Prometheus TSDB compaction failed 편집하기

경고: 로그인하지 않았습니다. 편집을 하면 IP 주소가 공개되게 됩니다. 로그인하거나 계정을 생성하면 편집자가 사용자 이름으로 기록되고, 다른 장점도 있습니다.

편집을 취소할 수 있습니다. 이 편집을 되돌리려면 아래의 바뀐 내용을 확인한 후 게시해주세요.

최신판 당신의 편집
7번째 줄: 7번째 줄:
level=error ts=2019-05-31T08:36:52.501Z caller=db.go:363 component=tsdb msg="compaction failed" err="persist head block: write compaction: add series: out-of-order series added with label set ..."
level=error ts=2019-05-31T08:36:52.501Z caller=db.go:363 component=tsdb msg="compaction failed" err="persist head block: write compaction: add series: out-of-order series added with label set ...
==reload blocks: head truncate failed==
<syntaxhighlight lang='boa'>
level=error ts=0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z caller=db.go:685 component=tsdb msg="compaction failed" err="reload blocks: head truncate failed: create checkpoint: read segments: corruption in segment /var/lib/prometheus2/data/wal/00004615 at 28021780: unexpected full record"
level=error ts=2020-05-18T23:00:02.386Z caller=db.go:659 component=tsdb msg="compaction failed" err="reload blocks: head truncate failed: create checkpoint: read segments: corruption in segment data/wal/00000340 at 62972957: unexpected checksum c23eec43, expected f865211c"
level=error ts=0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z caller=db.go:675 component=tsdb msg="compaction failed" err="reload blocks: head truncate failed: create checkpoint: read segments: corruption in segment /prometheus/wal/checkpoint.024462/00000000 at 127664128: unexpected non-zero byte in padded page"
level=error ts=2020-03-30T23:00:37.520Z caller=db.go:617 component=tsdb msg="compaction failed" err="reload blocks: head truncate failed: create checkpoint: unexpected gap to last checkpoint. expected:3, requested:966"
level=error ts=2020-03-02T15:00:02.276Z caller=db.go:561 component=tsdb msg="compaction failed" err="reload blocks: head truncate failed: get segment range: segments are not sequential"

[[분류: Prometheus]]
[[분류: Prometheus]]

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취소 편집 도움말 (새 창에서 열림)