리눅스 apt-get moo, aptitude moo

Jmnote (토론 | 기여)님의 2014년 12월 11일 (목) 23:09 판 (새 문서: {{테스트|Ubuntu 12.04}} ;What's the story behind Super Cow Powers? ;apt-get moo ;aptitude moo ==apt-get== <source lang='cli'> root@jmnote02:~# apt-get --help | tail -1...)
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What's the story behind Super Cow Powers?
apt-get moo
aptitude moo

1 apt-get

root@jmnote02:~# apt-get --help | tail -1
                       This APT has Super Cow Powers.
root@jmnote02:~# apt-get moo
  / |    ||   
 *  /\---/\ 
    ~~   ~~   
...."Have you mooed today?"...

2 aptitude

root@jmnote02:~# aptitude --help | tail -1
                  This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.
root@jmnote02:~# aptitude moo
There are no Easter Eggs in this program.
root@jmnote02:~# aptitude moo -v
There really are no Easter Eggs in this program.
root@jmnote02:~# aptitude moo -vv
Didn't I already tell you that there are no Easter Eggs in this program?
root@jmnote02:~# aptitude moo -vvv
Stop it!
root@jmnote02:~# aptitude moo -vvvv
Okay, okay, if I give you an Easter Egg, will you go away?
root@jmnote02:~# aptitude moo -vvvvv
All right, you win.

                       -------/      \
                      /               \
                     /                |
   -----------------/                  --------\
root@jmnote02:~# aptitude moo -vvvvvv
What is it?  It's an elephant being eaten by a snake, of course
root@jmnote02:~# aptitude moo -vvvvvvv
What is it?  It's an elephant being eaten by a snake, of course

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