"조지 오웰 선집"의 두 판 사이의 차이

822번째 줄: 822번째 줄:

{{글 숨김|Observer Years}}
{{글 숨김|Observer Years}}
* The Articles
India Next - 22 February 1942 2
* * The Articles
Mood of the Moment - 8 March 1942 4
* India Next - 22 February 1942 2
Mood of the Moment - 19 April 1942 5
* Mood of the Moment - 8 March 1942 4
In the Darlan Country - 29 November 1942 6
* Mood of the Moment - 19 April 1942 5
Three Years of Home Guard - 9 May 1943 10
* In the Darlan Country - 29 November 1942 6
Profile: Sir Richard Acland - 23 May 1943 12
* Three Years of Home Guard - 9 May 1943 10
Where To Go - But How? - 15 August 1943 14
* Profile: Sir Richard Acland - 23 May 1943 12
A Hundred Up - 13 February 1944 17
* Where To Go - But How? - 15 August 1943 14
Survey of ‘Civvy Street’ - 4 June 1944 19
* A Hundred Up - 13 February 1944 17
The Eight Years of War: Spanish Memories - 16 July 1944 22
* Survey of ‘Civvy Street’ - 4 June 1944 19
The Children Who Cannot Be Billeted - 13 August 1944 24
* The Eight Years of War: Spanish Memories - 16 July 1944 22
Home Guard Lessons for the Future - 15 October 1944 26
* The Children Who Cannot Be Billeted - 13 August 1944 24
Occupation's Effect on French Outlook - 4 March 1945 28
* Home Guard Lessons for the Future - 15 October 1944 26
Clerical Party May Re-emerge in France - 11 March 1945 31
* Occupation's Effect on French Outlook - 4 March 1945 28
De Gaulle Intends to Keep Indo-China - 18 March 1945 34
* Clerical Party May Re-emerge in France - 11 March 1945 31
Creating Order out of Cologne Chaos - 25 March 1945 37
* De Gaulle Intends to Keep Indo-China - 18 March 1945 34
Future of a Ruined Germany - 8 April 1945 40
* Creating Order out of Cologne Chaos - 25 March 1945 37
Allies Facing Food Crisis in Germany - 15 April 1945 42
* Future of a Ruined Germany - 8 April 1945 40
Bavarian Peasants Ignore the War - 22 April 1945 44
* Allies Facing Food Crisis in Germany - 15 April 1945 42
The Germans Still Doubt Our Unity - 29 April 1945 47
* Bavarian Peasants Ignore the War - 22 April 1945 44
France’s Interest in the War Dwindles - 6 May 1945 50
* The Germans Still Doubt Our Unity - 29 April 1945 47
Freed Politicians Return to Paris - 13 May 1945 53
* France’s Interest in the War Dwindles - 6 May 1945 50
Danger of Separate Occupation Zones - 20 May 1945 55
* Freed Politicians Return to Paris - 13 May 1945 53
Obstacles to Joint Rule in Germany - 27 May 1945 58
* Danger of Separate Occupation Zones - 20 May 1945 55
Uncertain Fate of Displaced Persons - 10 June 1945 61
* Obstacles to Joint Rule in Germany - 27 May 1945 58
Morrison and Bracken Face Stiff Fights - 24 June 1945 63
* Uncertain Fate of Displaced Persons - 10 June 1945 61
Liberal Intervention Aids Labour - 1 July 1945 66
* Morrison and Bracken Face Stiff Fights - 24 June 1945 63
Profile: Aneurin Bevan - 14 October 1945 69
* Liberal Intervention Aids Labour - 1 July 1945 66
Marx and Russia - 15 February 1948 71
* Profile: Aneurin Bevan - 14 October 1945 69
Wilde’s Utopia - 9 May 1948 73
* Marx and Russia - 15 February 1948 71
Profile: Krishna Menon - 30 November 1948 75
* Wilde’s Utopia - 9 May 1948 73
* Profile: Krishna Menon - 30 November 1948 75
* The Reviews
The Wound and the Bow, by Edmund Wilson - 10 May 1942 82
* * The Reviews
Charles de Gaulle, by Philippe Barrès - 2 August 1942 84
* The Wound and the Bow, by Edmund Wilson - 10 May 1942 82
A Modern de Quincey, by Captain H. R. Robinson - 13 September 1942 86
* Charles de Gaulle, by Philippe Barrès - 2 August 1942 84
France is a Democracy, by Louis I. Ay - 12 September 1943 87
* A Modern de Quincey, by Captain H. R. Robinson - 13 September 1942 86
Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, by Harold J. Laski - 10 October 1943 90
* France is a Democracy, by Louis I. Ay - 12 September 1943 87
Lest We Regret, by Douglas Reed; and I Sit and I Think and I Wonder, by Sidney Dark - 7 November 1943 93
* Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, by Harold J. Laski - 10 October 1943 90
Spain in Eclipse, 1937-1943, by E. Allison Peers; and Behind the Spanish Mask, by Lawrence Dundas - 23 November 1943 95
* Lest We Regret, by Douglas Reed; and I Sit and I Think and I Wonder, by Sidney Dark - 7 November 1943 93
Collected Poems of W. H. Davies - 19 December 1943 97
* Spain in Eclipse, 1937-1943, by E. Allison Peers; and Behind the Spanish Mask, by Lawrence Dundas - 23 November 1943 95
Armies and the Art of Revolution, by K. C. Chorley - 2 January 1944 99
* Collected Poems of W. H. Davies - 19 December 1943 97
Democracy and the Individual, by C. K. Allen; and Disraeli and the New Age, by Sir R. George Stapledon - 16 January 1944 102
* Armies and the Art of Revolution, by K. C. Chorley - 2 January 1944 99
The Devil and the Jews, by Joshua Trachtenberg; and Why I am a Jew, by Edmond Fleg - 30 January 1944 104
* Democracy and the Individual, by C. K. Allen; and Disraeli and the New Age, by Sir R. George Stapledon - 16 January 1944 102
The Edge of the Abyss, by Alfred Noyes - 27 February 1944 106
* The Devil and the Jews, by Joshua Trachtenberg; and Why I am a Jew, by Edmond Fleg - 30 January 1944 104
Other Men’s Flowers, selected and annotated by A. P. Wavell - 12 March 1944 108
* The Edge of the Abyss, by Alfred Noyes - 27 February 1944 106
Tolstoy: His Life and Work, by Derrick Leon - 26 March 1944 111
* Other Men’s Flowers, selected and annotated by A. P. Wavell - 12 March 1944 108
The Road to Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek; and The Mirror of the Past, by K. Zilliacus - 9 April 1944 113
* Tolstoy: His Life and Work, by Derrick Leon - 26 March 1944 111
The Poisoned Crown, by Hugh Kingsmill - 23 April 1944 115
* The Road to Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek; and The Mirror of the Past, by K. Zilliacus - 9 April 1944 113
This Changing World, edited by J. R. M. Brumwell; and On Living in a Revolution, by Julian Huxley; and Reshaping Man's Heritage, by various authors - 7 May 1944 117
* The Poisoned Crown, by Hugh Kingsmill - 23 April 1944 115
42 to '44: A Contemporary Memoir upon Human Behaviour During the Crisis of the World Revolution, by H. G. Wells - 21 May 1944 120
* This Changing World, edited by J. R. M. Brumwell; and On Living in a Revolution, by Julian Huxley; and Reshaping Man's Heritage, by various authors - 7 May 1944 117
Burma Surgeon, by Gordon S. Seagrave; and India Since Cripps, by Horace Alexander - 11 June 1944 122
* 42 to '44: A Contemporary Memoir upon Human Behaviour During the Crisis of the World Revolution, by H. G. Wells - 21 May 1944 120
The Sociology of Literary Taste, by L. L. Schücking - 25 June 1944 125
* Burma Surgeon, by Gordon S. Seagrave; and India Since Cripps, by Horace Alexander - 11 June 1944 122
In a Strange Land: Essays by Eric Gill - 9 July 1944 127
* The Sociology of Literary Taste, by L. L. Schücking - 25 June 1944 125
Romanticism and the Modern Ego, by Jacques Barzun - 28 July 1944 130
* In a Strange Land: Essays by Eric Gill - 9 July 1944 127
The Dragon Beards versus the Blue Prints, by Hsiao Chien - 6 August 1944 132
* Romanticism and the Modern Ego, by Jacques Barzun - 28 July 1944 130
Milton: Man and Thinker, by Denis Saurat - 20 August 1944 135
* The Dragon Beards versus the Blue Prints, by Hsiao Chien - 6 August 1944 132
Selections from the Works of Gerrard Winstanley, edited by Leonard Hamilton - 3 September 1944 138
* Milton: Man and Thinker, by Denis Saurat - 20 August 1944 135
The American Problem, by D. W. Brogan - 17 September 1944 141
* Selections from the Works of Gerrard Winstanley, edited by Leonard Hamilton - 3 September 1944 138
Burma Pamphlets: 1 - Burma Background, by V. R. Pearn; 2 - Burma Setting, by O. H. K. Spate; 3 - Buddhism in Burma, by C. Appleton; Burma, by Ma Mya Sein; Wings Over Burma, by Kenneth Hemingway; and Wingate’s Raiders, by Charles J. Rolo - 1 October 1944 143
* The American Problem, by D. W. Brogan - 17 September 1944 141
Verdict on India, by Beverley Nichols - 29 October 1944 146
* Burma Pamphlets: 1 - Burma Background, by V. R. Pearn; 2 - Burma Setting, by O. H. K. Spate; 3 - Buddhism in Burma, by C. Appleton; Burma, by Ma Mya Sein; Wings Over Burma, by Kenneth Hemingway; and Wingate’s Raiders, by Charles J. Rolo - 1 October 1944 143
Gerard Manley Hopkins, by W. H. Gardner - 12 November 1944 148
* Verdict on India, by Beverley Nichols - 29 October 1944 146
A Critical History of English Poetry, by Herbert J. C. Grierson and J. C. Smith - 26 November 1944 150
* Gerard Manley Hopkins, by W. H. Gardner - 12 November 1944 148
An Interlude in Spain, by Charles d'Ydewalle - 24 December 1944 153
* A Critical History of English Poetry, by Herbert J. C. Grierson and J. C. Smith - 26 November 1944 150
Flower of Evil: A Life of Charles Baudelaire, by Edwin Morgan - 31 December 1944 154
* An Interlude in Spain, by Charles d'Ydewalle - 24 December 1944 153
The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle, by Palinurus - 14 January 1945 157
* Flower of Evil: A Life of Charles Baudelaire, by Edwin Morgan - 31 December 1944 154
Visions and Memories, by H. W. Nevinson - 28 January 1945 159
* The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle, by Palinurus - 14 January 1945 157
Christianity and Democracy, by Jacques Maritain - 10 June 1945 162
* Visions and Memories, by H. W. Nevinson - 28 January 1945 159
The Nigger of the Narcissus, Typhoon and the Shadow Line, by Joseph Conrad; and Within the Tides, by Joseph Conrad - 24 June 1945 164
* Christianity and Democracy, by Jacques Maritain - 10 June 1945 162
Nine Tales from Les Contes Drolatiques, by Honoré de Balzac - 8 July 1945 166
* The Nigger of the Narcissus, Typhoon and the Shadow Line, by Joseph Conrad; and Within the Tides, by Joseph Conrad - 24 June 1945 164
Man the Measure, by Erich Kahler - 22 July 1945 169
* Nine Tales from Les Contes Drolatiques, by Honoré de Balzac - 8 July 1945 166
The Rescue, by Edward Sackville-West - 5 August 1945 171
* Man the Measure, by Erich Kahler - 22 July 1945 169
A Forgotten Genius: Sewell of St Columba's and Radley, by Lionel James - 19 August 1945 173
* The Rescue, by Edward Sackville-West - 5 August 1945 171
Charles Dickens, by Una Pope-Hennessy - 2 September 1945 175
* A Forgotten Genius: Sewell of St Columba's and Radley, by Lionel James - 19 August 1945 173
The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky - 7 October 1945 178
* Charles Dickens, by Una Pope-Hennessy - 2 September 1945 175
Drums Under the Windows, by Sean O'Casey - 28 October 1945 180
* The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky - 7 October 1945 178
A Harp with a Thousand Strings, compiled by Hsiao Ch'ien - 11 November 1945 182
* Drums Under the Windows, by Sean O'Casey - 28 October 1945 180
Novels and Stories, by Robert Louis Stevenson - 18 November 1945 184
* A Harp with a Thousand Strings, compiled by Hsiao Ch'ien - 11 November 1945 182
The Condemned Playground, by Cyril Connolly - 2 December 1945 186
* Novels and Stories, by Robert Louis Stevenson - 18 November 1945 184
Science and the Creative Arts, by William Bowyer Honey - 16 December 1945 188
* The Condemned Playground, by Cyril Connolly - 2 December 1945 186
The Nineteen-Twenties, by Douglas Goldring - 6 January 1946 191
* Science and the Creative Arts, by William Bowyer Honey - 16 December 1945 188
The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield - 13 January 1946 193
* The Nineteen-Twenties, by Douglas Goldring - 6 January 1946 191
Horned Pigeon, by George Millar - 27 January 1946 195
* The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield - 13 January 1946 193
The Democrat at the Supper Table, by Colm Brogan - 10 February 1946 197
* Horned Pigeon, by George Millar - 27 January 1946 195
The Story of Burma, by F. Tennyson Jesse; Burma Pamphlets: 7 - The Burman: an Appreciation, by C. J. Richards; and 8 - The Karens of Burma, by Harry I. Marshall - 24 February 1946 199
* The Democrat at the Supper Table, by Colm Brogan - 10 February 1946 197
Charity Main, by Mark Benney - 10 March 1946 202
* The Story of Burma, by F. Tennyson Jesse; Burma Pamphlets: 7 - The Burman: an Appreciation, by C. J. Richards; and 8 - The Karens of Burma, by Harry I. Marshall - 24 February 1946 199
The Clash, by Arturo Barea - 24 March 1946 204
* Charity Main, by Mark Benney - 10 March 1946 202
Letters from John Chinaman and Other Essays, by G. Lowes Dickinson; and The Englishman's Country, edited by W. J. Turner - 7 April 1946 206
* The Clash, by Arturo Barea - 24 March 1946 204
Plea for Liberty, by Georges Bernanos - 21 April 1946 208
* Letters from John Chinaman and Other Essays, by G. Lowes Dickinson; and The Englishman's Country, edited by W. J. Turner - 7 April 1946 206
Of Ants and Men, by Caryl P. Haskins - 5 May 1946 211
* Plea for Liberty, by Georges Bernanos - 21 April 1946 208
Politics, Economics and Men of Modern Spain, 1808-1946, by A. Ramos Oliveira - 10 November 1946 213
* Of Ants and Men, by Caryl P. Haskins - 5 May 1946 211
India Called Them, by Lord Beveridge - 1 February 1948 215
* Politics, Economics and Men of Modern Spain, 1808-1946, by A. Ramos Oliveira - 10 November 1946 213
The Atlantic Islands, by Kenneth Williamson - 29 February 1948 217
* India Called Them, by Lord Beveridge - 1 February 1948 215
My Caves, by Norbert Casteret - 14 March 1948 219
* The Atlantic Islands, by Kenneth Williamson - 29 February 1948 217
Heyday of a Wizard, by Jean Burton - 6 June 1948 221
* My Caves, by Norbert Casteret - 14 March 1948 219
Mr Attlee: An Interim Biography, by Roy Jenkins - 4 July 1948 223
* Heyday of a Wizard, by Jean Burton - 6 June 1948 221
Eton Medley, by B. J. W. Hill - 1 August 1948 225
* Mr Attlee: An Interim Biography, by Roy Jenkins - 4 July 1948 223
The Writer and Politics, by George Woodcock - 22 August 1948 226
* Eton Medley, by B. J. W. Hill - 1 August 1948 225
Gandhi and Stalin, by Louis Fischer - 10 October 1948 228
* The Writer and Politics, by George Woodcock - 22 August 1948 226
Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, by T. S. Eliot - 28 November 1948 229
* Gandhi and Stalin, by Louis Fischer - 10 October 1948 228
The English Comic Album, compiled by Leonard Russell and Nicolas Bentley - 2 January 1949 232
* Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, by T. S. Eliot - 28 November 1948 229
The Great Tradition, by F. R. Leavis - 6 February 1949 234
* The English Comic Album, compiled by Leonard Russell and Nicolas Bentley - 2 January 1949 232
* The Great Tradition, by F. R. Leavis - 6 February 1949 234
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2024년 6월 26일 (수) 00:54 판

1 개요

조지 오웰의 전집과 선집 관련 정보

1.1 에세이

조지 오웰의 에세이를 선별한 단행본이 다수 번역되었다. 중복 번역된 글도 좀 있지만 오웰의 중요한 에세이들은 대략 번역된 셈이다. 박경서, 이한중 역서는 역자들이 선정, 편집한 것이고 하윤숙 역서는 2008년에 편집된 《모든 예술은 프로파간다다》(All Art Is Propaganda: Critical Essays)를 원서로 한다. 김영진 역서는 오웰이 언론에 실었던 글들 위주로 묶였다.

2 영어판 전집

러시아 매니아의 정리 [1]
Peter Davison
  • v. 1. Down and out in Paris and London 1930
Orwell and the Dispossessed
Editorial Note

--Foreword to The End of the 'Old School Tie' by T. C. Worsley
--From Burma to Paris
--'Unemployment', Le Progrès Civique, 29 December 1928
--'A Farthing Newspaper', G.K.'s Weekly, 29 December 1928
--Review: Lionel Britton, Hunger and Love; F. O. Mann, Albert Grope
--Letter to Dennis Collings, 27 August 1931
--Hop-Picking Diary, 25 August to 8 October 1931
--Unpublished essay, 'Clink', August 1932
--'Common Lodging Houses', New Statesman & Nation, 3 September 1932
--Letter to Leonard Moore, 19 November 1932
--Publication of Down and Out in Paris and London, 9 January 1933
--Down and Out in Paris and London
--Introduction to French edition of Down and Out in Paris and London, 15 October 1934
--Letter to the Editor of The Times, 11 February 1933
--Poem: 'A dressed man and a naked man', The Adelphi, October 1933
--Review: Jack Hilton, Caliban Shrieks, March 1935
--Poem: 'St Andrew's Day, 1935', The Adelphi, November 1935
--'Poverty in Marrakech', extract from Orwell's Morocco Diary, 27 September 1938
--Review: Martin Block, Gypsies, December 1938
--'Democracy in the British Army', Left Forum, September 1939
--'Boys' Weeklies', Horizon, 11 March 1940
--'Notes on the Way', Time and Tide, 30 March 1940
--Letter to Humphry House, 11 April 1940
--Review: Jack Hilton, English Ways, July 1940
--Review: A. J. Jenkinson, What Do Boys and Girls Read?, July 1940
--Review: T. C. Worsley, Barbarians and Philistines: Democracy and the Public Schools, 14 September 1940
--Discussion: 'The Proletarian Writer', with Desmond Hawkins, The Listener, 19 December 1940
--'The Home Guard and You: George Orwell puts a personal question to "make-believe democrats" - and real ones', Tribune, 20 December 1940
--'A Roadman's Day', Picture Post, 15 March 1941
--'The Art of Donald McGill', Horizon, September 1941
--'Rudyard Kipling', Horizon, February 1942
--'Answering You', BBC, London and MBS, New York, 18 October 1942
--'Not Enough Money: A Sketch of George Gissing', Tribune, 2 April 1943
--'The Detective Story', translated from French, Fontaine, 1944
--Extracts from London Letter to Partisan Review, 17 April 1944
--Review: Hilda Martindale, CBE, From One Generation to Another, 29 June 1944
--Extracts from 'As I Please', 35, Tribune, 28 July 1944
--Review: Marie Paneth, Branch Street, 13 August 1944
--'Raffles and Miss Blandish', Horizon, October 1944
--'In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse', The Windmill, July 1945
--'The Sporting Spirit', Tribune, 14 December 1945
--Review: Robert Tressall, The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists, 25 April 1946
--'How the Poor Die', Now, November 1946

Further Reading
  • v. 2. Burmese days 1933 [2]
  • v. 3. A clergyman's daughter 1934
  • v. 4. Keep the aspidistra flying 1935 [3]
  • v. 5. The road to Wigan Pier 1935
Orwell's England
Editorial Note

--From Burma to Paris
--'A Day in the Life of a Tramp', Le Progrès Civique, 5 January 1929
--'Hop-Picking', New Statesman & Nation, 17 October 1931
--Poem: 'Summer-like for an instant', The Adelphi, May 1933
--Poem: 'On a Ruined Farm near the His Master's Voice Gramophone Factory', The Adelphi, April 1934
--Letter to Brenda Salkeld, 7 May 1935
--Review: Patrick Hamilton, Twenty Thousand Streets under the Sky; Katherine M. Williams, The Proceedings of the Society; R. G. Goodyear, I Lie Alone, 1 August 1935
--Extracts from 'The Road to Wigan Pier' Diary, 31 January to 16 March 1936
--Extracts from Orwell's 'Notes on Houses', Barnsley
--Letter to Jack Common, 16? April 1936
--Review: W. F. R. Macartney, Walls Have Mouths: A Record of Ten Years' Penal Servitude, November 1936
--Publication of 'The Road to Wigan Pier', 8 March 1937
--The Road to Wigan Pier
--Orwell's sketch-map of his journey to the North
--Extract from 'Your Questions Answered': Wigan Pier, BBC, 2 December 1943
--Review: Wal Hannington, The Problem of the Distressed Areas; Jane Hanley, Grey Children; Neil Stewart, The Fight for the Charter, 27 November 1937
--Letter from Eileen Blair to Jack Common, 20 July 1938
--Letter to Jack Common, 25 August 1938
--Extracts from Orwell's Domestic Diaries, 9 August 1938 -- 14 April 1939, and War-time Diaries, 8 June 1940 -- 4 July 1942
--'My Country Right or Left', Folios of New Writing, Autumn 1940
--Film Review: Eyes of the Navy; The Heart of Britain; Unholy War, 15 February 1941
--The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, 19 February 1941
--Part I: England Your England
--Review: D. W. Brogan, The English People, 27 May 1943
--Extract from 'As I Please', 12 (A home of their own), Tribune, 18 February 1944
--Review: Sir William Beach Thomas, The Way of a Countryman, 23 March 1944
--Review: Edmund Blunden, Cricket Country, 20 April 1944
--The English People, completed 22 May 1944; published 1947
--England at First Glance
--The Moral Outlook of the English People
--The Political Outlook of the English People
--The English Class System
--The English Language
--The Future of the English People
--'Survey of "Civvy Street"', Observer, 4 June 1944
--Extract from 'As I Please', 37 (The colour bar), Tribune, 11 August 1944
--'The French Believe We Have Had a Revolution', Manchester Evening News, 20 March 1945
--'Just Junk -- But Who Could Resist It?', Evening Standard, 5 January 1946
--'Poetry and the Microphone', The New Saxon Pamphlets, March 1945
--Review: Mark Abrams, The Condition of the British People, 1911-1945, 17 January 1946
--'Decline of the English Murder', Tribune, 15 February 1946
--Extract from 'As I Please', 77 (Scrapping the British system of weights and measures), Tribune, 14 March 1947
--'Such, Such Were the Joys', 1939?--June 1948?

Further Reading
  • v. 6. Homage to Catalonia 1936
Orwell in Spain
Editorial Note

--Orwell's Journey to Spain
--Extract from 'As I Please', 42 (The journey to Spain), Tribune, 15 September 1944
--Jennie Lee to Margaret M. Goalby, 23 June 1950: Orwell's Arrival in Barcelona
--Orwell in Spain, December 1936
--Extract from Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 31 January 1937
--'British Author with the Militia', The Spanish Revolution: Bulletin of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM)
--Letter from Eileen Blair to her mother, 22 March 1937
--Letter to Eileen Blair, 5? April 1937
--Extract from Letter from Eileen Blair to Leonard Moore, 12 April 1937
--Letter from Eileen Blair to her brother, Dr Laurence ('Eric') O'Shaughnessy, 1 May 1937
--Extract from Letter to Victor Gollancz, 1 May 1937
--Orwell's Wound
--Letter to Cyril Connolly, 8 June 1937
--Letter from Eileen Blair to Dr Laurence ('Eric') O'Shaughnessy, c. 10 June 1937
--Escape from Spain
--Reports on Eric and Eileen Blair to Tribunal for Espionage and High Treason, Valencia
--Report on Charles Doran
--Homage to Catalonia
--'Spilling the Spanish Beans', New English Weekly, 29 July and 2 September 1937
--Letter from Eileen Blair to John McNair, 29 July 1937
--Letter from George Kopp to Dr Laurence O'Shaughnessy, 7 July 1937
--Letter from George Kopp to Lt.-Col. Burillo, Chief of Police, Barcelona, 7 July 1937 (translation)
--Letter from George Kopp to Eileen Blair, 8 July 1937
--Review: Franz Borkenau, The Spanish Cockpit; John Sommerfield, Volunteer in Spain, 31 July 1937
--Letter to Rayner Heppenstall, 31 July 1937
--'Eye-Witness in Barcelona', Controversy, August 1937
--Abstracts of Reports on the Spanish Civil War in the Daily Worker and News Chronicle, 1936-7
--Letter to Amy Charlesworth, 1 August 1937
--Letter to Charles Doran, 2 August 1937
--Unpublished response to Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War, 3-6 August 1937
--Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 15 September 1937
--Review: Mary Low and Juan Brea, Red Spanish Notebook; R. Timmermans, Heroes of the Alcazar; Martin Armstrong, Spanish Circus, 9 October 1937
--Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 10 December 1937
--Review: Mairin Mitchell, Storm Over Spain; Arnold Lunn, Spainish Rehearsal; E. Allison Peers, Catalonia Infelix; José Ortega y Gasset, Invertebrate Spain, 11 December 1937
--Letter from H. N. Brailsford to Orwell, 17 December 1937
--Letter to H. N. Brailsford, 18 December 1937
--Review: G. L. Steer, The Tree of Gernika; Arthur Koestler, Spanish Testament, 5 February 1938
--Letter to the Editor, Time and Tide: '"Trotskyist" Publications', 5 February 1938
--Letter to Raymond Mortimer, 9 February 1938
--Letter to Stephen Spender, 2 April 1938
--Letter to Geoffrey Gorer, 18 April 1938
--'Notes on the Spanish Militias'
--To the Editor, The Times Literary Supplement, 14 May 1938
--Letter from Sir Richard Rees to Orwell, 25 May 1938
--Letter to the Editor, The Listener, 16 June 1938
--Review: Robert Sencourt, Spain's Ordeal; Anonymous, Franco's Rule, 23 June 1938
--Review: Frank Jellinek, The Civil War in Spain, 8 July 1938
--Review: The Duchess of Atholl, Searchlight on Spain, 16 July 1938
--Letter to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, 5 August 1938
--Letter to Yvonne Davet, 18 August 1938
--Letter to Raymond Postgate, 21 October 1938
--Summary of article from La Flèche, 14 October 1938
--Review: E. Allison Peers, The Church in Spain, 1737-1937; Eoin O'Duffy, Crusade in Spain, 24 November 1938
--Letter to Frank Jellinek, 20 December 1938
--'Release of George Kopp', Independent News, 23 December 1938
--'Caesarean Section in Spain', The Highway, March 1939
--Letter to Yvonne Davet, 19 June 1939
--Review: Nancy Johnstone, Hotel in Flight, December 1939
--Review: S. Casado, The Last Days of Madrid; T. C. Worsley, Behind the Battle, 20 January 1940
--Review: E. Allison Peers, The Spanish Dilemma; Charles Duff, A Key to Victory: Spain, 21 December 1940
--Extract from War-time Diary, 22 January 1941
--Review: Arturo Barea, The Forge, September 1941
--Extract from Letter to Partisan Review, 23 September 1941
--Extract from BBC Weekly News Review for India, 22 (Comparison with the Spanish Civil War), 16 May 1942
--'Looking Back on the Spanish War' (1942?), New Road, January 1943?
--Proposed BBC Broadcast on the Spanish Civil War, 3 December 1942
--Review: E Allison Peers, Spain in Eclipse, 1937-1943; Lawrence Dundas, Behind the Spanish Mask, 28 November 1943
--Extracts from 'As I Please', 10, (How the lie becomes truth), Tribune, 4 February 1944
--'The Eight Years of War: Spanish Memories', Observer, 16 July 1944
--Review: Charles d'Ydewalle, An Interlude in Spain, 24 December 1944
--Review: Arturo Berea, The Clash, 24 March 1946
--Orwell's Pamphlet Collection: Spanish Civil War
--A Summary of letters from and to David Astor, 4 and 5 March 1949

Further Reading
  • v. 7. Coming up for air 1938 [4]
    • inside the whale 1940 [5]
    • lion and unicorn 1941
    • as i please 1943 + tribune
    • observer 1944 + book reviews [6]
Hop Picking 17 October 1931
Common Lodging Houses 3 September 1932
Experientia Docet 28 August 1937
Glimpses and Reflections 12 March 1938
On the Brink 13 July 1940
Charles Reade 17 August 1940
The English Civil War 24 August 1940
Holding Out 14 September 1940
History Books 21 September 1940
Wishful Thinking and the Light Novel 19 October 1940
Mis-Observation 26 October 1940
By-Words 16 November 1940
Landfall 7 December 1940
Guerillas 14 December 1940
Darkness at Noon 4 January 1941
Two Glimpses of the Moon 18 January 1941
The Beauty of the Dead 25 January 1941
The People’s Army 15 February 1941
England is My Village 22 February 1941
The Defenders 15 March 1941
Perfide Albion 21 November 1942
Pamphlet Literature 9 January 1943
War in Burma 14 August 1943
Seeing Things as They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings
EXTRACT from 'As I Please', 11 June 1944: On the Perversion of Book Reviewing
REVIEW: Hilda Martindale, From One Generation to Another The Orwells Bombed Out, 28 June 1944
EXTRACT from As I Please', 7 July 1944: The Flying Bomb
EXTRACT from 'London Letter', 24 July 1944: Highly Unpopular Subjects
EXTRACT from As I Please', 11 August 1944: The Colour Bar
REVIEW: Marie Paneth, Branch Street
EXTRACT from As I Please', 1 September 1944: The Warsaw Uprising
EXTRACT from As I Please', 15 September 1944: A Paris Taxi-Driver
'London Letter', October 1944(?): I Have Tried to Tell the Truth: errors and mistakes
EXTRACT from As I Please', 24 November 1944: On the Rudeness of Shopkeepers
EXTRACT from As I Please', 4 December 1944: The V2
REVIEW: L.A.G. Strong, Authorship
EXTRACTS from As I Please', 2 February 1945: Huns and Other Such Names; A V-1 Explosion; The Three Super-states of the Future
'In Defence of P.G. Wodehouse'
'Paris Puts a Gay Face on Its Miseries'
LETTER to Tribune: 'The Polish Trial'
RESPONSE to 'Orwell and the Stinkers'
REVIEW: Pierre Maillaud, The English Way
'The Sporting Spirit'
REVIEW: 'Freedom and Happiness' [Yevgeny Zamyatin, We]
'The Cost of Radio Programmes'
'Books v Cigarettes'
REVIEW: Robert Tressall, The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists
EXTRACTS from 'London Letter', May 1946(?): Scarcity and Despair; The Literary Front - and Birth of the Third Programme
'The Cost of Letters'
BROADCAST: 'The Written Word': The first sustained critical assessment of Orwell's journalism
'As I Please', 15 November 1946: Polish Immigration; On Hanging
'Riding Down from Bangor'
EXTRACT from As I Please', 22 November 1946: Intelligence and Popularity of Newspapers
EXTRACT from As I Please', 29 November 1946: What Is Dominant: a Desire for Power or for Wealth?
'As I Please', 6 December 1946: Trilby and Anti-Semitism; Authors' Decline; Four-letter Words
EXTRACT from As I Please', 13 December 1946: Expenditure on Alcohol, Tobacco and Books; Soviet and US positions at United Nations
'As I Please', 20 December 1946: Overindulging at Christmas
EXTRACTS from 'As I Please', 3 January 1947: The Gap Between Function and Reward on a Luxury Liner; Persecution of Writers in USSR
EXTRACTS from 'As I Please', 7 February 1947: The fate of Burmese Minorities; H.G. Wells on Printing Errors
EXTRACTS from 'As I Please', 14 February 1947: Poles in Scotland; Scottish Nationalism
As I Please', 28 February 1947: Handwriting and Creative Writing
EXTRACT from As I Please', 14 March 1947: Rationalised Spelling and Imperial Measure
EXTRACTS from 'As I Please', 28 March 1947: Mass Observation; Seeking Spring
'In Defence of Comrade Zilliacus'
REVIEW: James Laughlin, ed., Spearhead: Ten Years' Experimental Writing in America
REVIEW: Graham Greene, The Heart of the Matter
REVIEW: Jean-Paul Sartre, Portrait of the Anti-Semite
REVIEW: T.S. Eliot, Notes Towards the Definition of Culture
'Evelyn Waugh'
Last of Orwell's Statements on 1984
Orwell's Death, 21 January 1950
Appendix //: Estimates of Orwell's Earnings, 1922-45
Selective Chronology
A Short List of Further Reading
Follow Penguin
  • v. 8. Animal farm 1944 [7]
Orwell and Politics
Editorial Note

--'How a Nation Is Exploited: The British Empire in Burma', Le Progrès Civique, 4 May 1929
--'A Hanging', The Adelphi, August 1931
--Review: Alec Brown, The Fate of the Middle Classes, May 1936
--Review: Mark Channing, Indian Mosaic, 15 July 1936
--'Shooting an Elephant', New Writing, 2, Autumn 1936
--Review: Fenner Brockway, Workers' Front, 17 February 1938
--Anonymous review: Maurice Collis, Trials in Burma, 9 March 1938
--Letter to the Editor, 'Ends and Means', New English Weekly, 26 May 1938
--Review: Eugene Lyons, Assignment in Utopia, 9 June 1938
--'Why I Join the I.L.P.', New Leader, 24 June 1938
--Review: Franz Borkenau, The Communist International, 22 September 1938
--Extract from Letter from Eileen Blair to Marjorie Dakin, 27 September 1938
--Manifesto: If War Comes, We Shall Resist, New Leader, 30 September 1938
--Extract from Letter from Marjorie Dakin to Eileen Blair and Orwell, 3 October 1938
--Letter to John Sceats, 24 November 1938
--Letter to Charles Doran, 26 November 1938
--'Political Reflections on the Crisis', The Adelphi, December 1938
--Review: N. de Basily, Russia under Soviet Rule, 12 January 1939
--Review: F. J. Sheed, Communism and Man, 27 January 1939
--Letter to Herbert Read, 5 March 1939
--Review: Clarence K. Streit, Union Now, July 1939
--Extracts from Orwell's 'Diary of Events Leading Up to the War', 2 July--3 September 1939
--Application to Enrol for War Service, 9 September 1939
--Review: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 21 March 1940
--Extracts from Orwell's 'War-time Diary', 28 May--20 June 1940
--Review: Jack London, The Iron Heel; H. G. Wells, Then the Sleeper Wakes; Aldous Huxley, Brave New World; Ernest Bramah, The Secret of the League, 12 July 1940
--Review: The English Revolution: 1640, edited by Christopher Hill, 24 August 1940
--Extracts from London Letter to Partisan Review (Current political situation), 3 January 1941
--The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, 19 February 1941
--Part II: Shopkeepers at War
--Part III: The English Revolution
--Extract from London Letter to Partisan Review (Support for Labour leaders; preservation of democracy in wartime), 15 April 1941
--Extract from London Letter to Partisan Review, 'The Anglo-Soviet Alliance', 17 August 1941
--Review: Louis Fischer, Men and Politics, Christmas 1941
--Sir Stafford Cripps's Mission to India, March-April 1942
--Extract from BBC Weekly News Review for India, 14, 14 March 1942
--Extracts from War-time Diary, 1, 3 and 10 April 1942
--Extract from BBC Weekly News Review for India, 18, 18 April 1942
--Extracts from War-time Diary, 18 and 29 April 1942
--London Letter to Partisan Review, 'The British Crisis', 8 May 1942
--Extracts from War-time Diary, 7 June and 12 August 1942
--Letter to Tom Wintringham, 17 August 1942
--Review: Mulk Raj Anand, Letters on India, 19 March 1943
--London Letter to Partisan Review (Dissolution of the comintern; growth of the Common Wealth Party: c. 23 May 1943)
--'Literature and the Left', Tribune, 4 June 1943
--'Gandhi in Mayfair'. Review of Lionel Fielden, Beggar My Neighbour, September 1943
--Letter from Roy Walker to Orwell, 28 September 1943
--Review: Harold J. Laski, Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, 10 October 1943
--'Who Are the War Criminals?' Review of 'Cassius', The Trial of Mussolini, 22 October 1943
--Review: Henry Noel Brailsford, Subject India, 20 November 1943
--Extract from 'As I Please', 4 (On dissociating Socialism from Utopianism), Tribune, 24 December 1943
--Extract from London Letter to Partisan Review (Parliament and the monarchy), 15 January 1944
--Review: James Burnham, The Machiavellians, 20 January 1944
--Completion of Animal Farm
--Publication of Animal Farm, 17 August 1945
--Animal Farm
--'As I Please', 17 (What is Fascism?), Tribune, 24 March 1944
--Review: Louis Fischer, Empire, 13 May 1944
--'Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali', intended for The Saturday Book, 4, 1944
--Conclusion to letter to John Middleton Murry, 5 August 1944
--Review: Selections from the Works of Gerrard Winstanley, edited by Leonard Hamilton, 3 September 1944
--Review: Beverley Nichols, Verdict on India, 29 October 1944
--Review: Conrad Heiden, Der Führer, 4 January 1945
--Extract from 'As I Please', 56 (On European freedom), Tribune, 26 January 1945
--Extract from 'As I Please', 59 (Future of Burma), Tribune, 16 February 1945
--Extract from 'Occupation's Effect on French Outlook' (Post-liberation killings in France), Observer, 4 March 1945
--'Notes on Nationalism', Polemic, October 1945
--Unpublished Letter to Tribune (Trial of sixteen Poles in Moscow), 'Polish Trial', 26? June 1945
--'The Prevention of Literature', Polemic, January 1946
--'Freedom of the Park', Tribune, 7 December 1945
--'Politics and the English Language', Horizon, April 1946
--'Freedom and Happiness', Tribune, 4 January 1946
--The Intellectual Revolt, four articles, Manchester Evening News
--1. 'The Intellectual Revolt', 24 January 1946
--2. 'What is Socialism?', 31 January 1946
--3. 'The Christian Reformers', 7 February 1946
--4. 'Pacifism and Progress', 14 February 1946
--Afterword (translated from German of Neue Auslese), April 1946
--Extract from letter to Arthur Koestler, 5 March 1946
--'Do Our Colonies Pay?', Tribune, 8 March 1946
--'Some Thoughts on the Common Toad', Tribune, 12 April 1946
--Unsigned Editorial (On defending intellectual decency), Polemic, 3, May 1946
--'Why I Write', Gangrel, Summer 1946
--Extract from 'As I Please', 61 (Attitudes to immigrants), Tribune, 15 November 1946
--Extract from 'As I Please', 68 (Class distinction), Tribune, 3 January 1947
--Extract from 'As I Please', 70 (Attitudes to Poles in Scotland), Tribune, 24 January 1947
--Extract from 'As I Please', 73 (Scottish Nationalism), Tribune, 14 February 1947
--'Toward European Unity', Partisan Review, July--August 1947
--'Marx and Russia', Observer, 15 February 1948
--'Writers and Leviathan', Politics and Letters, Summer 1948
--Review: Jean-Paul Sartre, Portrait of the Anti-Semite, 7 November 1948
--'Reflections on Gandhi', Partisan Review, January 1949
--Orwell's Statement on Nineteen Eighty-Four, July 1949
--Extracts from Orwell's List of Crypto-Communists and Fellow-Travellers
--Extracts from Orwell's Pamphlet Collection Catalogue

Further Reading
Selective Index
critical essays 1946
Charles Dickens
Boys’ Weeklies
Wells, Hitler and the World State
The Art of Donald McGill
Rudyard Kipling
W.B. Yeats
Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali
Arthur Koestler
Raffles and Miss Blandish
In Defence of P.G. Wodehouse
  • v. 9. Nineteen eighty-four 1947
Shooting an Elephant
A Hanging
How the Poor Die
Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool
Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels
Politics and the English Language
Reflections on Gandhi
The Prevention of Literature
Second Thoughts on James Burnham
Confessions of A Book Reviewer
Books v. Cigarettes
Good Bad Books
Nonsense Poetry
Riding Down From Bangor
The Sporting Spirit
Decline of the English Murder
Some Thoughts on the Common Toad
A Good Word For the Vicar of Bray
  • v. 10. A kind of compulsion, 1903-1936 --
  • v. 11. Facing unpleasant facts, 1937-1939 [8]
  • v. 12. A patriot after all, 1940-1941 [9]
  • v. 13. All propaganda is lies, 1941-1942 [10]
  • v. 14. Keeping our little corner clean, 1942-1943 [11]
  • v. 15. Two wasted years, 1943 [12]
  • v. 16. I have tried to tell the truth, 1943-1944 [13]
  • v. 17. I belong to the Left: 1945 [14]
  • v. 18. Smothered under journalism, 1946 [15]
  • v. 19. It is what I think, 1947-1948 [16] [17]
  • v. 20 Our job is to make life worth living, 1949-1950 [18]
  • v. 21 The Lost Orwell
기타 편집본
  • life in letters [19]
  • George Orwell Diaries [20]
  • 50 articles in Gutenberg [21]
  • wikilibre full list [22]
George Orwell: Essays(Penguin Modern Classics)
Bibliographical Note	
Why I Write	p. 1
The Spike	p. 7
A Hanging	p. 14
Shooting an Elephant	p. 18
Bookshop Memories	p. 25
Marrakech	p. 29
Charles Dickens	p. 35
Boys' Weeklies	p. 78
Inside the Whale	p. 101
My Country Right or Left	p. 133
The Lion and the Unicorn	p. 138
Wells, Hitler and the World State	p. 188
The Art of Donald McGill	p. 193
Rudyard Kipling	p. 203
Looking Back on the Spanish War	p. 216
W. B. Yeats	p. 233
Poetry and the Microphone	p. 239
Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali	p. 248
Raffles and Miss Blandish	p. 257
Arthur Koestler	p. 268
Antisemitism in Britain	p. 278
In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse	p. 287
Notes on Nationalism	p. 300
Good Bad Books	p. 318
The Sporting Spirit	p. 321
Nonsense Poetry	p. 324
The Prevention of Literature	p. 328
Books v. Cigarettes	p. 341
Decline of the English Murder	p. 345
Politics and the English Language	p. 348
Some Thoughts on the Common Toad	p. 360
A Good Word for the Vicar of Bray	p. 363
Confessions of a Book Reviewer	p. 367
Politics vs Literature: An Examination of Gulliver's Travels	p. 370
How the Poor Die	p. 387
Riding Down from Bangor	p. 396
Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool	p. 401
Such, Such Were the Joys	p. 416
Writers and Leviathan	p. 453
Reflections on Gandhi	p. 459
어떤 전집의 분류

Reflections on War and Society

  • Spilling the Spanish Beans
  • Not Counting Niggers
  • Prophecies of Fascism
  • Wells, Hitler and the World State
  • Looking Back on the Spanish War
  • Who Are the War Criminals?
  • Future of a Ruined Germany
  • Revenge is Sour
  • You and the Atomic Bomb
  • Notes on Nationalism
  • Catastrophic Gradualism
  • Freedom of the Park
  • How the Poor Die
  • In Front of Your Nose

Thoughts on England

  • Democracy in the British Army
  • The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius
  • Antisemitism in Britain
  • In Defence of English Cooking
  • Decline of the English Murder
  • Politics and the English Language

Views on Literature, Art & People

  • In Defence of the Novel
  • Notes on the Way
  • Charles Dickens
  • Charles Reade
  • Inside the Whale
  • Literature and Totalitarianism
  • The Art of Donald McGill
  • Rudyard Kipling
  • W. B. Yeats
  • Mark Twain—the Licensed Jester
  • Raffles and Miss Blandish
  • Arthur Koestler
  • Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali
  • Good Bad Books
  • Nonsense Poetry
  • In Defence of P. G. Wodehouse
  • Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels
  • Confessions of a Book Reviewer
  • The Prevention of Literature
  • Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool
  • Writers and Leviathan
  • Reflections on Gandhi

Book Reviews

  • Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
  • Personal Record by Julien Green
  • The Totalitarian Enemy by Franz Borkenau
  • Landfall by Nevil Shute and Nailcruncher by Albert Cohen
  • The Development of William Butler Yeats by V. K. Narayana Menon

Miscellaneous Writings

  • A Farthing Newspaper
  • The Spike
  • New Words
  • Boys’ Weeklies and Frank Richards’s Reply
  • Poetry and the Microphone
  • The Sporting Spirit
  • A Good Word for the Vicar of Bray
  • A Nice Cup of Tea
  • Pleasure Spots
  • Riding Down from Bangor
  • Some Thoughts on the Common Toad
  • James Burnham and the Managerial Revolution

Autobiographical Works

  • A Hanging
  • Down and Out in Paris and London
  • Bookshop Memories
  • Shooting an Elephant
  • The Road to Wigan Pier
  • Homage to Catalonia
  • Marrakech
  • Why I Write
  • Books vs. Cigarettes
  • Such, Such Were the Joys
  • As I Please
Observer Years
  • * The Articles
  • India Next - 22 February 1942 2
  • Mood of the Moment - 8 March 1942 4
  • Mood of the Moment - 19 April 1942 5
  • In the Darlan Country - 29 November 1942 6
  • Three Years of Home Guard - 9 May 1943 10
  • Profile: Sir Richard Acland - 23 May 1943 12
  • Where To Go - But How? - 15 August 1943 14
  • A Hundred Up - 13 February 1944 17
  • Survey of ‘Civvy Street’ - 4 June 1944 19
  • The Eight Years of War: Spanish Memories - 16 July 1944 22
  • The Children Who Cannot Be Billeted - 13 August 1944 24
  • Home Guard Lessons for the Future - 15 October 1944 26
  • Occupation's Effect on French Outlook - 4 March 1945 28
  • Clerical Party May Re-emerge in France - 11 March 1945 31
  • De Gaulle Intends to Keep Indo-China - 18 March 1945 34
  • Creating Order out of Cologne Chaos - 25 March 1945 37
  • Future of a Ruined Germany - 8 April 1945 40
  • Allies Facing Food Crisis in Germany - 15 April 1945 42
  • Bavarian Peasants Ignore the War - 22 April 1945 44
  • The Germans Still Doubt Our Unity - 29 April 1945 47
  • France’s Interest in the War Dwindles - 6 May 1945 50
  • Freed Politicians Return to Paris - 13 May 1945 53
  • Danger of Separate Occupation Zones - 20 May 1945 55
  • Obstacles to Joint Rule in Germany - 27 May 1945 58
  • Uncertain Fate of Displaced Persons - 10 June 1945 61
  • Morrison and Bracken Face Stiff Fights - 24 June 1945 63
  • Liberal Intervention Aids Labour - 1 July 1945 66
  • Profile: Aneurin Bevan - 14 October 1945 69
  • Marx and Russia - 15 February 1948 71
  • Wilde’s Utopia - 9 May 1948 73
  • Profile: Krishna Menon - 30 November 1948 75
  • * The Reviews
  • The Wound and the Bow, by Edmund Wilson - 10 May 1942 82
  • Charles de Gaulle, by Philippe Barrès - 2 August 1942 84
  • A Modern de Quincey, by Captain H. R. Robinson - 13 September 1942 86
  • France is a Democracy, by Louis I. Ay - 12 September 1943 87
  • Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, by Harold J. Laski - 10 October 1943 90
  • Lest We Regret, by Douglas Reed; and I Sit and I Think and I Wonder, by Sidney Dark - 7 November 1943 93
  • Spain in Eclipse, 1937-1943, by E. Allison Peers; and Behind the Spanish Mask, by Lawrence Dundas - 23 November 1943 95
  • Collected Poems of W. H. Davies - 19 December 1943 97
  • Armies and the Art of Revolution, by K. C. Chorley - 2 January 1944 99
  • Democracy and the Individual, by C. K. Allen; and Disraeli and the New Age, by Sir R. George Stapledon - 16 January 1944 102
  • The Devil and the Jews, by Joshua Trachtenberg; and Why I am a Jew, by Edmond Fleg - 30 January 1944 104
  • The Edge of the Abyss, by Alfred Noyes - 27 February 1944 106
  • Other Men’s Flowers, selected and annotated by A. P. Wavell - 12 March 1944 108
  • Tolstoy: His Life and Work, by Derrick Leon - 26 March 1944 111
  • The Road to Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek; and The Mirror of the Past, by K. Zilliacus - 9 April 1944 113
  • The Poisoned Crown, by Hugh Kingsmill - 23 April 1944 115
  • This Changing World, edited by J. R. M. Brumwell; and On Living in a Revolution, by Julian Huxley; and Reshaping Man's Heritage, by various authors - 7 May 1944 117
  • 42 to '44: A Contemporary Memoir upon Human Behaviour During the Crisis of the World Revolution, by H. G. Wells - 21 May 1944 120
  • Burma Surgeon, by Gordon S. Seagrave; and India Since Cripps, by Horace Alexander - 11 June 1944 122
  • The Sociology of Literary Taste, by L. L. Schücking - 25 June 1944 125
  • In a Strange Land: Essays by Eric Gill - 9 July 1944 127
  • Romanticism and the Modern Ego, by Jacques Barzun - 28 July 1944 130
  • The Dragon Beards versus the Blue Prints, by Hsiao Chien - 6 August 1944 132
  • Milton: Man and Thinker, by Denis Saurat - 20 August 1944 135
  • Selections from the Works of Gerrard Winstanley, edited by Leonard Hamilton - 3 September 1944 138
  • The American Problem, by D. W. Brogan - 17 September 1944 141
  • Burma Pamphlets: 1 - Burma Background, by V. R. Pearn; 2 - Burma Setting, by O. H. K. Spate; 3 - Buddhism in Burma, by C. Appleton; Burma, by Ma Mya Sein; Wings Over Burma, by Kenneth Hemingway; and Wingate’s Raiders, by Charles J. Rolo - 1 October 1944 143
  • Verdict on India, by Beverley Nichols - 29 October 1944 146
  • Gerard Manley Hopkins, by W. H. Gardner - 12 November 1944 148
  • A Critical History of English Poetry, by Herbert J. C. Grierson and J. C. Smith - 26 November 1944 150
  • An Interlude in Spain, by Charles d'Ydewalle - 24 December 1944 153
  • Flower of Evil: A Life of Charles Baudelaire, by Edwin Morgan - 31 December 1944 154
  • The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle, by Palinurus - 14 January 1945 157
  • Visions and Memories, by H. W. Nevinson - 28 January 1945 159
  • Christianity and Democracy, by Jacques Maritain - 10 June 1945 162
  • The Nigger of the Narcissus, Typhoon and the Shadow Line, by Joseph Conrad; and Within the Tides, by Joseph Conrad - 24 June 1945 164
  • Nine Tales from Les Contes Drolatiques, by Honoré de Balzac - 8 July 1945 166
  • Man the Measure, by Erich Kahler - 22 July 1945 169
  • The Rescue, by Edward Sackville-West - 5 August 1945 171
  • A Forgotten Genius: Sewell of St Columba's and Radley, by Lionel James - 19 August 1945 173
  • Charles Dickens, by Una Pope-Hennessy - 2 September 1945 175
  • The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky - 7 October 1945 178
  • Drums Under the Windows, by Sean O'Casey - 28 October 1945 180
  • A Harp with a Thousand Strings, compiled by Hsiao Ch'ien - 11 November 1945 182
  • Novels and Stories, by Robert Louis Stevenson - 18 November 1945 184
  • The Condemned Playground, by Cyril Connolly - 2 December 1945 186
  • Science and the Creative Arts, by William Bowyer Honey - 16 December 1945 188
  • The Nineteen-Twenties, by Douglas Goldring - 6 January 1946 191
  • The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield - 13 January 1946 193
  • Horned Pigeon, by George Millar - 27 January 1946 195
  • The Democrat at the Supper Table, by Colm Brogan - 10 February 1946 197
  • The Story of Burma, by F. Tennyson Jesse; Burma Pamphlets: 7 - The Burman: an Appreciation, by C. J. Richards; and 8 - The Karens of Burma, by Harry I. Marshall - 24 February 1946 199
  • Charity Main, by Mark Benney - 10 March 1946 202
  • The Clash, by Arturo Barea - 24 March 1946 204
  • Letters from John Chinaman and Other Essays, by G. Lowes Dickinson; and The Englishman's Country, edited by W. J. Turner - 7 April 1946 206
  • Plea for Liberty, by Georges Bernanos - 21 April 1946 208
  • Of Ants and Men, by Caryl P. Haskins - 5 May 1946 211
  • Politics, Economics and Men of Modern Spain, 1808-1946, by A. Ramos Oliveira - 10 November 1946 213
  • India Called Them, by Lord Beveridge - 1 February 1948 215
  • The Atlantic Islands, by Kenneth Williamson - 29 February 1948 217
  • My Caves, by Norbert Casteret - 14 March 1948 219
  • Heyday of a Wizard, by Jean Burton - 6 June 1948 221
  • Mr Attlee: An Interim Biography, by Roy Jenkins - 4 July 1948 223
  • Eton Medley, by B. J. W. Hill - 1 August 1948 225
  • The Writer and Politics, by George Woodcock - 22 August 1948 226
  • Gandhi and Stalin, by Louis Fischer - 10 October 1948 228
  • Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, by T. S. Eliot - 28 November 1948 229
  • The English Comic Album, compiled by Leonard Russell and Nicolas Bentley - 2 January 1949 232
  • The Great Tradition, by F. R. Leavis - 6 February 1949 234

3 일본어판

오웰 평론집 목차
카카오번역기 이용. 아마존의 목차
번역 원문

 민족주의에 대해서요.
• 아서 케스트러.
• 성직자의 특권: 살바도르 달리에 관한 몇 가지 기억과 글쓰기
• 러플스와 브랜디시 양.
• 영국의 반유대주의
• 공원의 자유
• 독일의 황폐한 미래
• 좋은 악서
• P.G. 우드하우스를 변호하다
• 말도 안 되는 시
• 민족주의에 관한
• 복수의 맛은 씁쓸하다.


オーウェル評論集 2 [26]? [27]?
번역 원문

 맛있는 차 한 잔

• 당신과 원자 폭탄
• 과학은 무엇인가?
스포츠 정신
• 맛있는 차 한 잔
• 영국식 살인의 쇠퇴
• 책, 담배,
• 브레이 목사님을 위한 변명
• 한 서평가의 고백
제임스 번햄과 경영혁명
- 가난한 자의 죽음.
• 환락의 땅



オーウェル評論集 3
번역 원문

 코끼리를 쏘다

- 교수형.
• 서점의 기억
코끼리를 쏘다
• 탄광의 깊이
북쪽과 남쪽.
• 스페인의 비밀을 밝히다
• 소년 주간지
찰스 디킨스.



オーウェル評論集 4
번역 원문

 작가와 리바이어선

• 두꺼비에 관한 몇 가지 생각
· 문학의 금압
• 정치와 영어
• 내가 왜 글을 쓸까?
• 정치 대 문학: 갈리버 여행기 논고
뱅고에서 기차 여행
• 리어, 톨스토이, 웨이즈
• 작가와 리바이어선
간디를 돌봐줘.
• 그 즐거움과 날마다



オーウェル評論集 5
번역 원문

 고래의 배에

찰스 리드.
• 고래의 배에
• 서평 아돌프 히틀러의 저서 "우리의 투쟁"
웰스, 히틀러, 세계 국가
러드야드 킵링.
도널드 맥길의 예술.
마크 트웨인, 공허한 궁정 도화사
W.B. 예이츠.
스페인 전쟁을 돌아보세요.
• 시와 마이크


・書評 アドルフ・ヒトラー著「我が闘争」

オーウェル評論集 6
번역 원문

 사자와 일각 짐승

오른쪽이든 왼쪽이든 우리 조국
사자와 일각 짐승 - 사회주의와 영국의 특질
• 전쟁 범죄자는 누구인가?
파시즘이란 무엇인가
· 서평 F·A·하이액 저서 《예속으로 가는 길》, K·지리악스 저서 《과거의 거울》
• 유색 인종 출입 금지
• 영국 요리를 변호하다
• E. I. 자미아틴의 저서
• 수면의 달
• 눈앞에 있는 것
• 오스카 와일드의 저서 "사회주의 아래서 인간의 영혼"


・書評 F・A・ハイエク著「隷属への道」、K・ジリアクス著「過去の鏡」
・書評 E・I・ザミャーチン著「われら」
・書評 オスカー・ワイルド著「社会主義の下での人間の魂」

オーウェル評論集 7
번역 원문

 새로운 단어

잭 런던의 책 "철의"
- 오이스터와 블랙 맥주.
• 이상하게도, 저속한 것이 아니라
• 새로운 단어
• 랜슬롯 호그벤, 콤프턴 맥켄지, 루스벨트,
• 선전과 민중 연설
파시즘과 민주주의
• 지식인의 반항
• 크리스마스를 맞이하라.
윈스턴 처칠의 책 "그들 중 가장 좋은 시간"
• 유럽의 유대를 향해


・書評 ジャック・ロンドン著「鉄の踵」他
・書評 ランスロット・ホグベン著「インターグロッサ」、コンプトン・マッケンジー著「ミスター・ルーズベルト」
・書評 ウィンストン・チャーチル著「彼ら最良の時」

全体主義の誘惑 オーウェル評論選 [28]
번역 원문

 한 서평: 히틀러 저서 『나의 투쟁』
두 성직자 특권, 살바도르 달리에 대한 각서.
세 민족주의에 대한 각서
네 문학을 막는 것
정치와 영어 5개.
여섯, 왜 글을 쓰는가?
일곱, 작가와 리바이어선.
8 장 폴 사르트르 저서 『반유대주의자의 초상』
9번 간디에 대해 생각하는 것.

一 書評:ヒットラー著『我が闘争』
二 聖職者特権―サルバドール・ダリについての覚書
三 ナショナリズムについての覚書
四 文学を阻むもの
五 政治と英語
六 なぜ書くか
七 作家とリヴァイアサン
八 書評:ジャン・ポール・サルトル著『反ユダヤ主義者の肖像』
九 ガンジーについて思うこと

4 참고

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