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 January 1934
190. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [27 January 1934]
191. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 February 1934
192. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [8 February 1934]
193. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [15 February 1934]
195. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 March 1934
198. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 April 1934
199. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 April 1934
200. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 May 1934
202. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 27 July 1934
204. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [late August? 1934]
205. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [early September? 1934]
206. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 September 1934
207. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [11? September 1934]
208. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [23 September 1934]
209. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 October 1934
209A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To George Orwell
210. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 October 1934
210A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
211A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
213. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [20 October 1934]
214A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
215. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 November 1934
215A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
216. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 November 1934
216A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
216B. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
217A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
218. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 December 1934
218A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
219. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd?], 17 December 1934
219A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
220. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 December 1934
221. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 December 1934
221A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
221B. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
221C. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
221D. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
222. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 January 1935
223. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd?], 10 January 1935
224. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, [15 January 1935]
225. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 January 1935
225A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
226. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 January 1935
227. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd?], 1 February 1935
228. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 1 February 1935
229. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 2 February 1935
230. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 February 1935
231. [L]Postcard to Victor Gollancz [Ltd], 4 February 1935
232. [L]Postcard to Victor Gollancz [Ltd], [6 February 1935]
233. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 14 February 1935
234. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 February 1935
235. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 16 February 1935
236. [L]Telegram to Victor Gollancz, 19 February 1935 (with editorial afternote)
238. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 February 1935
239. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd], 28 February 1935
241. [L]Postcard to Christy & Moore Ltd, 1 March 1935
242. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 7 March 1935
242B. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
242C. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
243. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 March 1935
244. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, [13 April 1935]
245. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 7 May [1935]
246. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 May 1935
246B. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
246C. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
247. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 July 1935
250. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore, 4 August 1935
251. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 September 1935
252. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 September 1935
253. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, [24 September 1935]
255. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 September 1935
257. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 5 October 1935
258. [L]Report on lecture by Orwell, ‘Confessions of a Down and Out’, 16 October 1935
259. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, [18 October 1935]
260. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [26 October 1935]
262. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 November 1935
262A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To Orwell
263A. [L] [Raimbault–Orwell] To R. N. Raimbault
264. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 January 1936
268. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz [Ltd], 23 January 1936
269. [L]Letter to Dorothy Horsman, [31 January 1936]
270. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: editorial note
272. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 31 January-10 February 1936
273. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore, 11 February 1936
274. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 11–12 February 1936
275. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 13 February 1936
276. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 13 February 1936
277. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 14 February 1936
278. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 15–17 February 1936
279. [L]Letter to Norman Collins, 18 February 1936
280. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 18 February 1936
281. [L]Telegram to Gollancz [Ltd?], 19 February 1936
282. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 19–21 February 1936
283. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 24 February 1936
284. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 February 1936
285. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 24 February 1936
286. [L]Letter to [Christy & Moore], 27 February 1936
287. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 27 February 1936
288. [L]Letter to Richard Rees, 29 February 1936
289. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 2–3 March 1936
291. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 5–9 March 1936
292. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz Ltd, 11 March 1936
293. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 March 1936
294. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 11–16 March 1936
295. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 17 March 1936
296. [D]The Road to Wigan Pier Diary: 18–25 March 1936
297. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 April 1936
298. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 3 April 1936
299. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 April 1936
300. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [16? April 1936]
301. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, [17? April 1936]
302. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [18 April 1936]
304. [L]Letter to Richard Rees, 20 April 1936
306. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [25 April 1936]
309. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 May 1936
309A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
311. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, [23 May 1936]
312. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 27 May 1936
313. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 June 1936
314. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 8 June 1936
316. [L]Letter to Denys King-Farlow, 9 June 1936
316A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
317. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 12 June 1936
323. [L]Letter to Henry Miller, 26–27 August 1936
327. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 5 October 1936
329. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 October 1936
331A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
337. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 December 1936
338. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore Ltd, 11 December 1936
339. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 December 1936
340. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [19 December 1936]
341. [L]Telegram to Victor Gollancz, 19 December 1936 (with editorial afternote on the publication of The Road to Wigan Pier)
355A. [L]Jennie Lee on Orwell’s Arrival in Barcelona
356. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Miss Perriam, 17 January 1937
358. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 31 January 1937
359. [L]Letter to James Hanley, [c. 10 February 1937]
361. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 11 February 1937
361A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
363. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to her mother, 22 March 1937
364. [L]Letter to Eileen Blair, [5? April 1937]
365. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 12 April 1937
367. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Dr Laurence O’Shaughnessy, 1 May 1937
368. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 9 May 1937
369. [L]Orwell’s Wound and Eileen’s telegram to his parents, 20 and 24 May 1937; with George Kopp’s report, 10 June 1937.
370. [L]Letter to Mr Thompson, 8 June 1937
371. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 8 June 1937
372. [L]Letter to Frederick Bardford, 10 June 1937
373. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Dr Laurence O’Shaughnessy, [c. 10 June 1937]
374. [L]Letter from B. C. Rake to Orwell, 21 June 1937
374B. [L]To Sergei Dinamov, International Literature, Moscow, 2 July 1937
375. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 July 1937
376. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 8 July 1937
377. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 July 1937
378A. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to John McNair, 29 July 1937, with George Kopp’s letters to Dr Laurence O’Shaughnessy and to the Chief of Police, Barcelona, 7 July 1937; and to Eileen Blair, 8 July 1937
380. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 July 1937
381. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 31 July 1937
384. [L]Letter to Miss Charlesworth, 1 August 1937
386. [L]Letter to Charles Doran, 2 August 1937
387. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 16 August 1937
388. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 August 1937
389. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 19 August 1937
390. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 20 August 1937
391. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 August 1937
393. [L]Letter to Miss Charlesworth, 30 August 1937
395. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 September 1937
397. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 15 September 1937
398. [L]Letter to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, 22 September 1937
402. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 12 October 1937
403. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 14 October 1937
405. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [October? 1937]
407. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 14 November 1937
408. [L]Letter from George Barber to Orwell, 20 November 1937
410. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, [28 November 1937]
411. [L]Lettercard to Cyril Connolly, [1 December 1937]
412. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 December 1937
413. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 6 December 1937
413A. [L]Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 10 December 1937
413A. [L]Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 10 December 1937: see Vol XX, p. 309
414B. [L]Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 18 December 1937
414B. [L]Letter to H.N. Brailsford, 18 December 1937
415A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
418. [L]Lettercard to Rayner Heppenstall, 21 January 1938
419. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 2 February 1938
420. [L]Letter from Len Lye [?] to Orwell, 2 February 1938
422. [L]Letter to the Editor, Time and Tide, 5 February 1938
423. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 5 February 1938
424. [L]Letter to Raymond Mortimer, 9 February 1938 (with H. N. Brailsford’s letter of 17 December 1937)
425. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [12 February 1938]
426. [L]Letter to Alec Houghton Joyce, 12 February 1938
427. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 16 February 1938
431. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 14 March 1938
432. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Jack Common, [14–15 March 1938?]
433. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [late March? 1938]
434. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, 2 April 1938
435. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, [15? April 1938]
436. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 18 April 1938
437. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 20 April 1938
440. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 27 April 1938
441. [L]Letter to the Editor, The Times Literary Supplement, 14 May 1938
442. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 19 May 1938
443. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [22 May 1938]
444. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 24 May 1938
445. [L]Letter from Sir Richard Rees to Orwell, 25 May [1938]
446. [L]Letter to the Editor, New English Weekly, 26 May 1938
447. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 30 May 1938
448. [L]Letter to C. D. Abbott, 4 June 1938
449. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 7 June 1938
450. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 7 June 1938
452. [L]Letter to the Editor, The Listener, 16 June 1938
454. [L]Letter to Naomi Mitchison, 17 June 1938
455A. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Denys King-Farlow, 22 June 1938
458. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 June 1938
459. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 29 June 1938
460. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 July 1938
461. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 5 July 1938
463. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 8 July 1938
464. [L]Letter to C. D. Abbott, 12 July 1938
465. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 15 July 1938
467. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [19 or 26 July 1938]
468. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Jack Common, 20 July 1938
470. [L]Letter to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, 5 August 1938
471. [L]Letter to his mother, 8 August 1938
473. [D]Domestic Diary: editorial note
474. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 18 August 1938
475. [L]Letter to Francis Westrope, 25 August 1938
476. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 25 August 1938
477. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 26 August 1938
478. [D]Morocco Diary, 7–10 September 1938
479. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, [11?] September 1938
480. [D]Morocco Diary, 13 September 1938 with Orwell’s Deposition before British Consul
481. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Orwell’s mother, 15 September 1938
482. [D]Morocco Diary, 16 September 1938
483. [L]Letter to Dr J. B. McDougall, 18 September 1938
484. [L]Postcards to Leonard Moore, Yvonne Davet, and Cyril Connolly, [18?] September 1938
486. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 26 September 1936
487. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Marjorie Dakin, 27 September 1938
488. [D]Morocco Diary, 27 September 1938
489. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 29 September 1938
490. [L]Letter to Controversy, October 1938
491. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 October 1938
492. [L]Letter from Marjorie Dakin to Eileen Blair and Orwell, 3 October 1938
493. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Geoffrey Gorer, 4 October 1938
494. [D]Morocco Diary, 9 October 1938
495. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 October 1938
496. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 12 October 1938
497. [L]Letter to Raymond Postgate, 21 October 1938
498. [L]Letter to John Sceats, 26 October 1938
499. [L]Postcard to his mother, 29 October 1938
500. [D]Morocco Diary, 1 November 1938
501. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 2 November 1938
502. [D]Morocco Diary, 22 November 1938
504. [L]Letter to John Sceats, 24 November 1938
505. [L]Letter to Charles Doran, 26 November 1938
506. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 November 1938
509. [L]Letter to his father, 2 December 1938
510. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Mary Common, 5 December 1938
511. [D]Morocco Diary, 10 December 1938
512. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 14 December 1938
512A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
513. [L]Letter to Frank Jellinek, 20 December 1938
514. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 December 1938
515. [D]Morocco Diary, 22 December 1938
516. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 26 December 1938
517. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Francis Westrope, 29 December 1938
518. [D]Appendix 1: Domestic Diary, 9 August to 31 December 1938
521. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 4 January 1939
522. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 4 January 1939
523. [D]Morocco Diary, 8 January 1939
525. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 12 January 1939
527. [L]Letter to Francis Westrope, 15 January 1939
528. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 20 January 1939
530. [D]Morocco Diary, 27 January 1939
532. [L]Letter to Lady Rees, 23 February 1939
533. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 23 February 1939
534A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 1 March 1939.
535. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 5 March 1939 with “George Kopp Released”
536. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 5 March 1939
537. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, 9 March 1939
538. [D]Morocco Diary, 12 March 1939
539. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 19 March 1939
540. [D]Morocco Diary, 21 March 1939
541. [D]Morocco Diary, 28 March 1939
542. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, 30 March 1939
542A. [L]Postcard to Lydia Jackson, [30 March 1939]
542B. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, [31 March 1939]
543. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 April 1939
544. [L]Letter to Jack Common, [9 April 1939]
545. [L]Letter from Eileen Blair to Mary Common, [9? April 1939]
545A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, [11 April 1939]
546. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 April 1939
548. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [11 June 1939]
550. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 19 June 1939
551. [L]Letter to A. P. Watt & Son, 21 June 1939
553. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 2 July–1 September 1939: editorial note
554. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 2 July 1939
555. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [4 or 14 July 1939]
556. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 4–20 July 1939
557. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 July 1939
558. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 21–26 July 1939
560. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 27 July–2 August 1939
561. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 August 1939
562. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 4–11 August 1939
564. [L]Letter to Mrs. Olga Parker, 12 August 1939
565. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 12–30 August 1939
567. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 31 August–1 September 1939
570. [D]Diary of Events Leading Up to the War, 3 September 1939
572. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 October 1939
573. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 October 1939
576. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, [12 November 1939?]
581. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [8 December 1939]
582. [D]Appendix 4: Domestic Diary, 1 January to 31 December 1939
583. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 8 January 1940
584. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 January 1940
585. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 10 January 1940
587. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 January 1940
593. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, [late February 1940?]
595. [L]Letter to David H. Thompson, 8 March 1940
599. [L]Frank Richards Replies to George Orwell, May 1940
601. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 March 1940
607. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 3 April 1940
608. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 11 April 1940
609. [L]Letter to Humphry House, 11 April 1940
612. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 16 April 1940
613. [L]Letter to Stanley J. Kunitz and Howard Haycraft, 17 April 1940
618. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Trease, 1 May 1940
619. [L] Note [to Rayner Heppenstall or John Lehmann?], [May 1940?]
621. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 May 1940
622. [L]Letter to Field Security Centre, Whitehall, 11 May 1940: editorial note
624. [DR] Bernard Shaw, In Good King Charles’s Golden Days, 18 May 1940
626. [DR] Jean Cocteau, Les Parents Terribles; Garrison Theatre, 25 May 1940
628. [D]War-Time Diary, 28–31 May 1940
631. [DR] Swinging the Gate, 1 June 1940
632. [D]War-Time Diary, 1–6 June 1940
634. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 June 1940
636. [DR] William Shakespeare, The Tempest; Denis Ogden, The Peaceful Inn; Audrey Lucas, Portrait of Helen, 8 June 1940
637. [D]War-Time Diary, 8–14 June 1940
638. [DR] Noel Coward, I’ll Leave It to You, 15 June 1940
639. [D]War-Time Diary, 15–20 June 1940
641. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 June 1940
642. [L]Letter to the Editor, Time and Tide, 22 June 1940
643. [DR] Reginald Beckwith, Boys in Brown, 22 June 1940
644. [D]War-Time Diary, 22–28 June 1940
644A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
645. [DR] Robert Ardrey, Thunder Rock, 29 June 1940
646. [D]War-Time Diary, 29–30 June 1940
649. [D]War-Time Diary, 1–3 July 1940
651. [D]War-Time Diary, 5 July 1940
652. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 6 July 1940
653. [L]Letter to Sir Sacheverell Sitwell, 6 July 1940
654. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 July 1940
656. [DR] Oscar Asche and Frederic Norton, Chu Chin Chow; Margaret Branford, Wages for Wives, 13 July 1940
658. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 July 1940
659. [L]Letter to James Laughlin, 16 July 1940
660. [D]War-Time Diary, 16–25 July 1940
661. [DR] Vernon Sylvaine, Women Aren’t Angels, 27 July 1940
662. [D]War-Time Diary, 28 July 1940
663. [DR] Bernard Shaw, The Devil’s Disciple, 3 August 1940
665. [D]War-Time Diary, 8 August 1940
667. [D]War-Time Diary, 9 August 1940
668. [DR] Clare Boothe, Margin for Error, 10 August 1940
669. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, [August 1940?]
670. [D]War-Time Diary, 16 August 1940
672. [DR] Clifford Odets, Till the Day I Die, 17 August 1940
673. [D]War-Time Diary, 19–20 August 1940
674. [L]Letter to James Laughlin, 21 August 1940
675. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 August 1940
677. [D]War-Time Diary, 23 August 1940
678. [DR] Winifred Holtby, Take Back Your Freedom; Frank Launder and Sidney Gilliat, The Body was Well Nourished, 24 August 1940
680. [D]War-Time Diary, 26–31 August 1940
683. [D]War-Time Diary, 1–3 September 1940
684. [DR] J. B. Priestley, Cornelius; George Black (presenter), Applesauce; [Sutton Vane], Outward Bound, 7 September 1940
685. [D]War-Time Diary, 7–12 September 1940
689. [D]War-Time Diary, 14–17 September 1940
691. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 September 1940
692. [L]Letter to C. V. Salmon, 24 September 1940
693. [D]War-Time Diary, 24–27 September 1940
696. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 October 1940
698. [D]War-Time Diary, 19–21 October 1940
699. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 October 1940
700. [L]Letter to C. V. Salmon, 22 October 1940
701. [D]War-Time Diary, 25 October 1940
706. [D]War-Time Diary, 16 November 1940
708. [D]War-Time Diary, 23–28 November 1940
713. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 December 1940
714. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 December 1940
714A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
717. [L]Letter from Nevil Shute Norway to Orwell, 12 December 1940
720. [D]War-time Diary, 8 December 1940
723. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 December 1940
724. [L]Letter to Penguin Books, 16 December 1940
729. [D]War-time Diary, 29 December 1940
729A. [D]Appendix 1: Domestic Diary, 1 January to 29 April 1940.
738. [D]War-Time Diary, 2 January 1941
742. [DR] William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor, John L. Balderstone and J. C. Squire, Berkeley Square, 4 January 1941
744. [DR] Herbert Farjeon (arranger), Diversion 2, 11 January 1941
746. [L]Letter from D. C. H. Wells to Orwell, 13 January 1941
749. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 January 1941
752. [D]War-Time Diary, 26 January 1941
754. [DR] Peter Blackmore, The Blue Goose; J. M. Barrie, Dear Brutus, 1 February 1941
755. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 3 February 1941
756. [L]Summary of letter from Jim Phelan to Orwell, 4 February 1941
757. [L]Letter to C. V. Salmon, 7 February 1941
758. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 February 1941
760. [D]War-Time Diary, 12 February 1941
764. [L]Summary of letter from John Parker, M. P. to Orwell, 20 February 1941
767. [L]Summary of letter from Patrick Gordon Walker to Orwell, 24 February 1941
769. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 March 1941
771. [D]War-Time Diary, 3–4 March 1941
771A. [L]Eileen Blair to Norah Myles
772. [L]Letter to Denys Kilham Roberts, 12 March 1941
773. [D]War-Time Diary, 14 March 1941
776. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 17 March 1941
777. [D]War-Time Diary, 20 March 1941
778. [L]Letter to the Editor of The Spectator, 21 March 1941
778A. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 22 March 1941
779. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 23 March 1941
780. [D]War-Time Diary, 23–24 March 1941
781. [L]Summary of letter to Director of Public Relations, Air Ministry, end March 1941
783. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 6 April 1941
784. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 April 1941
785. [L]Letter to the Reverend Iorwerth Jones, 8 April 1941
786. [D]War-Time Diary, 8–14 April 1941
788. [D]War-Time Diary, 15–25 April 1941
790. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 26 April 1941
791. [D]War-Time Diary, 28 April 1941
794. [D]War-Time Diary, 2 May 1941
795. [DR] Black Vanities; Kim Peacock, Under One Roof, 3 May 1941
796. [D]War-Time Diary, 3–6 May 1941
799. [D]War-Time Diary, 11–13 May 1941
801. [DR] Geoffrey Kerr, Cottage to Let, 17 May 1941
803. [D]War-Time Diary, 18 May 1941
805. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 May 1941
807. [D]War-Time Diary, 24–25 May 1941
809. [D]War-Time Diary, 31 May–3 June 1941
811. [D]War-Time Diary, 8 June 1941
812. [DR] Emlyn Williams, The Light of Heart, 14 June 1941
814. [D]War-Time Diary, 14 June 1941
816. [D]War-Time Diary, 19 June 1941
817. [L]Letter to Dorothy Plowman, 20 June 1941
818. [D]War-Time Diary, 20 June 1941
820. [D]War-Time Diary, 22–23 June 1941
822. [DR] Hommage aux Alliés
824. [D]War-Time Diary, 30 June 1941
826. [D]War-Time Diary, 3 July 1941
827. [L]Summary of letter from Geoffrey Gorer to Orwell, 5 July 1941
829. [D]War-Time Diary, 6 July 1941
830. [DR] Noel Coward, Blithe Spirit; William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, 12 July 1941
832. [DR] William Shakespeare, King John, 19 July 1941
836. [L]Letter to Norman Swallow, [end July 1941?]: editorial note
838. [DR] Lady Behave; New Ambassadors Revue; This Sceptered Isle, 2 August 1941
839. [DR] W. O. Somin, Close Quarters, 9 August 1941
849. [D]War-Time Diary, 28 August 1941
853. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 13 September 1941
857. [L]Letter to Bhupen Mukerjee, 1 October 1941
858. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 2 October 1941
860. [L]Letter to Bina Ghosh, 3 October 1941
861. [L]Letter to Damyanti Sahni, 3 October 1941
862. [L]Letter to Zahra Taki, 4 October 1941
863. [L]Summary of letter from Hendon Local Labour Party to Orwell, 5 October 1941
864. [L]Letter to Bina Ghosh, 6 October 1941
865. [L]Letter to Chief Clerk, Aylesbury RDC, 8 October 1941
866. [L]Letter to H.J. Umrigar, 8 October 1941
873. [L]Letter to Shridhar Telkar, 28 October 1941
878. [L]Letter to S. M. Telkar, 10 November 1941
879. [L]Memorandum to Elsie W. D. Boughen, 11 November 1941
880. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 12 November 1941
883. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, [19 November 1941]
886. [L]Letter to M. J. Tambimuttu, 25 November 1941
889. [L]Letter to J. Bahadur Singh, 26 November 1941
891. [L]Letter to David Astor, 27 November 1941
904. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to J. Bahadur Singh, 20 December 1941
905. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 22 December 1941
909. [L]Letter to Chinna Durai, 29 December 1941
910. [L]Letter to A. R. Kerrell-Vaughan, 29 December 1941
919. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 14 January 1942
924. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 17 January 1942
925. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 19 January 1942
926. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 19 January 1942
928. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 20 January 1942
930. [L]Letter to Chinna Durai, 21 January 1942
933. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 22 January 1942
934. [L]Letter to Sir Hari Singh Gour, 23 January 1942
936. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 24 January 1942
937. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 27 January 1942
938. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 27 January 1942
939. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 27 January 1942
941. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 29 January 1942
947. [L]Letter to Lady Grigg, 31 January 1942
950. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 2 February 1942
951. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 2 February 1942
952. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 3 February 1942
958. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 6 February 1942
959. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 6 February 1942
962. [L]Summary of letter from Z. A. Bokhari to T. S. Eliot, 9 February 1942
963. [L]Annotation to Memorandum re: Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 9 February 1942
964. [L]Memorandum to Empire Talks Manager, Norman Collins, 9 February 1942
965. [L]Letter to Shridhar Telkar, 9 February 1942
966. [L]Memorandum to E. W. D. Boughen, 10 February 1942
969. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 13 February 1942
972. [L]Letter to David Astor, [16 February 1942?]
973. [L]Letter to Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 16 February 1942
974. [L]Letter to Arthur Calder-Marshall, 17 February 1942
977. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari, 19 February 1942
978. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari, 20 February 1942
985. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to Shridhar Telkar, 25 February 1942
989. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 27 February 1942
991. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 27 February 1942
993. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 28 February 1942
996. [L]Draft for postcard to Mulk Raj Anand, 2 March 1942
997. [L]Summary of letter from Z. A. Bokhari to Empire Executive’s Office, 3 March 1942
999. [L]Letter to Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5 March 1942
1000. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, 5 March 1942
1005. [L]Letter to J. D. Bernal, 6 March 1942
1006. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 6 March 1942
1007. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 6 March 1942
1015. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 10 March 1942
1016. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 10 March 1942
1018. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 11 March 1942
1020. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 13 March 1942
1023. [L]Telegram to Mulk Raj Anand, [14 March 1942]
1024. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 14 March 1942
1025. [D]War-Time Diary, 14 March 1942
1026. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 15 March 1942
1027. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 March 1942
1029. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 16 March 1942
1030. [L]Letter to R. U. Hingorani, 10 March 1942
1031. [L]Telegram to Cedric Dover, 16 or 17 March 1942
1032. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 17 March 1942
1033. [L]Summary of letter from Z. A. Bokhari to Empire Programme Executive, 17 March 1942
1042. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 19 March 1942
1043. [L]Letter to Thomas Jones, c. 20 March 1942
1046. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 March 1942
1047. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, [23 March 1942?]
1049. [L]Letter to Amabel Williams-Ellis, 23 March 1942
1051. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 25 March 1942
1052. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 25 March 1942
1056. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 26 March 1942
1057. [L]Letter to Gordon Childe, 26 March 1942
1058. [L]Letter to A. C. G. Egerton, 26 March 1942
1059. [L]Letter to Joseph Needham, 26 March 1942
1060. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 26 March 1942
1061. [L]Letter to J. D. Bernal, 27 March 1942
1062. [L]Letter to Lady Grigg, 27 March 1942
1064. [D]War-Time Diary, 27 March 1942
1067. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 31 March 1942
1068. [L]Letter to R. U. Hingorani, 31 March 1942
1069. [L]Letter to Joseph Needham, 31 March 1942
1070. [L]Letter to Amabel Williams-Ellis, 31 March 1942
1073. [L]Letter to V. Gordon Childe, 1 April 1942
1075. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 April 1942
1077. [L]Letter to Director of Programmes, Edinburgh, 3 April 1942
1080. [D]War-Time Diary, 3 April 1942
1083. [D]War-time Diary, 6 April 1942
1084. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 7 April 1942
1085. [L]Letter to V. Gordon Childe, 7 April 1942
1095. [L]Letter to Director of Programmes, Edinburgh, 10 April 1942
1096. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 10 April 1946
1097. [L]Letter to M. Myat Tun (with pronunciations of Burmese place-names), 10 April 1942
1098. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 April 1942
1100. [D]War-Time Diary, 11 April 1942
1102. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to E. W. D. Boughen, 13 April 1942
1103. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 14 April 1942
1106. [D]War-Time Diary, 18 April 1942
1108. [D]War-Time Diary, 19 April 1942
1117. [L]Letter to J. G. Crowther, 25 April 1942
1118. [L]Letter to V. K. Narayana Menon, 25 April 1942
1119. [D]War-Time Diary, 25 April 1942
1121. [L]Letter to J. D. Bernal, 27 April 1942
1122. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 27 April 1942
1123. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 27 April 1942
1124. [D]War-Time Diary, 27 April 1942
1125. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 28 April 1942
1130. [D]War-Time Diary, 29 April 1942
1133. [L]Memorandum to E. W. D. Boughen, 5 May 1942
1134. [L]Telegram to J. D. Bernal, 5 May 1942 [?]
1135. [L]Letter to J. D. Bernal, 5 May 1942
1136. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 5 May 1942
1137. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 6 May 1942
1141. [D]War-Time Diary, 6 May 1942
1142. [L]Letter to J. B. S. Haldane, 7 May 1942
1143. [L]Letter to Narayana Menon, 7 May 1942
1147. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 8 May 1942
1148. [L]Letter to Diana Wong, 8 May 1942
1149. [D]War-Time Diary, 8 May 1942
1153. [L]Letter to Hsiao Ch’ien, 11 May 1942
1154. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 11 May 1942
1155. [D]War-Time Diary, 11 May 1942
1160. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 14 May 1942
1161. [L]Letter to Narayana Menon, 14 May 1942
1170. [L]Letter to C. D. Darlington, 15 May 1942
1171. [L]Letter to J. A. Lauwerys, 15 May 1942
1172. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 May 1942
1174. [L]Memorandum to E. Rowan-Davies, 16 May 1942
1176. [L]Letter to J. A. Lauwerys, 18 May 1942
1180. [L]Note to Nancy Parratt, 19 May 1942
1181. [L]Letter to Richard Titmuss, 19 May 1942
1182. [D]War-Time Diary, 19 May 1942
1183. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 20 May 1942
1184. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 20 May 1942
1187. [D]War-Time Diary, 21–22 May 1942
1189. [L]Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 23 May 1942
1193. [D]War-Time Diary, 27 May 1942
1195. [D]War-Time Diary, 30 May 1942
1199. [L]Letter to the Honourable Mrs. Egerton, 4 June 1942
1200. [L]Letter to Tamara Talbot Rice
1201. [L]Postcard to Richard Titmuss, 4 June 1942
1209. [D]War-Time Diary, 4–6 June 1942
1211. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 June 1942
1213. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 8 June 1942
1214. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 10 June 1942
1215. [L]Letters to Princess Indira of Kapurthala, Bahadur Singh, Noel Sircar, and Shridhar Telkar, 10 June 1942
1216. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 June 1942
1217. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 11 June 1942
1218. [D]War-Time Diary, 11 June 1942
1220. [L]Letter to C. D. Darlington, 13 June 1942
1221. [D]War-Time Diary, 13 June 1942
1223. [L]Letter to Tamara Talbot Rice, 15 June 1942
1224. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 June 1942
1225. [L]Letter to Joseph Needham, 17 June 1942
1226. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to Shridhar Telkar, 18 June 1942
1227. [L]Telegram to Tambimuttu, 18–19(?) June 1942
1231. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 June 1942
1236. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 23 June 1942
1237. [L]Letter to Sir Frank Brown, 23 June 1942
1238. [L]Letter to J. G. Crowther, 23 June 1942
1239. [L]Letter to C. R. Fay, 23 June 1942
1240. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 23 June 1942
1241. [L]Letter to L. [PD]F. Easterbrook, 23 June 1942; with editorial note
1242. [L]Letter to S. M. Telkar, 23 June 1942
1243. [L]Letter to T. C. Worsley, 23 June 1942
1246. [D]War-Time Diary, 24June 1942
1247. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 25 June 1942
1248. [L]Telegram to C. H. Waddington, 25–26(?) June 1942
1253. [D]War-Time Diary, 26 June 1942
1256. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to L. F. Easterbrook and Sir John Russell, 30 June 1942
1258. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 July 1942
1261. [D]War-Time Diary, 3–10 July 1942
1264. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to L. F. Easterbrook and Sir John Russell, 4 July 1942
1266. [L]Letters from Z. A. Bokhari to Princess Indira of Kapurthala, Bahadur Singh, Noel Sircar, and Shridhar Telkar, 9 July 1942
1269. [L]Letter to Picture Post, 11 July 1942
1273. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 13 July 1942
1274. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 13 July 1942
1275. [L]Telegram to J. B. S. Haldane, 13 July 1942?
1276. [L]Letter to M. R. Kothari, 13 July 1942
1278. [L]Letter to L. F. Easterbrook, I4 July 1942
1279. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 14 July 1942
1280. [L]Letter to Peter Masefield, 14 July 1942
1281. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 14 July 1942
1282. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 15 July 1942, with his reply, 16 July 1942
1293. [L]Letters to H. N. Brailsford and G. M. Young, 16 July 1942
1294. [L]Letter to Chinna Durai, 16 July 1942
1295. [L]Memorandum to Michael Barkway, Chief (News) Editor, Empire Services, 16 July 1942
1296. [L]Letter to C. R. Fay, 16 July 1942
1301. [L]Letter to Vida Hope, 18 July 1942
1302. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 18 July 1942
1303. [L]Letter to J. A. Lauwerys, 18 July 1942
1305. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 21 July 1942
1306. [L]Letter to Henry Wickham Steed, 21 July 1942
1309. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 July 1942
1311. [L]Memorandum to Z. A. Bokhari, 23 July 1942
1312. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, 23 July 1942
1313. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 23 July 1942
1314. [L]Letter to Cyril Falls, 23 July 1942
1315. [L]Letter to C. R. Fay, 23 July 1942
1316. [L]Letter to J. F. C. Fuller, 23 July 1942
1317. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 23 July 1942
1318. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 23 July 1942
1319. [L]Letter to Routledge & Sons Ltd, 23 July 1942
1320. [L]Letter to G. M. Young, 23 July 1942
1322. [D]War-Time Diary, 23 July 1942
1323. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 24 July 1942
1326. [L]Letter to Inez Holden, 25 July 1942
1327. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 25 July 1942
1328. [L]Letter to Henry Wickham Steed, 25 July 1942
1329. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 25 July 1942
1331. [D]War-Time Diary, 26 July 1942
1333. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 27 July 1942
1334. [L]Letter to Peter Masefield, 27 July 1942
1335. [L]Letter to T. C. Worsley, 27 July 1942
1336. [D]War-Time Diary, 27–28 July 1942
1337. [L]Letter to Mr Baddeley, 29 July 1942
1338. [L]Letters to Peter Masefield and E. C. Bowyer, 29 July 1942
1340. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 30 July 1942
1341. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 30 July 1942
1345. [D]War-Time Diary, 1 August 1942
1348. [L]Letter to Henry Wickham Steed, 3 August 1942
1350. [D]War-Time Diary, 3 August 1942
1355. [D]War-Time Diary, 4–5 August 1942
1356. [L]Memorandum to E. W. D. Boughen, 5 August 1942
1358. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 6 August 1942
1359. [L]Letter to Cyril Falls, 6 August 1942
1360. [L]Letter to Narayana Menon, 6 August 1942
1361. [L]Letter to Naomi Mitchison, 6 August 1942
1362. [L]Letter to K. S. Shelvankar, 6 August 1942
1363. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 August 1942
1366. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 8 August 1942
1367. [D]War-Time Diary, 9 August 1942
1369. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 10 August 1942
1370. [L]Letter to Harold Laski, 10 August 1942
1371. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 10 August 1942
1372. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 August 1942
1375. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 11 August 1942
1376. [L]Letter to Vida Hope, 11 August 1942
1377. [L]Letter to Naomi Mitchison, 11 August 1942
1378. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 11 August 1942
1379. [L]Letter to B. H. Liddell Hart, 12 August 1942
1380. [D]War-Time Diary, 12 August 1942
1382. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 13 August 1942
1383. [L]Letter to Ethel Mannin, 13 August 1942
1385. [L]Letter to M. R. Kothari, 14 August 1942
1386. [L]Letter to M. R. Kothari, 14 August 1942
1387. [D]War-Time Diary, 14 August 1942
1391. [L]Letter to Tom Wintringham, 17 August 1942
1392. [L]Letter to Peggotty Freeman, 18 August 1942
1393. [L]Letter to Leonora Lockhart, 18 August 1942
1394. [L]Letter to Ethel Mannin, 18 August 1942
1395. [D]War-Time Diary, 18 August 1942
1396. [L]Letter to B. H. Liddell Hart, 19 August 1942
1399. [D]War-Time Diary, 19 August 1942
1401. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 20 August 1942
1402. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 21 August 1942
1410. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 August 1942
1411. [L]Telegram to G. M. Young, [23 August 1942?]
1413. [L]Letter to Peggotty Freeman, 24 August 1942
1414. [L]Letter to G. M. Young, 24 August 1942
1415. [L]Telegram to G. M. Young, [25 August 1942?]
1419. [D]War-Time Diary, 25 August 1942
1420. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 26 August 1942
1424. [D]War-Time Diary, 27 August 1942
1425. [L]Letter to Harold Laski, 28 August 1942
1426. [L]Letter to C. H. Waddington, 28 August 1942
1430. [D]War-Time Diary, 29 August 1942
1432. [L]Letter to Harold Laski, 31 August 1942
1433. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 31 August 1942
1440. [L]Letter to George K. C. Yeh, 2 September 1942
1443. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 September 1942
1444. [L]Telegram to Edmund Blunden, [4 September 1942?]
1462. [L]Telegram to Noel Sircar, [7–21 September 1942?]
1463. [D]War-Time Diary, 7 September 1942
1465. [L]Letter to Martin Armstrong, 9 September 1942
1466. [L]Letter to Inez Holden, 9 September 1942
1467. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 9 September 1942
1468. [L]Letter to L. A. G. Strong, 9 September 1942
1473. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 10 September 1942
1474. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 10 September 1942
1475. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 10 September 1942
1477. [D]War-Time Diary, 10 September 1942
1480. [L]Letter to Cyril Connolly, [12 September 1942?]
1484. [L]Letter to J. A. Lauwerys, 15 September 1942
1486. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 September 1942
1488. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Eastern Service Director, 27 May 1942
1489. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Eastern Service Director, 2 June 1942
1490. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Eastern Service Director, 11 September 1942
1491. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 16 September 1942
1492. [L]Letter to Ethel Mannin, 16 September 1942
1496. [L]Letter to Francis Yeats-Brown, 17 September 1942
1501. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 September 1942
1503. [L]Letter to J. G. Crowther, 21 September 1942
1504. [L]Letter to J. C. Drummond, 21 September 1942
1506. [D]War-Time Diary, 21 September 1942
1507. [L]Letter to Ritchie Calder, 22 September 1942
1508. [D]War-Time Diary, 22 September 1942
1509. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 23 September 1942
1510. [L]Letter to C. H. Desch, 23 September 1942
1512. [L]Letter to F. Kidd, 24 September 1942
1514. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [25 September 1942]
1519. [L]Letter to C. H. Desch, 28 September 1942
1520. [L]Letter to F. Kidd, 28 September 1942
1521. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 28 September 1942
1522. [D]War-Time Diary, 28 September 1942
1523. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 29 September 1942
1527. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 1 October 1942
1528. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 1 October 1942
1529. [L]Letter to Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 1 October 1942
1530. [L]Letter to K. S. Shelvankar, 1 October 1942
1531. [L]Letter to Shridhar Telkar, 1 October 1942
1541. [L]Letter to F. Kidd, 5 October 1942
1542. [L]TBF, 5 October 1942: Martin Armstrong, 30.10.42 (with letter from Miss B. H. Alexander, 15 October 1942)
1546. [D]War-Time Diary, 5 October 1942
1550. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 7 October 1942
1551. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 7 October 1942
1552. [L]Letter to L. A. G. Strong, 7 October 1942
1553. [L]Letter to Gladys Calthrop, 8 October 1942
1554. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 8 October 1942
1555. [L]Letter to Cedric Dover, 8 October 1942
1556. [L]Letter to K. S. Shelvankar, 8 October 1942
1557. [L]Laurence Brander to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 8 October 1942
1561. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 10 October 1942
1562. [D]War-Time Diary, 10–11 October 1942
1564. [L]Letter to the Editor of The Times, 12 October 1942
1565. [L]Telegram to F. Kidd, 12 or 13 October 1942
1566. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 13 October 1942
1567. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 13 October 1942
1571. [L]Letter to Eastern Service Director [re Weekly News Commentary], 15 October 1942
1572. [L]Letter to Sidney Horniblow, 15 October 1942
1573. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 October 1942
1575. [L]Telegram to Martin Armstrong, [16 October 1942?]
1576. [L]Letter to Eric Barnard, 16 October 1942
1577. [L]Letter to J. C. Drummond, 16 October 1942
1578. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 16 October 1942
1581. [L]Letter to Martin Armstrong, 17 October 1942
1582. [L]Letter to Stevie Smith, 17 October 1942
1583. [D]War-Time Diary, 17 October 1942
1585. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 18 October 1942
1586A. [L]To A. J. Balcombe, 19 October 1942
1587. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 19 October 1942
1588. [L]Letter to Mr Nash, 19 October 1942
1592. [L]Letter to Mulk Raj Anand, 20 October 1942
1593. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 20 October 1942
1607. [L]Venu Chitale to Eileen Blair, 23 October 1942
1610. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 24 October 1942
1613. [L]Letter to Keidrych Rhys, 27 October 1942
1614. [L]Telegram to Henry Treece, [27 October 1942?]
1615. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 27 October 1942
1617. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 28 October 1942
1619. [L]Letter to G. M. Young, 29 October 1942
1624. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 30 October 1942
1628. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 2 November 1942
1631. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 4 November 1942
1632. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 4 November 1942
1633. [L]Letter to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 4 November 1942
1636. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 5 November 1942
1639. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, with script outline “Let’s Act It Ourselves”, 6 November 1942
1643. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 November 1942
1645. [L]Laurence Brander to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, Resilience in Programmes, 9 November 1942
1647. [L]Telegram to R. R. Desai, [11 November 1942?]
1648. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 11 November 1942
1649. [L]Letter to Officer Commanding E Battery, RMA, 11 November 1942
1654. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 13 November 1942
1658. [D]War-Time Diary, 15 November 1942
1660. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 16 November 1942
1661. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, 16 November 1942
1664. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 17 November 1942
1665. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 18 November 1942
1666. [L]Letter to V. E. Yarsley, 18 November 1942
1667. [L]Memorandum to A. R. Bell (with Miss Blackburn’s memorandum to Mr Bokhari), 18 November 1942
1673. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 21 November 1942
1674. [L]Letter to Bahadur Singh, 21 November 1942
1675. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 21 November 1942
1676. [L]Letter to Shridhar Telkar, 21 November 1942
1677. [L]Letter to V. E. Yarsley, 21 November 1942
1680. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, 23 November 1942
1682. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 24 November 1942
1693. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 24 November 1942
1694. [L]Telegram to Herbert Read, [26 November 1942?]
1695. [L]Letter to Bahadur Singh, 26 November 1942
1696. [L]Letter to Stevie Smith, 26 November 1942
1700. [L]Letter to Miss McCallum, 28 November 1942
1704. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, 30 November 1942
1707. [L]Memorandum to Miss E. W. D. Boughen, 1 December 1942
1710. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 2 December 1942
1711. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 2 December 1942 (with Woodcock’s letter of 18 November 1942)
1712. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 3 December 1942
1713. [L]Venu Chitale to Sarup Mukerjee, 3 December 1942
1714. [L]Letter to V. E. Yarsley, 3 December 1942
1717. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 4 December 1942
1718. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 4 December 1942
1721. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 5 December 1942
1723. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 7 December 1942
1724. [L]Memorandum to Anthony Weymouth: Speakers for Week 51, 7 December 1942
1725. [L]Norman Collins to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 8 December 1942
1727. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 10 December 1942
1728. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 10 December 1942
1729. [L]Confidential Memorandum to Miss E. W. D. Boughen, 10 December 1942
1730. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 10 December 1942
1732. [L]Letter to Norman Marshall, 11 December 1942
1733. [L]Letter to Ramaswami Mudaliar, 11 December 1942
1737. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 14 December 1942
1738. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 14 December 1942
1739. [L]Telegram to E. M. Forster, 14 December 1942
1743. [L]Telegram to Edmund Blunden, [c. 16 December 1942]
1744. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to P. Chatterjee, 16 December 1942
1745. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 16 December 1942
1746. [L]Letter to C. K. Ogden, 16 December 1942
1747. [L]Letter from L. F. Rushbrook Williams to Orwell, 16 December 1942
1748. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 17 December 1942
1753. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 19 December 1942
1756. [L]Letter to T. R. G. Lyell, 21 December 1942
1757. [L]Letter to George Bernard Shaw, 21 December 1942
1758. [L]Memorandum to Miss Playle, The Listener 21 December 1942
1765. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 23 December 1942
1766. [L]Letter to W.J. Turner, 23 December 1942
1769. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 24 December 1942
1774. [L]Letter from Z. A. Bokhari to P. Chatterjee, 28 December 1942
1779. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 29 December 1942
1780. [L]Letter to F. R. Daruvala, 29 December 1942
1781. [L]Letter to John Beavan, 30 December 1942
1782. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 30 December 1942
1783. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 30 December 1942
1784. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 30 December 1942
1785. [L]Letter to Bahadur Singh, 30 December 1942
1786. [L]Letter to Stevie Smith, 30 December 1942
1787. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 30 December 1942
1788. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams: Lady Grigg’s Broadcasts, [31 December 1942?]
1789. [L]Telegram to Bahadur Singh, 31 December 1942
1795. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 2 January 1943
1796. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 3 January 1943
1798. [L]Letter to Bahadur Singh, 4 January 1943
1799. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 4 January 1943
1802. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 6 January 1943
1803. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 6 January 1943
1810. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 9 January 1943
1811. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 9 January 1943
1812. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 11 January 1943
1813. [L]Letter to Sidney Horniblow, 11 January 1943
1814. [L]Letter to Marjorie Leaf, 11 January 1943
1816. [L]Memorandum to Miss E. W. D. Boughen, 13 January 1943
1819. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 14 January 1943
1820. [L]Letter to Sidney Horniblow, 14 January 1943
1821. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 14 January 1943
1823. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 15 January 1943
1824. [L]Letter to George Bernard Shaw, 15 January 1943
1827. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 18 January 1943
1828. [L]Letter to Marjorie Leaf, 19 January 1943
1829. [L]Memorandum to Miss B. H. Alexander, 19 January 1943
1831. [L]Letter from Venu Chitale to Desmond Hawkins, 20 January 1943
1839. [L]Memorandum to Miss E. W. D. Boughen, 22 January 1943
1841. [L]Letter to A. L. C. Bullock, European Service Talks Director, 25 January 1943
1842. [L]Letter to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 25 January 1943
1845. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Noel Sircar, 26 January 1943
1849. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to E. W. D. Boughen, 27 January 1943
1851. [L]Telegram to E. M. Forster, c. 28 January 1943
1853. [L]Telegram to E. M. Forster, c. 29 January 1943
1854. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to S. K. Das Gupta, 29 January 1943
1855. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to Arthur Wynn, 29 January 1943
1856. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 30 January 1943
1859. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Herbert Read, 1 February 1943
1860. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 1 February 1943
1863. [L]Memorandum to R. A. Rendall: Speakers for “In Your Kitchen”, 3 February 1943
1866. [L]Letter from Venu Chitale to Dr Gangulee, 4 February 1943
1867. [L]Memorandum from Venu Chitale to Miss Alexander, 4 February 1943
1868. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to E. M. Forster, 4 February 1943
1869. [L]Letter from Venu Chitale to Eileen Blair, 4 February 1943
1872. [L]Letter from L. F. Rushbrook Williams to Sidney Horniblow, 5 February 1943
1875. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 6 February 1943
1876. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Press Division, Admiralty, 8 February 1943
1877. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Harry W. Todd, 8 February 1943
1879. [L]Letter to Harry W. Todd, 10 February 1943
1880. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 13 February 1943
1881. [L]Letter to Director, Press Division, Admiralty, 13 February 1943
1882. [L]Letter to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 13 February 1943
1883. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Distinguished Speakers, 13 February 1943
1884. [L]Note to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 13 February 1943
1886. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 15 February 1943
1887. [L]Memorandum from R. A. Rendall to S.J. de Lotbinière and L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 15 February 1943
1888. [L]Letter to H. D. Graves-Law, 16 February 1943
1889. [L]Letter from L. F. Rushbrook Williams to Chinna Durai, 19 February 1943
1891. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 19 February 1943
1897. [L]Letter to Public Relations, Section 4, Air Ministry, 20 February 1943
1898. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 22 February 1943
1899. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 22 February 1943
1900. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 23 February 1943
1901. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Eminent Speakers, 24 February 1943, with Orwell’s response of 1.3.43
1902. [L]Letter to Bonamy Dobrée, 24 February 1943
1903. [L]Letter to James Stephens, 24 February 1943
1904. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 24 February 1943
1905. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 24 February 1943
1906. [L]Letter to Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 25 February 1943
1913. [L]Letter to the Editor, Picture Post, 27 February 1943
1914. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 27 February 1943
1917. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Eminent Speakers, 1 March 1943
1918. [L]Letter to H. D. Graves-Law, 1 March 1943
1923. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 3 March 1943
1926. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams, 4 March 1943
1927. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Eminent Speakers, 4 March 1943
1929. [L]Letter to Bonamy Dobrée, 4 March 1943
1930. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 4 March 1943
1933. [L]Letter to A. Morley, India Office, 5 March 1943
1934. [L]Memorandum to Talks Booking Manager, 5 March 1943
1935. [L]Memorandum to L. F. Rushbrook Williams: Talk by Lord Woolton, 5 March 1943
1936. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 5 March 1943
1937. [L]Newsletter to India Replaced, 6 March 1943
1938. [L]Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 6 March 1943
1939. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 8 March 1943
1940. [L]Letter to Lester Powell, 8 March 1943
1941. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 8 March 1943
1942. [L]Letter to [Penguin Books], 8 March 1943
1945. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 10 March 1943, with her response
1946. [L]Letter to Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, 10 March 1943
1947. [L]Memorandum to J. B. Clark: Origins of Literary Talks Reprinted in The Listener, 11 March 1943
1948. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 11 March 1943
1949. [L]Letter to Penguin Books, 11 March 1943
1953. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 15 March 1943
1955. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to E. M. Forster, 16 March 1943
1960. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins, 17 March 1943
1961. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, [17 March 1943?]
1963. [L]Letter to James Stephens, 18 March 1943
1966. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 22 March 1943
1967. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 23 March 1943
1968. [L]Letter to Quintin Hogg, 24 March 1943
1970. [L]Letter to G. V. Desani, 25 March 1943
1971. [L]Letter to Paul Potts, 25 March 1943
1973. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 26 March 1943
1974. [L]Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 27 March 1943
1975. [L]Memorandum to E. W. D. Boughen, 27 March 1943
1980. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 29 March 1943
1983. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 31 March 1943
1984. [L]Draft for postcard to Reginald Reynolds, [31 March 1943?]
1985. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, [31 March 1943?]
1986. [L]Letter to Osbert Sitwell, 1 April 1943
1990. [L]Letter to Noel Sircar, 2 April 1943
1991. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 2 April 1943
1993. [L]Draft for postcard to Reginald Reynolds, [5 April 1943?]
1994. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 5 April 1943
1995. [L]Letter to Benjamin Musgrave, 5 April 1943
1996. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 5 April 1943
1997. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 6 April 1943
1998. [L]Letter to J. B. S. Haldane, 7 April 1943
1999. [L]Letter to J. F. Horrabin, 7 April 1943
2000. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 7 April 1943
2003. [L]Letter to Lord Winterton, 9 April 1943
2004. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell; 12 April 1943
2005. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 13 April 1943
2006. [L]Letters to Desmond Hawkins, John Lehmann, Herbert Read, Osbert Sitwell, and L. A. G. Strong, 13 April 1943
2007. [L]Letter to R. U. Hingorani, 13 April 1943
2008. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 13 April 1943
2010. [L]Letter to P. A. Buxton, 15 April 1943
2011. [L]Letter to John Lehmann, 15 April 1943
2013. [L]Letter to Penguin Books Ltd., 16 April 1943
2014. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 16 April 1943
2015. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 16 April 1943
2019. [L]Letter to V. B. Wigglesworth, 19 April 1943
2020. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to E.. W. D. Boughen, 19 April 1943
2021. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 20 April 1943
2022. [L]Letter to Raymond Mortimer, 20 April 1943
2023A. [L]To Penguin Books, 21 April 1943
2025. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 22 April 1943
2026. [L]Letter to J. Elizabeth Jermyn, 22 April 1943
2027. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, 22 April 1943
2028. [L]Letter to V. B. Wigglesworth, 22 April 1943
2031. [L]Letter to Tom Driberg, c. 22 April 1943
2034. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Acland, c. 23 April 1943
2035. [L]Letter to Lord David Cecil, 23 April 1943
2036. [L]Letter to E. D. Edwards, 23 April 1943
2037. [L]Memorandum to Sir Malcolm Darling, 23 April 1943
2038. [L]Letter to N. Gangulee, 23 April 1943
2039. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, 23 April 1943
2041. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 27 April 1943
2042. [L]Letter to Lord David Cecil, 27 April 1943
2043. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, [27 April 1943?]
2044. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, [27 April 1943?]
2045. [L]S.J. de Lotbinière to Leslie Stokes (‘Great Dramatists’), 27 April 1943
2050. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Arthur Wynn, 30 April 1943
2058. [L]Letters to the Secretaries, Students’ Unions, Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Oxford, and London School of Economics, 3 May 1943
2059. [L]Letter to J. Elizabeth Jermyn, 5 May 1943
2060. [L]Letter to the Director, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 5 May 1943
2067. [L]Letter to F. W. Mackenzie, 7 May 1943
2068. [L]Letter to L. A. G. Strong, 7 May 1943
2069. [L]Letter to V. B. Wigglesworth, 7 May 1943
2071. [L]Letter to John Macmurray, 10 May 1943
2074. [L]Draft for postcard to V. B. Wigglesworth, 12 May 1943
2077. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 13 May 1943
2078. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Royal Literary Fund, 13 May 1943
2079. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to Arthur Wynn, 13 May 1943
2084. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching Eminent Speakers, 18 May 1943
2085. [L]Letter to Eleanor Rathbone, 18 May 1943
2086. [L]Letter to Wilfrid Roberts, 18 May 1943
2088. [L]Letter to C. D. Darlington, 19 May 1943
2093. [L]Memorandum on Orwell’s behalf to Arthur Wynn, 22 May 1943
2097. [L]Letter to E. F. W. Mackenzie, 24 May 1943
2098A. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 26 May 1943
2101. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 27 May 1943
2103. [L]Letter to N. Gangulee, 28 May 1943
2110. [L]Letter to John Atkins, 31 May 1943
2113. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 1 June 1943
2116. [L]Letter to K. K. Ardaschir, 3 June 1943
2117. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins, 3 June 1943, with ensuing correspondence
2118. [L]Letter to Mrs Milton (Naomi Royde-Smith), 3 June 1943
2122. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 4 June 1943
2123. [L]Letter to Mrs Milton (Naomi Royde-Smith), 5 June 1943
2124. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to W.J. Turner, 5 June 1943
2126. [L]Memorandum to Arthur Wynn, Music Bookings Manager, 7 June 1943
2127. [L]Draft for postcard to Alan Rook, 8 June 1943
2128. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, 9 June 1943
2131. [L]Letter to Balachandra Rajan, 11 June 1943
2134. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, 14 June 1943
2136. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 17 June 1943
2137. [L]“Letter to an American Visitor by ‘Obadiah Hornbooke’” (Alex Comfort), 4 June 1943
2138. [L]Poem: ‘As One Non-Combatant to Another (A letter to “Obadiah Hornbooke”)’ 18 June 1943
2140. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 18 June 1943
2141. [L]Letter to William Plomer, 18 June 1943
2142. [L]Letter to Raymond Mortimer, 18 June 1943
2143. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 18 June 1943
2144. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Orwell, 18 June 1943
2145. [L]Letter to Philip Unwin, 21 June 1943
2148. [L]Norman Collins to Mrs. Salmon, 24 June 1943
2153. [L]Letter to J. C. Drummond, 25 or 26 June 1943
2154. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 25 June 1943
2155. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 25 June 1943
2156. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, 25 June 1943
2162. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 28 June 1943
2164. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 29 June 1943
2165. [L]Draft for postcard to Desmond Hawkins, 29 June 1943
2166. [L]Letter to Sir John Russell, 30 June 1943
2168. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 1 July 1943
2169. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, 1 July 1943
2171. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 2 July 1943
2172. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 2 July 1943
2175. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to E. M. Forster, 3 July 1943
2176. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 5 July 1943
2178. [L]Letter to P. Chatterjee, 6 July 1943
2182. [L]Letter to E. C. Bowyer, 9 July 1943
2183. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 11[?] July 1943
2184. [L]Letter to Alan Rook, 12 July 1943
2185. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 13 July 1943
2186. [L]Letter to C. D. Darlington, 13 July 1943
2187. [L]Letter to Samuel Runganadhan, 13 July 1943
2190. [L]Letter to James Stephens, 16 July 1943
2191. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, 16 July 1943
2192. [L]Letter to Bryan Brooke, 19 July 1943
2193. [L]Postcard to George Allen & Unwin, 21 July 1943
2197. [L]Letter to Bryan Brooke, 23 July 1943
2198. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 23 July 1943
2199. [L]Letter to James Stephens, 23 July 1943
2200. [L]Memorandum to Indian Programme Organiser: ‘Science and the People’, 26 July 1943
2201. [L] Kopp to Eileen and Orwell, 26 July 1943
2201. [L]Georges Kopp to Orwell and his wife, 26 July 1943
2206. [L]Letter to C. M. Fletcher, 29 July 1943
2207. [L]Letter to L. P. Garrod, 29 July 1943
2210. [L]Memorandum to Ronald Boswell, Talks Booking Manager, 30 July 1943
2212. [L]Memorandum to Miss B. H. Alexander, 2 August 1943
2213. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 3 August 1943
2214. [L]Letter to L. P. Garrod, 3 August 1943
2215. [L]Letter to Diana Wong, 3 August 1943
2217. [L]Letter to C. M. Fletcher, 4 August 1943
2218. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 4 August 1943
2222. [L]Mary Blackburn to Desmond Hawkins, 5 August 1943
2222A. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 6 August 1943
2225. [L]Letter to Oliver Bell, 6 August 1943
2228. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 10 August 1943
2232. [L]Letter to Oliver Bell, 12 August 1943
2233. [L]Letter to F. R. Daruvala, 12 August 1943
2234. [L]Letter to L. P. Garrod, c. 12 August 1943
2238. [L]Letter to Oliver Bell, 17 August 1943
2239. [L]Letter to Bryan Brooke, 18 August 1943
2240. [L]Postcard to G. E. Harvey, 18 August 1943
2243. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 20 August 1943
2244. [L]Letter to L. P. Garrod, 20 August 1943
2245. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 21 August 1943
2246. [L]Memorandum to B. H. Alexander, 24 August 1943
2247. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 24 August 1943
2248. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, c. 24 August 1943
2252. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 26 August 1943
2255. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 31 August 1943
2256. [L]Letter to Samuel Runganadhan, 31 August 1943
2259. [L]Roy Walker to George Orwell (re 2257), 28 September 1943
2261. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 2 September 1943
2262. [L]Letter to C. E. M. Joad, 2 September 1943
2265. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to E. M. Forster, 3 September 1943
2267. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 6 September 1943
2268. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Oliver Bell, 8 September 1943
2273. [L]Z. A. Bokhari to Oliver Bell, 14 September 1943
2274. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 17 September 1943
2276. [L]Laurence Brander to Eastern Service Director: Preferences of the English-speaking Indian Audience, 22 September 1943
2278A. [L]Lord David Cecil to W. J. Turner, undated (1944–6)
2278B. [L]Lord David Cecil to W. J. Turner, undated (1944–6)
2280. [L]Letter to R. R. Desai, 24 September 1943
2281. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 24 September 1943
2282. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 24 September 1943
2283. [L]Orwell’s Letter of Resignation from the BBC, 24 September 1943
2284. [L]Letter to W.J. Turner, 24 September 1943
2287. [L]Letter to E. M. Forster, 27 September 1943
2288. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 28 September 1943
2289. [L]Letter to Stephen Spender, 28 September 1943
2293. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins: Approaching M. P. s, 4 October 1943
2294. [L]Letter to T. H. Pear, 4 October 1943
2296. [L]Letter to T. H. Pear, 5 October 1943
2298. [L]Letter to J. C. Flugel, 6 October 1943
2299. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 October 1943
2300. [L]Letter to W. J. Turner, 6 October 1943
2303. [L]Letter to Susan Isaacs, 7 October 1943
2305. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 8 October 1943
2305A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 8 October 1943
2305A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 8 October 1943: see Vol XX, p. 312
2306. [L]Letter to C. W. Valentine, 8 October 1943
2307. [L]Letter to Frederick Laws, [8–10? October 1943]
2308. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Oliver Bell, 9 October 1943
2311. [L]Guy Wint to Orwell, 11 October 1943
2312. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 12 October 1943
2314. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 14 October 1943
2315. [L]Letter to C. W. Valentine, 14 0ctober1943
2317. [L]Letter to J. C. Flugel, 15 October 1943
2317A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 15 October 1943
2317A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 15 October 1943: see Vol XX, p. 313
2318. [L]Letter to Desmond Hawkins, 16 0ctober 1943
2320. [L]Letter to Frederick Laws, 18 October 1943
2321. [L]Letter to George Bernard Shaw, 18 October 1943
2322. [L]Memorandum to Norman Collins (Eminent Speakers), 19 October 1943
2323. [L]Letter to André Van Gyseghem, 20 October 1943
2330. [L]Letter to Susan Isaacs, 22 October 1943
2331. [L]Letter to Blanche Patch, Secretary to George Bernard Shaw, 22 October 1943
2333. [L]Letter to André Van Gyseghem, 22 October 1943
2338. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to Desmond Hawkins, 27 October 1943
2341. [L]Letter to D. W. Harding, 28 or 29 October 1943
2341A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 28 October 1943
2341A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 28 October 1943: see Vol XX, p. 313
2346. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 5 November 1943
2349. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 11 November 1943
2349A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 November 1943
2349A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 November 1943: see Vol XX, p. 314
2350. [L]Letter to Harold Laski, 11 November 1943
2352. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 12 November 1943
2354. [L]Letter to Edmund Blunden, 16 November 1943
2355. [L]Letter to H. J. Laski, 16 November 1943
2356. [L]Letter to S. Moos, 16 November 1943
2364. [L]Letter to V. S. Pritchett, 19 November 1943
2367. [L]Letter to Production Department, Penguin Books, 21 November 1943
2368. [L]Letter to Allen & Unwin, 23 November 1943
2369. [L]Letter to Cecil Day Lewis, 23 November 1943
2372. [L]Roy Walker to Orwell, 25 November 1943
2381. [L]Letter to Alex Comfort, 29 November 1943
2382. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 29 November 1943
2383. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 29 November 1943
2386. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 December 1943
2387. [L]Letter to Henry Treece, 7 December 1943
2390. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 9 December 1943
2392. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 11 December 1943
2402. [L]F. R. Leavis to Orwell, 8 January 1944
2403. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 January 1944
2408. [L]John Lehmann to Orwell, 20 January 1944
2411. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 25 January 1944
2414. [L]Letter to R. S. R. Fitter, 31 January 1944
2420. [L]Letter to R. S. R. Fitter, 17 February 1944
2420A. [L]Letter to Daniel George, 17 February 1944 XX, App. 15
2420A. [L]To Daniel George, 17 February 1944
2421. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 17 February 1944
2423. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 21 February 1944
2426. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 28 February 1944
2426A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 1 March 1944
2427. [L]Letter to C. K. Ogden, 1 March 1944
2430. [L]John Davys Beresford to Orwell, 7 March 1944
2431. [L]Letter to Roy Fuller, 7 March 1944
2436. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 March 1944
2437. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 19 March 1944
2438. [L]Ethel Colquhoun to Orwell, 20 March 1944
2440. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 March 1944
2442. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 25 March 1944
2443. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 March 1944
2446. [L]Postcard to Leonard Moore, 31 March 1944
2446A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 3 April 1944
2447. [L]Telegram to Leonard Moore, 5 April 1944
2448. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 April 1944
2451A. [L]Letter to Daniel George, 10 April 1944 XX, App. 15
2451A. [L]To Daniel George, 10 April 1944
2453. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 April 1944
2456. [L]Letter to W. J. Strachan, 20 April 1944
2457A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 21 April 1944
2459. [L]Correspondence with Antonia White, 27 April 1944
2461. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 1 May 1944
2465. [L]Letter to Charles Hamblett, 8 May 1944
2466. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 May 1944
2469. [L]Letter to W. F. Stirling, Latin American Department, BBC, 16 May 1944
2470A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 18 May 1944
2470A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 18 May 1944: see Vol. XX, p. 314
2471. [L]Letter to Noel Willmett, 18 May 1944
2472. [L]William Lynch to Tribune, 19 May 1944
2475A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 23 May 1944
2476. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 May 1944
2477. [L]Letter to A. S. Umpleby, 25 May 1944
2479. [L]Letter to The Royal Literary Fund, 26 May 1944
2480. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 May 1944
2484A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 5 June 1944
2485. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 June 1944
2488. [L]Letter to Leading Aircraftman C. Hopkins, 14 June 1944
2491. [L]Letter to [W. F. Stirling, Latin American Department], BBC, 19 June 1944
2493. [L]Letter to Mrs Gerry Byrne (Amy Charlesworth), 23 June 1944
2494. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 June 1944
2495A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 26 June 1944
2496. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 28 June 1944
2502A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 10 July 1944
2502A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 10 July 1944: see Vol. XX, p. 315
2503. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 11 July 1944
2505. [L]T. S. Eliot to Orwell, 13 July 1944
2508. [L]John Middleton Murry to Orwell, 11 July 1944
2509. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 14 July 1944
2511. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 17 July 1944
2512. [L]Letter to Z. A. Bokhari, 18 July 1944
2513. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 July 1944
2515. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 21 July 1944
2516. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 21 July 1944
2518. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 23 July 1944
2520. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 24 July 1944
2524. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 2 August 1944
2525. [L]Letter to W. J. Strachan, 2 August 1944
2527. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 5 August 1944
2528A. [L]Eileen Blair to Lydia Jackson, [9? August 1944]
2531. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 11 August 1944
2533. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 August 1944
2535A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 23 August 1944
2539. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 August 1944
2543. [L]Letter to T. S. Eliot, 5 September 1944
2544. [L]Letter to R. S. R. Fitter, 5 September 1944
2545. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 5 September 1944
2548A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 September 1944
2550. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 15 September 1944
2555. [L]Letter to T.S. Eliot, 3 October 1944
2556. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 October 1944
2557. [L]Letter to Stanley Unwin, 3 October 1944
2558. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 4 October 1944
2561. [L]Letter to Daniel George, [9 October 1944]
2561A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 October 1944
2563. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 13 October 1944
2563A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 13 October 1944
2563A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 13 October 1944: see Vol. XX, p. 315
2563B. [L]Ivor Brown to Dr Thomas Jones, C. H., 14 October 1944
2563B. [L]Letter from [Ivor Brown] to Thomas Jones, 14 October 1944 XX, App. 15
2566A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 23 October 1944
2569. [L]Letter to Mrs. Gerry Byrne (Amy Charlesworth), 28 October 1944
2571. [L]Letter to Tom Driberg, 30 October 1944
2574. [L]Letter to Tom Driberg, 4 November 1944
2583. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 28 November 1944
2587. [L]Letter to Frank Barber, 5 December 1944
2588. [L]Letter to Richard C. Elsley, 5 December 1944
2591. [L]Letter to Frank Barber, 15 December 1944
2593A. [L]Letter to Daniel George, 28 December 1944 XX, App. 15
2593A. [L]To Daniel George, 28 December 1944
2600. [L]Letter to Sunday Wilshin, 10 January 1945
2604A. [L]To Allen & Unwin Ltd., 18 January 1945
2605A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 23 January 1945
2606. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 23 January 1945
2607. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 January 1945
2614. [L]Letter on Orwell’s behalf to W. J. Strachan, 7 February 1945
2618. [L]Letter to Kay Dick, 15 February 1945
2619. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 February 1945
2620. [L]Letter to The Royal Literary Fund, 15 February 1945
2621. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 15 February 1945
2625. [L]P. [PD]G. Wodehouse to Orwell: editorial note
2628. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 28 February 1945
2630. [L]Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 2 March 1945
2634. [L]Letter to Sally McEwan, 12 March 1945
2635. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 17 March 1945
2638. [L]Eileen Blair to her husband, 21 March 1945
2639. [L]Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 22 March 1945
2640. [L]Eileen Blair to Lettice Cooper, 23 March 1945
2642. [L]Eileen Blair to her husband, 25 March 1945
2643. [L]Eileen Blair’s Will, 25 March 1945
2644. [L]Eileen Blair to Mrs. M. P. Cocking, 25 March 1945
2645. [L]Eileen Blair to Cyril Connolly, 25 March 1945
2646. [L]Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 25 March 1945
2647. [L]Eileen Blair to her husband, 29 March 1945
2650. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 1 April 1945
2651. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 April 1945
2652. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 4 April 1945
2653. [L]Fredric Warburg to Orwell, 6 April 1945
2655. [L]Nellie Adam (née Limouzin) to Marjorie Dakin, 8 April 1945: editorial note
2656. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 13 April 1945
2659. [L]Nellie Adam to Marjorie Dakin, 16 April 1945
2666. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 11 May 1945
2670. [L]Fredric Warburg to Leonard Moore, 24 May 1945
2677. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 13 June 1945
2680. [L]John Morris to Geoffrey Trease, 18 June 1945: editorial note
2681A. [L]To the Editor, Million Magazine, 21 June 1945
2682. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 June 1945
2685. [L]Unpublished letter to Tribune: Polish Trial, 26[?] June 1945
2686. [L]Letter to Hamish Hamilton, 27 June 1945
2688. [L]Letter to Gerry Byrne, 28 June 1945
2689. [L]Letter to Ronald Boswell, 29 June 1945
2690. [L]Letter to C. E. de Salis, 29 June 1945
2691. [L]“Orwell and the Stinkers”: A Correspondence, 29 June–27 July 1945
2694. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 July 1945
2696. [L]Letter to Jack Hilton, 4 July 1945
2698. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 5 July 1945
2700. [L]Letter to Maurice Hussey, 10 July 1945
2702. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 13 July 1945
2707. [L]Letter to Kathleen Raine, 24 July 1945
2711. [L]Letter to Mrs. Belloc Lowndes, 31 July 1945
2712. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 1 August 1945
2715. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Earle, 8 August 1945
2716. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 August 1945
2718. [L]Letter to Eric Warman, 11 August 1945: editorial note
2718A. [L]To J. C. Trewin, 13 August 1945
2722. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Earle, 17 August 1945
2723. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse: Corrections to Critical Essays, 17 August 1945
2723A. [L]To J. C. Trewin, 17 August 1945
2724. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 August 1945
2725. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 18 August 1945
2727. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 August 1945
2728. [L]Reg Reynolds to Orwell, 22 August 1945
2730. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 August 1945
2731. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 August 1945
2732. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 26 August 1945
2733. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Earle, 29 August 1945
2735. [L]E. [PD]M. Forster to Orwell; Evelyn Waugh to Orwell, 30 August 1945: editorial note
2736. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 September 1945
2737. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 1 September 1945
2740. [L]Letter to Frank D. Barber, 3 September 1945
2740A. [L]Letter to the Editor, Commentary, 3 September 1945
2741. [L]Jacques Brunius to Orwell, 3 September 1945
2743. [L]The Observer to Orwell, 6 September 1945: editorial note
2747. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 September 1945
2748. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 8 September 1945
2749. [L]Julian Symons to Orwell, after 8 September 1945
2750. [L]Letter to S. McGrath, 9 September 1945
2751. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 9 September 1945
2752. [L]Extract of letter from Malcolm Muggeridge to Orwell, 13 September 1945
2753. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 September 1945
2753A. [L]To Malcolm Muggeridge, 25 September 1945
2754. [L]Letter to Kay Dick, 26 September 1945
2756. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 September 1945
2759. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 October 1945
2762. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 October 1945
2765A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 17 October 1945
2765A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 17 October 1945: see Vol. XX, p. 316
2766. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 17 October 1945
2767. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 17 October 1945
2769. [L]Randolph Churchill to Orwell, 19 October 1945: editorial note
2772. [L]Letter to Edward R. Ward, 9 January 1946
2775. [L]J. S. Collis to Orwell, 29 October 1945
2776. [L]Letter to Eric Warman, 30 October 1945: editorial note
2782. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 6 November 1945
2785. [L]Leonard Moore to Roger Senhouse and Senhouse to Moore, 8 and 14 November 1945
2787. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 November 1945
2788. [L]Letter to Miss J. G. Manton, 10 November 1945
2789. [L]Letter to Frank Barber, 10 November 1945
2791. [L]Letter to Dudley Cloud, 27 January 1947 (with editorial note)
2793. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 November 1945
2795. [L]Letter to Katharine, Duchess of Atholl, 15 November 1945
2797. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 November 1945
2799. [L]Balraj Sahni to Orwell, 20 November 1945
2803. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 24 November 1945
2804. [L]Letter to E. Lyon Young, Latin-American Service, BBC, 24 November 1945
2806. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 November 1945
2810. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 December 1945
2821. [L]W. J. Turner to Orwell, 19 December 1945
2824. [L]Olaf Stapledon to Orwell, 21 December 1945
2825. [L]Letter to G. H. Bantock, late 1945–early 1946
2830. [L]Dwight Macdonald to Orwell, 31 December 1945
2834. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 1 January 1946
2835. [L]Letter to B.J. Brooke, 2 January 1946
2836. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 2 January 1946
2837. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 9 January 1946
2839. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 3 January 1946
2840. [L]Fredric Warburg to Frank Morley, 3 January 1946: editorial note
2844. [L]Letter to John Beavan, 7 January 1946
2845. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 7 January 1946
2846. [L]Letter to Kay Dick, 7 January 1946
2847. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 7 January 1946
2848. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 January 1946
2849. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 9 January 1946
2850. [L]Letter to Edward R. [PD]Ward, 9 January 1946: editorial note
2852. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 10 January 1946
2853. [L]Hsiao Ch’ien to Orwell, 10 January 1946
2855. [L]Philip Rahv to Orwell, 11 January 1946
2856. [L]Hancock & Scott, Solicitors, to Orwell, 11 January 1946
2859. [L]Letter to John Hampson, 14 January 1946
2860. [L]Letter to Kay Dick, 14 January 1946
2861. [L]Memorandum from Fredric Warburg to Roger Senhouse, 14 January 1946
2863. [L]Letter to John Beavan, 17 January 1946
2864. [L]Letter to John G. Pattisson, 17 January 1946
2865. [L]Biotechnic Press to Orwell, 17 January 1946
2869. [L]Letter to John Beavan, 21 January 1946
2870. [L]Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 22 January 1946
2871. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 January 1946
2873. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 January 1946
2880. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 24 January 1946
2884. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 January 1946
2885. [L]Letter to the Manchester Guardian, 28 January 1946
2886. [L]Letter to William Phillips, Partisan Review, 31 January 1946
2890. [L]Letter to Mary Treadgold, 6 February 1946
2891. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 7 February 1946
2893. [L]Michael Foot to Orwell, 8 February 1946: editorial note
2896. [L]Letter to the Reverend Henry Rogers, 18 February 1946 (with editorial summary of Rogers’s letter, 10 February 1946)
2897. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 11 February 1946
2899. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 14 February 1946
2900A. [L]Letter to W. Wood, Secretary, Revolutionary Communist Party: Nuremberg and Moscow Trials, 15 February 1946
2900A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
2900A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
2900B. [L]Letter to W. Wood, Secretary, Revolutionary Communist Party, 16 February 1946
2902. [L]Letter to Sidney Billson, Peace Pledge Union, 18 February 1946
2903. [L]Letter to Dorothy Plowman, 19 February 1946
2907. [L]Correspondence following ‘Words and Henry Miller’, 1 and 15 March 1946
2908. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 February 1946
2910. [L]Letter to F. Tennyson Jesse, 4 March 1946
2911. [L]F. Tennyson Jesse to Orwell, 7 March 1946 Orwell’s response, 14 March 1946
2912. [L]Yvonne Davet to Orwell, 2 February 1946
2913. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 24 February 1946
2915. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 25 February 1946
2916. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 27 February 1946
2918. [L]Letter to Anne Popham, late February or early March 1946
2919. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 5 March 1946
2920. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, c. 6 March 1946
2921. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 March 1946
2924. [L]F. V. Morley to Fredric Warburg, 8 March 1946
2926. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 11 March 1946
2928. [L]Letter to Victor Serge, 14 March 1946: editorial note
2929. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee, 14 March 1946
2931. [L]Letter to Anne Popham, 15 March 1946
2932. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 16 March 1946
2933. [L]Dwight Macdonald to Orwell, 17 March 1946
2934. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 March 1946
2935. [L]Letter to Alan Moray Williams, 20 March 1946
2936. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee, 20 March 1946
2937. [L]John Middleton Murry to Orwell, 20 March 1946
2938. [L]George Kopp to Orwell, 20 March 1946: editorial note
2941. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 22 March 1946
2942. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 March 1946
2943. [L]Letter to Pickfords, Furniture Removers & Storers, 23 March 1946: editorial note
2945. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 March 1946
2947. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 March 1946
2948. [L]Francis Henson to Orwell, 26 March 1946: editorial note
2949. [L]Yvonne Davet to Orwell, 22 March 1946
2950. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 27 March 1946
2955. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 31 March 1946
2956. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 3 April 1946: editorial note
2963. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 8 April 1946
2964. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 April 1946
2965. [L]Letter to Inez Holden, 9 April 1946
2966. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 9 April 1946
2967. [L]Letter to Roy Campbell, 9 April 1946
2969. [L]Ihor Szewczenko to Orwell, 11 April 1946
2971. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 12 April 1946
2972. [L]Letter to Andrew S. F. Gow, 13 April 1946
2973. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 13 April 1946
2974. [L]Letter to G. R. Barnes, 17 April 1946
2975. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 17 April 1946
2977. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 April 1946
2978. [L]Letter to Anne Popham, 18 April 1946
2981. [L]Letter to Enid Houghton, 24 April 1946
2982. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 April 1946
2984. [L]Letter to Stafford Cottman, 25 April 1946
2986. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 April 1946
2987. [L]Letter to Marjorie Dakin, 30 April 1946
2991. [L]Randall Jarrell to Orwell, April–May 1946?: editorial note
2993. [L]Postcards to Rayner Heppenstall and Secker & Warburg, 3 May 1946
2994. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 4 May 1946
2996. [D]Domestic Diary, 7 May 1946 to 5 January 1947: editorial note
2997. [D]Domestic Diary, 7 May 1946
2998. [L]Letter to Humphrey Dakin, 8 May 1946
2999. [D]Domestic Diary, 14–16 May 1946
3000. [L]Freedom Defence Committee Letter to President Truman, 18 May 1946
3001. [D]Domestic Diary, 22 May 1946
3002. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 23 May 1946
3003. [D]Domestic Diary, 23–30 May 1946
3004. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 31 May 1946
3005. [L]Letter to an unknown person, 31 May 1946: editorial note
3006. [D]Domestic Diary, 31 May 1946
3008. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–2 June 1946
3009. [L]George Allen & Unwin to Orwell, 3 June 1946: editorial note
3010. [D]Domestic Diary, 3 June 1946
3011. [L]Letter to David Astor, 4 June 1946
3012. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 4 June 1946
3013. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 June 1946
3014. [D]Domestic Diary, 4–15 June 1946
3015. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 16 June 1946
3016. [D]Domestic Diary, 16–21 June 1946
3017. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 22 June 1946
3018. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 June 1946
3019. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 June 1946
3020. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–28 June 1946
3021. [L]Letter to Terence Cooper, 29 June 1946
3022. [D]Domestic Diary, 29 June 1946
3023. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 June 1946
3023A. [L]Orwell to Brenda Salkeld [part]
3024. [D]Domestic Diary, 30 June 1946
3025. [L]Avril Blair to Humphrey Dakin, 1 July 1946
3025A. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 2 July 1946: see Vol. XX, p. 317
3025A. [L]From Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 2 July 1946
3026. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 3 July 1946
3027. [L]Letter to Sally McEwan, 5 July 1946
3028. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 5 July 1946
3029. [D]Domestic Diary, 7 July 1946
3030. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 8 July 1946
3031. [D]Domestic Diary, 8 July 1946
3033. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–19 July 1946
3034. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 20 July 1946
3035. [D]Domestic Diary, 20–28 July 1946
3036. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 29 July 1946
3037. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 July 1946
3038. [D]Domestic Diary, 29 July to 1 August 1946
3039. [L]Letter to P. G. Walford, Copyright Department, BBC, 2 August 1946
3040. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–5 August 1946
3041. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 August 1946
3042. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 6 August 1946
3043. [D]Domestic Diary, 6 August 1946
3044. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 7 August 1946
3045. [L]Letter to Anne Popham, 7 August 1946
3046. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–11 August 1946
3047. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 August 1946
3048. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 12 August 1946
3049. [D]Domestic Diary, 12 August 1946
3050. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 14 August 1946
3051. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 17 August 1946
3052. [D]Domestic Diary, 18–22 August 1946
3053. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 23 August 1946
3054. [D]Domestic Diary, 23–25 August 1946
3055. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 August 1946
3056. [D]Domestic Diary, 26–31 August 1946
3058. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 2 September 1946
3059. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 5 September 1946
3060. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 September 1946
3061. [L]Letter to Miss Shaw, 5 September 1946
3062. [D]Domestic Diary, 5 September 1946
3063. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 6 September 1946
3064. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 6 September 1946
3065. [D]Domestic Diary, 6–8 September 1946
3066. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 9 September 1946
3067. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–14 September 1946
3068. [L]“Vogue Spotlight [on Orwell]” by Allene Talmey, 15 September 1946
3069. [D]Domestic Diary, 15 September 1946
3070. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 16 September 1946
3071. [D]Domestic Diary, 16 September 1946
3072. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 September 1946
3073. [D]Domestic Diary, 17–18 September 1946
3074. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 19 September 1946
3075. [D]Domestic Diary, 19–20 September 1946
3076. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 September 1946
3077. [L]Letter to Herbert W. Simpson 21 September 1946
3078. [D]Domestic Diary, 21–22 September 1946
3079. [L]Untraced letter to Yvonne Davet, 23 September 1946: editorial note
3080. [D]Domestic Diary, 23 September 1946
3081. [L]Letter to [K. A. G. S. Lane], Christy & Moore, 24 September 1946
3082. [D]Domestic Diary, 24–25 September 1946
3083. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 26 September 1946
3084. [L]Letter to Humphrey Slater, 26 September 1946
3085. [D]Domestic Diary, 26–27 September 1946
3086. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 September 1946
3087. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 28 September 1946
3088. [D]Domestic Diary, 28–30 September 1946 (with proposed layouts for garden)
3091. [L]Letter to [K. A. G. S. Lane], Christy & Moore, 1 October 1946
3092. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–4 October 1946
3093. [L]Letter to [K. A. G. S. Lane], Christy & Moore, 5 October 1946
3094. [D]Domestic Diary, 5–8 October 1946
3095. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 13 October 1946
3096. [L]Letter to Controller, European Service, BBC, 14 October 1946
3097. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 15 October 1946
3098. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 October 1946
3099. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 October 1946
3100. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 October 1946
3102. [L]Letter to Harcourt, Brace & Co. Inc., 30 October 1946
3105. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 November 1946
3106. [L]Letter to the Copyright Director, BBC, 6 November 1946
3110. [L]Letter to Miss D. Ross, 11 November 1946
3111. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 11 November 1946
3113. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 November 1946
3114. [L]Letter to an untraced addressee, 14 November 1946
3116. [L]Letter to Sheila Hodges, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 15 November 1946
3117. [L]Letter to W. M. C. Harrowes, 15 November 1946
3118. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 18 November 1946
3119. [L]Letter to Graham Greene, 20 November 1946
3120. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 November 1946
3121. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, [20 November 1946]
3125. [L]Letter to Edward R. Ward, 26 November 1946
3127. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 29 November 1946
3128. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 5 December 1946
3129. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 December 1946
3130. [L]Letter to Sir Stanley Unwin, 5 December 1946
3132. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 December 1946
3133. [L]Letter to Miss M. C. Plummer, 9 December 1946
3135. [L]Letter to Grace Wyndham Goldie, 13 December 1946
3136. [L]Letter to Paul Tabori, 13 December 1946
3138. [L]Letter to John Gawsworth, 20 December 1946
3139. [L]Letter to Dmitrii Fedotoff-White, 20 December 1946
3141. [L]Letter to [Dwight Macdonald] [c. 27 December 1946]
3142. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 December 1946
3143. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 27 December 1946
3147. [D]Domestic Diary, 4–5 January 1947 Lay-out of fruit trees
3148. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 January 1947
3149. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 10 January 1947
3150. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 10 January 1947
3151. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 13 January 1947
3154. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 January 1947
3155. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 17 January 1947
3157. [L]Central Office of Information to Secker & Warburg, 23 January 1947: editorial note
3159. [L]Letter to Mamaine Koestler, 24 January 1947
3160. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 24 January 1947
3161. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 January 1947
3162. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 24 January 1947
3163. [L]Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 25 January 1947
3164. [L]Letter to Dudley Cloud, 27 January 1947
3165A. [L]To David Astor, 30 January 1947
3166. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 30 January 1947
3170. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 February 1947
3173. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 February 1947
3174. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 February 1947
3175. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 26 February 1947
3178. [L]Letter to Emilio Cecchi, 28 February 1947
3179. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 28 February 1947
3180. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee, 28 February 1947
3183. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 March 1947
3184. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 March 1947
3185. [L]Letter to George Woodcock (as Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee), 7 March 1947
3187. [L]Letter from Ihor Szewczenko to Orwell, 7 March 1947
3188. [L]Letter to Ihor Szewczenko, 13 March 1947
3191. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 14 March 1947
3192. [L]Letter to A. S. B. Glover, Penguin Books, 19 March 1947
3192A. [L]To Dr C. D. Darlington
3193. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 March 1947
3194. [L]Letter to Emilio Cecchi, 20 March 1947
3195. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 20 March 1947
3196A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 21 March 1947
3197. [L]Letter to Ihor Szewczenko, 21 March 1947 (with editorial summary of his response, 25 March 1947)
3199. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 March 1947
3200. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 25 March 1947
3200A. [L]C. D. Darlington to Orwell
3201A. [L]To C. D. Darlington
3202. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 March 1947
3203. [L]Letter to Secker & Warburg, 28 March 1947
3205. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 March 1947
3207. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 April 1947
3209. [L]Letter to Yvonne Davet, 7 April 1947
3210. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 9 April 1947
3211. [L]Letter to Victor Gollancz, 9 April 1947
3212. [L]Letter to Sonia Brownell, 12 April 1947
3213. [D]Domestic Diary, 12 April to 11 September 1947: editorial note 12–14 April 1947
3214. [L]Letter to Frank D. Barber, 15 April 1947
3215. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 15 April 1947
3216. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 April 1947
3217. [D]Domestic Diary, 15–18 April 1947
3219. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 19 April 1947
3220. [D]Domestic Diary, 19–29 April 1947
3221. [L]Letter to Janamaci Rāmakrisna, 30 April 1947
3222. [L]Letter to Sunday Wilshin, 30 April 1947
3223. [D]Domestic Diary, 30 April to 18 May 1947
3224. [L]Letter to Secker & Warburg, 19 May 1947
3225. [D]Domestic Diary, 19–20 May 1947
3226. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 May 1947
3227. [D]Domestic Diary, 21–25 May 1947
3228. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 26 May 1947
3229. [D]Domestic Diary, 26–28 May 1947
3230. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 May 1947
3231. [D]Domestic Diary, 29–30 May 1947
3232. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 31 May 1947
3233. [D]Domestic Diary, 31 May to 1 June 1947
3234. [L]Letter to John Gawsworth, 2 June 1947
3235. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–4 June 1947
3237. [D]Domestic Diary, 5–8 June 1947
3238. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 June 1947
3239. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 9 June 1947
3240. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–17 June 1947
3241. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 18 June 1947
3242. [D]Domestic Diary, 18–30 June 1947
3245. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–6 July 1947
3246. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 July 1947
3247. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–13 July 1947
3248. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 14 July 1947
3249. [D]Domestic Diary, I4–27 July 1947
3250. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 28 July 1947
3251. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 July 1947
3252. [D]Domestic Diary, 28–29 July 1947
3255. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–6 August 1947
3255A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 7 August 1947
3255B. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–8 August 1947
3256. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 9 August 1947
3257. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–24 August 1947
3258. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 August 1947
3259. [L]Letter to William Phillips, Partisan Review, 25 August 1947
3260. [D]Domestic Diary, 25–31 August 1947
3261. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 September 1947
3262. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 1 September 1947
3263. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 1 September 1947
3264. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–7 September 1947
3265. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 September 1947
3266. [L]Letter to Stanley Unwin, 8 September 1947
3267. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 8 September 1947
3268. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 8 September 1947
3269. [D]Domestic Diary, 8–10 September 1947
3271. [D]Domestic Diary, 11 September 1947
3272. [D]Domestic Diary, Start of Volume V: editorial note 12–18 September 1947
3273. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 19 September 1947
3274. [D]Domestic Diary, 19 September 1947
3275. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 20 September 1947
3275A. [L]Letter to Christy & Moore, 20 September 1947
3276. [D]Domestic Diary, 20–28 September 1947
3277. [L]Letter to David Astor, 29 September 1947
3278. [D]Domestic Diary, 29–30 September 1947
3281. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–3 October 1947
3282. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 October 1947
3283. [D]Domestic Diary, 4–8 October 1947
3284. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 9 October 1947
3285. [D]Domestic Diary, 9–11 October 1947
3286. [L]Letter to D. F. Boyd, BBC Talks Department, 12 October 1947
3287. [D]Domestic Diary, 12–20 October 1947
3288. [L]S. [PD]M. Levitas to Orwell, 21 October 1947: editorial note
3288A. [L]From Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 21 October 1947
3288A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 21 October 1947: see Vol. XX, p.317
3289. [D]Domestic Diary, 21 October 1947
3290. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 22 October 1947
3291. [D]Domestic Diary, 22 October 1947
3292. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 23 October 1947
3293. [D]Domestic Diary, 23–24 October 1947
3294. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 October 1947
3295. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 25 October 1947
3296. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 25 October 1947
3297. [D]Domestic Diary, 25–26 October 1947
3298. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 27 October 1947
3299. [D]Domestic Diary, 27–29 October 1947
3300. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 October 1947
3303. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 November 1947
3304. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 November 1947
3305. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 14 November 1947
3306. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 24 November 1947
3307. [L]Letter to Frederick Tomlinson, The Observer, 24 November 1947
3308. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 29 November 1947
3310. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 November 1947
3312. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 7 December 1947
3313. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 December 1947
3314. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 December 1947
3315. [L]Letter to Frederick Tomlinson, The Observer, 23 December 1947
3316. [L]BBC Copyright Department to Orwell, 23 December 1947
3317. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 December 1947
3318. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 26 December 1947
3319. [D]Avril Blair’s Barnhill Diary, 27–31 December 1947
3320. [L]Letter to David Astor, 31 December 1947
3321. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 31 December 1947
3321A. [L]To an Unknown Person [David Astor?], Friday
3322. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 31 December 1947
3324. [L]Letter to Gwen O’Shaughnessy, 1 January 1948
3325. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 2 January 1948
3326. [L]Letter to Humphrey Dakin, 3 January 1948
3327. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 January 1948
3328. [L]Letter to Edmund Wilson, 3 January 1948
3329. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 4 January 1948
3330. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 12 January 1948
3331. [L]Letter to Mary Fyvel, 16 January 1948
3332. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 20 January 1948
3333. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 25 January 1948
3334. [L]BBC Copyright Department to Orwell, 26 January 1948
3335. [L]Letter to Eugene Reynal, 28 January 1948
3337. [L]Letter to David Astor, 1 February 1948
3338. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 4 February 1948
3339. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 4 February 1948
3340. [L]Telegram to Fredric Warburg, 4 February 1948
3341. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 5 February 1948
3342. [L]Letter to David Astor, [9 February 1948]
3343. [L]Letter to Edmund Wilson, 12 February 1948
3344. [L]Letter to David Astor, [14 February 1948]
3345. [L]Letter to Edmund Wilson, 14 February 1948
3348. [L]Letter to Helmut Klöse, 15 February 1948
3349. [L]Letter to David Astor, [16 February 1948]
3350. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 20 February 1948
3351. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 20 February 1948
3351A. [L]To Ivor Brown, 20 February 1948
3353. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 February 1948
3353A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 25 February 1948
3354. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 25 February 1948
3355. [L]Letter to Hermon Ould, 28 February 1948
3357. [L]Letter to Emilio Cecchi, 3 March 1948
3358. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 5 March 1948
3359. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 7 March 1948
3360. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 8 March 1948
3362. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 March 1948
3363. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 21 March 1948
3368. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 23 March 1948
3369. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 23 March 1948
3370. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 24 March 1948
3371. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, [26 March or 2 April 1948]
3372. [L]Letter to Ivor Brown, 27 March 1948
3373. [L]Letter to Sally McEwan, 27 March 1948
3374. [D]Diary Entry, 30 March 1948
3375. [L]Letter to David Astor, 31 March 1948
3376. [L]Letter to Mrs. David Astor, 5 April 1948
3377. [L]Letter to David Astor, [17 April 1948]
3378. [D]Diary Entry, 24 March 1949
3379. [L]Letter to David Astor, [14 April 1948]
3382. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 April 1948
3383. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 17 April 1948
3384. [D]Diary Entry, 18 April 1948
3385. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 19 April 1948
3386. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 20 April 1948
3387. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 21 April 1948
3388. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 24 April 1948
3389. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 26 April 1948
3390. [L]Letter to John Middleton Murry, 28 April 1948
3391. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 May 1948
3392. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 2 May 1948
3393. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 3 May 1948
3394. [L]Letter to David Astor, 4 May 1948
3397. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 10 May 1948
3398. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 May 1948
3399. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, [13 or 20 May 1948]
3400. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 May 1948
3401. [L]Letter to Evelyn Waugh, 16 May 1948
3401A. [L]To Mrs Jessica Marshall, 19 May 1948
3402. [D]Diary Entry, 21 May 1948
3402A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 24 May 1948
3403. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 24 May 1948
3404. [L]Letter to Michael Kennard, 25 May 1948
3405. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 27 May 1948
3405A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 31 May 1948
3410. [L]Letter to S. M. Levitas, 4 June 1948
3410A. [L]To J. C. Trewin, 5 June 1948
3412. [L]Letter to Michael Kennard, 7 June 1948
3413. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 June 1948
3414. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 June 1948
3415. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 25 June 1948
3416. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 25 June 1948
3416A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 30 June 1948
3417. [L]Letter to the Secretary, Freedom Defence Committee, 30 June 1948
3420. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 10 July 1948
3421. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 12 July 1948
3422. [L]Postcard to Dwight Macdonald, 15 July 1948
3423. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 July 1948
3426. [L]Fredric Warburg to Orwell, 19 and 22 July 1948
3427. [L]Letter to Dr. Tergit, 21 July 1948
3428. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 23 July 1948
3429. [L]Avril Blair to Michael Kennard, 29 July 1948
3430. [D]Domestic Diary, 31 July 1948
3431A. [D]Domestic Diary, 1–2 August 1948
3432. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 3 August 1948
3433. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 3 August 1948
3434. [L]Letter to Edmund Wilson, 3 August 1948
3435. [D]Domestic Diary, 3–5 August 1948
3437. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 7 August 1948
3438. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–15 August 1948
3439. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 16 August 1948
3440. [D]Domestic Diary, 16–20 August 1948
3442. [D]Domestic Diary, 21 August 1948
3444. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 22 August 1948
3445. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–30 August 1948
3446. [L]Letter to Melvin Lasky, 31 August 1948
3447. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 August 1948
3448. [L]Letter to William Phillips, 31 August 1948
3449. [D]Domestic Diary, 31 August to 1 September 1948
3450. [L]Letter from S. M. Levitas, 2 September 1948: editorial summary
3451. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–5 September 1948
3452. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 6 September 1948
3453. [D]Domestic Diary, 6 September 1948
3455. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–17 September 1948
3456. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 September 1948
3457. [D]Domestic Diary, 18–19 September 1948
3458. [L]Postcard to Anthony Powell, [20 September 1948]
3459. [D]Domestic Diary, 20–29 September 1948
3460. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 30 September 1948
3461. [D]Domestic Diary, 30 September 1948
3464. [D]Domestic Diary, 1 October 1948
3466. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–8 October 1948
3467. [L]Letter to David Astor, 9 October 1948
3468. [D]Domestic Diary, 9 October 1948
3470. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 10 October 1948
3471. [D]Domestic Diary, 10–11 October 1948
3473. [D]Domestic Diary, 12–13 October 1948
3474. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 15 October 1948
3475. [D]Domestic Diary, 16–21 October 1948
3476. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 October 1948
3477. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 October 1948
3478. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–28 October 1948
3479. [L]Letter to Melvin Lasky, 29 October 1948
3480. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 October 1948
3481. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 29 October 1948
3482. [D]Domestic Diary, 29 October to 1 November 1948
3483. [L]Letter from Roger Senhouse, 2 November 1948
3484. [D]Domestic Diary, 2–6 November 1948
3486. [D]Domestic Diary, 7–11 November 1948
3488. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 15 November 1948
3489. [D]Domestic Diary, 16–18 November 1948
3490. [L]Letter to David Astor, 19 November 1948
3491. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 November 1948
3492. [D]Domestic Diary, 19 November 1948
3493. [L]Jim Rose to Orwell, 20 November 1948: editorial summary
3494. [D]Domestic Diary, 20–21 November 1948
3495. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 November 1948
3496. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 22 November 1948
3497. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–27 November 1948
3499. [L]Letter to Gwen O’Shaughnessy, 28 November 1948
3500. [D]Domestic Diary, 28–29 November 1948
3501. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 November 1948
3502. [D]Domestic Diary, 30 November to 3 December 1948
3503. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 December 1948
3504. [D]Domestic Diary, 4–7 December 1948
3505. [L]Fredric Warburg’s Report on Nineteen Eighty-Four, 13 December 1948
3506. [L]David Farrer’s Report on Nineteen Eighty-Four, 15 December 1948
3507. [L]Avril Blair to Humphrey Dakin, 14 December 1948
3508. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 18 December 1948
3509. [D]Domestic Diary, 19 December 1948
3510. [L]Letter to David Astor, 21 December 1948
3511. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 21 December 1948
3512. [D]Domestic Diary, 22–24 December 1948
3513. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 26 December 1948
3518. [L]Dr. Bruce Dick to David Astor, 5 January 1949
3518A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 9 January 1949
3519. [L]Telegram to David Astor, 12 January 1949
3520. [L]Letter to David Astor, 12 January 1949
3521. [L]Letter to George Woodcock, 12 January 1949
3522. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 13 January 1949
3523. [L]Letter to Fredrik Wulfsberg, 15 January 1949
3524. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 17 January 1949
3525. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 January 1949
3526. [L]Letter to Reginald Reynolds, 17 January 1949
3527. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 18 January 1949
3528. [L]Letter to The New Leader (New York), 18 January 1949
3529. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 18 January 1949
3530. [L]Telegram to Fredric Warburg, 18 January 1949
3531. [L]Letter to David Astor, 20 January 1949
3532. [L]Letter to Miss Brockholes, 20 January 1949
3533. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 January 1949
3534. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 January 1949
3535. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 27 January 1949
3536. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 28 January 1949
3537. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 2 February 1949
3538. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 2 February 1949
3539. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 4 February 1949
3540. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 4 February 1949
3541. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 4 February 1949
3542. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 5 February 1949
3544. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 8 February 1949
3545. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 10 February 1949
3546. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 10 February 1949
3547. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 February 1949
3548. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 12 February 1949
3549. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 13 February 1949
3550. [L]Letter to Jacintha Buddicom, 14 February 1949
3551. [L]Letter to Jacintha Buddicom, [15 February] 1949
3553. [L]Letter to [the Editor], Wiadomości, 25 February 1949
3554. [L]Letter to Herbert Read, 26 February 1949
3555. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, [27 February or 6 March 1949]
3556. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 1 March 1949
3557. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 2 March 1949
3558. [L]Letter to the News Chronicle, 3 March 1949
3559. [L]Letter to S. M. Levitas, 3 March 1949
3560. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 3 March 1949
3561. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 March 1949
3562. [L]Letter to David Astor, 5 March 1949
3563. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 5 March 1949
3564. [L]Douglas Moyle to Orwell, 7 March 1949: editorial summary
3565. [L]David Farrer to Orwell, 8 March 1949: editorial summary
3566. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 9 March 1949
3567. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 9 March 1949
3568. [L]Roger Senhouse’s Corrections and Queries for Nineteen Eighty-Four and Orwell’s Answers, sent 22 February 1949
3569. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 10 March 1949
3570. [L]Letter to Michael Meyer, 12 March 1949
3571. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 March 1949
3572. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 15 March 1949
3573. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 March 1949
3574. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 16 March 1949
3575. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 17 March 1949
3576. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 18 March 1949
3577. [L]Letter to David Astor, 19 March 1949
3578. [L]Cable to The New Leader (New York), 21 March 1949
3580. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 March 1949
3581. [L]Letter to [Christy & Moore], 24 March 1949
3582. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 25 March 1949
3583. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 30 March 1949
3584. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 31 March 1949
3587. [L]Una Marson to Orwell, 2 April 1949: editorial summary
3588. [L]Letter to David Astor, 4 April 1949
3589. [L]Letter to Ruth Fischer, 4 April 1949: editorial note
3590. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 5 April 1949
3590B. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 6 April 1949
3590B. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 6 April 1949
3591. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 6 April 1949
3592. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 7 April 1949
3594. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 8 April 1949
3595. [L]Letter to [The New Leader, (New York)], 9 April 1949
3596. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 13 April 1949
3597. [L]Letter to Robert Giroux, 14 April 1949
3598. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 15 April 1949
3599. [L]Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 16 April 1949
3600. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 17 April 1949
3601. [L]Letter to Gwen O’Shaughnessy, 17 April 1949
3602. [D]Diary Entry, 17 April 1949
3602A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 18 April 1949
3603. [L]Letter to Ruth Fischer, 21 April 1949
3604. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 April 1949
3605. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 April 1949
3606. [L]Cable to Harcourt, Brace, 25 April 1949
3607. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 25 April 1949
3608. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 April 1949
3609. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 April 1949
3610. [L]Letter to Dwight Macdonald, 29 April 1949
3611. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 29 April 1949
3614. [L]Letter to Melvin Lasky, 2 May 1949
3615. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 2 May 1949
3615A. [L]Names sent to Celia Kirwan, 2 May 1949
3616. [L]Letter to S. M. Levitas, 2 May 1949
3617. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 2 May 1949
3618. [L]Letter to Charles Curran, 3 May 1949
3619. [L]Letter to David Astor, 7 May 1949
3620. [L]Anthony Powell on George Orwell, 8 May 1949
3621. [L]Letter to David Astor, 9 May 1949
3622. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 11 May 1949
3623. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 13 May 1949
3626. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 16 May 1949
3627. [L]Letter to Robert Giroux, 19 May 1949
3628. [L]Letter to David Astor, 20 May 1949
3629. [L]Letter to Charles Curran, 20 May 1949
3630. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 20 May 1949
3631. [L]Letter to Jacintha Buddicom, 22 May 1949
3632. [L]Ruth Fischer to Orwell, 23 May 1949: editorial summary
3633. [L]Letter to Sonia Brownell, 24 May 1949
3634. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 26 May 1949
3635. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, [27 May 1949] Dr. Andrew Morland’s Report on Orwell
3636. [L]Orwell on Marie-Louise Berneri, 28 May 1949
3637. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 31 May 1949
3638. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 1 June 1949
3639. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 2 June 1949
3640. [L]Letter to Robert Giroux, 3 June 1949
3641. [L]Letter to Anthony Powell, 6 June 1949
3642. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 6 June 1949
3644. [L]Letter to William Phillips, 8 June 1949
3644A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 10 June 1949
3645. [L]Fredric Warburg’s Report on His Visit to Orwell, 15 June 1949 (with editorial note)
3647. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, 16 June 1949
3647A. [L]Jordi Arquer to Orwell, 16 June 1949, with original French
3648. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 18 June 1949
3649. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 20 June 1949
3650. [L]Letter to Mr. Shaw, 20 June 1949
3650A. [L]To Jordi Arquer, 22 June 1949
3651. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 June 1949
3652. [L]Letter to Vernon Richards, 22 June 1949
3652A. [L]Letter to Lydia Jackson, 27 June 1949
3653. [L]Letter to Mamaine Koestler, 27 June 1949
3654. [L]Letter to Celia Kirwan, 27 June 1949
3655. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 27 June 1949
3655A. [L]Letter to C. V. Wedgwood, 5 July 1949
3655A–1. [L]From Christy & Moore to Jordi Arquer, 27 June 1949
3656. [L]Letter to S. M. Levitas, 11 July 1949
3657. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 13 July 1949
3658. [L]Letter to David Astor, 14 July 1949
3659. [L]Letter to Ruth Fischer, 15 July 1949
3660. [L]Letter to David Astor, 15 July 1949
3661. [L]Letter to David Astor, 18 July 1949
3662. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 20 July 1949
3663. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 21 July 1949
3663A. [L]To Malcolm Muggeridge, 22 July 1949
3664. [L]Ruth Graves to Orwell, 23 July 1949: editorial summary
3665. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 24 July 1949
3665A. [L]Jordi Arquer to Orwell, 24 July 1949, with original French
3666. [L]Letter to Jack Common, 27 July 1949
3667. [L]Letter to Gleb Struve, 27 July 1949
3667A. [L]To Jordi Arquer, 28 July 1949
3668. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 28 July 1949
3669. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 28 July 1949
3670. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 July 1949
3671. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 August 1949
3672. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 4 August 1949
3673. [L]McIntosh & Otis to Dwight Macdonald, 10 August 1949
3674. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 11 August 1949
3675. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 12 August 1949
3676. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 16 August 1949
3677. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 22 August 1949
3678. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 22 August 1949
3679. [L]Letter to Fredric Warburg, 24 August 1949
3680. [L]Letter to David Astor, 25 August 1949
3681. [L]Catherine Karot to Orwell, 25 August 1949: editorial summary
3681A. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 26 August 1949
3681A. [L]From Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 26 August 1949
3682. [L]Allan Dowling to Orwell, 27 August 1949: editorial summary
3683. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 30 August 1949
3684. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 30 August 1949
3684A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 1 September 1949
3684A. [L]Letter to Arthur Koestler, 1 September 1949
3686. [L]Letter to David Astor, 5 September 1949
3688. [L]C. E. M. Joad to Orwell, 8 September 1949: editorial summary
3689. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, [7] September 1949
3689A. [L]Sonia Brownell to Jordi Arquer, 14 September 1949
3690. [L]Franz Borkenau to Orwell, 14 September 1949: editorial summary
3691. [L]Letter to Philip Rahv, 17 September 1949
3692. [L]Letter to Sir Richard Rees, 17 September 1949
3694. [L]Letter to Julian Symons, [c. 19 September 1949]
3695. [L]Letter to Melvin Lasky, 21 September 1949
3695A. [L]Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 24 September 1949
3695A. [L]From Arthur Koestler to Orwell, 24 September 1949
3696A. [L]Letter to Mona Harrofs McElfresh, 2 October 1949
3696A. [L]Letter to Mona Harrofs McElfresh, 2 October 1949
3697. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 2 October 1949
3698. [L]John Dos Passos to Orwell, 8 October 1949: editorial summary
3699. [L]Dwight Macdonald to Orwell, 10 October 1949: editorial summary
3700. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 11 October 1949
3701. [L]Letter to Roger Senhouse, 12 October 1949
3702A. [L]Sonia Brownell to Mr Groves, 14 October 1949
3703. [L]John Braithwaite to Orwell, 20 October 1949: editorial summary
3704. [L]Aldous Huxley to Orwell, 21 October 1949: editorial summary
3705. [L]Letter to Tosco Fyvel, 25 October 1949
3705A. [L]To Malcolm Muggeridge, c. 25 October 1949
3706. [L]William Barrett to Orwell, 4 November 1949: editorial summary
3707. [L]Letter to Leonard Moore, 4 November 1949
3708. [L]Letter to Robert Giroux, 17 November 1949
3709. [L]G. van der B. Lambley to Orwell, 21 November 1949: editorial summary
3710. [L]Proposed Cuts to Nineteen Eighty-Four (for Argentine edition), 22 November 1949
3711. [L]Emilio Cecchi to Orwell, 26 November 1949: editorial summary
3712. [L]Otto G. von Simson to Orwell, 27 November 1949: editorial summary
3713. [L]Nancy Parratt to Orwell, 8 December 1949: editorial summary
3714. [L]Telegram to Harry Roskolenko, 13 December 1949
3715. [L]Desmond MacCarthy to Orwell, 29 December 1949: editorial summary
3716. [L]Sonia Orwell to Yvonne Davet, 6 January 1950
3717. [L]Donald Brace to Fredric Warburg, 13 January 1950
3720A. [L]Avril Dunn to David Astor, 18 June 1950
3752. [L]Names originally excluded from Orwell’s List of Crypto-Communists and Fellow-Travellers in 1998 |
3.1 BBC[ | ]
Lady Grigg - 50 / Princess Indira of Kapurthala - 49 / Z.A. Bokhari - 48 / Shridhar Telkar - 47 / R.R. Desai - 34 / Oliver Bell - 12 / Mulk Raj Anand - 24 / Krishna S. Shelvankar - 12 / Noel Sircar - 16 / Bahadur Singh - 15 / E.M. Forster - 15 / Clemence Dane - 9 / Narayana Menon - 8 / Herbert Read - 8 / Cedric Dover - 13 / M.J. Tambimuttu - 6 / J.F. Horrabin - 11 / Edmund Blunden - 6 / Richard Winstedt - 5 / Naomi Royd-Smith - 5 / B. Sahni - 11 / J. Chinna Durai - 4 / L.A.G. Strong - 4 / R Chatterjee - 4 / Lilia Erulkar - 6 / Norman Marshall - 4 / Venu Chitale - 3 / Inez Holden - 3 / Catherine Lacey - 3 / Stephen Spender - 2 / C.H. Waddington - 2 / Andre van Gysegham - 2 / H.J. Laski - 2 / T.H. Pear - 2 / J.C. Flugel - 1 / C. W. Valentine - 1 / D. W. Harding - 1 / Susan Isaacs - 1 / George Yeh - 1 / T.C. Worsley - 1 / G.M. Young - 1 / Franklin Kidd - 1 / V.E. Yarsley - 1 / Zahra Taki - 1 / Lester Powell - 1 / Ethel Mannin - 1 / Tom Driberg - 1 / Marjorie Leaf - 2 / Evangeline Dora Edwards - 1 / E.D. Edwards - 2 / Viscountess Rhondda - 1 / Mrs Bentwieh - 1 / Lord Winterton - 1 / Arthur Greenwood - 1 / George Strauss - 1 / Wilfrid Roberts - 1 / Eleanor Rathbone - 1 / Edith Summerskill - 1 / Quintin Hogg - 2 / John Macmurray - 1 / Dr Edwards - 1 / G.V. Desani - 1 / Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah - 1 / Stephen King-Hall - 1 / Raymond Mortimer - 1 / Reginald Reynolds - 2 / James Stephens - 2 / P.B. Seal - 1 / S. Lall - 1 / B.N. Mukerjee - 2 / Sirdar Iqbal’Ali Shah - 5 / H. Umrigar - 2 / Aziz-ul-Huque - 6 / J.B.S. Haldane - 2 / Richard Titmuss - 1 / C.D. Darlington - 2 / Joseph Needham - 1 / Rebecca West - 1 / Ellen Wilkinson - 1 / Martin Armstrong - 1 / Henry Treece - 1 / W.J. Turner - 3 / Roger Falk - 3 / David Cecil - 1 / Alan Rook - 1 / Cherry Cottrell - 1 / J.C. Drummond - 1 / John Russell - 2 / John Lehmann - 1 / E.F.W. MacKenzie - 2 / L.P. Garrod - 1 / C.M. Fletcher - 1 / Bryan Brooke - 1
Copy 792. [B] Literary Criticism I: ‘The Frontiers of Art and Propaganda’, 30 April 1941
797. [B] Literary Criticism II: ‘Tolstoy and Shakespeare’, 7 May 1941
800. [B] Literary Criticism III: ‘The Meaning of a Poem’, 14 May 1941
804. [B] Literary Criticism IV: ‘Literature and Totalitarianism’, 21 May 1941
815. [B] ‘What’s Wrong with the Modern Short Story?’, 16 June 1941; editorial note
845. [B]BBC Induction Course, 18–30 August 1941
846. [B]BBC Overseas Service
847. [B]BBC Networks and Staffs for Overseas Broadcasts
859. [B]BBC Talks Booking Forms, 2 October 1941: P. B. Seal, 10.10.41; P. Chatterjee, 26.10.41
867. [B]TBF, 13 October 1941: M. J. Tambimuttu, 17.10.41
869. [B] ‘From Colliery to Kitchen’, 21 October 1941: editorial summary
871. [B]TBF, 24 October 1941: Venu Chitale, 24.10.41
874. [B]TBF, 30 October 1941: N.°Tambimuttu, 31.10.41
876. [B]TBF, 3 November 1941: S. Telkar, 4.11.41
877. [B]TBF, 3 November 1941: H. Umrigar, 27.11.41
881. [B]TBF, 15 November 1941: S. M. Telkar, 17.11.41
882. [B]Eastern Service Meeting, 19 November 1941: editorial summary
888. [B]TBF, 26 November 1941: P. Chatterjee, 30.11.41
890. [B]TBF, 26 November 1941: S. M. Telkar, 1.12.41
892. [B]Newsletters, News Reviews, and News Commentaries: editorial note
894. [B]TBF, 2 December 1941: Noel Sircar, 5.12.41
895. [B]TBF, 2 December 1941: S. M. Telkar, 8.12.41
896. [B]Eastern Service Meeting, 10 December 1941
897. [B]TBF, 10 December 1941: S. Lall, 18.12.41
898. [B]TBF, 10 December 1941: S. M. Telkar, 13.12.41
899. [B]TBF, 14 December 1941: M. Tambimuttu, 21.12.41
900. [B]TBF, 17 December 1941: N. B. Mukerjee, 17.12.41
901. [B]TBF, 19 December 1941: Bahadur Singh, 25.12.41
902. [B]TBF, 19 December 1941: S. Telkar, 22.12.41
906. [B]TBF, 23 December 1941: P. Chatterjee, 23.12.41
907. [B]TBF, 23 December 1941: Noel Sircar, 26.12.41
911. [B]TBF, 29 December 1941: D. V. Tahmankar, 30.12.41
912. [B]TBF, 29 December 1941: Shridhar Telkar, 29.12.41
914. [B]TBF, 1 January 1942: Venu Chitale, 1.1.42
915. [B]Weekly News Review, 4, 3 January 1942
916. [B]TBF, 5 January 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 5 and 12.1.42
917. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Paper is Precious’, 8 January 1942
918. [B]Weekly News Review, 5, 10 January 1942
920. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Cable to Chunking’, I4 January 1942: editorial note
921. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘The Meaning of Scorched Earth’, 15 January 1942: editorial note
922. [B]TBF, 15 January 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 19 and 26.1.42
923. [B]Weekly News Review, 6, 17 January 1942
927. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Money and Guns’, 20 January 1942
931. [B]TBF, 21 January 1942: J. Chinna Durai, 21.1.42
932. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘British Rations and the Submarine War’, 22 January 1942
935. [B]Weekly News Review, 7, 24 January 1942
940. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘The Meaning of Sabotage’, 29 January 1942
942. [B]TBF, 30 January 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 10 and 24.2.42
943. [B]TBF, 30 January 1942: Hsiao Ch’ien, 26.2.42
944. [B]TBF, 30 January 1942: Sir Hari Singh Gour, 2.2.42
945. [B]TBF, 30 January 1942: Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 5.2.42
946. [B]Newsletter, 8, 31 January 1942
949. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘The Next Three Months’, 1 February 1942
953. [B]TBF, 3 February 1942: Herbert Read, 3.2.42
954. [B]TBF, 5 February 1942: J. F. Horrabin, 18 and 25.2.42; 11 and 25.3.42
955. [B]TBF, 5 February 1942: Herbert Read, 10.2.42
956. [B]TBF, 5 February 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 16 and 23.2.42; 2.3.42
957. [B]TBF, 5 February 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 12.2.42
960. [B]TBF, 6 February 1942: M. Myat Tun, 5.2.42
961. [B]Weekly News Review, 9, 7 February 1942
967. [B]Memorandum from Eastern Service Director to Indian Programme Organiser, 10 February 1942
968. [B]Meeting with Secretary of State for India, 12–16 February 1942
970. [B]Newsletter, 10, 14 February 1942
975. [B]TBF, 17 February 1942: Hsiao Ch’ien, 5.3.42
976. [B]TBF, 17 February 1942: Cedric Dover, 19 and 25.2.42
979. [B]TBF, 20 February 1942: Sirdar Iqbal ’ Ali Shah, 20.2.42
980. [B]Newsletter, 11, 21 February 1942
981. [B]Newspaper column: ‘India Next’, 22 February 1942
982. [B]TBF, 23 February 1942: Noel Sircar, recorded 20.2.42
983. [B]TBF, 24 February 1942: Lady Grigg, 4, 11, 18, and 25.3.42
984. [B]Additional Vernacular Newsletters
986. [B]TBF, 25 February 1942: R. R. Desai, 2.3.42
987. [B]TBF, 25 February 1942: S. M. Telkar, 5.3.42
988. [B]TBF, 26 February 1942: Cedric Dover, 4.3.42
992. [B]Newsletter, 12, 28 February 1942
994. [B]TBF, 28 February 1942: Lilla Erulkar, 6.3.42
995. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 1, 2 March 1942: editorial note
998. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 1, 5 March 1942: editorial note
1001. [B]TBF, 5 March 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 15, 22, 29.3.42; 5.4.42
1002. [B]TBF, 5 March 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 9.3.42
1003. [B]TBF, 5 March 1942: Sujata Khanna, 20.3.42
1004. [B]TBF, 5 March 1942: S. M. Telkar, 24.3.42
1008. [B]TBF, 6 March 1942: R. R. Desai, 9.3.42
1009. [B]TBF, 6 March 1942: S. M. Telkar, 12.3.42
1010. [B]News Review, 13, 7 March 1942
1011. [B]Hindustani Version of Bengali and English Newsletters, 7 March 1942: editorial note
1012. [B]Newspaper column: ‘Mood of the Moment’, 8 March 1942
1013. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 2, 9 March 1942
1014. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘The Re-discovery of Europe’, 10 March 1942 (with letters by Robert Nichols and H. G. Wells)
1017. [B]TBF, 10 March 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 16, 23, and 30.3.42; and 6.4.42
1019. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 2, 12 March 1942
1021. [B]TBF, 13 March 1942: R. R. Desai, 16.3.42
1022. [B]Weekly News Review, 14, 14 March 1942
1028. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 3, 16 March 1942
1034. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: Cyril Connolly, 31.3.42
1035. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: R. R. Desai, 23.3.42
1036. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: Cedric Dover, recorded 26.3.42
1037. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: C. E. M. Joad, recorded 30.3.42
1038. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: Herbert Read, 7.4.42
1039. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: Stephen Spender, 17.3.42
1040. [B]TBF, 17 March 1942: C. H. Waddington, 24.3.42
1041. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 3, 19 March 1942
1044. [B]Weekly News Review, 15, 21 March 1942
1045. [B]TBF, 21 March 1942: R. R. Desai, 30.3.42
1048. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 4, 23 March 1942
1050. [B]TBF, 24 March 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 25.3.42; 1, 2, and 29.4.42
1053. [B]TBF, 25 March 1942: Cedric Dover, recorded 27.3.42
1054. [B]TBF, 25 March 1942: S. M. Telkar, 26.3.42
1055. [B]Marathi Newsletters, 4–11: editorial note
1063. [B]TBF, 27 March 1942: J. Chinna Durai, 28.3.42
1065. [B]Weekly News Review, 16, 28 March 1942
1066. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 5, 30 March 1942
1071. [B]TBF, 31 March 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 12.4.42
1072. [B]TBF, 31 March 1942: Cedric Dover, 7.4.42
1074. [B]TBF, 1 April 1942: R. R. Desai, 6.4.42
1076. [B]TBF, 2 April 1942: E. M. Forster, 29.4.42, 27.5.42, 24.6.42
1078. [B]TBF, 3 April 1942: R. U. Hingorani, 3.4.42
1081. [B]News Review, 17, 4 April 1942
1082. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 6, 6 April 1942
1086. [B]TBF, 7 April 1942: Jack Common, 8 and 15.4.42
1087. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Mrs Bentwich, 29.4.42
1088. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Arthur Calder-Marshall, 14.4.42
1089. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Lady Grigg, 6, 13, 20 and 27.5.42
1090. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 20 and 27.4.42; 4.5.42
1091. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 5.5.42
1092. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: S. Telkar, 14 and 21.4.42
1093. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: S. Telkar, 30.4.42
1094. [B]TBF, 9 April 1942: Rebecca West, 22.4.42
1099. [B]Weekly News Review, 11 April 1942: editorial note
1101. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 7, 13 April 1942
1104. [B]TBF, 15 April 1942: R. R. Desai, 13, 20, and 27.4.42; 4, 11, 18, and 25.5.42
1105. [B]News Review, 18, 18 April 1942
1107. [B]Newspaper column: ‘Mood of the Moment’, 19 April 1942
1109. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 8, 20 April 1942
1110. [B]TBF, 22 April 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, recorded 21.4.42
1111. [B]TBF, 22 April 1942: S. Telkar, 23.4.42
1112. [B]TBF, 23 April 1942: Bhupen Mukerjee, 25.4.42
1113. [B]TBF, 23 April 1942: Viscountess Rhondda, 6.5.42
1114. [B]TBF, 24 April 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 24.4.42
1115. [B]“Birthdays of the Week”: Sir Stafford Cripps, Shakespeare, Hitler, 24 April 1942: editorial summary
1116. [B]News Review, 19, 25 April 1942
1120. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 9, 27 April 1942
1126. [B]TBF, 29 April 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 11, 18, and 25.5.42; 1.6.42
1127. [B]TBF, 29 April 1942: Doulat Nanavati, 16.5.42
1128. [B]TBF, 29 April 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 12.5.42
1129. [B]TBF, 29 April 1942: M.J. Tambimuttu, 19.5.42
1132. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 10, 4 May 1942
1138. [B]TBF, 6 May 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 27.5.42; 3, 10, 17, and 24.6.42; 1.7.42
1139. [B]TBF, 6 May 1942: Hsiao Ch’ien, 19 and 26.5.42
1140. [B]TBF, 6 May 1942: Bahadur Singh, 2.7.42
1144. [B]TBF, 7 May 1942: Lady Grigg, 3, 10, 17, and 24.6.42
1145. [B]Laurence Brander’s Reports from India on “Through Eastern Eyes”, 12 May and 15 June 1942: editorial summary
1150. [B]Weekly News Review, 21, 9 May 1942
1152. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 11, 11 May 1942
1156. [B]TBF, 12 May 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 15.5.42
1157. [B]TBF, 13 May 1942: Cedric Dover, recorded 5.5.42
1158. [B]TBF, 13 May 1942: Cedric Dover, 5.5.42
1159. [B]TBF, 13 May 1942: Kingsley Martin, 15.5.42
1162. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: V. G. Childe, 2.6.42
1163. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: J. G. Crowther, 7.7.42
1164. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: A. C. G. Egerton, 16.6.42
1165. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: L. Haden Guest, 1.7.42
1166. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: Inez Holden, 17.6.42
1167. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: A. E. Manderson, 3.6.42
1168. [B]TBF, 14 May 1942: Joseph Needham, 23.6.42
1173. [B]Weekly News Review, 22, 16 May 1942
1175. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 12, 18 May 1942
1177. [B]TBF, 18 May 1942: Clemence Dane, 3.6.42
1178. [B]TBF, 18 May 1942: Narayana Menon, 26.5.42; 9.6.42
1179. [B]TBF, 18 May 1942: B. N. Mukerjee, 6.6.42
1185. [B]TBF, 20 May 1942: Sir Aziz ul Huque, 21.5.42; and editorial note
1186. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 12, 21 May 1942
1188. [B]Weekly News Review, 23, 23 May 1942
1190. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 13, 25 May 1942
1191. [B]TBF, 26 May 1942: J. B. S. Haldane, recorded 22.5.42
1192. [B]TBF, 26 May 1942: R. R. Desai, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.6.42
1194. [B]News Review, 24, 30 May 1942: editorial note
1196. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 14, 1 June 1942
1197. [B]TBF, 2 June 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 8, 15, 22, and 29.6.42
1198. [B]TBF, 3 June 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 5.6.42; with ensuing correspondence
1202. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: C. D. Darlington, 7.7.42
1203. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: J. A. Lauwreys, 9.6.42
1204. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Reginald Reynolds, 12 and 19.6.42
1205. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Sir John Russell, 26.6.42
1206. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 16.6.42
1207. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Richard Titmuss, 3.7.42
1208. [B]TBF, 4 June 1942: Diana Wong, 25.6.42
1210. [B]Weekly News Review, 25, for 6 June 1942 (not transmitted)
1212. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 15, 8 June 1942
1219. [B]Weekly News Review, 26, 13 June 1942
1222. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 16, 15 June 1942
1228. [B]Weekly News Review, 27, 20 June 1942: editorial note
1229. [B]TBF, 20 June 1942: Lady Grigg, 1, 8, 15, and 29.7.42
1230. [B]TBF, 20 June 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 6, 13, 20, and 27.7.42
1232. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 17, 22 June 1942
1233. [B]TBF, 22 June 1942: R. R. Desai, 6, 13, 20, and 27.7.42
1234. [B]TBF, 22 June 1942: M.J. Tambimuttu, 23.6.42
1235. [B]TBF, 22 June 1942: S. Telkar, 22.6.42
1244. [B]TBF, 24 June 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 26.6.42
1245. [B]TBF, 24 June 1942: E. M. Forster, 22.7.42, 19.8.42, 16.9.42, 14.10.42
1249. [B]TBF, 26 June 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 8, 15, and 22.7.42
1250. [B]TBF, 26 June 1942: Clemence Dane, 1 and 8.7.42
1251. [B]TBF, 26 June 1942: André van Gyseghem, 15.7.42
1252. [B]TBF, 26 June 1942: Bhupen Mukerjee, 27.6.42
1254. [B]Weekly News Review, 28, 27 June 1942: editorial note
1255. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 18, 29 June 1942: editorial note
1259. [B]TBF, 3 July 1942: C. D. Darlington, 7.7.42
1260. [B]TBF, 3 July 1942: Bahadur Singh, 14.7.42
1263. [B]News Review, 29, 4 July 1942: editorial note
1265. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 19, 6 July 1942: editorial note
1267. [B]News Review, 30, 11 July 1942: editorial note
1268. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 11 July 1942: editorial note
1271. [B]A.M. Ashraf’s Broadcasts: editorial summary
1272. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 20, 13 July 1942
1277. [B]TBF, 13 July 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 18 and 25.7.42; 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.8.42; 5, 12, 19, and 26.9.42; 3.10.42
1283. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 30.7.42
1284. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: R. R. Desai, 13.8.42
1285. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: R. R. Desai, 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.8.42; 7, 14, 21, and 28.9.42
1286. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: L. F. Easterbrook, 14.8.42; with editorial summary of forms for Sir John Russell, J. B. S. Haldane, and C. H. Waddington
1287. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Lady Grigg, 5, 12, 19, and 26.8.42
1288. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 25.7.42
1289. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.8.42
1290. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: Noel Sircar, 28.7.42; 25.8.42
1291. [B]TBF, 15 July 1942: S. Telkar, 29.7.42; 5, 12, and 19.8.42
1292. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 20, 16 July 1942
1297. [B]TBF, I7 July 1942: Cedric Dover, 20.8.42
1298. [B]TBF, I7 July 1942: J. Chinna Durai, 6.8.42
1299. [B]Weekly News Review, 31, 18 July 1942
1300. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 1, 18 July 1942
1304. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 21, 20 July 1942
1307. [B]TBF, 21 July 1942: E. C. Bowyer, 31.7.42
1308. [B]TBF, 21 July 1942: Peter Masefield, 31.7.42
1310. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 21, 23 July 1942
1321. [B]TBF, 23 July 1942: Narayana Menon, 31.7.42
1324. [B]Weekly News Review, 32, 25 July 1942
1325. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 2, 25 July 1942
1330. [B]TBF, 25 July 1942: Wickham Steed, 7.8.42
1332. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 22, 27 July 1942
1339. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 22, 30 July 1942; with editorial note
1342. [B]TBF, 31 July 1942: Narayana Menon, 31.7.42
1344. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 3, 1 August 1942
1347. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 23, 3 August 1942
1349. [B]TBF, 3 August 1942: J. F. Horrabin, 7, 14, 21, and 28.8.42
1352. [B]TBF, 4 August 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 11.8.42
1353. [B]TBF, 4 August 1942: Inez Holden, 11.8.42
1354. [B]TBF, 4 August 1942: Herbert Read, 11.8.42
1357. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 23, 6 August 1942
1364. [B]News Review, 34, 8 August 1942
1365. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 4, 8 August 1942
1368. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 24, 10 August 1942
1373. [B]‘Voice,’ 1: A Magazine Programme, 11 August 1942
1381. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 24, 13 August 1942
1384. [B]TBF, 13 August 1942: M. R. Kothari, 6, 13, and 20.8.42
1388. [B]Weekly News Review, 35, 15 August 1942
1389. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 5, 15 August 1942
1390. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 25, 17 August 1942
1400. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 25, 20 August 1942
1403. [B]News Review, 36, 22 August 1942
1404. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 6, 22 August 1942
1405. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 7, 14, 21, and 28.9.42
1406. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: Harold Laski, 4.9.42
1407. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: J. M. Tambimuttu, 10.9.42
1408. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.9.42
1409. [B]TBF, 22 August 1942: T. C. Worsley, 11.9.42
1412. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 26, 24 August 1942
1416. [B]TBF, 25 August 1942: Lady Grigg, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.9.42
1417. [B]TBF, 25 August 1942: M. R. Kothari, 27.8.42
1418. [B]TBF, 25 August 1942: Narayana Menon, 25.8.42
1422. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 26, 27 August 1942
1423. [B]“Service to India”, 27 August 1942
1427. [B]News Review, 37, 29 August 1942
1428. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 7, 29 August 1942
1431. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 27, 31 August 1942; with editorial note
1434. [B]TBF, 31 August 1942: Clemence Dane, recorded 28.8.42
1435. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, recorded 2.9.42
1436. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: Cedric Dover, 8.9.42
1437. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: Lilla Erulkar, 8.9.42
1438. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: Sidney Horniblow, 4, 11, 18, and 25.9.42; 2 and 9.10.42
1439. [B]TBF, 1 September 1942: Noel Sircar, 8.9.42
1441. [B]TBF, 2 September 1942: M. R. Kothari, 3.9.42
1442. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 27, 3 September 1942
1445. [B]News Review, 38, 5 September 1942
1446. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 8, 5 September 1942
1448. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 28, 7 September 1942
1449. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 8.9.42
1450. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Edmund Blunden, 8.9.42
1451. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Cedric Dover, 1 and 8.10.42
1452. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5, 12, 19, and 26.10.42
1453. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Ethel Mannin, 25.9.42
1454. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Narayana Menon, 17.9.42
1455. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Herbert Read, 8.9.42
1456. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 24.9.42
1457. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Bahadur Singh, 3 and 31.10.42
1458. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Noel Sircar, 10.10 and 7.11.42
1459. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 26.9 and 24.10.42
1460. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 7, 14, 21, and 28.10.42
1461. [B]TBF, 7 September 1942: G. Woodcock, 8.9.42
1464. [B]‘Voice,’2: A Magazine Programme, 8 September 1942
1469. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 9 September 1942
1470. [B]TBF, 9 September 1942: M. R. Kothari, 10.9.42
1471. [B]TBF, 9 September 1942: Ellen Wilkinson, 14.10.42
1472. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 28, 10 September 1942
1476. [B]TBF, 10 September 1942: Narayana Menon, 9.9.42
1478. [B]News Review, 39, 12 September 1942
1479. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 9, 12 September 1942
1482. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 29, 14 September 1942
1493. [B]TBF, 16 September 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 18.9.42
1494. [B]TBF, 16 September 1942: M. R. Kothari, 17.9.42
1495. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 29, 17 September 1942
1498. [B]News Review, 40, 19 September 1942
1499. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 10, 19 September 1942
1500. [B]TBF, 19 September 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 12, 19, and 26.9.42
1502. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 21 September 1942
1505. [B]TBF, 21 September 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, recorded 22.9.42
1511. [B]Marathi Newsletter, 30, 24 September 1942 (and editorial note)
1513. [B]TBF, 25 September 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 10, 17, 24, and 31.10.42
1515. [B]News Review, 41, 26 September 1942
1516. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 11, 26 September 1942
1517. [B]TBF, 26 September 1942: Lady Grigg, 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.10.42
1518. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 31, 28 September 1942
1524. [B]TBF, 29 September 1942: Clemence Dane, recorded 2.10.42
1525. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 30 September 1942
1532. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 15.10.42
1533. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: E. C. Bowyer, 23.10.42
1534. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: C. H. Desch, 9.10.42
1535. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: J. F. Horrabin, 16.10.42
1536. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 22.10.42
1537. [B]TBF, 1 October 1942: Zahra Taki, 2.10.42
1538. [B]Weekly News Review, 42, 3 October 1942
1539. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 12, 3 October 1942
1540. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 32, 5 October 1942
1543. [B]TBF, 5 October 1942: Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 10.11 and 8.12.42
1544. [B]TBF, 5 October 1942: R. Desai, 29.10.42
1545. [B]TBF, 5 October 1942: R. U. Hingorani, recorded 5.10.42
1547. [B]‘Voice,’ 3: A Magazine Programme, 6 October 1942
1548. [B]TBF, 6 October 1942: Herbert Read, 6.10.42
1549. [B]TBF, 6 October 1942: Stephen Spender, 6.10.42
1559. [B]News Review, 43, 10 October 1942
1560. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 13, 10 October 1942
1563. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 33, 12 October 1942
1568. [B]TBF, 13 October 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 20.10 and 11.11.42
1569. [B]TBF, 13 October 1942: F. Kidd, 20.10.42
1570. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 14 October 1942
1579. [B]News Review, 44, 17 October 1942
1580. [B]News in Bengali, 14, 17 October 1942
1584. [B]Broadcast (USA): ‘Answering You,’ 65, 18 October 1942
1586. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 34, 19 October 1942
1589. [B]TBF, 19 October 1942: Clemence Dane, 5 and 20.8.42
1594. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 6, 13, 20, and 27.11.42 and 4, 11, and 18.12.42
1595. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 3.12.42
1596. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Ritchie Calder, 17.11.42
1597. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: R. R. Desai, 5, 12, 19.10.42
1598. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: R. R. Desai, 19.11.42
1599. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Cedric Dover, 5.11.42
1600. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: E.M. Forster, 11.11.42, 9.12.42, 6.1.43, and 3.2.43
1601. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Lady Grigg, 4, 11, 18, and 25.11.42
1602. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.11.42
1603. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: K. S. Shelvankar, 12.11.42 and 17.12.42
1604. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Noel Sircar, 17.11.42 and 15.12.42
1605. [B]TBF, 20 October 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 4, 11, 18, and 25.11.42
1608. [B]Weekly News Review, 45, 24 October 1942
1609. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 15, 24 October 1942
1611. [B]TBF, 24 October 1942: R. R. Desai, 26.10.42
1612. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 35, 26 October 1942
1616. [B]TBF, 27 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 6.10.42
1618. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 28 October 1942
1620. [B]TBF, 29 October 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 3.11.42
1621. [B]TBF, 29 October 1942: E. M. Forster, 6.11.42
1622. [B]TBF, 29 October 1942: Herbert Read, 3.11.42
1625. [B]Weekly News Review in English, 46, 31 October 1942
1626. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 16, 31 October 1942
1627. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 36, 2 November 1942
1629. [B]TBF, 2 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 2.11.42
1630. [B]‘Voice,’ 4: A Magazine Programme, 3 November 1942
1634. [B]TBF, 4 November 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 7, 14, 21, and 28.11.42
1635. [B]TBF, 4 November 1942: Henry Treece, recorded 3.11.42
1640. [B]TBF, 6 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 9.11.42
1641. [B]Weekly News Review, 47, 7 November 1942
1642. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 17, 7 November 1942
1644. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 37, 9 November 1942
1646. [B]TBF, 10 November 1942: Jon Kimche, 10.11.42
1650. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 11 November 1942
1651. [B]TBF, 11 November 1942: K. K. Ardaschir, 13.11.42
1652. [B]TBF, 12 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 16.11.42
1653. [B]TBF, 12 November 1942: Norman Marshall, 13, 20, and 27.11.42 and 4, 11, and 18.12.42
1656. [B]Weekly News Review, 48, 14 November 1942
1657. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 18, 14 November 1942
1659. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 38, 16 November 1942
1662. [B]TBF, 16 November 1942: Keidrych Rhys, 13.11.42
1663. [B]Memorandum on News Commentaries in English for Malaya, 16 November 1942
1671. [B]News Commentary, 48, 21 November 1942
1672. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 19, 21 November 1942
1678. [B]TBF, 21 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 23.11.42
1679. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 39, 23 November 1942
1681. [B]TBF, 23 November 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 5, 12, 19, and 26.12.42
1684. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 1.12.42
1685. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: R. R. Desai, 7, 14, 21, and 28.12.42
1686. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Lady Grigg, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.12.42
1687. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5, 12, 19, and 26.12.42
1688. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Princes Indira of Kapurthala, 7, 14, 21, and 28.12.42
1689. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Narayana Menon, 1.12.42
1690. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Herbert Read, 1.12.42
1691. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 2, 9, 16, 24, and 31.12.42
1692. [B]TBF, 24 November 1942: V. E. Yarsley, 15.12.42
1697. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 9, 27 November 1942
1698. [B]Weekly News Review, 49, 28 November 1942
1699. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 20, 28 November 1942
1703. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 40, 30 November 1942
1708. [B]TBF, 1 December 1942: Lady Peel, 18.12.42
1709. [B]TBF, 1 December 1942: M.J. Tambimuttu, 1.12.42
1716. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 10, 4 December 1942
1719. [B]Weekly News Review, 50, 5 December 1942
1720. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 21, 5 December 1942
1722. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 41, 7 December 1942
1726. [B]TBF, 8 December 1942: Lilla Erulkar, 12.1.43
1731. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 11, 11 December 1942
1734. [B]English News Commentary, 51, 12 December 1942
1735. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 22, 12 December 1942
1736. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 42, 14 December 1942
1740. [B]TBF, 14 December 1942: Edmund Blunden, 25.12.42; 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.1.43
1741. [B]TBF, 14 December 1942: E. M. Forster, 25.12.42
1742. [B]TBF, 15 December 1942: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 12.1.43
1749. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 12, 18 December 1942
1751. [B]English News Commentary, 52, 19 December 1942
1752. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 23, 19 December 1942
1754. [B]TBF, 19 December 1942: R. R. Desai, 21 and 28.12.42
1755. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 43, 21 December 1942
1760. [B]Talk by Eileen Blair for Kitchen Front Broadcasts, 23 December 1942
1761. [B]TBF, 22 December 1942: Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 29.12.42 and 26.1.43
1762. [B]TBF, 22 December 1942: Mulk Raj Anand, 29.12.42
1763. [B]TBF, 22 December 1942: Lady Grigg, 6, 13, 20, and 27.1.43
1764. [B]TBF, 22 December 1942: Herbert Read, 29.12.42
1767. [B]TBF, 23 December 1942: Shridhar Telkar, 7, 14, 21, and 28.1.43
1770. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 13, 25 December 1942
1771. [B]English News Commentary, 53, 26 December 1942
1772. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 24, 26 December 1942
1773. [B]Gujarati Newsletter, 44, 28 December 1942
1775. [B]TBF, 28 December 1942: Edmund Blunden, 8.1.43
1776. [B]TBF, 28 December 1942: S. K. Das Gupta, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.1.43
1777. [B]TBF, 28 December 1942: W.J. Turner, 29.1.43
1778. [B]‘Voice,’ 6: A Magazine Programme, 29 December 1942
1790. [B]TBF, 31 December 1942: E. C. Bowyer, 22, 29.1.43, and 5, 12, 19, and 26.2.43
1792. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 14, 1 January 1943
1793. [B]News Review, 54, 2 January 1943
1794. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 25, 2 January 1943
1800. [B]TBF, 5 January 1943: Bahadur Singh, 13.1.43
1801. [B]TBF, 5 January 1943: Marjorie Leaf, 13 and 20.1.43
1804. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 6 January 1943
1805. [B]‘Introduction to Calling All Students,’ 3, 8 January 1943
1806. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 15, 8 January 1943
1808. [B]Weekly News Review, 55, 9 January 1943
1809. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 26, 9 January 1943
1817. [B]TBF, 13 January 1943: Bahadur Singh, 20.1.43
1818. [B]TBF, 13 January 1943: E.D. Edwards, 27.1.43
1822. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 16, 15 January 1943
1825. [B]Weekly News Review, 53, 16 January 1943
1826. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 27, 16 January 1943
1832. [B]Memorandum from Miss Blackburn to L. F. Rushbrook Williams: Bengali Newsletters, c. 20 January 1943
1834. [B]TBF, 21 January 1943: T. S. Eliot, 12.2.43
1835. [B]TBF, 21 January 1943: V. S. Pritchett, 26.2.43
1836. [B]TBF, 21 January 1943: Herbert Read, 5, 12, 19, 26.2.43 and 5, 12.3.43
1837. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 17, 22 January 1943
1838. [B]Calling All Students, 5: George Bernard Shaw, Arms and the Man, 22 January 1943
1840. [B]TBF, 22 January 1943: Sir Wyndham Deedes, 23.1.43
1843. [B]TBF, 25 January 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 25.1.43
1844. [B]TBF, 25 January 1943: P. Chatterjee, 6 and 13.2.43
1846. [B]TBF, 26 January 1943: K. K. Ardaschir, 12.3.43
1847. [B]TBF, 26 January 1943: Lady Grigg, 3, 10, 17, and 24.2.43
1848. [B]TBF, 26 January 1943: Shridhar Telkar, 3, 10, 17, and 24.2.43
1850. [B]TBF, 27 January 1943: Catherine Lacey, 10.2.43
1852. [B]TBF, 28 January 1943: Naomi Royde-Smith, 17.2.43, 17.3.43, and 21.4.43
1857. [B]TBF, 30 January 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 1.2.43
1861. [B]TBF, 1 February 1943: N. Gangulee, 3 and 17.2.43; 3 and 17.3.43
1862. [B]TBF, 2 February 1943: Mrs K. C. Roy, 10 and 24.2.43; 10 and 24.3.43
1864. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 3 February 1943
1865. [B]TBF, 3 February 1943: Bahadur Singh, 10.2.43
1870. [B]TBF, 4 February 1943: Sir Aziz-ul-Huque, 23.2.43
1871. [B]TBF, 4 February 1943: E.M. Forster, 3.3.43 and 7.4.43
1873. [B]TBF, 5 February 1943: Indira Roy, 9.2.43
1874. [B]TBF, 5 February 1943: Lilla Erulkar, 9.2.43
1878. [B]TBF, 8 February 1943: Oliver Bell, 24.2.43
1885. [B]TBF, 13 February 1943: Bahadur Singh, 24.2.43
1890. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 21, 19 February 1943
1892. [B]TBF, 19 February 1943: E. M. Forster, 3.3.43
1893. [B]TBF, 19 February 1943: E. M. Forster, 31.3.43
1894. [B]TBF, 19 February 1943: Stephen King-Hall, 22.2.43
1895. [B]Weekly News Review, 57, 20 February 1943
1896. [B]Bangali Newsletter, 32, 20 February 1943
1907. [B]TBF, 25 February 1943: Lady Grigg, 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31.3.43
1908. [B]TBF, 25 February 1943: Desmond Hawkins, 2.3.43
1909. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 22 and 26 February 1943
1910. [B]TBF, 26 February 1943: Shridhar Telkar, 4, 18, and 25.3.43
1911. [B]Weekly News Review, 58, 27 February 1943
1912. [B]Bengali Newsletter, 33, 27 February 1943
1915. [B]Speaker’s Form: Mrs K. C. Roy, 27 February 1943
1919. [B]TBF, 1 March 1943: Bahadur Singh, 3.3.43
1920. [B]TBF, 1 March 1943: Catherine Lacey, 10.3.43
1921. [B]TBF, 1 March 1943: Lester Powell, 11.3.43
1924. [B]TBF, 3 March 1943: Herbert Read, 5.3.43
1925. [B]TBF, 3 March 1943: J. Chinna Durai, ex-gratia payment
1928. [B]New Marathi General Assistant (Venu Chitale), 4 March 1943
1931. [B]TBF, 4 March 1943: Tom Driberg, 8.3.43
1932. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 23, 5 March 1943
1943. [B]TBF, 8 March 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 8, 15, and 22.2.43; 1. 15. 22, and 29.3.43
1944. [B]TBF, 8 March 1943: Bahadur Singh, 10.3.43
1950. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 24, 12 March 1943
1951. [B]TBF, 12 March 1943: E. D. Edwards, 31.3.43
1952. [B]Weekly News Review, 59, 13 March 1943
1956. [B]TBF, 16 March 1943: Oliver Bell, 24.3.43
1957. [B]TBF, 16 March 1943: T. S. Eliot, 1.4.43
1958. [B]TBF, 16 March 1943: N. Gangulee and Shridhar Telkar, 17, 24, and 31.3.43
1959. [B]TBF, 16 March 1943: Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, 26.3.43
1962. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 17 March 1943
1965. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 25, 19 March 1943
1969. [B]TBF, 24 March 1943: Quintin Hogg, 5.4.43
1972. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 26, 26 March 1943
1976. [B]TBF, 27 March 1943: G. V. Desani, 9.4.43
1977. [B]TBF, 27 March 1943: N. Gangulee and Shridhar Telkar, 7, 14, and 21.4.43; Mrs K. C. Roy, 7 and 21.4.43
1978. [B]TBF, 27 March 1943: Lady Grigg, 7, 14, 21, and 28.4.43
1979. [B]TBF, 27 March 1943: Shridhar Telkar, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.4.43
1981. [B]TBF, 29 March 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 5, 12, 19, and 26.4.43
1982. [B]TBF, 29 March 1943: Indira Roy, 6.4.43
1988. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 27, 2 April 1943
1992. [B]TBF, 2 April 1943: E. M. Forster, 28.4.43
2001. [B]TBF, 7 April 1943: Lord Winterton, 3.5.43
2002. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 28, 9 April 1943
2009. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 14 April 1943
2012. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 29, 16 April 1943
2016. [B]TBF, 16 April 1943: Reginald Reynolds, 22.4.43
2018. [B]TBF, 17 April 1943: James Stephens, 27.5.43
2023. [B]TBF, 20 April 1943: Oliver Bell, 28.4.43
2024. [B]Tamil Newsletter, 1, 22 April 1943: with editorial note
2029. [B]TBF, 22 April 1943: K. K. Ardaschir, 6.5.43
2030. [B]TBF, 22 April 1943: Naomi Royde-Smith, 19.5.43, 16.6.43, and 21.7.43
2032. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 30, 23 April 1943
2040. [B]TBF, 23 April 1943: E. D. Edwards, 7.5.43
2046. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 28 April 1943
2047. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 2, 29 April 1943
2048. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 31, 30 April 1943
2051. [B]TBF, 30 April 1943: N. Gangulee and Shridhar Telkar, 5, 12, and 19.5.43; and Mrs K. C. Roy 5 and 19.5.43
2052. [B]TBF, 30 April 1943: Princess Indira of Kapurthala, 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31.5.43
2053. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: Lilla Erulkar, recorded 3.5.43
2054. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: E. M. Forster, 26.5.43
2055. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: Lady Grigg, 5, 12, 19, and 26.5.43
2056. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: Raymond Mortimer, 13.5.43
2057. [B]TBF, 1 May 1943: Shridhar Telkar, 6, 13, 20, and 27.5.43
2061. [B]Tamil Newsletter, 3, 6 May 1943
2062. [B]TBF, 6 May 1943: K. K. Ardaschir, recorded 11.5.43
2063. [B]TBF, 6 May 1943: Arthur Greenwood, 10.5.43
2064. [B]TBF, 6 May 1943: Catherine Lacey, 12.5.43
2065. [B]TBF, 6 May 1943: D. Nanavati, 12.5.43
2066. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 32, 7 May 1943
2072. [B]TBF, 11 May 1943: George Strauss, 17.5.43
2075. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 12 May 1943
2076. [B]News in Tamil, 4, 13 May 1943
2080. [B]TBF, 13 May 1943: Oliver Bell, 26.5.43
2081. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 33, 14 May 1943
2082. [B]TBF, 17 May 1943: Sir Richard Winstedt, 4, 11, 18, and 25.6.43
2083. [B]TBF, 17 May 1943: Sir Richard Winstedt, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.6.43
2087. [B]TBF, 18 May 1943: Wilfrid Roberts, 24.5.43
2089. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 5, 20 May 1943
2090. [B]TBF, 20 May 1943: John Macmurray, 28.5.43
2091. [B]TBF, 20 May 1943: Eleanor Rathbone, 7.6.43
2092. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 34, 21 May 1943
2098. [B]TBF, 25 May 1943: Lady Grigg, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.6.43
2100. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 6, 27 May 1943
2102. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 35, 28 May 1943
2104. [B]TBF, 28 May 1943: Oliver Bell, 23.6.43
2105. [B]TBF, 28 May 1943: Kingsley Martin, 6.7.43
2106. [B]TBF, 28 May 1943: L. A. G. Strong, 4.7.43
2107. [B]TBF, 29 May 1943: N. Gangulee, 2, 9, 17, and 24.6.43; 8.7.43
2108. [B]TBF, 29 May 1943: Mrs K. C. Roy, 2 and 17.6.43
2109. [B]TBF, 29 May 1943: D. Nanavati, 9.6.43
2111. [B]TBF, 31 May 1943: Sir John Russell, 29.7.43
2112. [B]TBF, 31 May 1943: E. F. W. Mackenzie, 19.8.43
2114. [B]TBF, 1 June 1943: E. D. Edwards, 30.6.43
2115. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 7, 3 June 1943
2119. [B]TBF, 3 June 1943: Roger Falk, recorded 9.6.43
2121. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 36, 4 June 1943
2125. [B]TBF, 5 June 1943: W.J. Turner, 10.6.43
2129. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 8, 10 June 1943
2130. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 37, 11 June 1943
2132. [B]TBF, 12 June 1943: Kingsley Martin, 19.6.43
2133. [B] ‘Modern English Verse’, 13 June 1943
2135. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 9, 17 June 1943
2139. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 38, 18 June 1943
2146. [B]TBF, 22 June 1943: Oliver Bell, 28.7.43
2147. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 10, 24 June 1943
2149. [B]TBF, 24 June 1943: Lord David Cecil, 24.6.43
2150. [B]TBF, 24 June 1943: Alan Rook, 11.7.43
2152. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 39, 25 June 1943
2157. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: John Lehmann, 1.8.43
2158. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: E. F.W. Mackenzie, 19.8.43
2159. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: Mrs K. C. Roy, 1 and 8.7.43
2160. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: Sir John Russell, 29.7.43
2161. [B]TBF, 25 June 1943: V. B. Wigglesworth, 12.8.43
2163. [B]TBF, 28 June 1943: Roger Falk, 26.6.43
2167. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 11, 1 July 1943
2170. [B]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 40, 2 July 1943
2173. [B]TBF, 2 July 1943: J. D. S. Paul, 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.7.43
2174. [B]TBF, 2 July 1943: J. C. Drummond, 15.7.43
2177. [B]TBF, 5 July 1943: Cherry Cottrell, 14.7.43
2179. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 7 July 1943
2180. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 12, 8 July 1943
2181. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 1, 9 July 1943
2188. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 13, 15 July 1943
2189. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 2, 16 July 1943
2194. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 14, 22 July 1943
2195. [B]TBF, 22 July 1943: Kingsley Martin, 3.8.43
2196. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 3, 23 July 1943
2202. [B]TBF, 27 July 1943: J. D. S. Paul, 5, 12, 19, and 26.8.43
2203. [B]TBF, 28 July 1943: V. S. Pritchett, 22.8.43
2204. [B]TBF, 28 July 1943: Oliver Bell, 25.8.43
2205. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 15, 29 July 1943
2209. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 4, 30 July 1943
2216. [B]TBF, 3 August 1943: L. P. Garrod, 26.8.43
2219. [B]Replacement of P. Chatterjee for Bengali Newsletter, 4 August 1943
2220. [B]TBF, 4 August 1943: Bryan Brooke, 9.9.43
2221. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 16, 5 August 1943
2223. [B]TBF, undated: Edith Summerskill, 7.8.43
2224. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 5, 6 August 1943
2226. [B]TBF, 6 August 1943: C. M. Fletcher, 2.9.43
2227. [B]TBF, 6 August 1943: Kingsley Martin, 31.8.43
2229. [B]TBF, 10 August 1943: James Stephens, 5.9.43
2231. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 17, 12 August 1943
2235. [B]English Newsletter to Indonesia, 6, 13 August 1943
2241. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 18, 19 August 1943
2242. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 7, 20 August 1943
2249. [B]TBF, 25 August 1943: Quintin Hogg, 28.8.43
2250. [B]TBF, 25 August 1943: Stephen Spender, 19.9.43
2251. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 19, 26 August 1943
2253. [B]TBF, 26 August 1943: Oliver Bell, 22.9.43
2254. [B]News Commentary in English for Indonesia, 8, 27 August 1943
2260. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 1 September 1943
2264. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 9, 3 September 1943
2266. [B]Kingsley Martin and the BBC Eastern Service
2269. [B]TBF, 8 September 1943: P. Chatterjee, 18 and 25.9.43
2275. [B]TBF, 21 September 1943: George Yeh, 20.9.43
2277. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 23, 23 September 1943
2279. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 12, 24 September 1943
2285. [B]TBF, 24 September 1943: Roger Falk, 26.9.43
2286. [B]TBF, 25 September 1943: Oliver Bell, 20.10.43
2290. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 24, 30 September 1943
2291. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 30 September 1943
2292. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 13, 1 October 1943
2295. [B]TBF, 4 October 1943: T. H. Pear, 14.10.43
2301. [B]TBF, 6 October 1943: J. C. Flugel, 21.10.43
2302. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 25, 7 October 1943
2304. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 14, 8 October 1943
2313. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 26, 14 October 1943
2316. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 15, 15 October 1943
2324. [B]TBF, 20 October 1943: Susan Isaacs, 11.11.43
2325. [B]TBF, 20 October 1943: C. W. Valentine, 28.10.43
2326. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 27, 21 October 1943
2329. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 16, 22 October 1943
2332. [B]TBF, 22 October 1943: Oliver Bell, 17.11.43
2334. [B]TBF, 22 October 1943: W. J. Turner, 14.11.43
2335. [B]TBF, 22 October 1943: André Van Gyseghem, 7.11.43
2336. [B]TBF, 22 October 1943: D. W. Harding, 4.11.43
2339. [B]Extracts from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 27 October 1943
2340. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 28, 28 October 1943
2342. [B]TBF, 28 October 1943: L. A. G. Strong, 31.10.43
2343. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 17, 29 October 1943
2344. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 29, 4 November 1943
2345. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 18, 5 November 1943
2348. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 30, 11 November 1943
2351. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 19, 12 November 1943
2353. [B]TBF, 15 November 1943: H. J. Laski, 5.12.43
2358. [B]TBF, 17 November 1943: Oliver Bell, 15.12.43
2362. [B] Newsletter in Tamil, 31, 18 November 1943
2363. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 20, 19 November 1943
2370. [B]Extract from Minutes of Eastern Service Meeting, 24 November 1943 This meeting, which Orwell attended, was held on his last day of service with the BBC
2371. [B]Newsletter in Tamil, 32, 25 November 1943
2373. [B]English Newsletter for Indonesia, 21, 26 November 1943
2497. [B] ‘Political Theories and European Literature’, 28/29 June 1944
2500. [B]BBC Contract for ‘Political Theories and European Literature’, 6 July 1944
2674. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Erewhon by Samuel Butler’, 8 June 1945
2679. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘ The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler’, 15 June 1945
2761. [B]Broadcast Talk: ‘Jack London’, 8 October 1945
2953. [B] The Voyage of the ‘Beagle’, 29 March 1946 |
4 글과 기타[ | ]
Articles and so on |
Copy 1. [PD]St Cyprian’s: preliminary note
23. [P] ‘Awake! Young Men of England’, 2 October 1914
24. [P] ‘Kitchener’, 21 July 1916
25. [P]Criticism of Connolly’s Poem, ‘Kitchener’, [c. 10–16 July 1916]
27. [P] ‘The Vernon Murders’, [1916–1918?]
28. [P]Play (incomplete): ‘The Man and the Maid’, [1916–1918?]
29. [PD]The Election Times, no 4, 3 June 1918: preliminary note
30. [P] ‘The Slack-bob’, 3 June 1918
31. [P]Short Story: ‘The Adventure of the Lost Meat-card’, 3 June 1918
32. [P] ‘A Peep into the Future’, 3 June 1918
33. [P] ‘The Pagan’, [Autumn 1918]
34. [P] ‘Our minds are married but we are too young’, [Christmas 1918]
35. [P] ‘Then up waddled Wog’, [c. 1919]
36. [N]Inscription: ‘E. A. Blair K. S.’ [c. 1919]
37. [PD]College Days, 1919–1920: preliminary note
38. [P] ‘To A. R. H. B.’, 27 June 1919
39. [A]‘Things We Do Not Want to Know’, 29 November 1919
40. [P] ‘Wall Game’, 29 November 1919
41. [P] ‘Eton Masters’ Strike’, 29 November 1919
42. [P] ‘The White Man’s Burden’ (probably illustrated by Bobbie Longden), 29 November 1919
43. [PD]Mock advertisement, 1 April 1920
44. [P] ‘After Twelve’, 1 April 1920
45. [P] ‘Ode to Field Days’, 1 April 1920
46. [P] ‘A Summer Idyll’, 1 April 1920
46A. [PD]Inscription in Copy of Misalliance, June 1920
47. [P] ‘Mr Simpson and the Supernatural’, 4 June 1920
49. [N]Dramatic sketch: ‘Free-will’, 9 July 1920
50. [P] ‘The Photographer’, 9 July 1920
51. [P] ‘The Wounded Cricketer’, 9 July 1920
52. [N]Monologue: ‘Is There Any Truth in Spiritualism?’, 9 July 1920
53. [P] ‘The Cricket Enthusiast’, 9 July 1920
54. [P] ‘The Millionaire’s Pearl’, 9 July 1920
55. [P]Poem (extract): ‘The Youthful Mariner’, 9 July 1920
61. [P] ‘Mr Puffin and the Missing Matches’, [c. 1919–22]
62. [P] ‘Friendship and love’, Summer 1921
63. [PD]Burma, 1922–27: preliminary note
64. [P] ‘Dear Friend: allow me for a little while’, [1922–27?]
65. [P] ‘Romance’, [1922–27?]
66. [P]Draft of poem: ‘When the Franks have lost their sway’, [1922–27?]
67. [P] ‘My love & I walked in the dark’, [1922–27?]
68. [P] ‘Suggested by a Toothpaste Advertisement’, [1922–27?]
69. [P] ‘The Lesser Evil’, [1922–27?]
70. [PD]Preliminaries to Burmese Days: preliminary note
71. [N]John Flory: My Epitaph, [1926–30?]
72. [N]Extract: My Autobiography, [1926–30?]
73. [P]Extract: ‘The Autobiography of John Flory’, [1926–30?]
74. [P] An Incident in Rangoon, [1926–30?]
75. [P]Extract, A Rebuke to the Author, John Flory, [1926–30?]
76. [P]Scenario and Dialogues from an untitled play, [c. 1927–28]
77. [PD]Paris, 1928–1929: preliminary note
78. [P]‘A Short Story: This never happened to me . . .’, [c. 1928–29?]
79. [A] ‘Censorship in England’, 6 October 1928 (French original: 89)
80. [A] ‘A Farthing Newspaper’, 29 December 1928
81. [PD]‘An Inquiry into “Civic Progress” in England: The Plight of the British Workers’: preliminary note
82. [A] ‘Unemployment’, 29 December 1928 (French original: 90)
83. [A] ‘A Day in the Life of a Tramp’, 5 January 1929 (French original: 91)
84. [A] ‘Beggars in London’, 12 January 1929 (French original: 92)
85. [A] ‘John Galsworthy’, 23 March 1929. (French original: 93)
86. [A] ‘How a Nation is Exploited: The British Empire in Burma’, 4 May 1929 (French original: 94)
89. [A] ‘La Censure en Angleterre’, 6 October 1928 (English translation: 79)
90. [A] ‘Le chômage’, 29 December 1928 (English translation: 82)
91. [A] ‘La journée d’un “tramp”’, 5 January 1929 (English translation: 83)
92. [A] ‘Les mendiants de Londres’, 12 January 1929 (English translation: 84)
93. [A] ‘John Galsworthy’, 23 March 1929 (English translation: 85)
94. [A] ‘Comment on exploite un peuple: L’Empire britannique en Birmanie’, 4 May 1929 (English translation: 86)
95. [PD]The (New) Adelphi: preliminary note
96. [R] Lewis Mumford, Herman Melville, March–May 1930
97. [R] Edith Sitwell, Alexander Pope; Sherard Vines, The Course of English Classicism, June–August 1930
98. [R] J. B. Priestley, Angel Pavement, October 1930
101. [R] Karl Bartz, The Horrors of Cayenne, December 1930
103. [R] Osbert Burdett, The Two Carlyles, March 1931
104. [E] ‘The Spike’, April 1931
105. [R] Lionel Britton, Hunger and Love; F. O. Mann, Albert Grope, April 1931
106. [R] Pearl S. Buck, The Good Earth, June 1931
108. [E] ‘A Hanging’, August 1931
116. [E] ‘Hop-Picking’, 17 October 1931
123. [PD]The Hawthorns Private School: editorial note
125. [R] Ernst Robert Curtius, The Civilization of France, May 1932
127. [R] Karl Adam, The Spirit of Catholicism, 9 June 1932
135. [A]Unpublished article: ‘Clink’ [August 1932]
139. [R] Ruth Pitter, Persephone in Hades, September 1932
140. [R] Charles du Bos, Byron and the Need of Fatality, September 1932
141. [A] ‘Common Lodging Houses’, 3 September 1932
144. [R] Harry Reichenbach, Phantom Fame, October 1932
154. [P]Play: ‘King Charles II’, [September–December 1932]
157. [PD]Publication of Down and Out in Paris and London: preliminary note
164. [P] ‘Sometimes in the middle autumn days’, March 1933
168. [R] Boris de Schloezer, Gogol, April 1933
171. [P] ‘Summer-like for an instant’, May 1933
177A. [PD]Publication of Down and Out in Paris and London in the United States: editorial note
180. [R] Enid Starkie, Baudelaire, August 1933
182. [P] ‘A dressed man and a naked man’, October 1933
185. [R] G. K. Chesterton, Criticisms and Opinions of the Works of Charles Dickens, December 1933
194. [R] Michael Roberts, Critique of Poetry, March 1934
196. [P] ‘On a Ruined Farm near the His Master’s Voice Gramophone Factory’, April 1934
197. [R] A. T. Bartholomew, ed., Further Extracts from the Note-Books of Samuel Butler, April 1934
201. [R] Hasye Cooperman, The Aesthetic of Stéphane Mallarmé; G. T. Clapton, Baudelaire: The Tragic Sophist, July 1934
203. [R] J. B. Leishman (transl.), Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke, August 1934
211. [A]Introduction to the French edition of Down and Out in Paris and London, 15 October 1934 (French original: 344)
212. [PD]Booklovers’ Corner: editorial note
213A. [PD]Publication of Burmese Days in the United States: editorial note
214. [R] Christopher Dawson, Medieval Religion, November 1934
217. [R] Kenneth Saunders, The Ideals of East and West, December 1934
237. [PD]Sketch Map of Kyauktada, Burmese Days
240. [R] Jack Hilton, Caliban Shrieks, March 1935
242A. [PD]Publication of A Clergyman’s Daughter: editorial note
246A. [PD]Publication of Burmese Days in England: editorial note
248. [R] Amy Cruse, The Victorians and their Books, August 1935
249. [R] Patrick Hamilton, Twenty Thousand Streets under the Sky; Katharine M. Williams, The Proceedings of the Society; R. G. Goodyear, I Lie Alone, 1 August 1935
254. [R] Roger Vercel, Captain Conan; W. F. Casey, Private Life of a Successful Man; T. Thompson, Song o’ Sixpence; Don Tracy, Criss-Cross; Richard Hull, Keep it Quiet, 26 September 1935
256. [R] Edith J. Morley, The Life and Times of Henry Crabb Robinson, October 1935
261. [P] ‘St Andrew’s Day, 1935’, November 1935
263. [R] Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer; Robert Francis, The Wolf at the Door, 14 November 1935
265. [A] ‘Rudyard Kipling’, 23 January 1936
266. [R] Thomas Burke, Night Pieces; Mary Dunstan, Jagged Skyline; Hilda Lewis, Full Circle; Kenneth Roberts, The Lively Lady; F. V. Morely, War Paint; Lady Sanderson, Long Shadows; Richard Curle, Who Goes Home?; Dorothy Sayers, Gaudy Night; Major Thomas Coulson, The Queen of Spies; Monica Salmond, Bright Armour, 23 January 1936
267. [PD]Libel and Keep the Aspidistra Flying: editorial note
271. [N]Orwell’s Sketch Map of his Journey to the North
290. [R] George Moore, Esther Waters; Sinclair Lewis, Our Mr. Wrenn; Helen Ashton, Dr. Serocold; Crosbie Garstin, The Owls’ House; Donn Byrne, Hangman’s House; W. W. Jacobs, Odd Craft; Bartimeus, Naval Occasions; P. G. Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves; Margot Asquith, Autobiography, 5 March 1936
303. [PD]Publication of Keep the Aspidistra Flying: editorial note
305. [R] Michael Fraenkel, Bastard Death; Paul Cain, Fast One; Joseph Shearing, The Golden Violet; Muriel Hine, A Different Woman; Ngaio Marsh and H. Jellett, The Nursing Home Murder, 23 April 1936
307. [R] Alec Brown, The Fate of the Middle Classes (NEW), 30 April 1936
308. [R] Alec Brown, The Fate of the Middle Classes (Adelphi), May 1936
310. [R] Vardis Fisher, We Are Betrayed; George Blake, David and Joanna; Nicolai Gubsky, Surprise Item; Elizabeth Jenkins, The Phoenix’ Nest, 23 May 1936
315. [PD]Marriage, 9 June 1936
318. [R] James Stead, Treasure Trek; Major S. E. G. Ponder, Sun on Summer Seas; Walter Starkie, Don Gypsy, 11 July 1936
319. [R] Mark Channing, Indian Mosaic, 15 July 1936
320. [R] Rosa E. King, Tempest Over Mexico, Fred Bower, Rolling Stonemason, 18 July 1936
321. [R] Cyril Connolly, The Rock Pool; Joseph Conrad, Almayer’s Folly; Ernest Bramah, The Wallet of Kai Lung; Arnold Bennett, Anna of the Five Towns; H. C. Bailey, Mr. Fortune, Please; George R. Preedy, The Rocklitz, 23 July 1936
322. [A]Lecture: ‘An Outsider Sees the Distressed Areas’, 4 August 1936
322A. [R] Peter Fleming, News from Tartary; General Virgin, The Abyssinia I Knew; Major R. Raven-Hart, Canoe Errant on the Nile, 15 August 1938
324. [R] Carl R. Raswan, The Black Tents of Arabia; Lawrence Green, Secret Africa; P. B. Williams, In Lightest Africa and Darkest Europe; Eric Muspratt, Going Native; E. Alexander Powell, Aerial Odyssey, 12 September 1936
325. [R] Henry Miller, Black Spring; E. M. Forster, A Passage to India; Richard Aldington, Death of a Hero; Upton Sinclair, The Jungle; C. E. Montague, A Hind Let Loose; Ian Hay, A Safety Match, 24 September 1936
326. [E] ‘Shooting an Elephant’, Autumn 1936
328. [R] Johann Wöller, Zest for Life; Hugh Massingham, I Took Off My Tie, 17 October 1936
330. [E] ‘Bookshop Memories’, November 1936
331. [R] W. F. R. Macartney, Walls Have Mouths, November 1936
332. [R] Scholem Asch, The Calf of Paper; Julian Green, Midnight, 12 November 1936
333. [A] ‘In Defence of the Novel’, 12 and 19 November 1936
334. [R] Knud Holmboe, Desert Encounter; J. A. F. Ozanne, Coconuts and Creoles, 21 November 1936
335. [P] ‘A happy vicar I might have been’, December 1936
336. [R] Adrian Bell, The Open Air, 2 December 1936
342. [R] Philip Henderson, The Novel To-Day, 31 December 1936
343. [PD]Broadcast Description of Wigan Pier, 2 December 1943
344. [PD]French Text of Introduction to La Vache Enragée (English translation 211)
345. [PD]Notes for The Road to Wigan Pier: preliminary note
346. [N]Notes for The Road to Wigan Pier: Wigan
347. [N]Notes for The Road to Wigan Pier: Barnsley
348. [PD]Pay Slips for Two-Man Team, Woolley Collieries
349. [PD]Ellis Firth’s Weekly Budget
350. [N]Notes for The Road to Wigan Pier: Sheffield
351. [PD]Statistical Information Provided by Medical Officer of Health, Sheffield
352. [PD]Report on Out-Door Relief, Sheffield
353. [PD]Unemployment Assistance Board Award Forms
354. [PD]Figures from The Coal Scuttle, by Joseph Jones, 1936
355. [PD]Figures from the Colliery Year Book & Coal Trades Directory, 1935
357. [PD]Draft Contract with Victor Gollancz Ltd, [early January 1937?]
360. [PD]British Author With the Militia (Bulletin of the POUM), 3 February 1937
362. [PD]Publication of The Road to Wigan Pier: editorial note
366. [A] “Night Attack on the Aragon Front”, 30 April 1937
371A. [PD]Reprint of Section of The Road to Wigan Pier
374A. [PD]Escape from Spain, 23 June 1937; with Deposition for Espionage and High Treason, 13 July 1937, and editorial afterword
375A. [PD]Minute 29, ILP Administrative Council (signed 13 November 1937)
378. [A] ‘Spilling the Spanish Beans’, 29 July and 2 September 1937
379. [R] Franz Borkenau, The Spanish Cockpit; John Sommerfield, Volunteer in Spain, 31 July 1937
382. [A] ‘Eye-Witness in Barcelona’, 11 August 1937
383. [PD]Abstracts of Reports on the Spanish Civil War in the Daily Worker and News Chronicle: editorial note; and see 519
385. [PD]ILP Conference, 1–13 August 1937: editorial note
386A. [PD]Unpublished Response to Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War, 3–6 August 1937
392. [R] Brigadier-General F. P. Crozier, The Men I Killed, 28 August 1937
394. [PD]Excise Duty Notice.
396. [R] Ella K. Maillart, Forbidden Journey, 4 September 1937
399. [R]Statement: That Mysterious Cart; Reply to F. A. Frankfort, 24 September 1937
400. [R] Sir Eric Teichman, Journey to Turkistan, 25 September 1937
401. [R] Mary Low and Juan Brea, Red Spanish Notebook; R. Timmermans, Heroes of the Alcazar; Martin Armstrong, Spanish Circus, 9 October 1937
404. [R] The Booster (September 1937), 21 October 1937
406. [R] James Hanley, Broken Water; Beirne Lay, I Wanted Wings, 6 November 1937
409. [R] Wal Hannington, The Problem of the Distressed Areas; James Hanley, Grey Children; Neil Stewart, The Fight for the Charter, 27 November 1937
414. [R] Mairin Mitchell, Storm Over Spain; Arnold Lunn, Spanish Rehearsal; E. Allison Peers, Catalonia Infelix; José Castilejo, Wars of Ideas in Spain; José Ortega y Gasset, Invertebrate Spain, 11 December 1937
414A. [PD]Peace Pledge Union, 12 December 1937
415. [A] ‘The Lure of Profundity’, 30 December 1937
416. [R] C. V. Warren, Burmese Interlude, 12 January 1938
417. [PD]Customs Declaration [for parcel for George Kopp], 21 January 1938
421. [R] G. L. Steer, The Tree of Gernika; Arthur Koestler, Spanish Testament, 5 February 1938
428. [R] Fenner Brockway, Workers’ Front, 17 February 1938
429. [R] Maurice Collis, Trials in Burma, 9 March 1938
430. [R] John Galsworthy, Glimpses and Reflections, 12 March 1938
438. [PD]Publication of Homage to Catalonia: editorial note
439. [N]‘Notes on the Spanish Militias’[1939–40?]
451. [R] Eugene Lyons, Assignment in Utopia, 9 June 1938
453. [R] Jack Common, The Freedom of the Streets, 16 June 1938
455. [PD]Contract for ‘Poverty in Practice’, 18 June 1938
456. [R] Robert Sencourt, Spanish Ordeal; Anonymous, Franco’s Rule, 23 June 1938
457. [A] ‘Why I Join the I. L. P.’, 24 June 1938
462. [R] Frank Jellinek, The Civil War in Spain, 8 July 1938
466. [R] Duchess of Atholl, Searchlight on Spain; Frank Jellinek, The Civil War in Spain; Robert Sencourt, Spain’s Ordeal,° 16 July 1938
469. [R] Duchess of Atholl, Searchlight on Spain, 21 July 1938
472. [PD]Independent Labour Party Conference, Letchworth, August 1938: editorial note
485. [R] Franz Borkenau, The Communist International, 22 September 1938
489A. [PD]Manifesto: If War Comes, We Shall Resist, 30 September 1938
503. [R] E. Allison Peers, The Church in Spain, 1737–1937; Eoin O’Duffy, Crusade in Spain, 24 November 1938
507. [A] ‘Political Reflections on the Crisis’, December 1938
508. [R] Martin Block, Gypsies, December 1938
510A. [PD]Financial contribution to The New Leader, 9 December 1938
519. [PD]Appendix 2: Abstracts from Reports on the Spanish Civil War from the Daily Worker and the News Chronicle, [July 1936–August? 1937]
519A. [PD]Appendix 3: Orwell’s Marrakech Notebook
520. [R] Bertrand Russell, Power: A New Social Analysis, January 1939
524. [R] N. de Basily, Russia under Soviet Rule, 12 January 1939
526. [A]‘A Mistake Corrected’, 13 January 1939
529. [R] F. J. Sheed, Communism and Man, 27 January 1939
531. [John Macmurray], The Clue of History, February 1939
534. [A] ‘Caesarean Section in Spain’, March 1939
547. [R] Wyndham Lewis, The Mysterious Mr. Bull; Ignazio Silone, The School for Dictators, 8 June 1939
549. [PD]Publication of Coming Up for Air: editorial note
552. [R] Clarence K. Streit, Union Now, July 1939
559. [R] F. C. Green, Stendhal, 27 July 1939
563. [R] L. B. Namier, Foreign Correspondent: Twelve British Journalists; In the Margin of History; Count Ferdinand Czernin, Europe Going, Going, Gone!, 12 August 1939
566. [PD]European Contract for Coming Up for Air, 31 August 1939
568. [A] ‘Democracy in the British Army’, September 1939
569. [R] George Stevens and Stanley Unwin, Best-Sellers, September 1939
571. [PD]Application to Enrol for War Service, 9 September 1939: editorial note
574. [R] Maurice Hindus, Green Worlds; William Holt, I Haven’t Unpacked, 21 October 1939
575. [PD]Correspondence with Ethel Mannin: editorial note
577. [R] Crichton Porteous, Teamsman, 23 November 1939
578. [R] Nancy Johnstone, Hotel in Flight, December 1939
579. [E] ‘Marrakech’, Christmas 1939
580. [R] Bernard Newman, Baltic Roundabout; John Gibbons, I Gathered No Moss; Max Relton, A Man in the East, 2 December 1939
586. [R] S. Casado, The Last Days of Madrid; T. C. Worsley, Behind the Battle, 20 January 1940
588. [N]Inside the Whale: Notes for Libel Lawyer, 28 January 1940
589. [R] Ruth Pitter, The Spirit Watches, February 1940
590. [R] Ludwig Renn, Warfare; Brigadier-General E. L. Spears, Prelude to Victory, February 1940
591. [N]Talk to Women of Today, 2 February 1940
592. [R] Godfrey Lias, Beneš of Czechoslovakia; Frank Owen, The Three Dictators, 17 February 1940
594. [R] Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge (editors), War Begins at Home, 2 March 1940
596. [PD]Publication of Inside the Whale: editorial note
597. [E] ‘Charles Dickens’, 11 March 1940
598. [E] ‘Boys’ Weeklies’, 11 March 1940
600. [E] ‘Inside the Whale’, 11 March 1940
602. [R] Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 21 March 1940
603. [R] Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne, 1812–1813, 29 March 1940
604. [A] ‘Notes on the Way’, 30 March and 6 April 1940
605. [E]Projected Essay: ‘New Words’, February–April 1940?
606. [R] Lieut.-Col. J. O. Hannula, Finland’s War of Independence; Sir George Aston, Secret Service, April 1940
610. [R] L. A. G. Strong, Sun on the Water; Kay Boyle, The Crazy Hunter; Stephen Longstreet, Decade; James McConnaughey, Stephen Ayers; Francis Griswold, A Sea Island Lady, 12 April 1940
611. [R] Julian Green, Personal Record 1928–1939, 13 April 1940
614. [R] Edward Shanks, Rudyard Kipling, 25 April 1940
615. [R] Malcolm Muggeridge, The Thirties, 25 April 1940
616. [R] Richard Wright, Native Son; B. Traven, The Bridge in the Jungle; B. Traven, The Death Ship; Fred Urquhart, I Fell for a Sailor; Philip Jordan, Say that She were Gone; Lion Feuchtwanger, Paris Gazette; Geoffrey Trease, Only Natural, 26 April 1940
617. [R] My Life: The Autobiography of Havelock Ellis, May 1940
620. [R] F. Borkenau, The Totalitarian Enemy, 4 May 1940
623. [R] Folios of New Writing (Spring 1940), 16 May 1940
625. [R] Stephen Spender, The Backward Son; Thomas Mann, Royal Highness; Hans Fallada, Iron Gustav; Maurice Hindus, Sons and Fathers; Arthur Calder-Marshall, The Way to Santiago; Ben Hecht, A Book of Miracles; Sinclair Lewis, Bethel Merriday, 24 May 1940
627. [N]Report on talk on Dickens at Dickens Fellowship Conference, 25 May 1940
629. [R] Jim Phelan, Jail Journey
630. [R] Henry Treece, The New Apocalypse, June 1940
633. [R] Indian Writing (Vol. 1), 6 June 1940
635. [R] C. E. M. Joad, Journey Through the War Mind; Anthony Weymouth, A Psychologist’s Wartime Diary; Hector Bolitho, America Expects, 8 June 1940
640. [R] Mikhail Lermontov, A Hero of Our Own Times; E. L. Grant Wilson, Priest Island; H. G. Wells, Film Stories, 21 June 1940
647. [R] Jack Hilton, English Ways, July 1940
648. [R] A. J. Jenkinson, What Do Boys and Girls Read?, July 1940
650. [R] Douglas Goldring, Facing the Odds, 5 July 1940
655. [R] Jack London, The Iron Heel; H. G. Wells, The Sleeper Wakes; Aldous Huxley, Brave New World; Ernest Bramah, The Secret of the League, 12 July 1940
657. [R] Princess Paul Sapieha, Polish Profile, 13 July 1940
664. [R] A. J. Jenkinson, What Do Boys and Girls Read?, 8 August 1940
666. [R] Ilya Ilf and Eugene Petrov, Diamonds to Sit On; Louis Bromfield, Night in Bombay; Eric Knight, Now Pray We for Our Country; Ethel Mannin, Rolling in the Dew; A. G. Street, A Crook in the Furrow; C. J. Cutliffe Hyne, The Adventures of Captain Kettle, The Little Red Captain, Captain Kettle, K. C. B., Further Adventures of Captain Kettle, 9 August 1940
671. [A] ‘Charles Reade’, 17 August 1940
676. [R] Mark Benney, The Big Wheel; Erika Mann, The Lights Go Down; George and Weedon Grossmith, The Diary of a Nobody, 23 August 1940
679. [R] Christopher Hill (editor), The English Revolution: 1640, 24 August 1940
681. [R] Sacheverell Sitwell, Poltergeists, September 1940
682. [R] Francis Williams, War by Revolution, September 1940
686. [R] Upton Sinclair, World’s End; Phyllis Bottome, Masks and Faces; Sir Paul Dukes, An Epic of the Gestapo, 13 September 1940
687. [R] Emanuel Miller, The Neuroses in War; Edward Glover, Fear and Courage, 14 September 1940
688. [R] T. C. Worsley, Barbarians and Philistines: Democracy and the Public Schools, 14 September 1940
690. [R] Robert Graves, Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth; Constance W. Dodge, The Luck of the Maclean; C. S. Forester, The Earthly Paradise; Maurice Bethell Jones, The Wake of the Conquered, 21 September 1940
694. [E] ‘My Country Right or Left’, Autumn 1940
695. [FR] The Doctor Takes a Wife
697. [R] P. G. Wodehouse, Quick Service; Angela Thirkell, Cheerfulness Breaks In; Olga L. Rosmanith, Passenger List; Frank Baker, Miss Hargreaves; Damaris Arklow, Just as I Feared, 19 October 1940
702. [R] Hadley Cantril, The Invasion from Mars, 26 October 1940
703. [R] John Masefield, Basilissa; Basil Woon, Eyes West; William Faulkner, The Hamlet, 9 November 1940
704. [N]Draft Introduction: ‘The Proletarian Writer’, c. 12 November 1940
705. [R] Ernest Raymond, A Song of the Tide; A. S. M. Hutchinson, He Looked for a City; Mary Lutyens, Family Colouring; Susan Gillespie, They Went to Karathia, 16 November 1940
707. [FR] Waterloo Bridge, 23 November 1940
709. [FR] The Lady in Question, 30 November 1940
710. [E] ‘The Ruling Class’, December 1940
711. [PD]Reprint: ‘Shooting an Elephant’, December 1940
712. [R] General Sir Archibald Wavell, Allenby, a Study in Greatness, December 1940
715. [A]Broadcast Discussion: ‘The Proletarian Writer’, 19 December 1940
716. [R] Nevil Shute, Landfall; Albert Cohen, Nailcruncher; Peter Conway, A Dark Side Also, 7 December 1940
718. [R] L. A. G. Strong, Wrong Foot Foremost; Gunby Hadath, From Pillar to Post; Michael Patrick, Tommy Hawke at School; M. E. Atkinson, Going Gangster; Doris Twinn, The New Carthaginians; A. R. Channel, Phantom Patrol; Aubrey de Selincourt, Family Afloat; E. H. Young, Caravan Island, 7 December 1940
719. [FR] The Gay Mrs Trexel, 7 December 1940
721. [R] Tom Wintringham, Armies of Freemen, 14 December 1940
722. [FR] I Love You Again!; The Great Dictator (and see 727), 14 December 1940
725. [A] ‘The Home Guard and You’, 20 December 1940
726. [R] E. Allison Peers, The Spanish Dilemma; Charles Duff, A Key to Victory: Spain, 21 December 1940
727. [FR] The Great Dictator, 21 December 1940
728. [FR] A Date with Destiny, 28 December 1940
730. [PD]Appendix 2: Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard, 1940–42?: editorial note
731. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Street Fighting, 1940–41?
732. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Street Fighting – Static Defence, 1940–41?
733. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Notes for Lecture, 1942?
734. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Field Fortifications, 1, 1941–42?
735. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Field Fortifications, 2, 1941–42?
736. [N]Lecture Notes for Instructing the Home Guard: Smoke Mortar, 1941–42?
737. [E] ‘Our Opportunity’, January 1941
739. [A]London Letters, 1941–1946: editorial note
740. [A]London Letter, 3 January 1941
741. [R] Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon; John Mair, Never Come Back; W. A. Darlington, Alf’s New Button, 4 January 1941
743. [A] ‘Don’t let Colonel Blimp Ruin the Home Guard’, 8 January 1941
745. [FR] They Knew What they Wanted; Spring Parade; Gold Rush Maisie, 11 January 1941
747. [R] Kenneth Allott, Jules Verne: A Biography, 18 January 1941
748. [FR] Brigham Young; Spellbound, 18 January 1941
750. [R] H. E. Bates, The Beauty of the Dead; Glyn Jones (editor), Welsh Short Stories; T. O. Beachcroft, The Parents Left Alone; Kylie Tennant, The Battlers, 25 January 1941
751. [FR] Escape, 25 January 1941
753. [E] ‘Fascism and Democracy’, February 1941
759. [FR] Quiet Wedding, 8 February 1941
761. [R] Hugh Slater, Home Guard for Victory!, 15 February 1941
762. [FR] Dulcy; Eyes of the Navy; The Heart of Britain; Unholy War, 15 February 1941
763. [PD]Book: The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, 19 February 1941; editorial note
765. [R] John Llewelyn Rhys, England is my Village; Nina Fedorova, The Family; Dan Wickenden, Walk Like a Mortal; Bruce Marshall, Delilah Upside Down, 22 February 1941
766. [FR] Arise, My Love; Third Finger, Left Hand, 22 February 1941
768. [R] Hugh Slater, Home Guard for Victory!, March 1941
770. [PD]Contribution to The Betrayal of the Left, 3 March 1941: editorial note
774. [R] Franz Hoellering, The Defenders; Alfred Neumann, The Friends of the People, 15 March 1941
775. [A]Illustrated Article: ‘A Roadman’s Day’, 15 March 1941
782. [E] ‘Will Freedom Die with Capitalism?’, April 1941
787. [A]London Letter, 15 April 1941; with postscript, 15 May 1941
789. [FR] So Ends Our Night, 26 April 1941
793. [A]Foreword to The End of the ‘Old School Tie’, May 1941
798. [FR] Little Men; Kitty Foyle; Back Street, 10 May 1941
802. [FR] Kipps, 17 May 1941
805A. [A]Report of talk: ‘Literature and Totalitarianism’, Oxford University Democratic Socialist Club, 23 May 1941
806. [FR] The Lady Eve; Honeymoon for Three; Tugboat Annie Sails Again, 24 May 1941
808. [FR] This England; I Married Adventure, 31 May 1941
810. [FR] Escape to Glory, 7 June 1941
813. [FR] Bitter Sweet, 14 June 1941
819. [FR] Nice Girl?; That Uncertain Feeling; Cheers for Miss Bishop, 21 June 1941
821. [R] Arturo Barea, The Forge, 28 June 1941
823. [FR] Atlantic Ferry, 28 June 1941
825. [A]Foreword to The Case for African Freedom, July 1941
828. [FR] Western Union; Moon over Burma, 5 July 1941
831. [E] ‘English Writing in Total War’, 14 July 1941
833. [FR] The Devil and Miss Jones; The Flame of New Orleans, 19 July 1941
834. [A] ‘Dear Doktor Goebbels – Your British Friends are Feeding Fine!’, 23 July 1941
835. [R] Sir Firozkhan Noon, India, 24 July 1941
837. [E] ‘Wells, Hitler and the World State’, August 1941
840. [FR] High Sierra, 9 August 1941
841. [A]Part read in “The Abolition of Slavery”, broadcast 11 August 1941
842. [FR] One Night in Lisbon; Jeannie, 16 August 1941
843. [A]London Letter, 17 August 1941
844. [PD]Orwell’s Contract with the BBC, 18 August 1941
848. [FR] South of Suez, 23 August 1941
850. [E] ‘The Art of Donald McGill’, September 1941
851. [A]‘Those Seaside Postcards’ (cut version of ‘The Art of Donald McGill’), August 1943
852. [R] Arturo Barea, The Forge, September 1941
854. [A]Nicholas Moore vs. George Orwell, January-February 1942
855. [R]‘No, Not One’: review of Alex Comfort’s No Such Liberty, October 1941
856. [A]Manifesto: “Why Not War Writers?”, October 1941
868. [PD]Vacation and Sick Leave, 14 October 1941 to 26 October 1943: editorial summary
870. [PD]Identification of Room 101: editorial note
872. [PD]Rights to Down and Out in Paris and London and Burmese Days
875. [N]Survey: Socialists Answer Left’s Questions on the War, November 1941
884. [N]Victory or Vested Interest?: editorial summary
885. [E]Lecture and essay: ‘Culture and Democracy’, 22 November 1941
887. [N]Broadcast by M. Myat Tun: What Trade Unionism Means to the Worker, 25 November 1941: editorial summary
903. [WC]War Commentary 3, 20 December 1941
908. [R] Louis Fischer, Men and Politics, Christmas 1941
913. [A]London Letter, 1 January 1942
929. [PD]Obituary for Maharao of Cutch, 20 January 1942: editorial note
948. [E] ‘Rudyard Kipling’, February 1942
1131. [Weekly News Review], 20, 2 May 1942
1146. [A]London Letter, 8 May 1942
1151. [R] Edmund Wilson, The Wound and the Bow, 10 May 1942
1169. [A]Publication of ‘Culture and Democracy’ in Victory or Vested Interest?, 15 May 1942
1257. [R] Mulk Raj Anand, The Sword and the Sickle, July 1942
1262. [N]Fishing
1270. [A]Pacifism and the War: A Controversy: D. S. Savage, George Woodcock, Alex Comfort, George Orwell (Orwell’s contribution: 12 July 1942)
1343. [Weekly News Review], 33, 1 August 1942
1346. [R] Philippe Barrès, Charles de Gaulle, 2 August 1942
1351. [R]Programme Preview by Venu Chitale with Orwell’s Amendments, 4 August 1942
1374. [PD]Anniversary of the Month, 11 August 1942: editorial note
1397. [N]‘Notes on Some Points about the Home Guard’
1398. [N]‘Note on the Role of the Home Guard’
1421. [E] ‘Looking Back on the Spanish War’, [1942?]
1429. [A]London Letter, 29 August 1942
1447. [R]Unpublished Review: O. D. Gallagher, Retreat in the East, [6 September 1942?]
1481. [R] Captain H. R. Robinson, A Modern de Quincey, 13 September 1942
1483. [PD]A. P. Blair, “My Debt to India, V”, 14 September 1942: editorial note
1485. [Charles Blair, “Japan’s Threat to Asia, 1”], 15 September 1942: editorial note
1487. [PD]Indian Section Organization: editorial note
1497. [A]‘Thomas Hardy Looks at War’, 18 September 1942
1526. [A]Review Article: ‘T. S. Eliot’, October-November 1942
1558. [A]Story by Five Authors, 1: George Orwell, 9 October 1942
1574. [A]Story by Five Authors, 2: L. A. G. Strong, 16 October 1942
1606. [A]Story by Five Authors, 3: Inez Holden, 23 October 1942
1623. [A]Story by Five Authors, 4: Martin Armstrong, 30 October 1942
1637. [A]‘Imaginary Interview [with] Jonathan Swift’, 6 November 1942
1638. [A]Story by Five Authors, 5: E. M. Forster, 6 November 1942
1655. [A]“Let’s Act It Ourselves”, 1, 13 November 1942
1668. [A] ‘Background to French Morocco’, 20 November 1942
1669. [PD]News Commentary in English for Malaya, 8, 20 November 1942: editorial note
1670. [R] B. H. Liddell Hart, The British Way in Warfare, 21 November 1942
1683. [R]Extract from Venu Chitale’s Programme Preview, 24 November 1942
1701. [N]Notes, c. 28 November 1942
1702. [A] ‘In the Darlan Country’, 29 November 1942
1705. [PD]‘Voice’, 5, 1 December 1942: editorial note
1706. [PD]‘Voice’, 5: A Magazine Programme, 1 December 1942: editorial note
1715. [A] ‘The End of Henry Miller’, 4 December 1942 (with Nicholas Moore’s letter of 18 December 1942 and Orwell’s response)
1759. [R]Venu Chitale’s Programme Preview, 22 December 1942
1768. [R] Viscount Samuel, An Unknown Land, 24 December 1942
1791. [A]Review Article: V. K. Narayana Menon, The Development of William Butler Yeats, with ensuing correspondence, January 1943
1797. [A]‘A Letter from England’, 3 January 1943
1807. [A]Review of Pamphlet Literature, 9 January 1943
1815. [PD]Laurence Brander’s Report on Indian Programmes, 11 January 1943: editorial note; for report see 2374
1830. [PD]Orwell’s Sick Leave
1833. [R]Unsigned Review: Mass-Observation, The Pub and the People, 21 January 1943
1858. [A] ‘Morocco Is Poor but Happy’, February 1943
1916. [A]Jack London: ‘Landmarks in American Literature,’ 5, 1 March 1943
1922. [A]Talk to Oxford University English Club, 2 March 1943
1954. [N]Note to Norman Collins, c. 16 March 1943
1964. [R] Mulk Raj Anand, Letters on India, 19 March 1943, with ensuing correspondence
1987. [N]‘Not Enough Money: A Sketch of George Gissing’, 2 April 1943
1989. [A]Comment on Robert Duval’s “Whitehall’s Road to Mandalay” and correspondence on Nationalism, 2 April 1943
2017. [R] V. K. Narayana Menon, The Development of William Butler Yeats, 17 April 1943
2033. [PD]Orwell’s Leave, 23–26 April 1943
2049. [R] Tangye Lean, Voices in the Darkness, 30 April 1943
2070. [A] ‘Three Years of Home Guard: Unique Symbol of Stability’, 9 May 1943
2073. [A] ‘Marrakech’: broadcast 10 May 1943
2095. [A]‘Profile: Sir Richard Acland’, 23 May 1943
2096. [A]‘London Letter’, c. 23 May 1943
2099. [R] D. W. Brogan, The English People, 27 May 1943
2120. [A] ‘Literature and the Left’, 4 June 1943
2151. [PD]London Calling: editorial note
2208. [R] New Writing and Daylight [Summer 1943], edited by John Lehmann, 30 July 1943
2211. [A] ‘Those Seaside Postcards’, August 1943
2230. [P]Orwell’s Adaptation of “Crainquebille” by Anatole France, 11 August 1943
2236. [R] George Rodger, Red Moon Rising; Alfred Wagg, A Million Died, 14 August 1943
2237. [R] Edward Hulton, The New Age, 15 August 1943
2257. [R]‘Gandhi in Mayfair’: Review of Lionel Fielden, Beggar My Neighbour, September 1943
2258. [P]“Toothpaste in Bloomsbury” by Lionel Fielden (reply to 2257), November 1943
2263. [PD]Orwell’s Annual Leave, 3 September 1943
2270. [P]Orwell’s Adaptation of “The Fox” by Ignazio Silone, 9 September 1943
2271. [R] Thomas Mann, Order of the Day, 10 September 1943
2272. [R] Louis Lévy, France is a Democracy, 12 September 1943
2278. [PD]Contract for The English People, 23 September 1943
2297. [P]Orwell’s Adaptation of “A Slip Under the Microscope”, by H. G. Wells, 6 October 1943
2309. [R] Harold J. Laski, Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, 10 October 1943
2310. [PD]Orwell’s Sick Leave, 11 to 15 October 1943
2319. [P]Shakespeare, Macbeth; Adapted and Introduced by Orwell, 17 October 1943
2327. [R] C. E. M. Joad, The Adventures of the Young Soldier in Search of the Better World, 21 October 1943
2328. [R]‘Who Are the War Criminals?’: Review of The Trial of Mussolini by “Cassius”, 22 October 1943
2337. [PD]Orwell’s Sick Leave, 25–26 October 1943
2347. [R] Douglas Reed, Lest We Regret; Sidney Dark, I Sit and I Think and I Wonder, 7 November 1943
2357. [E] ‘The Detective Story’ [‘Grandeur et décadence du roman policier anglais’], 17 November 1943: editorial note French text English translation
2359. [PD]Talking to India: A Selection of English Language Broadcasts to India, 18 November 1943: editorial note
2360. [A] Talking to India: Introduction / A Note on Contributors
2361. [P] Orwell’s Adaptation of The Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Anderson, 18 November 1943
2365. [R] Henry Noel Brailsford, Subject India, 20 November 1943
2366. [P] Talk on Lady Windermere’s Fan, by Oscar Wilde, 21 November 1943
2374. [PD]Appendix 1: Laurence Brander’s Report on Indian Programmes, 11 January 1943
2375. [N]Appendix 2: Orwell’s Notes for ‘The Quick & the Dead’ and ‘The Last Man in Europe’: editorial note
2376. [N]Notes for ‘The Quick & the Dead’, late September 1943?
2377. [N]Notes for ‘The Last Man in Europe’, late September 1943?
2378. [PD]Orwell at Tribune: editorial note
2379. [A] ‘Mark Twain—The Licensed Jester’, 26 November 1943
2380. [R] E. Allison Peers, Spain in Eclipse, 1937–1943; Lawrence Dundas, Behind the Spanish Mask, 28 November 1943
2384. [A]Your Questions Answered: Wigan Pier, broadcast 2 December 1943
2385. [E]‘As I Please’, 1, 3 December 1943
2388. [PD]‘Life, People and Books’, Manchester Evening News: editorial note
2389. [R] Arthur Koestler, Arrival and Departure; Philip Jordan, Jordan’s Tunis Diary, 9 December 1943
2391. [E]‘As I Please’, 2, 10 December 1943
2393. [E]‘As I Please’, 3, 17 December 1943
2394. [R] Collected Poems of W. H. Davies, 19 December 1943
2395. [R] Lancelot Hogben, Interglossa; Compton Mackenzie, Mr. Roosevelt, 23 December 1943
2396. [E]‘As I Please’, 4, 24 December 1943
2397. [A] ‘Can Socialists be Happy?’ by ‘John Freeman’, 24 December 1943
2398. [E]‘As I Please’, 5, 31 December 1943
2399. [R] K. C. Chorley, Armies and the Art of Revolution, 2 January 1944
2400. [R] Viscount Wavell, Allenby in Egypt, 6 January 1944
2401. [E]‘As I Please’, 6, 7 January 1944
2404. [E]‘As I Please’, 7, 14 January 1944
2405. [A]‘London Letter’, 15 January 1944
2406. [R] C. K. Allen, Democracy and the Individual; Sir R. George Stapledon, Disraeli and the New Age, 16 January 1944
2407. [R] James Burnham, The Machiavellians, 20 January 1944
2409. [P] ‘Memories of the Blitz’, 21 January 1944
2410. [E]‘As I Please’, 8, 21 January 1944
2412. [E]‘As I Please’, 9, 28 January 1944
2413. [R] Joshua Trachtenberg, The Devil and the Jews; Edmond Fleg, Why I Am a Jew, translated by Victor Gollancz, 30 January 1944
2415. [R] Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn; Countess of Oxford and Asquith, Off the Record, 3 February 1944
2416. [E]‘As I Please’, 10, 4 February 1944
2417. [E]‘As I Please’, 11, 11 February 1944
2418. [R] Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, 13 February 1944
2419. [R] Jan Fortune and Jean Burton, Elisabet Ney, 17 February 1944
2422. [E]‘As I Please’, 12, 18 February 1944
2424. [E]‘As I Please’, 13, 25 February 1944
2425. [R] Alfred Noyes, The Edge of the Abyss, 27 February 1944
2428. [R] Harry Levin, James Joyce, 2 March 1944
2429. [E]‘As I Please’, 14, 3 March 1944
2432. [E]‘As I Please’, 15, 10 March 1944
2433. [R] Other Men’s Flowers, selected and annotated by A. P. Wavell, 12 March 1944
2434. [R]Rejected Review: Harold J. Laski, Faith, Reason and Civilisation, 12 March 1944
2435. [E]‘As I Please’, 16, 17 March 1944
2439. [R] Sir William Beach Thomas, The Way of a Countryman, 23 March 1944
2441. [E]‘As I Please’, 17, 24 March 1944
2444. [R] Derrick Leon, Tolstoy: His Life and Work, 26 March 1944
2445. [E]‘As I Please’, 18, 31 March 1944
2449. [R] Maurice Collis, She Was a Queen; Margaret Mead, Coming of Age in Samoa, 6 April 1944
2450. [E]‘As I Please’, 19, 7 April 1944
2451. [R] F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom; K. Zilliacus, The Mirror of the Past, 9 April 1944
2452. [E]‘As I Please’, 20, 14 April 1944
2454. [A]‘London Letter’, 17 April 1944
2455. [R] Edmund Blunden, Cricket Country, 20 April 1944
2457. [E]‘As I Please’, 21, 21 April 1944
2458. [R] Hugh Kingsmill, The Poisoned Crown, 23 April 1944
2460. [E]‘As I Please’, 22, 28 April 1944
2462. [E]‘As I Please’, 23, 5 May 1944
2463. [R] Alfred Hessenstein, A Giant in the Age of Steel: The Story of General de Gaulle, 5 May 1944
2464. [R] This Changing World, edited by J. R. M. Brumwell; Julian Huxley, On Living in a Revolution; Various Authors, Reshaping Man’s Heritage, 7 May 1944
2467. [E]‘As I Please’, 24, 12 May 1944
2468. [R] Louis Fischer, Empire, 13 May 1944
2470. [R] St. John Ervine, Parnell, 18 May 1944
2473. [E]‘As I Please’, 25, 19 May 1944
2474. [R] H. G. Wells, ’42 to ’44: A Contemporary Memoir upon Human Behaviour During the Crisis of the World Revolution, 21 May 1944
2475. [PD]The English People, 22 May 1944: editorial note
2478. [E]‘As I Please’, 26, 26 May 1944
2481. [E] ‘Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali’, 1 June 1944
2482. [A] ‘Are Books Too Dear?’, 1 June 1944
2483. [E]‘As I Please’, 27, 2 June 1944
2484. [A] ‘Survey of “Civvy Street”’, 4 June 1944
2486. [E]‘As I Please’, 28, 9 June 1944
2487. [R] Gordon S. Seagrave, Burma Surgeon; Horace Alexander, India Since Cripps, 11 June 1944
2489. [R] William Russell, Robert Cain, 15 June 1944
2490. [E]‘As I Please’, 29, 16 June 1944
2492. [E]‘As I Please’, 30, 23 June 1944
2495. [R] L. L. Schucking, The Sociology of Literary Taste, 25 June 1944
2495B. [PD]‘The World Goes By’, 27 June 1944: editorial note
2498. [R] Hilda Martindale, From One Generation to Another, 29 June 1944
2499. [E]‘As I Please’, 31, 30 June 1944
2501. [E]‘As I Please’, 32, 7 July 1944
2502. [R] In a Strange Land: Essays by Eric Gill, 9 July 1944
2504. [R] Martin Johnson, Art and Scientific Thought, 13 July 1944
2506. [PD]Orwell’s Flat Bombed, 14 July 1944: editorial note
2507. [E]‘As I Please’, 33, 14 July 1944
2510. [A] ‘The Eight Years of War: Spanish Memories’, 16 July 1944
2514. [E]‘As I Please’, 34, 21 July 1944
2517. [R] Jacques Barzun, Romanticism and the Modern Ego, 23 July 1944
2519. [A]‘London Letter’, 24 July 1944
2521. [E]‘As I Please’, 35, 28 July 1944
2522. [R] English Diaries of the Nineteenth Century, edited by James Aitken, 28 July 1944
2523. [A] ‘Propaganda and Demotic Speech’, Summer 1944
2526. [E]‘As I Please’, 36, 4 August 1944
2528. [R] Hsiao Ch’ien, The Dragon Beards versus the Blue Prints, 6 August 1944
2529. [R] Richard Church, The Porch and The Stronghold, 10 August 1944
2530. [E]‘As I Please’, 37, 11 August 1944
2532. [R] On Branch Street by Marie Paneth, 13 August 1944
2534. [E]‘As I Please’, 38, 18 August 1944
2535. [R] Denis Saurat, Milton: Man and Thinker, 20 August 1944
2536. [R] Selwyn James, South of the Congo, 24 August 1944
2537. [E]‘As I Please’, 39, 25 August 1944
2538. [E] ‘Raffles and Miss Blandish’, 28 August 1944
2540. [A]‘Burma’: Interview by G. B. Pittock-Buss, Autumn 1944.
2541. [E]‘As I Please’, 40 [The Battle of Warsaw], 1 September 1944
2542. [R] Selections from the Works of Gerrard Winstanley, edited by Leonard Hamilton; Introduction by Christopher Hill, 3 September 1944
2546. [A] ‘How Long is a Short Story’, 7 September 1944
2547. [E]‘As I Please’, 41, 8 September 1944
2548. [E] ‘Arthur Koestler’, 11 September 1944
2549. [E]‘As I Please’, 42, 15 September 1944
2551. [R] D. W. Brogan, The American Problem, 17 September 1944
2552. [A] ‘Tobias Smollett: Scotland’s Best Novelist’, 22 September 1944
2553. [A]‘London Letter’, October(?) 1944
2554. [R] V. R. Pearn, Burma Background; O. H. K. Spate, Burma Setting; G. Appleton, Buddhism in Burma; Ma Mya Sein, Burma; Kenneth Hemmingway, Wings Over Burma; Charles J. Rolo, Wingate’s Raiders, 1 October 1944
2559. [R] T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets, 5 October 1944
2560. [E]‘As I Please’, 43, 6 October 1944
2562. [E]‘As I Please’, 44, 13 October 1944
2564. [A] ‘Home Guard Lessons for the Future’, 15 October 1944
2565. [R] John Middleton Murry, Adam and Eve, 19 October 1944
2566. [E]‘As I Please’, 45, 20 October 1944
2567. [R]Unpublished Review: C. S. Lewis, Beyond Personality, Mid-October 1944
2568. [E]‘As I Please’, 46, 27 October 1944
2570. [R] Beverley Nichols, Verdict on India, 29 October 1944
2572. [R] Anthony Trollope, The Warden; George Eliot, Silas Marner; Harold Nicolson, Public Faces; V. Sackville-West, Seducers in Ecuador; Anatole France, Les Dieux ont Soif; Edmond Vermeil, Hitler et le Christianisme, 2 November 1944
2573. [E]‘As I Please’, 47, 3 November 1944
2575. [R] Giles Playfair, Singapore Goes Off the Air, Sir Richard Winstedt, Britain and Malaya, 8 November 1944
2576. [A]Books and the People: The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith, 10 November 1944
2577. [R] W. H. Gardner, Gerard Manley Hopkins, 12 November 1944
2578. [R] A. L. Rowse, The English Spirit; ‘Cassius’ (Michael Foot), Brendan and Beverley, 16 November 1944
2579. [E]‘As I Please’, 48, 17 November 1944
2580. [R] J. A. Spender, Last Essays; Walter Clay Lowdermilk, Palestine, Land of Promise; Reginald Moore, Selected Writing, 23 November 1944
2581. [E]‘As I Please’, 49, 24 November 1944
2582. [R] Herbert J. C. Grierson and J. C. Smith, A Critical History of English Poetry, 26 November 1944
2584. [R] James Agate, Noblesse Oblige—Another Letter to Another Son; Jack Lindsay, Perspective for Poetry, 30 November 1944
2585. [E] ‘Funny, But Not Vulgar’, 1 December 1944
2586. [E]‘As I Please’, 50, 1 December 1944
2589. [R] Bridge into the Future: Letters of Max Plowman, 7 December 1944
2590. [E]‘As I Please’, 51, 8 December 1944
2592. [A] ‘Oysters and Brown Stout’, 22 December 1944
2593. [R] Charles d’Ydewalle, An Interlude in Spain, translated by Eric Sutton, 24 December 1944
2594. [R] Robert Gibbings, Lovely is the Lee; Vera T. Mirsky, The Cup of Astonishment, 28 December 1944
2595. [E]‘As I Please’, 52, 29 December 1944
2596. [R] Edwin Morgan, Flower of Evil: A Life of Charles Baudelaire, 31 December 1944
2597. [R] Conrad Heiden, Der Führer, 4 January 1945
2598. [A] ‘Books and the People: A New Year Message’, 5 January 1945
2599. [E]‘As I Please’, 53, 5 January 1945
2601. [R] L. A. G. Strong, Authorship, 11 January 1945
2602. [PD]Home Guard Old Comrades’ Association: editorial note
2603. [E]‘As I Please’, 54, 12 January 1945
2604. [R] “Palinurus”, The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle, 14 January 1945
2605. [E]‘As I Please’, 55, 19 January 1945
2608. [R] The Natural Order: Essays on the Return to Husbandry, edited by H. J. Massingham, 25 January 1945
2609. [E]‘As I Please’, 56, 26 January 1945
2610. [R] H. W. Nevinson, Visions and Memories, 28 January 1945
2611. [A]Animal Farm: Proofs, 31 January 1945
2612. [R] Rhodes Farmer, Shanghai Harvest; Norman Douglas, Fountains in the Sand, 2 February 1945
2613. [E]‘As I Please’, 57, 2 February 1945
2615. [R] Halldór Laxness, Independent People, translated by Anderson Thompson, 8 February 1945
2616. [E]‘As I Please’, 58, 9 February 1945
2617. [PD]Talks Booking Form for Broadcasts on Samuel Butler, 14 February 1945: editorial note
2622. [PD]War Correspondent for The Observer and the Manchester Evening News: editorial note
2623. [E]‘As I Please’, 59, 16 February 1945
2624. [E] ‘In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse’, 20 February 1945
2625A. [A]Paris Puts a Gay Face on her Miseries, 24 February 1945
2626. [E] ‘Anti-Semitism in Britain’, 26 February 1945
2627. [A] Inside the Pages in Paris, 28 February 1945
2629. [E] ‘Poetry and the Microphone’, March 1945
2631. [A] Occupation’s Effect on French Outlook: Different Political Thinking, 4 March 1945
2632. [A] The Political Aims of the French Resistance, 7 March 1945
2633. [A] Clerical Party May Re-emerge in France: Educational Controversy, 11 March 1945
2636. [A] De Gaulle Intends to Keep Indo-China: But French Apathetic on Empire, 18 March 1945
2637. [A] The French Believe We Have Had a Revolution, 20 March 1945
2641. [A] Creating Order Out of Cologne Chaos: Water Supplied from Carts, 25 March 1945
2648. [N]Notes for My Literary Executor, signed 31 March 1945
2649. [N]‘Possibly reprintable fragments’ [1945–49]
2654. [A] Future of a Ruined Germany: Rural Slum Cannot Help Europe, 8 April 1945
2657. [A] Allies Facing Food Crisis in Germany: Problem of Freed Workers, 15 April 1945
2658. [A] The French election will be influenced by the fact that WOMEN WILL HAVE FIRST VOTE, 16 April 1945
2660. [A] Bavarian Peasants Ignore the War: Germans Know They Are Beaten, 22 April 1945
2661. [A] The Germans Still Doubt Our Unity: The Flags Do Not Help, 29 April 1945
2662. [A] Now Germany Faces Hunger, 4 May 1945
2663. [PD]Anarchist Trial, 4 May 1945: editorial note
2664. [A] France’s Interest in The War Dwindles: Back to Normal is The Aim 6 May 1945
2665. [A]VE-Day, 8 May 1945
2667. [A] Freed Politicians Return to Paris: T. U. Leader Sees de Gaulle 13 May 1945
2668. [E] ‘Notes on Nationalism’, 15 May 1945
2669. [A] Danger of Separate Occupation Zones: Delaying Austria’s Recovery, 20 May 1945
2671. [A] Obstacles to Joint Rule in Germany, 27 May 1945
2672. [A]‘London Letter’, 5 June 1945
2673. [R] W. P. Crozier, The Fates are Laughing; George Baker, Cry Hylas on the Hills, 7 June 1945
2675. [A] Uncertain Fate of Displaced Persons, 10 June 1945
2676. [R] Jacques Maritain, Christianity and Democracy, 10 June 1945
2678. [R] George Sava, Land Fit for Heroes; Leonid Grossman, Death of a Poet, 14 June 1945
2681. [R] Kenneth Reddin, Another Shore; Vicki Baum, The Weeping Wood, 21 June 1945
2683. [R] Joseph Conrad, The Nigger of the Narcissus, Typhoon, The Shadow Line; Joseph Conrad, Within the Tides, 24 June 1945
2684. [A] Morrison and Bracken Face Stiff Fights: Heavy Poll Expected, 24 June 1945
2687. [R] Joseph Conrad, The Nigger of the Narcissus, Typhoon, The Shadow Line; Poems of Our Time, 1900–1942, chosen by Richard Church and Mildred M. Bozman, 28 June 1945
2692. [A] Liberal Intervention Aids Labour: ‘Puzzle’ Blocks of Voters, 1 July 1945
2693. [PD]Bulletin of the Freedom Defence Committee: editorial note
2695. [PD]Contract with Polemic, 3 July 1945
2697. [A] ‘Authors Deserve a New Deal’, 5 July 1945
2699. [R] Honoré de Balzac, Nine Tales from Les Contes Drolatiques, translated by J. Plummer, R. Scutt, and J. P. Collas, illustrated by R. A. Brandt, 8 July 1945
2701. [R] Pierre Maillaud, The English Way; John L. Keenan, A Steel Man in India; Thomas Mann, Joseph the Provider, 12 July 1945
2703. [PD]Preparations for Second Edition of Animal Farm: editorial note
2704. [R] Jose Antonio de Aguirre, Freedom was Flesh and Blood; Personal Landscape: An Anthology of Exile, 19 July 1945
2705. [A] ‘Personal Notes on Scientifiction’, 21 July 1945
2706. [R] Erich Kahler, Man the Measure, 22 July 1945
2708. [E] ‘World Affairs, 1945’, 24 July 1945
2709. [R]Unpublished Review, Manchester Evening News, 25 July 1945
2710. [PD]‘Funny, But Not Vulgar’, 28 July 1945: editorial note (text at 2585)
2713. [R] Viscount Samuel, Memoirs; Christopher Isherwood, Good-Bye to Berlin; Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own; Chapman Cohen, Thomas Paine, 2 August 1945
2714. [R] Edward Sackville-West, The Rescue, illustrated by Henry Moore, 5 August 1945
2717. [R]Reviews: ‘They Throw New Light on India’, 9 August 1945
2719. [A]‘London Letter’, 15–16 August 1945
2720. [R] C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength; Nerina Shute, We Mixed Our Drinks, 16 August 1945
2721. [PD]Publication of Animal Farm, 17 August 1945: editorial note Unpublished Preface: ‘The Freedom of the Press’
2726. [R] Lionel James, A Forgotten Genius: Sewell of St. Columba’s and Radley, 19 August 1945
2729. [R] Kornei Chukovsky, Chekov the Man, translated by Pauline Rose, 23 August 1945
2734. [R] Evelyn Anderson, Hammer or Anvil: The Story of the German Working-Class Movement; Julius Braunthal, In Search of the Millennium, 30 August 1945
2738. [N]V-J Day and the End of World War II, 15 August and 2 September 1945
2739. [R] Una Pope-Hennessy, Charles Dickens, 2 September 1945
2742. [R] Mass Observation, Britain and Her Birth-Rate, 6 September 1945
2744. [R] Sagittarius, Quiver’s Choice, 7 September 1945
2745. [A]Untraced article for The Observer, 7 September 1945
2746. [R] W. McCartney, The French Cooks’ Syndicate, 8 September 1945
2755. [R] Bryan Merryman, The Midnight Court, translated by Frank O’Connor, 27 September 1945
2757. [R] Crichton Porteous, The Earth Remains; Leo Kiacheli, Gvadi Bigva, 4 October 1945
2758. [PD]Royalties for Talking to India, 6 October 1945: editorial note
2760. [R] Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment; translated by Constance Garnett, 7 October 1945
2763. [R] C. E. Vulliamy, Edwin and Eleanor, Elizabeth Taylor, At Mrs. Lippincote’s; Inez Holden, To the Boating, 11 October 1945
2764. [R] Hermon Ould, Freedom of Expression, 12 October 1945
2765. [A] ‘Profile of Aneurin Bevan’, 14 October 1945
2768. [R] Rhys Davies, Selected Stories, 18 October 1945
2770. [E] ‘You and the Atom Bomb’, 19 October 1945
2771. [E] ‘What is Science?’, 26 October 1945
2773. [R] Kenneth Mellanby, Human Guinea Pigs, 25 October 1945
2774. [R] Sean O’Casey, Drums under the Windows, 28 October 1945
2777. [E] ‘The British General Election’, November 1945
2778. [E] ‘Catastrophic Gradualism’, November 1945
2779. [R] Howard Clewes, Dead Ground; Giuseppe Mazzini: Selected Writings, edited by N. Gangulee; The Trial of Jones and Hulten, edited by C. E. Bechhofer-Roberts, 1 November 1945
2780. [E] ‘Good Bad Books’, 2 November 1945
2781. [A]Introduction to Love of Life and Other Stories by Jack London, October or November 1945
2783. [PD]The Amnesty Campaign, 7 November 1945: editorial note
2784. [R] H. G. Wells, Mind at the End of Its Tether, 8 November 1945
2786. [E] ‘Revenge Is Sour’, 9 November 1945
2790. [R] A Harp with a Thousand Strings, compiled by Hsiao Ch’ien, 11 November 1945
2792. [E] ‘The Prevention of Literature’, 12 November 1945
2794. [R] Aerian Conan Doyle, The True Conan Doyle, 15 November 1945
2796. [R] D. H. Lawrence, The Prussian Officer, 16 November 1945
2798. [R] Robert Louis Stevenson, Novels and Stories, selected with an Introduction by V. S. Pritchett, 18 November 1945
2800. [R] Brigadier James Hargest, Farewell Campo 12; Sir Evelyn Wrench, Immortal Years; Corn on the Cob: Popular and Traditional Poetry of the U.S.A. selected by A. L. Lloyd, 22 November 1945
2801. [N]Background to ‘Through a Glass, Rosily’, 2 and 16 November 1945
2802. [A] ‘Through a Glass, Rosily’, 23 November 1945
2805. [R] Norman Collins, London Belongs to Me, 29 November 1945
2807. [R] Herbert Read, A Coat of Many Colours: Occasional Essays, Winter 1945
2808. [R] Jean-Paul Sartre, Huis Clos; Peter Ustinov, The Banbury Nose; Arthur Koestler, Twilight Bar, 30 November 1945
2808A. [A]Reprint of ‘The Song of the Beasts’, December 1945
2809. [A] ‘Bare Christmas for the Children’, 1 December 1945
2811. [R] Cyril Connolly, The Condemned Playground, 2 December 1945
2812. [R] The Saturday Book [5], edited by Leonard Russell, 6 December 1945
2813. [A] ‘Freedom of the Park’, 7 December 1945
2814. [A] ‘The Case for the Open Fire’, 8 December 1945
2815. [E] ‘Politics and the English Language’, 11 December 1945
2816. [N]Notes for ‘Politics and the English Language’, February to October 1945?
2817. [R] F. C. Weiskopf, The Firing Squad; Lord Dunsany, The Siren’s Wake, 13 December 1945
2818. [E] ‘The Sporting Spirit’, 14 December 1945
2819. [E] ‘In Defence of English Cooking’, 15 December 1945
2820. [R] William Bowyer Honey, Science and the Creative Arts, 16 December 1945
2822. [R] William Russell, Cellar, 20 December 1945
2823. [E] ‘Nonsense Poetry’ (The Lear Omnibus, edited by R. L. Megroz), 21 December 1945
2826. [PD]Negotiations for the U. S. Edition of Animal Farm: editorial note
2827. [A] ‘Banish This Uniform’, 22 December 1945
2828. [PD]Payment for Second Rights to ‘Grandeur et décadence du roman policier anglais’, 28 December 1945; text at 2357
2829. [A] ‘Old George’s Almanac by Crystal-Gazer Orwell’, 28 December 1945
2831. [PD]Appendix: Orwell’s Payments Book, July 1943 to December 1945
2832. [A]‘The Prevention of Literature’: published January 1946; text at 2792
2833. [PD]Condensation of Animal Farm, January 1946: editorial note
2838. [A] ‘£3. 13s Worth of Pleasure’, 3 January 1946
2841. [A] ‘Freedom and Happiness’, 4 January 1946 Gleb Struve’s response (on Zamyatin), 25 January 1946
2842. [A] ‘Just Junk—But Who Could Resist It?’, 5 January 1946
2843. [R] Douglas Goldring, The Nineteen-Twenties, 6 January 1946
2851. [R] Stephen Bagnall, The Crater’s Edge; Malcolm James, Born of the Desert, 10 January 1946
2854. [A] ‘Pleasure Spots’, 11 January 1946
2857. [A] ‘A Nice Cup of Tea’, 12 January 1946
2858. [R] The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield, 13 January 1946
2862. [R] Mark Abrams, The Condition of the British People, 1911–1945, 17 January 1946
2866. [E] ‘The Politics of Starvation’, 18 January 1946
2867. [A]The “Cat-and-Mouse” Case: Campaign for Philip Sansom, 18 January 1946
2868. [E] ‘Songs We Used to Sing’, 19 January 1946
2872. [PD]BBC Contract for Script of The Voyage of the ‘Beagle’, 23 January 1946: editorial note
2874. [PD]‘The Intellectual Revolt’: editorial note
2875. [E] ‘1. The Intellectual Revolt’, 24 January 1946
2876. [E] ‘2. What is Socialism?’, 31 January 1946
2877. [E] ‘3. The Christian Reformers’, 7 February 1946
2878. [E] ‘4. Pacifism and Progress’, 14 February 1946
2879. [E] ‘Afterword’, April 1946
2879A. [PD]‘Der Aufstand der Intellektuellen’ (abridgement of ‘The Intellectual Revolt’ with Afterword), 8 August 1946: editorial note
2881. [E] ‘On Housing’, 25 January 1946
2882. [A] ‘But Are We Really Ruder? No’, 26 January 1946
2883. [R] George Millar, Horned Pigeon, 27 January 1946
2887. [E] ‘The Cost of Radio Programmes’, 1 February 1946
2888. [A] ‘“Bad” Climates are Best’, 2 February 1946
2889. [PD]Letters to Balachandra Rajan, early February? and 6 February 1946: editorial note
2892. [E] ‘Books v. Cigarettes’, 8 February 1946
2894. [E] ‘The Moon Under Water’, 9 February 1946
2895. [R] Colm Brogan, The Democrat at the Supper Table, 10 February 1946
2898. [E]Publication of Critical Essays, 14 February 1946: editorial note
2900. [E] ‘Decline of the English Murder’, 15 February 1946
2901. [PD]Orwell’s Income Tax, 1943–44 and 1944–45: editorial note
2904. [PD]Orwell’s Request for a Biro, February 1946: editorial note
2905. [PD]Notice of Orwell’s Illness, Manchester Evening News, 21 February 1946
2906. [E] ‘Words and Henry Miller’, 22 February 1946
2909. [R] F. Tennyson Jesse, The Story of Burma; C. J. Richards, The Burman: An Appreciation; Harry I. Marshall, The Karens of Burma, 24 February 1946
2914. [PD]Nuremberg and the Moscow Trials: editorial note
2917. [R] Richard Wright, Black Boy; James Aldridge, Of Many Men; Albert Maltz, The Cross and the Arrow, 28 February 1946
2922. [R] Jacques Barzun, We Who Teach, 7 March 1946
2923. [E] ‘Do Our Colonies Pay?’, 8 March 1946
2925. [R] Mark Benney, Charity Main, 10 March 1946
2927. [PD] Notice of Orwell’s illness, Manchester Evening News, 14 March 1946
2939. [A] ‘The Voyage of the “Beagle”’, 22 March 1946
2940. [E] ‘In Front of Your Nose’, 22 March 1946
2944. [R] Arturo Barea, The Clash, 24 March 1946
2946. [PD]Public Meeting: Spanish Anti-Fascists, 26 March 1946: editorial note
2951. [R] J. B. Priestley, The Secret Dream; Norah Hoult, Selected Stories; Fred Urquhart, Selected Stories; John Brophy, Selected Stories, 28 March 1946
2952. [R] David Mathew, Acton: The Formative Years, 29 March 1946
2954. [A]Unpublished booklet: ‘British Cookery’, March 1946
2957. [A]Introduction to The Position of Peggy Harper, end February or March 1946?
2958. [A]‘Politics and the English Language’: published April 1946; text at 2815
2959. [A]Public Meeting: “Planning and Freedom”, 1 April 1946
2960. [R] B. H. Liddell Hart, The Revolution in Warfare, 4 April 1946
2961. [R] Grigore Gafencu, Prelude to the Russian Campaign, 5 April 1946
2962. [R] G. Lowes Dickinson, Letters from John Chinaman and Other Essays; The Englishman’s Country edited by W. J. Turner, 7 April 1946
2968. [R] R. H. Barham, The Ingoldsby Legends, 11 April 1946
2970. [E] ‘Some Thoughts on the Common Toad’, 12 April 1946
2976. [R] Sinclair Lewis, Cass Timberlane, 18 April 1946
2979. [PD]List of George Gissing’s Novels, 17 April 1946: editorial note
2980. [R] Georges Bernanos, Plea for Liberty, 21 April 1946
2983. [R] Robert Tressall, The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists, 25 April 1946
2985. [E] ‘A Good Word for the Vicar of Bray’, 26 April 1946
2988. [A]Editorial, Polemic, 3, May 1946
2989. [E] ‘Second Thoughts on James Burnham’, May 1946
2990. [A]‘London Letter’, early May 1946?
2992. [E] ‘Confessions of a Book Reviewer’, 3 May 1946 Response by Daniel George, 17 May 1946
2995. [R] Caryl P. Haskins, Of Ants and Men, 5 May 1946
3007. [E] ‘Why I Write’, Summer 1946
3032. [P]Radio Adaptation of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, 9 July 1946
3049A. [A]‘The True Pattern of H. G. Wells’, 14 August 1946
3057. [A] ‘The Cost of Letters’, September 1946
3089. [E] ‘Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels’, September–October 1946
3090. [A]Randall Swingler, ‘The Right to Free Expression’, annotated by Orwell, September–October 1946
3101. [PD]BBC Pamphlets, 2 and 3, 29 October 1946: editorial note
3103. [PD]Background to ‘How the Poor Die’: editorial note
3104. [E] ‘How the Poor Die’, November 1946
3107. [R] Francis Askham, A Foolish Wind; Francis Ashton, The Breaking of the Seals; Sven Auren, The Tricolour Flies Again, 7 November 1946
3108. [E]‘As I Please’, 60, 8 November 1946
3109. [R] A. Ramos Oliveira, Politics, Economics and Men of Modern Spain, 1808–1946, 10 November 1946
3112. [R] Erich Maria Remarque, Arch of Triumph; Lords of Life: An Anthology of Animal Poetry, edited by Derek Gilpin Barnes; Donald Brook, Five Great French Composers, 14 November 1946
3115. [E]‘As I Please’, 61, 15 November 1946
3122. [R] Hannen Swaffer, What Would Nelson Do?; Reginald Pound, Running Commentary; Howard Spring, Dunkerley’s, 21 November 1946
3123. [E] ‘Riding Down from Bangor’, 22 November 1946
3124. [E]‘As I Please’, 62, 22 November 1946
3126. [E]‘As I Please’, 63, 29 November 1946
3131. [E]‘As I Please’, 64, 6 December 1946
3134. [E]‘As I Please’, 65, 13 December 1946
3137. [E]‘As I Please’, 66, 20 December 1946
3140. [E]‘As I Please’, 67, 27 December 1946
3144. [PD]Freedom Defence Committee Appeal, 1947: editorial note
3145. [PD]Orwell at Jura, January 1947
3146. [E]‘As I Please’, 68, 3 January 1947
3152. [PD]Radio Adaptation of Animal Farm, 14 January 1947: editorial note
3153. [E]‘As I Please’, 69, 17 January 1947
3156. [PD]Correspondence with Konni Zilliacus, 17, 24, 31 January and 7 February: editorial note; correspondence at 2990
3158. [E]‘As I Please’, 70, 24 January 1947
3165. [PD]Freedom Defence Committee to the Public, 29 January 1947
3167. [E]‘As I Pleased’,° 71, 31 January 1947
3168. [PD]Memorandum: ‘Help Poles in Germany’, February 1947: editorial note
3169. [E]‘As I Please’, 72, 7 February 1947
3171. [E]‘As I Please’, 73, 14 February 1947
3172. [E]‘As I Please’, 74, 21 February 1947
3176. [E]‘As I Please’, 75A, 27 February 1947
3177. [E]‘As I Please’, 75B, 28 February 1947
3181. [E] ‘Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool’, March 1947
3182. [E]‘As I Please’, 76, 7 March 1947
3186. [PD]Cable to The New Leader (New York), 12 March 1947
3189. [PD]Freedom Defence Committee and Driver Stowe, 13 March 1947: editorial note
3190. [E]‘As I Please’, 77, 14 March 1947
3196. [E]‘As I Please’, 78, 21 March 1947
3198. [A]Preface to the Ukrainian Edition of Animal Farm [March 1947]
3201. [E]‘As I Please’, 79, 28 March 1947
3204. [E] ‘Burnham’s View of the Contemporary World Struggle’, 29 March 1947
3206. [A]Introduction to British Pamphleteers, Volume 1, Spring 1947?
3208. [E]‘As I Please’, 80, 4 April 1947
3218. [R] Lady Gregory’s Journals, edited by Lennox Robinson, 19 April 1947
3236. [PD]Talk on George Orwell by Sir Edward Marsh, BBC French Service, 5 June 1947: editorial note
3243. [N]Background to ‘Toward European Unity’
3244. [E] ‘Toward European Unity’, July 1947
3253. [PD]Publication of The English People, August 1947: editorial note; text at 2475
3254. [E]Unpublished essay: ‘In Defence of Comrade Zilliacus’, August–September? 1947
3270. [A]Broadcast of Excerpt from The Road to Wigan Pier, Sweden 11 September 1947
3279. [PD]‘What Is the English Character?’ (excerpt from The English People), October 1947: editorial note
3280. [PD]Proposal to Re-issue Down and Out in Paris and London in the United States, 1 October 1947: editorial note
3301. [PD]Ukrainian Translation of Animal Farm, November 1947: editorial note
3302. [PD]Subscription to International P.E.N. English Centre, 1947–48: editorial note
3309. [E] “Profile of Krishna Menon”, by David Astor in consultation with Orwell, 30 November 1947
3311. [A]Questionnaire: The Three Best Books of 1947, December 1947
3323. [PD]Appendix: List of Reprintable and Not Reprintable Works, 1947?
3336. [R] Lord Beveridge, India Called Them, 1 February 1948
3346. [A]Article, ‘Marx and Russia’, 15 February 1948.
3347. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘Marx and Russia’
3352. [PD]Hairmyres Hospital Timetable
3356. [R] Kenneth Williamson, The Atlantic Islands, 29 February 1948
3361. [R] Norbert Casteret, My Caves, translated by R. L. G. Irving, 14 March 1948
3364. [E] ‘Writers and Leviathan’, Summer 1948
3365. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘Writers and Leviathan’
3366. [E] ‘Britain’s Left-Wing Press’, June 1948
3367. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘Britain’s Left-Wing Press’
3380. [R] Spearhead: Ten Years’ Experimental Writing in America, edited by James Laughlin, 17 April 1948
3381. [N]Preparatory Notes for Review of Spearhead
3395. [R] Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism, 9 May 1948
3396. [N]Preparatory Notes for Review of The Soul of Man under Socialism
3406. [E] ‘George Gissing’, May–June 1948?
3407. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘George Gissing’
3408. [PD]Background to ‘Such, Such Were the Joys’: editorial note
3409. [E] ‘Such, Such Were the Joys’, 1939? to June 1948?
3411. [R] Jean Burton, Heyday of a Wizard, 6 June 1948
3418. [R] Osbert Sitwell, Great Morning, July 1948
3419. [R] Roy Jenkins, Mr. Attlee: An Interim Biography, 4 July 1948
3424. [R] Graham Greene, The Heart of the Matter, 17 July 1948
3425. [R] Hugh Kingsmill, The Dawn’s Delay, 18 July 1948
3431. [R] B.J. W. Hill, Eton Medley, 1 August 1948
3436. [R] The Novelist as Thinker, edited by B. Rajan, 7 August 1948
3441. [PD]Civil Service Purge, FDC Statement, 21 August 1948
3443. [R] George Woodcock, The Writer and Politics, 22 August 1948
3454. [PD]Appeal by Freedom Defence Committee, 7 September 1948
3462. [E] ‘The Labour Government After Three Years’, October 1948
3463. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘The Labour Government After Three Years’
3465. [R] Edwin Berry Burgum, The Novel and the World’s Dilemma, 2 October 1948
3469. [R] Louis Fischer, Gandhi and Stalin, 10 October 1948
3472. [PD]Broadcast of ‘Shooting an Elephant’, 12 October 1948: editorial note
3485. [R] Jean-Paul Sartre, Portrait of the Anti-Semite, translated by Erik de Mauny, 7 November 1948
3487. [PD]Publication of British Pamphleteers, Vol. 1, 15 November 1948: editorial note
3498. [R] T. S. Eliot, Notes towards the Definition of Culture, 28 November 1948
3514. [PD]Appendix 1: Avril Blair’s Barnhill Diary, 1 January to 10 May 1948
3515. [PD]Appendix 2: Orwell’s Second Literary Notebook, 1948
3516. [E] ‘Reflections on Gandhi’, January 1949
3517. [R] The English Comic Album, compiled by Leonard Russell and Nicolas Bentley, 2 January 1949
3543. [R] F. R. Leavis, The Great Tradition, 6 February 1949
3552. [R] Evelyn Waugh, Scott-King’s Modern Europe, 20 February 1949
3579. [PD]Cranham Sanatorium Routine, 21 March 1949
3585. [E]Unfinished essay, ‘Evelyn Waugh’, April(?) 1949
3586. [N]Preparatory Notes for ‘Evelyn Waugh’
3590A. [PD]Orwell and the Information Research Department
3590A. [PD]Orwell and the Information Research Department (with Celia Kirwan’s report of 30 March 1949)
3593. [R]Medical Superintendent, The Cotswold Sanatorium, to the Editor, Partisan Review, 7 April 1949
3612. [A]Article, ‘A Prize for Ezra Pound’, May 1949
3613. [A]Abridgement: ‘A Look into the Future: 1984 and Newspeak’, May 1949
3624. [R] Winston Churchill, Their Finest Hour, 14 May 1949
3625. [R] Hesketh Pearson, Dickens: His Character, Comedy and Career, 15 May 1949
3643. [PD]Publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, 8 June 1949: editorial note
3646. [A]Orwell’s Statement on Nineteen Eighty-Four, [15 June 1949]
3685. [A]Tribune Statement: “For Freedom in Spain”, 2 September 1949
3687. [PD]University College Hospital Routine
3693. [PD]Announcement of Orwell’s Engagement to Sonia Brownell, 17 September 1949
3696. [PD]Condensed Book Version of Nineteen Eighty-Four, October 1949: editorial summary
3702. [PD]Marriage to Sonia Brownell, 13 October 1949: editorial note
3715A. [N]The Best Novels of 1949: Some Personal Choices, 1 January 1950 / Purported Book Recommendation, 1952
3718. [PD]Orwell’s Last Will, 18 January 1950
3719. [PD]U.S. Edition of Coming Up for Air, 19 January 1950: editorial note
3720. [PD]Orwell’s Death, 21 January 1950: editorial note
3721. [PD]Appendix 1: Unfinished Projects: editorial summary
3722. [N]Notes and Details of Layout for ‘A Smoking Room Story’
3723. [N]Unfinished Draft: ‘A Smoking-room Story’, Spring (?) 1949
3724. [P]‘A Smoking-room Story’: conjectural fair copy
3725. [PD]Appendix 2: Notes from Orwell’s Last Literary Notebook
3726. [PD]Appendix 3: Statement of Orwell’s Assets
3727. [PD]Appendix 4: Orwell’s Reading List for 1949
3728. [PD]Appendix 5: Orwell’s Notes on His Books and Essays
3729. [PD]Appendix 6: Orwell’s Notes on Inside Covers of Red Book-Cover
3730. [PD]Appendix 7: Orwell’s Will of 18 January 1950, and Estate
3731. [PD]Appendix 8: Names in Orwell’s Address Book
3732. [PD]Appendix 9: Orwell’s List of Crypto-Communists and Fellow-Travellers
3733. [PD]Appendix 10: Classified List of Orwell’s Pamphlets [1946–47?]
3734. [PD]Appendix 11: Books Owned by Orwell in 1950
3735. [PD]Appendix 12: Mrs. Miranda Wood’s Memoir [of Orwell]
3736. [PD]Appendix 13: After Orwell’s Death: editorial note, with Ian Angus’s memoir of Sonia Orwell
3737. [PD]Appendix 14: Supplementary Items: editorial note |
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