제타위키 미디어위키 업그레이드 1.31 → 1.32

1 개요

제타위키 미디어위키 업그레이드 1.31 → 1.32
제타위키 미디어위키 업그레이드 1.31.3 → 1.32.3
  • 사전 DB백업 필수 ★★★

2 확인

  • 미디어위키 버전 확인
root@localhost:/var/www/html# ls RELEASE-NOTES-*
root@localhost:/var/www/html# cat LocalSettings.php | grep wgDB
$wgDBtype = "mysql";
$wgDBserver = "testdb";
$wgDBname = "my_wiki";
$wgDBuser = "root";
$wgDBpassword = "P@ssw0rd";
$wgDBprefix = "";
$wgDBTableOptions = "ENGINE=InnoDB, DEFAULT CHARSET=binary";

3 DB스키마 업그레이드

root@localhost:/var/www/html# php maintenance/update.php 
MediaWiki 1.32.3 Updater

Your composer.lock file is up to date with current dependencies!
Going to run database updates for my_wiki
Depending on the size of your database this may take a while!
Abort with control-c in the next five seconds (skip this countdown with --quick) ...
... (생략)
Updated 0 rows
Updated 0 rows
Updated 0 rows
Populating page_props.pp_sortkey complete.
...Update 'populate ip_changes' already logged as completed.
Purging caches...done.

Done in 18 s.

4 (Optional) 트러블슈팅

5 같이 보기

문서 댓글 ({{ doc_comments.length }})
{{ comment.name }} {{ comment.created | snstime }}