minikube config

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minikube config
# minikube config
config modifies minikube config files using subcommands like "minikube config set driver kvm2"
Configurable fields:

 * driver
 * vm-driver
 * container-runtime
 * feature-gates
 * v
 * cpus
 * disk-size
 * host-only-cidr
 * memory
 * log_dir
 * kubernetes-version
 * iso-url
 * WantUpdateNotification
 * WantBetaUpdateNotification
 * ReminderWaitPeriodInHours
 * WantNoneDriverWarning
 * WantVirtualBoxDriverWarning
 * profile
 * bootstrapper
 * insecure-registry
 * hyperv-virtual-switch
 * disable-driver-mounts
 * cache
 * EmbedCerts
 * native-ssh
 * rootless
 * MaxAuditEntries

Available Commands:
  defaults      Lists all valid default values for PROPERTY_NAME
  get           Gets the value of PROPERTY_NAME from the minikube config file
  set           Sets an individual value in a minikube config file
  unset         unsets an individual value in a minikube config file
  view          Display values currently set in the minikube config file

  minikube config SUBCOMMAND [flags] [options]

Use "minikube <command> --help" for more information about a given command.
Use "minikube options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).

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