Dave Stewart (토론)님의 2014년 12월 20일 (토) 13:47 판
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Dave STEWART & Barbara GASKIN - Up From The Dark, 1985 (Rykodisc) [CD] Dave Stewart (kb/pgm/comp) - Barbara Gaskin (voc) guests: Jakko M.Jakszyk (g/bv) - Pip Pyle (d/pc) - Rick Biddulph (b) - Amanda Parsons (bv) - Bill Bruford (pc) - Phil Miller (g) Rec: 1982 [*] / 1983-84 - Loc: London - Pr: Dave Stewart Tracks: I'm in a Different World - Leipzig - It's My Party - Lenina Crowe* - (Do I Figure) In Your Life - Busy Doing Nothing - (I Know) I'm Losing You* - Roads Girdle the Globe - When the Guards Are Asleep* - The World Spins So Slow - Siamese Cat Song* - Do We See the Light of Day* - Henry and James - As Far As Dreams Can Go*

Dave STEWART & Barbara GASKIN - Broken Records / The Singles, 1986 (Midi/Line) [CD]

Dave Stewart (kb/pgm/comp) - Barbara Gaskin (voc/pc) guests: Jakko M.Jakszyk (g/bv) - Rick Biddulph (b/12str) - Pip Pyle (d/pc) - Amanda Parsons (bv) - Ruth Holton (vla) Rec: 1981-85 - Loc: London - Pr: Dave Stewart Tracks: I'm in a Different World - Leipzig - It's My Party - Johnny Rocco - Siamese Cat Song - Busy Doing Nothing - Rich for a Day - Waiting in the Wings - The Emperor's New Guitar - The Hamburger Song - Henry and James - The World Spins So Slow

Dave STEWART & Barbara GASKIN - As Far As Dreams Can Go, 1987 (Midi/Line) [CD]

Dave Stewart (kb/pgm/comp) - Barbara Gaskin (voc) guests: Jimmy Hastings (s) - Jakko M.Jakszyk (g/bv) - Georgie Born (cel) - Amanda Parsons (bv) - Bill Bruford (pc) - Phil Miller (g) - Rick Biddulph (b) - Andy Duncan (pc) Rec: 1981-87 - Loc: London - Pr: Dave Stewart Tracks: The Locomotion - Lenina Crowe - (I Know) I'm Losing You - Roads Girdle the Globe - (Do I Figure) In Your Life - When the Guards Are Asleep - Make Me Promises - Do We See the Light of Day - As Far As Dreams Can Go

Dave STEWART & Barbara GASKIN - The Big Idea, 1990 (Midi/Line/Rykodisc) [CD]

Dave Stewart (kb/pgm/comp) - Barbara Gaskin (voc) guests: Rick Biddulph (g [1]) - Kristoffer Blegvad (bv [1]) - Jakko M. Jakszyk (g [5/6/7/9/10]/bv [1]) - Lyndon Connah (bv [1]) - Gavin Harrison (d [3/7-10]) - Robin Boult (g [5]) - Andy Duncan (pc [9]) Rec: 1987-89 - Loc: Spaceward Studios, except 1/2/4 : Mr Russell Studio - Pr: Dave Stewart Tracks: 1. Levi Stubbs' Tears [B.Bragg] (5:11) - 2. My Scene (5:47) - 3. Grey Skies (6:38) - 4. Subterranean Homesick Blues [B.Dylan] (3:39) - 5. Heatwave [R.Buchanan/R.Bell] (8:07) - 6. The Crying Game [G.Stephens] (3:51) - 7. Deep Underground (7:08) - 8. Shadowland (5:31) - 9. Mr. Theremin (5:59) - 10. New Jerusalem (9:21)

Dave STEWART & Barbara GASKIN - Spin, 1991 (Midi/Rykodisc/ Line) [CD]

Dave Stewart (kb/pgm) - Barbara Gaskin (voc) guests: Andy Reynolds (g) - Gavin Harrison (d/pc) - Jimmy Hastings (fl/cl) - Dexter James (bv) - Victor Lewis-Smith (bv) - Roger Planer (bv) - Sam Ball (bv) Rec: 1990-91 - Loc: London - Pr: Dave Stewart Tracks: Walking the Dog - The Cloths of Heaven - 8 Miles High - Amelia - Trash Planet - Golden Rain - Your Lucky Star - Cast Your Fate to the Wind/Louie Louie - The 60s Never Die - Star Blind

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