val idea = Product("IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate", 199.0)
val reSharper = Product("ReSharper", 149.0)
val dotTrace = Product("DotTrace", 159.0)
val dotMemory = Product("DotTrace", 129.0)
val dotCover = Product("DotCover", 99.0)
val appCode = Product("AppCode", 99.0)
val phpStorm = Product("PhpStorm", 99.0)
val pyCharm = Product("PyCharm", 99.0)
val rubyMine = Product("RubyMine", 99.0)
val webStorm = Product("WebStorm", 49.0)
val teamCity = Product("TeamCity", 299.0)
val youTrack = Product("YouTrack", 500.0)
val lucas = "Lucas"
val cooper = "Cooper"
val nathan = "Nathan"
val reka = "Reka"
val bajram = "Bajram"
val asuka = "Asuka"
val riku = "Riku"
val Canberra = City("Canberra")
val Vancouver = City("Vancouver")
val Budapest = City("Budapest")
val Ankara = City("Ankara")
val Tokyo = City("Tokyo")
fun customer(name: String, city: City, vararg orders: Order) = Customer(name, city, orders.toList())
fun order(vararg products: Product, isDelivered: Boolean = true) = Order(products.toList(), isDelivered)
fun shop(name: String, vararg customers: Customer) = Shop(name, customers.toList())
val shop = shop("jb test shop",
customer(lucas, Canberra,
order(reSharper, dotMemory, dotTrace)
customer(cooper, Canberra),
customer(nathan, Vancouver,
order(rubyMine, webStorm)
customer(reka, Budapest,
order(idea, isDelivered = false),
order(idea, isDelivered = false),
customer(bajram, Ankara,
customer(asuka, Tokyo,
customer(riku, Tokyo,
order(phpStorm, phpStorm),
val customers: Map<String, Customer> = shop.customers.fold(hashMapOf<String, Customer>(), {
map, customer ->
map[customer.name] = customer
val orderedProducts = setOf(idea, reSharper, dotTrace, dotMemory, rubyMine, webStorm, phpStorm)
val sortedCustomers = listOf(cooper, nathan, bajram, asuka, lucas, riku, reka).map { customers[it] }
val groupedByCities = mapOf(
Canberra to listOf(lucas, cooper),
Vancouver to listOf(nathan),
Budapest to listOf(reka),
Ankara to listOf(bajram),
Tokyo to listOf(asuka, riku)
).mapValues { it.value.map { name -> customers[name] } }