"BusyBox ls"의 두 판 사이의 차이

1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
;BusyBox ls
;BusyBox ls

<syntaxhighlight lang='console'>
<syntaxhighlight lang='console'>
49번째 줄: 50번째 줄:

[[분류: BusyBox]]
[[분류: BusyBox]]
[[분류: /bin]]

2022년 11월 8일 (화) 18:45 기준 최신판

1 개요[ | ]

BusyBox ls
# which ls
# ls --help
BusyBox v1.35.0 (2022-08-01 15:14:44 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: ls [-1AaCxdLHRFplinshrSXvctu] [-w WIDTH] [FILE]...

List directory contents

        -1      One column output
        -a      Include names starting with .
        -A      Like -a, but exclude . and ..
        -x      List by lines
        -d      List directory names, not contents
        -L      Follow symlinks
        -H      Follow symlinks on command line
        -R      Recurse
        -p      Append / to directory names
        -F      Append indicator (one of */=@|) to names
        -l      Long format
        -i      List inode numbers
        -n      List numeric UIDs and GIDs instead of names
        -s      List allocated blocks
        -lc     List ctime
        -lu     List atime
        --full-time     List full date/time
        -h      Human readable sizes (1K 243M 2G)
        -S      Sort by size
        -X      Sort by extension
        -v      Sort by version
        -t      Sort by mtime
        -tc     Sort by ctime
        -tu     Sort by atime
        -r      Reverse sort order
        -w N    Format N columns wide

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