함수 substring()

Jmnote (토론 | 기여)님의 2019년 4월 30일 (화) 22:14 판 (→‎R)

1 Overview

substring(string, startpos, endpos) returns string
substr(string, startpos, numChars) returns string
Returns a substring of string between starting at startpos and endpos, or starting at startpos of length numChars. The resulting string is truncated if there are fewer than numChars characters beyond the starting point. endpos represents the index after the last character in the substring.

2 Bash


echo $SUB
# de

echo ${STR:3}
# defg

echo $STR | cut -c 4-5
# de

echo $STR | cut -c 4-
# defg

3 C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
	string str = "abcdefghijk";
	string sub1 = str.substr(4,2);
	cout << sub1 << endl; // ef
	string sub2 = str.substr(6); 
	cout << sub2 << endl; // ghijk

4 C#

string str = "abcdefghijk";

string sub = str.Substring(4, 2);
// ef

sub = str.Substring(6);
// ghijk

5 Erlang

string:substr("abc", 2, 1). %  returns "b"
string:substr("abc", 2).    %  returns "bc"

6 Excel

// he
// hell
// ll

7 Java

System.out.println( "abcdefghijk".substring(2) ); // "cdefghijk"
System.out.println( "abcdefghijk".substring(3) ); // "defghijk"
System.out.println( "abcdefghijk".substring(11) ); // ""

System.out.println( "abcdefghijk".substring(4, 8) ); // "efgh"
System.out.println( "abcdefghijk".substring(1, 5) ); // "bcde"

8 JavaScript

console.log( "Hello world!".substr(2,3) ); // llo
var str = "A가★あ中!";
var output = str.substr(2,3);
document.write(output); // ★あ中
console.log( "Hello world!".substring(2,3) ); // l

9 Lua

print( string.sub("hello, world", 2, 4) )
-- ell
print( string.sub("hello, world", 4) )
-- lo, world
print( string.sub("hello, world", -4) )
-- orld
print( string.sub("hello, world", -4, -3) )
-- or

10 PHP

echo substr('hello world', 1);     // ello world
echo substr('hello world', 3);     // lo world

echo substr('hello world', 7, 2);  // or
echo substr('hello world', 7, 8);  // orld

echo substr('hello world', -1);    // d
echo substr('hello world', -2);    // ld
echo substr('hello world', -2, 1); // l
echo substr('hello world', -3, 2); // rl

echo substr('hello world', 0, -1);  // hello worl
echo substr('hello world', 2, -1);  // llo worl
echo substr('hello world', 4, -4);  // false
echo substr('hello world', -3, -1); // rl
$str = "A가★あ中!@";
$output = mb_substr($str,2,3,'UTF-8');
echo $output; // ★あ中
function utf8_substr($str, $start, $len=-1) {
  if($len==-1)$len = mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-8')-$start;
  return mb_substr($str, $start, $len, 'UTF-8');
$str = "A가★あ中!@";
$output = utf8_substr($str,2,3);
echo $output; // ★あ中

11 Perl

print substr 'hello world', 1 . "\n";     # ello world
print substr 'hello world', 3 . "\n";     # lo world

print substr 'hello world', 7, 2 . "\n";  # or
print substr 'hello world', 7, 8 . "\n";  # orld

print substr 'hello world', -1 . "\n";    # d
print substr 'hello world', -2 . "\n";    # ld
print substr 'hello world', -2, 1 . "\n"; # l
print substr 'hello world', -3, 2 . "\n"; # rl

print substr 'hello world', 0, -1 . "\n";  # hello worl
print substr 'hello world', 2, -1 . "\n";  # llo worl
print substr 'hello world', 4, -4 . "\n";  # false
print substr 'hello world', -3, -1 . "\n"; # rl

12 Python

"abc"[1:2]                 #  returns "b"
"abc"[1:3]                 #  returns "bc"

13 R

## [1] "ef"
## [1] "ef"

## [1] "ghijk"


substr("abc", 2, 1)         /* returns "b"      */
substr("abc", 2)            /* returns "bc"     */
substr("abc", 2, 6)         /* returns "bc    " */
substr("abc", 2, 6, "*")    /* returns "bc****" */

15 SQL

15.1 MySQL/MariaDB

SELECT MID( "abcdefghijk", 5, 2 );
SELECT SUBSTR( "abcdefghijk", 5, 2 );
SELECT SUBSTRING( "abcdefghijk", 5, 2 );
# ef
SELECT MID( "abcdefghijk", 7);
SELECT SUBSTR( "abcdefghijk", 7);
SELECT SUBSTRING( "abcdefghijk", 7);
# ghijk
SELECT MID('감사합니다', 1,2);
SELECT SUBSTR('감사합니다', 1,2);
SELECT SUBSTRING('감사합니다', 1,2);
# 감사

16 같이 보기

17 References