"구글 자바 스타일 가이드"의 두 판 사이의 차이

116번째 줄: 116번째 줄:

Method names are typically verbs or verb phrases. For example, sendMessage or stop.
Method names are typically verbs or verb phrases. For example, sendMessage or stop.
Note that the casing of the original words is almost entirely disregarded. Examples:

Prose form Correct Incorrect
"XML HTTP request" XmlHttpRequest XMLHTTPRequest
"new customer ID" newCustomerId newCustomerID
"inner stopwatch" innerStopwatch innerStopWatch
"supports IPv6 on iOS?" supportsIpv6OnIos supportsIPv6OnIOS
"YouTube importer" YouTubeImporter
*Acceptable, but not recommended.
Note: Some words are ambiguously hyphenated in the English language: for example "nonempty" and "non-empty" are both correct, so the method names checkNonempty and checkNonEmpty are likewise both correct.
Underscores may appear in JUnit test method names to separate logical components of the name, with each component written in lowerCamelCase. One typical pattern is <methodUnderTest>_<state>, for example pop_emptyStack. There is no One Correct Way to name test methods.
Underscores may appear in JUnit test method names to separate logical components of the name, with each component written in lowerCamelCase. One typical pattern is <methodUnderTest>_<state>, for example pop_emptyStack. There is no One Correct Way to name test methods.

2021년 11월 8일 (월) 22:06 판

구글 Java 스타일 가이드

1 Introduction

This document serves as the complete definition of Google's coding standards for source code in the Java™ Programming Language. A Java source file is described as being in Google Style if and only if it adheres to the rules herein.

Like other programming style guides, the issues covered span not only aesthetic issues of formatting, but other types of conventions or coding standards as well. However, this document focuses primarily on the hard-and-fast rules that we follow universally, and avoids giving advice that isn't clearly enforceable (whether by human or tool).

1.1 Terminology notes

In this document, unless otherwise clarified:

The term class is used inclusively to mean an "ordinary" class, enum class, interface or annotation type (@interface). The term member (of a class) is used inclusively to mean a nested class, field, method, or constructor; that is, all top-level contents of a class except initializers and comments. The term comment always refers to implementation comments. We do not use the phrase "documentation comments", instead using the common term "Javadoc." Other "terminology notes" will appear occasionally throughout the document.

1.2 Guide notes

Example code in this document is non-normative. That is, while the examples are in Google Style, they may not illustrate the only stylish way to represent the code. Optional formatting choices made in examples should not be enforced as rules.

2 Source file basics

2.1 File name

The source file name consists of the case-sensitive name of the top-level class it contains (of which there is exactly one), plus the .java extension.

2.2 File encoding: UTF-8

Source files are encoded in UTF-8.

2.3 Special characters

2.3.1 Whitespace characters

Aside from the line terminator sequence, the ASCII horizontal space character (0x20) is the only whitespace character that appears anywhere in a source file. This implies that:

All other whitespace characters in string and character literals are escaped. Tab characters are not used for indentation.

2.3.2 Special escape sequences

For any character that has a special escape sequence (\b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \", \' and \\), that sequence is used rather than the corresponding octal (e.g. \012) or Unicode (e.g. \u000a) escape.

2.3.3 Non-ASCII characters

For the remaining non-ASCII characters, either the actual Unicode character (e.g. ∞) or the equivalent Unicode escape (e.g. \u221e) is used. The choice depends only on which makes the code easier to read and understand, although Unicode escapes outside string literals and comments are strongly discouraged.

Tip: In the Unicode escape case, and occasionally even when actual Unicode characters are used, an explanatory comment can be very helpful.


Example Discussion String unitAbbrev = "μs"; Best: perfectly clear even without a comment. String unitAbbrev = "\u03bcs"; // "μs" Allowed, but there's no reason to do this. String unitAbbrev = "\u03bcs"; // Greek letter mu, "s" Allowed, but awkward and prone to mistakes. String unitAbbrev = "\u03bcs"; Poor: the reader has no idea what this is. return '\ufeff' + content; // byte order mark Good: use escapes for non-printable characters, and comment if necessary. Tip: Never make your code less readable simply out of fear that some programs might not handle non-ASCII characters properly. If that should happen, those programs are broken and they must be fixed.

3 Source file structure

A source file consists of, in order:

License or copyright information, if present Package statement Import statements Exactly one top-level class Exactly one blank line separates each section that is present.

3.1 License or copyright information, if present

If license or copyright information belongs in a file, it belongs here.

3.2 Package statement

The package statement is not line-wrapped. The column limit (Section 4.4, Column limit: 100) does not apply to package statements.

3.3 Import statements

3.3.1 No wildcard imports

Wildcard imports, static or otherwise, are not used.

3.3.2 No line-wrapping

Import statements are not line-wrapped. The column limit (Section 4.4, Column limit: 100) does not apply to import statements.

3.3.3 Ordering and spacing

Imports are ordered as follows:

All static imports in a single block. All non-static imports in a single block. If there are both static and non-static imports, a single blank line separates the two blocks. There are no other blank lines between import statements.

Within each block the imported names appear in ASCII sort order. (Note: this is not the same as the import statements being in ASCII sort order, since '.' sorts before ';'.)

3.3.4 No static import for classes

Static import is not used for static nested classes. They are imported with normal imports.

3.4 Class declaration

3.4.1 Exactly one top-level class declaration

Each top-level class resides in a source file of its own.

3.4.2 Ordering of class contents

The order you choose for the members and initializers of your class can have a great effect on learnability. However, there's no single correct recipe for how to do it; different classes may order their contents in different ways.

What is important is that each class uses some logical order, which its maintainer could explain if asked. For example, new methods are not just habitually added to the end of the class, as that would yield "chronological by date added" ordering, which is not a logical ordering.

3.4.3 Overloads: never split

When a class has multiple constructors, or multiple methods with the same name, these appear sequentially, with no other code in between (not even private members).

4 Formatting

5 Naming

5.1 Rules common to all identifiers

Identifiers use only ASCII letters and digits, and, in a small number of cases noted below, underscores. Thus each valid identifier name is matched by the regular expression \w+ . In Google Style, special prefixes or suffixes are not used. For example, these names are not Google Style: name_, mName, s_name and kName.

5.2 Rules by identifier type

5.2.1 Package names

Package names are all lowercase, with consecutive words simply concatenated together (no underscores). For example, com.example.deepspace, not com.example.deepSpace or com.example.deep_space.

5.2.2 Class names

Class names are written in UpperCamelCase.

Class names are typically nouns or noun phrases. For example, Character or ImmutableList. Interface names may also be nouns or noun phrases (for example, List), but may sometimes be adjectives or adjective phrases instead (for example, Readable).

There are no specific rules or even well-established conventions for naming annotation types.

Test classes are named starting with the name of the class they are testing, and ending with Test. For example, HashTest or HashIntegrationTest.

5.2.3 Method names

Method names are written in lowerCamelCase.

Method names are typically verbs or verb phrases. For example, sendMessage or stop. Note that the casing of the original words is almost entirely disregarded. Examples:

Prose form Correct Incorrect "XML HTTP request" XmlHttpRequest XMLHTTPRequest "new customer ID" newCustomerId newCustomerID "inner stopwatch" innerStopwatch innerStopWatch "supports IPv6 on iOS?" supportsIpv6OnIos supportsIPv6OnIOS "YouTube importer" YouTubeImporter YoutubeImporter*

  • Acceptable, but not recommended.

Note: Some words are ambiguously hyphenated in the English language: for example "nonempty" and "non-empty" are both correct, so the method names checkNonempty and checkNonEmpty are likewise both correct. Underscores may appear in JUnit test method names to separate logical components of the name, with each component written in lowerCamelCase. One typical pattern is <methodUnderTest>_<state>, for example pop_emptyStack. There is no One Correct Way to name test methods.

5.2.4 Constant names

Constant names use CONSTANT_CASE: all uppercase letters, with each word separated from the next by a single underscore. But what is a constant, exactly?

Constants are static final fields whose contents are deeply immutable and whose methods have no detectable side effects. This includes primitives, Strings, immutable types, and immutable collections of immutable types. If any of the instance's observable state can change, it is not a constant. Merely intending to never mutate the object is not enough. Examples:

// Constants static final int NUMBER = 5; static final ImmutableList<String> NAMES = ImmutableList.of("Ed", "Ann"); static final ImmutableMap<String, Integer> AGES = ImmutableMap.of("Ed", 35, "Ann", 32); static final Joiner COMMA_JOINER = Joiner.on(','); // because Joiner is immutable static final SomeMutableType[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {}; enum SomeEnum { ENUM_CONSTANT }

// Not constants static String nonFinal = "non-final"; final String nonStatic = "non-static"; static final Set<String> mutableCollection = new HashSet<String>(); static final ImmutableSet<SomeMutableType> mutableElements = ImmutableSet.of(mutable); static final ImmutableMap<String, SomeMutableType> mutableValues =

   ImmutableMap.of("Ed", mutableInstance, "Ann", mutableInstance2);

static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.getName()); static final String[] nonEmptyArray = {"these", "can", "change"}; These names are typically nouns or noun phrases.

5.2.5 Non-constant field names

Non-constant field names (static or otherwise) are written in lowerCamelCase.

These names are typically nouns or noun phrases. For example, computedValues or index.

5.2.6 Parameter names

Parameter names are written in lowerCamelCase.

One-character parameter names in public methods should be avoided.

5.2.7 Local variable names

Local variable names are written in lowerCamelCase.

Even when final and immutable, local variables are not considered to be constants, and should not be styled as constants.

5.2.8 Type variable names

Each type variable is named in one of two styles:

A single capital letter, optionally followed by a single numeral (such as E, T, X, T2) A name in the form used for classes (see Section 5.2.2, Class names), followed by the capital letter T (examples: RequestT, FooBarT).

5.3 Camel case: defined

Sometimes there is more than one reasonable way to convert an English phrase into camel case, such as when acronyms or unusual constructs like "IPv6" or "iOS" are present. To improve predictability, Google Style specifies the following (nearly) deterministic scheme.

Beginning with the prose form of the name:

Convert the phrase to plain ASCII and remove any apostrophes. For example, "Müller's algorithm" might become "Muellers algorithm". Divide this result into words, splitting on spaces and any remaining punctuation (typically hyphens). Recommended: if any word already has a conventional camel-case appearance in common usage, split this into its constituent parts (e.g., "AdWords" becomes "ad words"). Note that a word such as "iOS" is not really in camel case per se; it defies any convention, so this recommendation does not apply. Now lowercase everything (including acronyms), then uppercase only the first character of: ... each word, to yield upper camel case, or ... each word except the first, to yield lower camel case Finally, join all the words into a single identifier.

6 Programming Practices

7 Javadoc

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