"리눅스 sosreport 설치"의 두 판 사이의 차이

74번째 줄: 74번째 줄:

[[분류: 리눅스]]
[[분류: yum 설치]]

2014년 4월 6일 (일) 01:09 판

리눅스 sosreport 설치
리눅스 sos 설치

1 확인

[root@jmnote ~]# rpm -qa | grep ^sos
[root@jmnote ~]#

2 설치

[root@jmnote ~]# yum install sos
... (설치)
 Package         Arch               Version                         Repository        Size
 sos             noarch             2.2-47.el6.centos               base             228 k

Transaction Summary
Install       1 Package(s)

Total download size: 228 k
Installed size: 717 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
... (생략)
  sos.noarch 0:2.2-47.el6.centos                                                           


3 확인 2

[root@jmnote ~]# rpm -qa | grep ^sos
[root@jmnote ~]# sosreport

sosreport (version 2.2)

  This command will collect diagnostic and configuration
information from this Red Hat Enterprise Linux system and
installed applications.

  An archive containing the collected information will be
generated in /tmp and may be provided to a Red Hat support

  Any information provided to Red Hat will be treated in
accordance with the published support policies at:


  The generated archive may contain data considered
sensitive and its content should be reviewed by the
originating organization before being passed to any third

  No changes will be made to system configuration.

Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit.
Ctrl+C를 눌러 종료

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