Your friends at Slack 목록

Jmnote (토론 | 기여)님의 2017년 12월 24일 (일) 19:32 판 (→‎목록)
Your friends at Slack
슬랙 loading_welcome_msg

1 목록

  • Alright world, time to take you on!
  • Always get plenty of sleep, if you can. → 항상 충분한 수면을 취하라, 되도록이면.
  • Always wear sunscreen. → 항상 선크림을 발라라.
  • Be cool. But also be warm. → 쿨한 사람이 되라. 반대로 따듯한 사람도 되어라.
  • Each day will be better than the last. This one especially.
  • Get questions about how to use Slack? Send a direct message to Slackbot.
  • Have a great day at work today.
  • More "holy moly!"
  • Need a safe place to draft a message or jot notes? Send yourself a direct message.
  • Please consider the environment before printing this Slack.
  • Please enjoy Slack responsibly. 틀:책임감 있게 슬랙을 즐겨주세요.
  • Remember to get up & stretch once in a while.
  • Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear, well, he eats you.
  • Start your message with /shrug to add a little something to the end. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Thank you for using Slack. We appreciate it!
  • The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. - Frank Herbert
  • To indent a message or quote with several sentences or paragraphs, start with >>>
  • To emphasize with italics, use an underscore on each side of a _word_ or _phrase_.
  • To make a word or phrase bold, put an asterisk before and after it. *Be Bold*.
  • To travel backward or forward in time through your channels, type Alt plus ← or →
  • We like you. → 우리는 널 좋아한다,
  • We’re all in this together.
  • What a day! What cannot be accomplished on such a splendid day?
  • What good shall I do this day?
  • You look nice today. → 너 오늘 멋져 보인다.
  • You're here! The day just got better.

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