
Jmnote (토론 | 기여)님의 2016년 6월 12일 (일) 03:01 판
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동서남북 : North, East, West and South (1980 - 1982) RELATED : KimGwangMin

LINK : KPDB:2145

1 Biography or Not[ | ]

2 AJu ORaen GiEokGwaEui JoWu(1988); Encounter with so Memory of Long Ago; 아주 오랜 기억과의 조우 [ | ]


★★★★ Progressive Rock, Organ Rock, Ballade
==== DisTort, 1999 ====

The band, NEWS are composed of a few underground musicians. NEWS pursued technical but sensitive music style. You can know their style by the song [Play:DongSeoNamBuk1NaBiExt.mp3 NaBi; Butterfly(Extended Ver.)]. The keyboardist KimGwangMin acts Jazz pianist. This album is recurred to the first Korean Progressive Rock, but I think it contains more GaYo than Progressive Rock.

3 Discography[ | ]

4 Links[ | ]

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