Gareth Dickson

1 개요

Gareth Dickson
가레스 딕슨
  • 영국의 포크 뮤지션

2 음반 목록

  • 2005 Spruce Goose ‎bc
    • 2006 The Amber Goose Dance ‎
  • 2009 Collected Recordings  bc
  • 2010 The Dance  bc
  • 2012 Quite A Way Away ‎bc
  • 2013 Nicked Drake - Wraiths ‎bc
    • 2013 Blanik EP bc
    • 2013 Live in Caen ‎
  • 2014 Invisible String  bc
    • 2014 Collected Cassette Recordings ‎
  • 2016 Orwell Court  bc

3 기본 자료

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