책임 연쇄 패턴

Jmnote (토론 | 기여)님의 2013년 2월 25일 (월) 02:03 판 (새 문서: ==개요== ;chain-of-responsibility pattern ;역할 사슬 패턴 *책임을 넘기는 구조 *명령 객체와 일련의 처리 객체를 포함하는 디자인 패턴 ==예제 (jav...)
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1 개요

chain-of-responsibility pattern
역할 사슬 패턴
  • 책임을 넘기는 구조
  • 명령 객체와 일련의 처리 객체를 포함하는 디자인 패턴

2 예제 (java)

abstract class Logger {
    public static int ERR = 3;
    public static int NOTICE = 5;
    public static int DEBUG = 7;
    protected int mask;
    // The next element in the chain of responsibility
    protected Logger next;
    public Logger setNext(Logger log) {
        next = log;
        return log;
    public void message(String msg, int priority) {
        if (priority <= mask) {
        if (next != null) {
            next.message(msg, priority);
    abstract protected void writeMessage(String msg);
class StdoutLogger extends Logger {
    public StdoutLogger(int mask) { 
        this.mask = mask;
    protected void writeMessage(String msg) {
        System.out.println("Writing to stdout: " + msg);
class EmailLogger extends Logger {
    public EmailLogger(int mask) {
        this.mask = mask;
    protected void writeMessage(String msg) {
        System.out.println("Sending via email: " + msg);
class StderrLogger extends Logger {
    public StderrLogger(int mask) {
        this.mask = mask;
    protected void writeMessage(String msg) {
        System.err.println("Sending to stderr: " + msg);
public class ChainOfResponsibilityExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Build the chain of responsibility
        Logger logger, logger1;
        logger1 = logger = new StdoutLogger(Logger.DEBUG);
        logger1 = logger1.setNext(new EmailLogger(Logger.NOTICE));
        logger1 = logger1.setNext(new StderrLogger(Logger.ERR));
        // Handled by StdoutLogger
        logger.message("Entering function y.", Logger.DEBUG);
        // Handled by StdoutLogger and EmailLogger
        logger.message("Step1 completed.", Logger.NOTICE);
        // Handled by all three loggers
        logger.message("An error has occurred.", Logger.ERR);
  Writing to stdout:   Entering function y.
  Writing to stdout:   Step1 completed.
  Sending via e-mail:  Step1 completed.
  Writing to stdout:   An error has occurred.
  Sending via e-mail:  An error has occurred.
  Writing to stderr:   An error has occurred.

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4 참고 자료

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