Use the --init option when creating containers to run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes

Jmnote (토론 | 기여)님의 2024년 11월 10일 (일) 19:45 판 (새 문서: ==개요== ;Could not kill running container 8d67c83751e67ee98571cb7c2b64794c30419ef9c9496791d34876dbd040dda3, cannot remove - container 8d67c83751e6 PID 19180 is zombie and can not b...)
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Could not kill running container 8d67c83751e67ee98571cb7c2b64794c30419ef9c9496791d34876dbd040dda3, cannot remove - container 8d67c83751e6 PID 19180 is zombie and can not be killed. Use the --init option when creating containers to run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes

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