Pivotal tc Server 시작 불가

Jmnote bot (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 11월 2일 (월) 02:51 판 (봇: 자동으로 텍스트 교체 (-</source> +</syntaxhighlight>, -<source +<syntaxhighlight ))
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Pivotal tc Server 시작 불가
피보탈 톰캣 서버 시작 불가 조치방법

1 문제 상황[ | ]

Problem Occurred
'Publishing to Pivotal tc Server Developer Edition v3.1...' has encountered a problem.
Publishing the configuration...
Publishing the configuration...
Error copying file to D:/Portable/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.1.3.SR1/base-instance/backup\server.out.xml: D:\Portable\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.1.3.SR1\base-instance\conf\server.out.xml (지정된 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다)
D:\Portable\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.1.3.SR1\base-instance\conf\server.out.xml (지정된 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다)

2 해결 방법[ | ]

Servers 에서 Pivotal tc Server를 삭제하고 다시 추가하면 된다...

tc 삭제
  • 좌하단 Servers 탭
  • Pivotal tc Server Developer Edition 우클릭 --- Delete
  • "Delete Server" --- [v] Delete unused server configuration(s) --- [ OK ]
tc 추가
  • No servers are available. Click this link to create a new server... 클릭
  • (New Server 창) --- Pivotal tc Server v3.0 - v3.1가 선택되어 있음 --- [Next >]
  • (O) Create new instance --- [Next >]
  • Name: tomcat1--- [v] bio --- [Next >]
  • Please enter the port that the BIO connector should listen for HTTP requests on: 8080
  • Please enter the port that the BIO connector should redirect for HTTPS requests on: 8443
  • [Finish]

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{{ comment.name }} {{ comment.created | snstime }}