이 분류에 대해서는 kubectl 문서를 참고하십시오.
"kubectl" 분류에 속하는 문서
다음은 이 분류에 속하는 문서 220개 가운데 200개입니다.
(이전 페이지) (다음 페이지)E
- Error: : unable to run: 'helm version -c --short' (is 'helm' installed?)
- Error: current-context must exist in order to minify
- Error: ephemeral containers are disabled for this cluster
- Error: Metrics API not available
- Error: the server doesn't have a resource type "pod"
- Error: tls: private key does not match public key
- Error: unable to load root certificates: unable to parse bytes as PEM block
- Error: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request
- Error: when paths, URLs, or stdin is provided as input, you may not specify resource arguments as well
- Error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
- K8s NodeStatusUnknown
- K8s Pod Terminating
- K8s yaml 파일 분할
- K8s 네임스페이스 내 모든 object 목록 조회
- K8s 모든 Job 삭제
- K8s 모든 이벤트 삭제하기
- Kubectl
- Kubectl --dry-run=client -oyaml
- Kubectl -oyaml
- Kubectl annotate
- Kubectl api-resources
- Kubectl api-resources -o name
- Kubectl api-resources -owide
- Kubectl api-versions
- Kubectl apply
- Kubectl apply --help
- Kubectl apply 표준입력
- Kubectl auth
- Kubectl auth can-i
- Kubectl auth reconcile
- Kubectl auth whoami
- Kubectl autoscale
- Kubectl cluster-info
- Kubectl cluster-info dump
- Kubectl completion bash
- Kubectl config get-clusters
- Kubectl config get-contexts
- Kubectl config set-context
- Kubectl config use-context
- Kubectl config view
- Kubectl cordon
- Kubectl cp
- Kubectl CRD 삭제
- Kubectl create
- Kubectl create deployment
- Kubectl create deployment --dry-run -oyaml
- Kubectl create job
- Kubectl create secret
- Kubectl create secret tls
- Kubectl debug
- Kubectl delete
- Kubectl delete all
- Kubectl delete deploy
- Kubectl delete secret
- Kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration
- Kubectl describe
- Kubectl describe certificate
- Kubectl describe clusterrole
- Kubectl describe clusterrole admin
- Kubectl describe clusterrole system:kube-scheduler
- Kubectl describe csr
- Kubectl describe deployments
- Kubectl describe namespace
- Kubectl describe nodes
- Kubectl describe pods
- Kubectl describe pvc
- Kubectl describe replicasets
- Kubectl describe secret default-token
- Kubectl describe secrets
- Kubectl describe services
- Kubectl describe statefulset
- Kubectl drain
- Kubectl edit
- Kubectl exec
- Kubectl exec -it
- Kubectl explain
- Kubectl explain ingressclass
- Kubectl expose
- Kubectl for Docker Users
- Kubectl get
- Kubectl get --raw
- Kubectl get --raw "/api/v1/nodes/node01"
- Kubectl get --raw "/api/v1/nodes/node01/proxy/stats/summary"
- Kubectl get --raw /healthz
- Kubectl get --raw /healthz?verbose
- Kubectl get --raw /livez?verbose
- Kubectl get --raw /metrics
- Kubectl get --raw /readyz
- Kubectl get --raw /readyz?verbose
- Kubectl get --sort-by
- Kubectl get --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
- Kubectl get --sort-by=.metadata.name
- Kubectl get -h
- Kubectl get -ojson
- Kubectl get -ojsonpath
- Kubectl get -oyaml
- Kubectl get all
- Kubectl get apiservice
- Kubectl get apiservice v1beta1.metrics.k8s.io
- Kubectl get certificate
- Kubectl get clusterissuer
- Kubectl get clusterrole admin
- Kubectl get clusterrole cluster-admin
- Kubectl get clusterrole view
- Kubectl get clusterrolebinding
- Kubectl get clusterroles
- Kubectl get componentstatus
- Kubectl get crd
- Kubectl get csr
- Kubectl get daemonsets
- Kubectl get deployments
- Kubectl get deployments --export -oyaml
- Kubectl get deployments -ojson
- Kubectl get deployments -oyaml
- Kubectl get endpoints
- Kubectl get ep kubernetes
- Kubectl get ep kubernetes -oyaml
- Kubectl get events
- Kubectl get events -ojsonpath
- Kubectl get hpa
- Kubectl get ingressclass
- Kubectl get jobs
- Kubectl get leases
- Kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfiguration
- Kubectl get namespace
- Kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection
- Kubectl get nodes
- Kubectl get nodes -o json
- Kubectl get nodes -o wide
- Kubectl get nodes -o yaml
- Kubectl get nodes -v=9
- Kubectl get pods
- Kubectl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
- Kubectl get pods -A
- Kubectl get pods -l
- Kubectl get pods -o jsonpath
- Kubectl get priorityclasses
- Kubectl get pv
- Kubectl get pvc
- Kubectl get replicasets
- Kubectl get secret
- Kubectl get secrets 디코딩
- Kubectl get services
- Kubectl get statefulset
- Kubectl get storageclass
- Kubectl get svc kubernetes
- Kubectl get svc kubernetes -oyaml
- Kubectl get tanzukubernetescluster
- Kubectl get validatingwebhookconfiguration
- Kubectl get virtualservices
- Kubectl GKE 클러스터 접근
- Kubectl krew install oidc-login
- Kubectl kustomize
- Kubectl kustomize -o
- Kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
- Kubectl label node
- Kubectl label pod
- Kubectl Label로 Pod 이름 얻기
- Kubectl logs
- Kubectl logs 디플로이먼트 로그 확인
- Kubectl node-shell
- Kubectl options
- Kubectl plugin
- Kubectl plugin list
- Kubectl Pod 내 Container 목록 조회
- Kubectl port-forward
- Kubectl proxy
- Kubectl proxy 통해 cadvisor 메트릭 조회
- Kubectl PVC-pod 매핑 확인
- Kubectl restart 0이 아닌 pod 목록 조회
- Kubectl rolling-update
- Kubectl rollout
- Kubectl rollout undo
- Kubectl run
- Kubectl run --dry-run=client -oyaml
- Kubectl scale
- Kubectl set image
- Kubectl taint nodes
- Kubectl top
- Kubectl top node
- Kubectl top pod
- Kubectl top pod --containers
- Kubectl uncordon
- Kubectl version
- Kubectl version --client
- Kubectl version --client --output=yaml
- Kubectl version --short
- Kubectl version --short --client
- Kubectl wait
- Kubectl 노드명 추출
- Kubectl 레이블 붙였다 떼기
- Kubectl 애노테이션 붙였다 떼기
- Kubectl 자동완성 기능 활성화
- Kubectl 표준입력 받기
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