K8s 학습자료

Jmnote bot (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 7월 31일 (금) 22:47 판 (봇: Kubernetes을(를) K8s(으)로 분류 대체함)
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k8s 학습자료
CKA 학습자료
# Q 비고
Create a node that has a SSD and label it as such. disktype ssd
Create a pod that is only scheduled on SSD nodes. disktype ssd
Create 2 pod definitions: the second pod should be scheduled to run anywhere the first pod is running - 2nd pod runs alongside the first pod. affinity

Create a deployment running nginx version 1.12.2 that will run in 2 pods

  • Scale this to 4 pods.
  • Scale it back to 2 pods.
  • Upgrade this to 1.13.8
  • Check the status of the upgrade
  • How do you do this in a way that you can see history of what happened?
  • Undo the upgrade

kubectl scale
kubectl rolling-update
kubectl rollout history
kubectl rollout undo

Create a service that uses a scratch disk.

  • Change the service to mount a disk from the host.
  • Change the service to mount a persistent volume.

use PersistentVolume

Create a pod that has a liveness check liveness
Create a service that manually requires endpoint creation - and create that too service endpoint

Create a daemon set

  • Change the update strategy to do a rolling update but delaying 30 seconds between pod updates
rolling update DaemonSet
Create a static pod static pod
Create a busybox container without a manifest. Then edit the manifest. kubectl create pod

Create a pod that uses secrets

  • Pull secrets from environment variables
  • Pull secrets from a volume
  • Dump the secrets out via kubectl to show it worked
Create a job that runs every 3 minutes and prints out the current time. create CronJob
Create a job that runs 20 times, 5 containers at a time, and prints "Hello parallel world" parallelism
Create a service that uses an external load balancer and points to a 3 pod cluster running nginx. external load balancer
Create a horizontal autoscaling group that starts with 2 pods and scales when CPU usage is over 50%. cpu-percent

Create a custom resource definition

  • Display it in the API with curl

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
curl API

Create a networking policy such that only pods with the label access=granted can talk to it.

  • Create an nginx pod and attach this policy to it.
  • Create a busybox pod and attempt to talk to nginx - should be blocked
  • Attach the label to busybox and try again - should be allowed
networking policy

Create a service that references an externalname.

  • Test that this works from another pod
type: ExternalName
Create a pod that runs all processes as user 1000. user 1000

Create a namespace

  • Run a pod in the new namespace
  • Put memory limits on the namespace
  • Limit pods to 2 persistent volumes in this namespace

configure quota

Write an ingress rule that redirects calls to /foo to one service and to /bar to another ingress path

Write a service that exposes nginx on a nodeport

  • Change it to use a cluster port
  • Scale the service
  • Change it to use an external IP
  • Change it to use a load balancer
External IP

Deploy nginx with 3 replicas and then expose a port

  • Use port forwarding to talk to a specific port
kubectl port-forward
Make an API call using CURL and proper certs curl API
Upgrade a cluster with kubeadm upgrade cluster
Get logs for a pod kubectl logs pod
Deploy a pod with the wrong image name (like --image=nginy) and find the error message. Troubleshoot Applications
Get logs for kubectl Troubleshoot Clusters
Get logs for the scheduler Troubleshoot Clusters
Restart kubelet systemctl restart kubelet

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