이클립스 Cloud Foundry 플러그인 설치

1 개요[ | ]

이클립스 Cloud Foundry 플러그인 설치
  • 참고로 STS에는 기본 설치되어 있음

2 방법[ | ]

  • Help --- Eclipse Marketplace...
  • Find: foundry Enter
  • Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry 1.0.3 --- [Install]

( 정보 다운로드 진행 )

  • [Confirm >]
  • (O) I accept the terms of the license agreement --- [Finish]

( 설치 진행됨 )

  • "You will need to restart Eclipses for the changes to take effect. Would you like to restart now?" --- [Yes]

( 이클립스 재시작됨 )

3 (Optional) 오류 해결[ | ]

  • 설치 진행 중 다음과 같은 오류가 발생함
'Installing Software' has encountered a problem.
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
No artifact repository available.
  • 해결방법: 3~4회 정도 반복 시도하니 넘어가더라... ;;;

4 (Optional) Cloud Foundry 서버 등록[ | ]

  • 하단 Servers 탭 선택 --- 빈 공간 우클릭 --- New --- Server
  • Cloud Foundry 선택 --- Server name: devpack --- [Next]
  • [Manage Cloud...] --- [Add...] --- Name: devpack --- URL: https://api.devpack.co.kr --- [Finish]
  • (devpack 포탈 메인화면) 로그인 정보 확인
  • Email: 계정 --- Password: 패스워드 --- URL: devpack - https://api.devpack.co.kr 선택
  • [Validate Account] --- [Finish]

이제 Servers 영역에 devpack이 등록되었다.

5 같이 보기[ | ]

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