"NodeHasInsufficientMemory"의 두 판 사이의 차이

(새 문서: ==개요== ;NodeHasInsufficientMemory <syntaxhighlight lang='console'> tester@localhost:~$ kubectl get ev LAST SEEN TYPE REASON OBJECT...)
19번째 줄: 19번째 줄:
==같이 보기==
==같이 보기==
* [[EvictionThresholdMet]]
* [[EvictionThresholdMet]]
* [[kubectl get ev]]
* [[kubectl describe no]]

[[분류: k8s]]
[[분류: k8s]]

2022년 10월 11일 (화) 10:38 기준 최신판

1 개요[ | ]

tester@localhost:~$ kubectl get ev
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON                      OBJECT                                     MESSAGE
18s         Warning   EvictionThresholdMet        node/gke-cluster1-compute1-3cbc15ea-i3uk   Attempting to reclaim memory
9s          Normal    NodeHasInsufficientMemory   node/gke-cluster1-compute1-3cbc15ea-i3uk   Node gke-cluster1-compute1-3cbc15ea-i3uk status is now: NodeHasInsufficientMemory
tester@localhost:~$ kubectl describe no gke-cluster1-compute1-3cbc15ea-i3uk | grep Events: -A9
  Type     Reason                     Age                  From     Message
  ----     ------                     ----                 ----     -------
  Warning  EvictionThresholdMet       95s (x2 over 4d10h)  kubelet  Attempting to reclaim memory
  Normal   NodeHasInsufficientMemory  86s (x2 over 4d10h)  kubelet  Node gke-cluster1-compute1-3cbc15ea-i3uk status is now: NodeHasInsufficientMemory

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