일본 판가게

(일본판가게에서 넘어옴)

7/17(Thu.) 福岡ユタカvo、鬼怒無月g、岡部洋一perc、高橋英明kb at 浅草アサヒスクエアA
Open 19:00
Open 18:30 Start 19:00
7/18(Fri.) 東京ザヴィヌルバッハ at 六本木PIT-INN
Open 18:30 Start 19:30
7/19(Sat.) 佳村萌vo、鬼怒無月g、勝井祐二vln at 下北沢440
Open 18:30 Start 19:30
7/19(Sat.) 灰野敬二ソロ at 西早稲田ジェリージェフ
Start 19:30

1 # 신주쿠 (新宿, SHINJUKU)[ | ]

⊙ Backtrip Records, http://www.backtrip.co.jp/index2.html : prog & heavy metal, used and bootlegs
⊙ Dust 'n' Dream (Tel 03-5330-2131), http://www.dnd-rock.com/cgi-bin815/view_list.cgi?listID=2-9 : bootlegs, till 20:00 (수요일 휴무)
⊙ JNR : Noise, German, Avant-Garde, till 21:00
⊙ Garden Shed(ガ-デン·シェッド, Tel 03-5389-6721), http://www.gardenshedcd.com
: tons of prog all around the world! not used shop, till 20:00
: 東京都新宿區西新宿7-16-15 第1シダビル 3F
⊙ Record G.S.M (Tel 03-5386-5915) : Records only, till 19:30 (부정 쉼)
⊙ Disk Union 新宿本店(Tel 03-3352-2691) & Progressive Rock館(Tel 03-3352-2141), http://www.diskunion.co.jp/shop_news/index.html : till 20:00

    (※ SHOP MAP from 新宿 Record Shop Guide)

  • Virgin Megastore (3353-0056) : imports. Good soul and funk sections. This new (2001) branch has better prices than the former location in Marui. The basement and first floors can be very noisy, with lots of competing music sources playing simultaneously. 10:00-23:00. Shinjuku 3-1-13
  • Disk Union (3352-2691) : used and imports. 7 stories of new and used CDs, divided up by genre. Not the cheapest used store, but the selection is good. 11:00-20:00 (Sundays till 19:00) no holidays. Shinjuku 3-31-4
    • 동경 신주쿠를 중심으로 전국적인 유통망을 두고 있는 대형 중고 음반점. 각층마다 장르별로 구분이 되어 있을 뿐 아니라 (1층 : 최신유행음악, 2층: 펑크, 3층: 힙합, 테크노, 4층: 프로그레시브, 5층: 헤비메탈, 6층: 인디,록, 7층: 60-70 메인 스트림 록) 음반 질과 음질상태도 자세하게 표시되어 있다. 무엇보다 가장 큰 장점은 염가 음반이 많다는 것.
  • Tower (5360-7811) : imports. An uneven selection and a confusing layout make this newest branch rather disappointing. On the plus side, they're open to 11pm, and they carry lots of English-language magazines. 11:00-23:00. Flags 7-10FL (next to Shinjuku station south exit)
  • HMV 新宿 SOUTH : (Tel 03-5361-3060), 10:00-21:00 no holidays. imports. A huge mega-store with plenty of everything in stock. 우 151-0051, 東京都澁谷區千駄ヶ谷5-24-2 タカシマヤ タイムズスクエア 12F
  • HMV 新宿 EAST : (Tel 03-5269-2571), imports. A decent selection of dance-oriented CD singles, but not as good as the nearby branch in Takashimaya. 우 160-0022, 東京都新宿區新宿3-38-1 新宿マイシティ 6F

Step under the Yamanote line bridge from east Shinjuku and you're in record heaven. This area is particularly strong on heavy metal and live concert recordings. Take the time to shop around; prices for the same disc can vary wildly from shop to shop.

Nishi-Shinjuku specialty shops assorted specialties Nishi-Shinjuku 7-chome

There are over 50 tiny specialty shops scattered through 7-chome, on side streets and in apartment and office buildings. Some of them carry bootlegs, and a lot of them specialize in one genre, like R&B or reggae. Here are a few to start with:
  • Vinyl Japan #1 (3365-0910) : imports and used. 12:00-21:00 no holidays. Nishi-Shinjuku 7-4-9, 2FL
  • Rough Trade (5330-3171) : imports. Thoroughly alternative, with the emphasis on hot imported UK indie acts. CDs therefore quite expensive, averaging about ?800. Some new albums on vinyl. Recommended by a reader: "it stocks the hippest stuff around England, because its mother shop is England based". 12:00-21:00, no holidays. Nishi-Shinjuku 7-2-4, Shinjuku MS Building 2F
  • Iko Iko (3227-0015) : imports and bootlegs. "Jam bands" from the Grateful Dead to Medeski, Martin and Wood. 11:00-20:00 no holidays. Nishi-Shinjuku 7-15-18
  • Ebony Records (5686-2614) : imports and used. Soul, dance, rap, hip-hop, European soul; vinyl only. mailto:ebonyrecords@usa.net. 13:00-20:00 Closed Mondays. Nishi-Shinjuku 7-1-7-A608
  • Allman (3360-5166) : Right next door to Rough Trade, specializes in hard core, new and vintage and secondhand punk. Vinyl and CD, including boxed set of Clash singles.
  • Vinyl Japan (3365-0910) : A vintage music-lovers' paradise. Main branch has a varied stock from ?e60s, ?e70s, ?e80s ordered by style. Loads of vintage vinyl, singles in sleeves on wall. Other two branches close by, dealing with more contemporary stuff.
비틀즈, 롤링스톤, COB 등 브리티쉬 록과 포크음반등을 다량 보유. 대부분이 데뷔 당시의 초반 음반이며 음반 질도 매우 양호하나 가격이 조금 비싸다.
  • Barn Homes Records (3363-4730) : Stompin' and heavy thrash music on vinyl and CD plus a smattering of collectables.
  • Shinjuku Records (3363-3669) : Vast selection of rare prog rock and UK folk. On vinyl there are lots of punk rarities, including Peter and the Test Tube Babies' immortal ?gPissed and Proud?h, featuring such classics as ?gElvis is Dead?h. Also on the Internet at www.mmjp.or.jp/shinjuku-rec/sjk
    • (160-0023) 東京都新宿區西新宿7-5-6 新宿ダイカンプラザ756 2F
    • (平日)11:30-19:30,(休日)11:30-19:00
  • Orange Street (3365-2027) : Reggae specialist, very friendly, sells mainly to local DJs.
  • NAT Records (3368-8262) : Punk and post-punk specialist. Vinyl and CD.
  • Ware House (3367-4704) : If you're looking for early Beatles, Bowie, Stones rarities and bootlegs, this is the place to come. Just across the corridor from (7). Also a good selection of black music, from soul and blues to jazz, on CD.
희귀음반 전문매장, 구하기 힘든 재발매 LP 음반을 대량 확보.
  • Tiger Hole (3227-0990) : Tiny basement, with punk, ska, and new releases, such as Thee Michelle Gun Elephant. Used vinyl.
  • Rocklove (5330-5570) : Collectors' CDs and videos, ie bootlegs. Huge selection, even from current tours. Japanese pops too, prices 300-12,000.
  • ABC (5389-7911) : An impossibly crowded basement, with no room to walk in, never mind shop. Wall to wall vinyl with just a few CDs and videos. Also has another branch called MAX just around the corner (5389-7209) and another in east Shinjuku (3359-7911).
  • Pop Beat (3369-5130) : A huge outlet for live recordings from gigs. Mostly CDs with cheaper stuff in the basement.
    • 최근의 메탈리카에서부터 킹크림슨까지 다양한 장르의 유명 그룹들의 희귀음반을 다량 보유하고 있다. 게다가 바겐세일로 유명하며, 세일기간 중 회원에 한하여 무료로 CD를 증정하기도 한다. 회원가입은 무료 Blind Faith 에릭클립튼, 레드제플린을 비롯해 주로 70 메인스트림 록을 취급하고 있다. 음반마다 녹음상태에 대한 해설을 달아두고 있어 신뢰감을 주며, 다른 음반 매장들과는 달리 상품의 BOOTLEG(해적판) CD들이 빼곡히 진열되어 있다. Rock Love 80-90 연대 일본 비주얼 록 음반과 함께 헤비메탈 계열의 음반이 주를 이루고 있다. 타 음반매장에 비해 양질의 초염가 음반(300-500엔)을 대량 확보하고 있다는 것이 특징이다
  • Disk Heaven (5386-8498) : Branches in Nagoya and Osaka too. Heavy metal, metal and more metal, from Led Zep to Metallica and all points in between, including thrash. Some vinyl.
    • 나고야가 본거지인 메탈계 충실의 CD점. 뜻밖의 귀한 물건이 발견되기도 함.
  • Disk Hell (3365-7081) : Death Metal. If groups with names like Impaled Nazarene are your thing, this is the place to come. Tiny shop, big CD stock for its size.
  • Babypop (3227-0805) : Tiny and kitsch beyond belief. Specializes in obscure French recordings from the ?e60s. Heavy on early Gainsbourg, Francoise Hardy etc. Also French movie soundtracks and vintage magazines. A very small selection of ?e60s UK rock too. All vinyl. Prices start at JY4000 so bring your wallet.
  • Chicago (3363-0318) : Rock, reggae and classics from the ?e60s to the present day. Equal split between vinyl and CD.
  • G Press (Gold) (5389-7160) : Rock and heavy metal specialist, with just a splattering of Satan, offering both bootlegs and new CDs. Publishes a catalogue of current stock, and had Internet site www.cd-gold.co.jp. On the expensive side. 11:30-20:00, no holidays. Nishi-Shinjuku 7-10-10, 1F
  • Reggae Shop NAT (5337-7558) : Same building as Dead Souls, but on the ground floor. Specializes in ska, roots and reggae on vinyl.
  • Dead Souls (3363-9617) : Same building as reggae shop NAT specializing in live recordings of top artits and classic rock. Also stocks videos and limited amount of vinyl.
  • Blind Faith (3227-2221) : Classic rock, particularly strong on Beatles, Lou Reed, Clapton and the Stones. Prices around ?000. Limited vinyl selection.
  • Mari's Rock (3363-2270) : Heavy metal, Japanese rock videos and punk clothing all under one roof.
  • Club Indies (3371-3851) : Japanese punk, indie and rock specialist. Popular with teenage girls.
  • Plastic Saucer (5330-0686) : Heavy metal specialist. Same building and floor as 24.
  • Garden Shed (5389-6721) : Folk and traditional music from all over the world in a charming small shop. Catch up on the original Nirvana, a folk group from Britain.
  • Xephyr (5330-3959) : Bootleg specialist, from classic rock to today's stadium fillers.
  • Raw Power (3364-5665) : Iggy Pop album title gives clue as to nature of shop. Vinyl only with accent on '70s.
  • Blue Moon (5330-3238) : Rock CD specialist. Also videos.
  • Records GSM (5386-5915) : Vinyl only rock bootlegs and rarities.
  • Eurasia (3362-2639) : Eurasia, vinyl only, rock, folk, synthesizer, hard rock from the ?e60s and ?e70s. Next door to Raw Power.
  • Perfect Circle (3366-2039) : Small chain, with two branches in Shinjuku.
  • Cisco (Alta) (3341-7495) : imports and vinyl. Another chain, with a mix of J-pop and international releases. So serious it's almost scary. Vinyl for DJs is the focus here, but they also have lots of CD singles, and plenty of stuff you won't see anywhere else in town. There's an indie rock department, but most of the action is over in the dance area. 11:00-20:00 closed randomly. Studio Alta 6FL

2 # 다카다노바바 (高田馬場, Takadanobaba)[ | ]

  • RECOfan : Not large, But Good. Soseiken Bldg. 1F. 11:00-20:30. Takadanobaba 1-25-31, Shinjukuku Tokyo
  • Groovaholiks (3986-3347) : Hip hop, R&B. 12:00-23:00 no holidays. Takada 3-13-6, Grace Takadanobaba #104. JR 야마노테선·지하철 토자이선·세이부 신쥬쿠선 다카다노바바(高田馬場)역에서 도보 3분


3 # 시부야 (澁谷, SHIBUYA)[ | ]


  • HMV Shibuya (3477-6880) : imports. A huge improvement over their old Shibuya quarters, this is a major music-buying destination, with five well-organized floors of merchandise. The dance music area is especially good, covering all genres and carrying quite a bit of vinyl. There's also a real stage for in-store events (and a second, smaller stage with piano in the classical department). And when you're done with music-shopping for the day you can go upstairs to the new branch of T-Zone Computers, up on the sixth and seventh floors. 10:00-22:00 no holidays. Udagawacho 24-1, 1-5F
  • Tower (3496-3661) : imports and imported books. The world's largest CD store, although the selection seems to have some gaps. It's definitely worth a trip for the book floor, though -- lots of interesting titles you won't find at Tokyo's English-language bookstores. They also deserve a few points for their new-media departments (CD-ROMs, etc.). 10:00-22:00, random holidays. Jinnan 1-22-14 (along the Yamanote tracks past Marui, towards Harajuku)
  • Cisco House (3462-1048) (3462-0456 ?) : House and dance music emporium. Large selection of vinyl only. Mostly oriented towards DJs, they also stock "disco classics." 11:00-21:00 no holidays. Udagawacho 11-1, 1FL
  • Cisco Techno (3496-7028) : All the techno, and new music (drum'n'bass, abstract). Medium-sized selection of CDs, including ambient and chill-out. techno CDs and vinyl. A well-stocked shop for serious techno fans and djs. 11:00-21:00 no holidays. Udagawacho 10-2, Shin-Tokyo Bldg., 1FL
  • Cisco Rock (3770-8451) : More indie oriented from heavy metal to experimental?kind of place you find these obscure bands one usually only hears about. Only CDs, all brand new.
  • Cisco records (3462-0366) : vinyl. Dance singles and more. 11:00-21:00 no holidays. Udagawacho 11-1, 2FL
  • Cisco Reggae (5458-6625) : All the new reggae you might want to find, including new releases on 7". A great collection, with releases by Japanese reggae bands.
  • DeMode Records (3463-1153) : breakbeats, techno. Mostly vinyl, but with some CDs - you can try out up to 5 records or CDs at the listening booth. 12:00-21:00 no holidays. Udagawacho 33-13, Kusuhara Bldg. 4FL
  • Iko Iko (3780-1515) : rock. 11:00-20:00, no holidays. The small but diverse selection of CDs focuses on "jam bands" -- everyone from Phish to Sun Ra. They also have tie-dye kits and T-shirts. Udagawacho 36-4, 2FL
  • Manhattan Records 2 (3477-7737) : Next to each other across the staircase, both sell contemporary black music?dance classics, soul, etc.?on vinyl.
  • Yellow Pop (3476-3276) : Large selection of secondhand vinyl, some CDs. All styles.
  • Mother's Records (3461-1134) : Just about all vinyl, although some collectors' items on CD. '60s and '70s rock mainly, mostly secondhand.
  • Ultra 3 (3461-5845) : 60s and 70s soul, rock; CDs and vinyl. A small specialty shop with an interesting selection. Also in Shibuya: Ultra (3461-6805; Udagawacho 10-1) and Ultra 4 (3461-3365; Jinnan 1-9-4). I don't know what happened to Ultra 2. All shops open 11am to 9pm, every day. 11:00-21:00, no holidays. Udagawacho 36-4
  • Ultra (3461-6805) : Mostly vinyl of hip hop, abstract and headz. Udagawacho 10-1
  • Manhattan Records (3477-7166) : All black dance, appears to be the mother shop of 3 and 4 above. Great dancehall club style entrance double doors. Only vinyl.
  • Guinness Records (3464-7752) : Varied selection of vinyl, although concentrating on Black music. New and secondhand.
  • Zest (3770-5146) : Alternative, lounge, ska, punk and '60s French in very classy surroundings. CDs and vinyl with an enigmatic layout. Worth checking out for entertainment value.
  • Soul Brothers (3780-7858) : Soul, hip hop and some rock. All secondhand vinyl.
  • Strangelove Records (5489-0269) : Everything in rock (from Can to Smashing Pumpkins) on vinyl and CDs from the '60s to today, with bootlegs and videos.
  • 4DJ's (3770-4003) : For dance groove fans: disco classics, garage, house, hip hop, funk, etc. Only vinyl, new and secondhand.
  • q (5489-0335) : Happy hardcore, trance core, drum'n'bass. 12"s, CDs, clothes and equipment. DJ spins discs behind the counter while crowd watches. It almost feels like a club.
  • Elect Records (3461-6727) : Japanese records paradise: wrestling 7" to traditional to heavy metal. The covers make quite surreal wall decorations.
  • DMS Music (3464-6351) : Late '80s to current Japanese and foreign lounge and neo-rock. Of special curiosity is the ?gNeo anorak acoustic?h section. Stocks the complete Pizzicato 5 collection on vinyl. Pretty cool place.
  • Ultra 3 (3461-5845) : '60s and '70s specialists. Both vinyl and CDs. New and secondhand.
  • RECOfan (Across Tokyu Hands) : All styles, but larger trip-hop/dance and black music sections.
  • DMR (Jazz 3477-0211/House 3477-2287/Hip hop 3477-1556) : One shop for each style, next door to each other on B2. Don't get confused by the jazz shop?it sells dance records, but also headz, abstract, drum'n'bass and related things.
  • RECOfan (Beam 4F) : All styles, new and secondhand. Supermarket size shop, by far the biggest in the area.
  • Spice Records (3780-5072) : House, techno, hip hop, drum'n'bass, soul, etc. A bit of everything really, all on vinyl, but they are concentrating on rare material. A great shopping spot for that LP you've been looking for for yonks.
  • Small Paradise Records (3463-9096) : Nu-NRG, eurobeat, soul. All on vinyl, mainly secondhand.
  • Hot Wax (3496-1481) : Mostly drum'n'bass, techno, house and assorted electronica on vinyl, but with a small selection of CDs. Large selection of latest releases. breakbeats vinyl. A large, deep selection of breakbeats, drum'n'bass, and abstract. 12:00-21:00 no holidays. Udagawacho 10-2, Shin-Tokyo Bldg., 2/4FL
  • Guhroovy (3460-5085) : Black music only, club-style DJ mixed tapes. Mainly a shop stocking baseball caps and gear, plus a large selection of aftershave.
  • Gloria (5456-0172) : Reggae and dub only, all on vinyl, including those rarely seen 7".
  • Sounds of Blackness (3476-2123) : Rare groove, soul, funk. All on vinyl, new and secondhand.
  • Savage! (3770-3256) : Mainly clothes and accessories but stocks some secondhand vinyl.
  • Technique (5458-4143) : Techno, house, headz, etc. All dance music, but on the electronic side, so no hip hop. A favorite with DJs and anyone who seriously likes or collects music. Great selections, both on vinyl and CDs of all the latest releases. Opened for only about two years, Technique is definitely worth a visit if you like this kind of music. Lots of CDs and tons of vinyl for serious DJs. 12:00-22:00 no holidays. Udagawacho 33-14, Kubo Bldg. 2FL
  • RECOfan (5454-0161 (all branches)) : used and imports. Possibly the best of the Recofan chain -- very spacious, with lots of bargains. Definitely worth a visit if you have time to browse. (There are two other Recofan branches in the neighborhood, but this is the one to check out first.) 11:30-21:00, no holidays. Udagawacho 31-2, Beam 4FL
  • Disk Union (3476-2627/3461-1121/3461-1161) : Floor 2 is mainly punk and indie rock. Floor 3 is secondhand and on the fourth (up the elevator instead of the stairs) you'll find hip hop, abstract, and dancy stuff, new and secondhand. 11:00-20:00, no holidays
    • Disk Union #1 (3476-2627) : techno. Mostly vinyl, some used, with a good selection of CDs as well. Udagawacho 30-7, Antenna 21 4F
    • Disk Union #2 and #3 (3461-1121, 3461-1161) : used and imports. World music, indies rock, etc., with a good selection of jazz in the basement. Udagawacho 30-7, Antenna 21 B1, 2, 3F
  • Mr. Bongo (3462-1964) : hip hop, jungle, jazz/funk, etc. Stocks drum'n'bass, techno, Latin, headz and a bit of techno all on vinyl. One of the best selections of new releases. A branch of the famous store in London's Notting Hill Gate, Mr. Bongo caters more to the armchair music fan than to the dancefloor freaks, but you'll find enough dance stuff to keep you going through the night. A branch of Mr. Bongo UK. Vinyl only. Mostly hip hop, including a big "old school" section. Some drum'n'bass, latin. 13:00-22:00, no holidays. Udagawacho 13-9, Fuji Building 24, 4F
  • View Records (3372-6377) : Soul and funk only. All on vinyl and secondhand.
  • Beats Groove (5458-8950) : Dance pop and eurobeat, all on vinyl. Interesting selection.
  • Beat Collector's (3770-1283) : Dance records?Hi-NRG, house, hip hop, funk, etc. 12" dance singles. Vinyl 12" singles only. Soul, funk, house, groundbeat, rap, hip-hop, Eurobeat, etc. New and used. There's also a branch at Nishi-Shinjuku 7-10-17-303 (5330-1848). 12:00-21:00, no holidays. Udagawacho 12-7, 7FL
  • Rock 'n' roll Aids Production (3463-7106) : Just about anything in rock for the '60s to the '90s, on vinyl or CDs.
  • Banana Records (3477-2374) (off map)
  • Perfect Circle (3463-7106) (off map)
  • NYC Records (3476-5775) : soul, disco, jazz, funk. Old soul and funk records, and a big assortment of "disco classic" 12-inchers, all at refreshingly cheap prices. 13:00-21:00, closed Tuesdays. Udagawacho 33-13, Kusuhara Bldg. 2FL
  • Shibuya Wave (3462-3118) : imports, vinyl. A lackluster selection -- most shoppers seem to prefer HMV across the street. 11:00-20:00, closed second and 3rd Wednesdays. Loft 6F
  • Sumiya (3409-6091) : soundtracks. 11:00-19:30, closed 3rd Wednesday. Shibuya 2-15-1, Toho Seimei Bldg. 2FL (east side of station)

4 # 하라주쿠 (原宿, HARAJUKU)[ | ]

  • HMV (3423-4891) : imports. This branch is cramped and understocked, which defeats the purpose of a megastore. They should have made this a specialty shop instead. 11:00-20:00 no holidays. Laforet B1FL
  • Bongo P (5413-4526) : club music. A former mail-order shop specializing in club music: rare groove, spiritual jazz, soul jazz, soul, afro, Latin, Brazilian, club rock, etc. 11:00-22:00 no holidays. Jingumae 3-31-18, Gaien Coop #103

5 # 이케부쿠로 (池袋, IKEBUKURO)[ | ]

  • On Stage Yamano (5391-8371) : Large stock of rock, but not much in the way of recent stuff.
  • Wave (5992-0600) : imports. Strong jazz selection. Much more comfortable than their old quarters, with a decent jazz department. 10:00-20:00 closed 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays. Seibu Ikebukuro 12FL
  • Brand-X (3980-6780) : Domestic and imported heavy metal, including Russian metal. Friendly service and lots of collector's items. from here and abroad. 11:30-20:30 every day. Ikebukuro Sunshine Plaza #202, Higashi-Ikebukuro 3-2-5
  • RECOfan (5454-0161, all branches) : imports, domestic, used CDs. 11:00-20:30 no holidays. Minami-Ikebukuro 3-13-17 Mashita 5 Bldg. 2FL
  • HMV (3983-5501) : imports. Very good selection, well-stocked singles and dance music sections. 10:00-21:00 closed 3rd Wednesday. Metropolitan Plaza 6FL (west side of station, south end)
  • Virgin (5952-5600) : imports. Good selection. A bookstore and a cafe/bar are here, too. 11:00-20:00 closed Wednesdays. Marui B1FL (west side of station)
  • Onstage Yamano (3981-4763) : miscellany. I'm not sure what the point of this place is, but it's worth having a look. It's filled with stuff that might be left over if you were stocking a normal store but you ran out of space and couldn't fit it all in. There's a "greatest hits" section that includes only greatest hits albums. 10:00-20:30. no holidays. Parco 7FL
  • Tower Records (3983-2010) : imports. 11:00-21:00 no holidays. P' Parco 5-6FL (just north of regular Parco)

6 # 긴자 (銀佐, Ginza)[ | ]

  • HMV Ginza (5250-2451) : imports. Good selection, but get ready to "do the bump" in their amazingly narrow aisles. 10:30-20:00, no holidays. Ginza-Nishi 2-2, Ginza INZ 2, 1FL
  • HMV Sukiyabashi (3289-1211) : imports. Good selection. 10:30-20:00, closed some Tuesdays. Ginza 5-2-1, Hankyu Dept. Store 4F
  • Yamano Gakki Music (5250-1057) : all genres. "The most beautiful and classy shop in Tokyo. 7 floors of the finest music recordings, instruments, and equipment from around the world.". Ginza 4-5-6

7 # 오차노미즈 (お茶の水, OCHANOMIZU)[ | ]

  • Disk Union #1-#5 (3294-2648) : GOOD! used and imports. These are the best of the used stores here, but it's worth checking the others, too, if you're in the neighborhood. Just wander around the station and you'll find them. 11:00-20:00 (Sundays till 19:00) no holidays. scattered around the west exit of Ochanomizu Station
  • Diskmap (3291-6088) : used and imports. Frequent bargain sales with Y1,000 CDs. 11:00-20:00, no holidays

8 # 아키하바라 (秋葉, AKIHABARA)[ | ]

  • Akihabara (3251-5555) : Ishimaru Denki Soft One. new vinyl LPs, CDs, imports. 10:00-19:30 (weekends till 20:00) no holidays. Soto Kanda 3-1-16
    • Ishimaru reshuffled their stores, and this is where their big selection of vinyl LPs ended up. They also claim to stock 1.3 million CDs and LDs, but I still have trouble finding imports I'm looking for. RR
  • Diskmap (3253-6464) : used and imports, rock, metal, collectors' items. Big selection, lots of variety. 11:00-20:00 (Sundays till 19:00) no holidays. Soto Kanda 3-15-6

9 # 코엔지 (高円寺, KOENJI)[ | ]

  • Circledelic (3315-8633) : Stocks just about anything on vinyl, but heavy on punk and related styles, as well as black from the '60s and '70s.
  • Base (3318-6145) : Punk records and CDs. That's it.
  • Manual of Errors (3317-4845) : Kingdom of the strange. I gather they stock anything as long as it's unusual. Worth dropping in if you're around. Mainly secondhand vinyl.
  • Club Skull (3315-1986) : Noise and avant-garde music only. Other half of the shop sells books, videos on magic, as well as incense, voodoo dolls and animal skeletons preserved in solution.
  • Boy (3315-2682) : Punk and hardcore. Lots of early stuff.
  • Godzilla-ya (3336-3178) : Strictly a toy shop but they stock old cartoon and anime records.
  • AV Garage (3336-7433) : Really a guitar and gig gear shop but for the guitar solo freaks their small selection of CDs could be of interest.
  • European Papa (3223-5345) : A bit of everything in any form and state. Very cuddly cat usually asleep near the door.
  • The 55 Used Shop (5373-4556) : Mainly '60s and '70s rock, funk and soul records. Also a medium-sized selection of CDs. Everything secondhand.
  • Rare (3336-0886) : A bit of everything, all secondhand. Under the train tracks.
  • Godzilla-ya (3336-3178) : Animation soundtracks. 14:00-21:00 closed Tuesdays. Koenji Minami 3-67-1
  • Manual of Errors (plus Paris-Peking Records) (3317-4845) : Used Mondo, Avant-pop, soundtracks. Mostly vinyl, plus posters, videos, used instruments, comic books, etc. Plus, the very first Tokyo record store with their own home page, at http://www.kt.rim.or.jp/~manuera/index.html. 15:00-22:00, no holidays. Koenji-Minami 4-6-11, 3F

10 # 시모키타자와 (下北澤, SHIMOKITAZAWA)[ | ]

Shimo-kitazawa also has a lot of other good used stores, scattered through the back streets.

  • High Line Records (5432-7411) : Japanese indie rock only. Great shop for anyone with an interest or curiosity in this stuff. Definitely the best of its kind.
  • Here Scenes (3481-5391) : Secondhand store has mainly indie stuff on vinyl and CD.
  • Yellow Pop (3460-1013) : Similar to the Shibuya branch they store secondhand records of any style.
  • Flash Disc Ranch (3414-0421) : used and vinyl. They have 60,000 used records here. Mainly rock, hip hop and R&B but not exclusively. Grungy style but large selection of secondhand vinyl. 13:00-22:00 closed Thursdays, open holidays. Kitazawa 2-12-16, 2FL
  • Jazz Cab (5430-9377) : Jazz records heaven. All secondhand and a very large selection.
  • Best Sound Record (5454-4850) : Mainly '60s and '70s black, but also disco, hip hop and rare groove. All secondhand vinyl, with a serious atmosphere.
  • Bombay Juice (5433-7357) : Up the very narrow pink staircase you'll find toys, clothes and a small selection of black dance records.
  • Disk Union (3467-3231) : The usual fare, a bit of everything, new and secondhand.
  • RECOfan (South Exit) : Two floors of new and secondhand CDs of all styles.

11 # 나가노 (長野, NAGANO)[ | ]

  • Fujiya Avic CD (3386-5554) : A great selection of well organized secondhand CDs at bargain prices.
  • Rare (3389-5110) : Large secondhand stock, particularly good on jazz, blues and soundtracks.
  • PAL (5343-8835) : Vintage jazz from the '50s to '70s on vinyl only. Collectors' prices.
  • Flower Records (5380-3505) : Difficult to find secondhand specialist.

12 # 기타 (OTHERS)[ | ]

  • World Disque (MEJIRO(目白), 03-3954-5348(店直通), 3954-4896): Progressive, folk, electronic, world music. Unusual music from Japan and the world. They also publish Marquee magazine and the Belle Antique CD label. 13:00-20:00 (closed Tuesdays). 161-0033 東京都新宿區下落合3-1-17メゾン目白102
    • JR 야마노테선 메지로(目白)역 하차(도보 1분).


  • Planet Records (Nishi Azabu, 5771-2051) : House, techno, warp and progressive house.
  • Bonjour Records (Daikenyama, 5458-6020) : dance, lounge, ethnic. The latest club and lounge music downstairs (vinyl and CD), and assorted ethnic music and art books on the second floor. 10:00-20:00 no holidays. Sarugakucho 24-1
  • Rare (Ogikubo, 5397-5550)
  • Cisco (Ueno, 3837-0404)
  • Shinseido (Kichijoji, 0422-22-1804) : J-pop, imports, reggae. They also have branches in Ogikubo and Musashisakai. 10:00-20:30, closed third Wednesday. Kichijoji Minami-machi 1-1-24, 2F
  • Ned's (Daitabashi,3325-8641) : imports. Noise, electronic, experimental, German new wave, techno, avant garde. 14:00-21:00, closed Sundays. Ohara 2-14-3, 1FL
  • ZERO (Ekodak, 3974-0533) : techno, drum'n'bass, Bristol sound. Check out their homepage at http://www.NetLaputa.or.jp/~graroo/zero.html. 11:00-21:00, no holidays. Kotake-cho 1-54-6
  • Modern Music (Meidaimae, 3322-4461) : rock and psychedelic. Punk, psychedlia, glitter, and other rock genres. A Tokyo landmark. 11:00-20:00 no holidays. Matsubara 2-45-11, Terada Bldg. 2FL
  • Tahara (Sagami-ono, 0427-42-0024) : all genres. Large shop, with 10% rebate on domestic CDs. 10:00-20:30, no holidays
  • Tower (Hachioji, 0426-48-1031) : J-pop, imports -- 10:00-22:00, no holidays. Hachioji Higashi-machi 11-3, Sigma Batman Building 5F.
  • Tower (Sagami-ono, 0427-41-2550) : imports. Not very large. 11:00-21:00, closed some Wednesdays

13 # 체인점 (MAJOR CHAINS)[ | ]

  • HMV : Overall this seems to be the best Tokyo chain, and it's also the fastest growing. They generally have the best selection for singles, dance music, British releases, jazz, and international stuff. It's also easy to locate new releases and to navigate the different genres
    • Shibuya, Harajuku, Shinjuku x 2, Ikebukuro, Ginza x 2, Ueno.
  • Virgin Megastore : This also has fairly good selection, but prices tend to be on the high side. The in-store music is usually okay, and it's relatively easy to locate new releases.
    • Shinjuku, Ikebukuro.
  • Tower : Since it's based in America, Tower is usually cheaper than the two British chains above, but the selection is much weaker. They're good for imported magazines, which are much cheaper here than in bookstores (I think they must use them as filler for half-full CD cartons). Some of the branches are open until 10pm, which is later than the other chains (but not as late as Tower in the US). And there are lots of listening posts for checking out new stuff.
    • Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Kichijoji, Hachioji, suburbs.
  • Wave : This was an early pioneer, but they've really gone downhill. They still have an extensive selection, but the layout and organization are confusing, while the staff are usually surly and uninformed. Another problem - Wave tends to stock domestic releases of foreign material rather than imports, which makes it much more expensive for back catalog. However, they do have some interesting finds if you have the time to hunt through the shelves.
    • Shibuya, Ikebukuro, Akasaka, suburbs.
  • Disk Union : A large independent chain, with 26 branches around Tokyo offering a wide selection of music, from rock to J-pop, blues and soundtracks, with some branches specializing in secondhand, classical or jazz. Main center of activity is in Ochanomizu, where they have three branches. Call (3294-2648) for branch details.
    • Ochanomizu x 5, Jimbocho, Shibuya x 3, Shinjuku, Shimokitazawa, Kichijoji.
    • Disk Union specializes in used CDs and is relatively well stocked, although a bit more expensive than some other used stores. (Maybe the two factors go together.) They also have their own very good jazz label, DIW.
  • Recofan : Mixture of second-hand and new, often at cheaper prices than the major chains. 17 branches dotted all over the city. Limited selection of vinyl. Three branches in Shibuya. Phone inquiries not welcome. See Shibuya map for locations.
    • Akihabara, Shibuya x 3, Shinjuku, Takadanobaba, Ikebukuro, Shimokitazawa x 2, Sangenjaya, Kichijoji x 2.
    • The cheapest of the chains, Recofan used to specialize in used records and CDs. Now it's an odd mix of used product, imports and domestic releases, with very good prices. For some reason they have huge gaps in their stock, especially for new releases, so it can be frustrating if you're looking for something specific. It's great for bargain-hunting, though.
  • Et Cetera Records : Nine branches all over town, with five in Kamata. Call (3737-0258) for details of branches.

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