1 개요[ | ]
- 리눅스 nmon
- /usr/bin/nmon
- "Nigel's Monitor"
- 리눅스 시스템 성능 모니터링 도구
2 실행예시[ | ]
[root@zetaweb ~]# nmon
┌nmon-14a------[H for help]---Hostname=jmnote-----Refresh= 2secs ---09:29.08-----------------┐
│ │
│ ------------------------------ For help type H or ... │
│ # # # # #### # # nmon -? - hint │
│ ## # ## ## # # ## # nmon -h - full │
│ # # # # ## # # # # # # │
│ # # # # # # # # # # To start the same way every time │
│ # ## # # # # # ## set the NMON ksh variable │
│ # # # # #### # # │
│ ------------------------------ │
│ │
│ Use these keys to toggle statistics on/off: │
│ c = CPU l = CPU Long-term - = Faster screen updates │
│ m = Memory j = Filesystems + = Slower screen updates │
│ d = Disks n = Network V = Virtual Memory │
│ r = Resource N = NFS v = Verbose hints │
│ k = kernel t = Top-processes . = only busy disks/procs │
│ h = more options q = Quit │
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4 참고[ | ]
편집자 Jmnote Jmnote bot
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