Ozzy Chong

Jmnote (토론 | 기여)님의 2016년 4월 18일 (월) 01:17 판 (→‎Links)
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오지총 : Five Finger Gun

1 Biography or Not[ | ]

2 IBwaYeo AJeoSsi(1999); Hey! Man; 이봐여 아저씨 [ | ]


(Prometheus; DmR)
==== HongCho, 1999-09-19 ====

I don't know his real name. The fake name seems to been "five finger gun," or DdongChim. I just bought the CD because of the cover ("Oh, well, here we go again"). Actually, I've heard one track off of Click Music, and thought it had interesting title.

This is a one man band, at least, on the CD. Ozzy Chong wrote words and music and played all the instruments. So, you will hear these drum machine sounds (I think he did). Given his background of college hard-rock bands and WunDongGaYo, I'd say his musical style is closer to CheonJiIn except that he is less serious.

The CD contains "15" tracks, but there are only 7 tracks. The other half of the CD is filled with the same tracks without the vocal. I don't know why they did this. I mean, single albums are being released these days, and it smells too much of marketing. Anyway, musically, it's very 80s rock with some twisted lyrics. Except my wish he use real musicians on all the instruments, the songs are pretty well made. I liked the title track, IBaYo AJeoSsi.

Bottom line: If you like CheonJiIn, you might like it. But the real kicker for me was the marketing scam and MIDIs.

3 Discography[ | ]

4 See also[ | ]

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