1 개요[ | ]
- List of software architecture styles and patterns
- 아키텍처 스타일 및 패턴 목록
2 목록[ | ]
- 멀티티어 아키텍처(multitier architecture)
- 모델-뷰-컨트롤러 패턴(model–view–controller)
- 도메인 주도 설계(domain-driven design)
- 블랙보드 패턴(blackboard pattern)
- 센서-컨트롤러-액츄애이터(sensor–controller–actuator)
- Presentation–abstraction–control
- Component-based
- 모놀리식 애플리케이션(monolithic application)
- Layered
- Pipes and filters
- Database-centric
- Rule-based
- Event-driven aka implicit invocation
- Publish-subscribe
- Asynchronous messaging
- 마이크로커널(microkernel)
- Reflection
- Client-server (multitier architecture exhibits this style)
- Shared nothing architecture
- Space-based architecture
- Object request broker
- Peer-to-peer
- Representational state transfer (REST)
- Service-oriented
- Cloud computing patterns
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4 참고[ | ]
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